The RUSSIAN Language

The RUSSIAN Language


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illete - 27.09.2023 08:30

I have found the Cases to be the most challenging in my studies and believe it or not the alphabet was the easiest, about a week of focus and you will be able to understand the Cyrillic alphabet which surprised me because I thought this would make me struggle, but no, it is the 20 forms of one word 🤣

Gвtt - 23.09.2023 14:51

I've heard that there are no dialectal accents in russian, is that true?

Obama bin Laden
Obama bin Laden - 21.09.2023 19:50

It's weird how some people could just change a whole language.

Curious75 - 17.09.2023 14:15


Ghost of Gomel
Ghost of Gomel - 14.09.2023 20:14

As a native russian speaker, I really dislike this language. I don't speak it anymore and pretend I can't speak it in life. In my opinion, it is not a language in its typical definition. For the majority of the occupied peoples like for mine, it is a language of the occupation, and it is used as a propaganda tool. Unfortunately, some people forget that the russian federation is the only state where colonialism has remained. Where there is russian language, there is poverty, depression, wars, corruption, alcoholism, suppression, lack of moral and conservative values (although russian populists and propagandists work very well showing the russian federation as a center of conservatism, lol). That's why I switched to my native Belarusian language. I troll vatniks and enjoy the beauty of my native language and not the reworked Church Slavonic that has become alien to me.
let's be honest, after the russian federation will disintegrate into dozens republics, ruzzian will not be interested to anyone.

zloidooraque - 13.09.2023 21:26

as for the question, there are almost no accents or dialects throughout the country. variation is very little. if you know russian, everyone will understand you and vise versa in any part of russia.

zloidooraque - 13.09.2023 21:16

reduction and transformation of vowels is really optional. no one will tell you that your speech and pronounciation are incorrect or wrong if you don't reduce or transform o to a, or e to и vowels at all.
it will may be sound strange sometimes if you speak words as they are written but it is definitely not a mistake.
there is COMPLETELY no point in learning reduction of vowels anyway. it will come by itself with experience, just don't pay any attention to it, that's all.

Vladimir K
Vladimir K - 12.09.2023 20:49

В расее куча пидарских говорков и диалектов... Никто нормальным языком говорить не хочет... Ублюдочная страна

Артем Стешенко
Артем Стешенко - 11.09.2023 00:35

Please, Novgorod instead Novogorod🙏

александра ковальчук
александра ковальчук - 08.09.2023 22:48

It seems to me that the most difficult thing for foreigners is the Russian accent, because few people manage to speak like a native speaker. we have clear vowels, consonants, and the sound rrrrrrr

Владимир Власов
Владимир Власов - 06.09.2023 20:33

No accents

V C - 06.09.2023 02:38

There are quite a few peculiarities about "russian" language, culture and society, things that can only be understood by some natives and those who some how associated with it.

For example, nation name ("русский") and surnames in the Russian language are adjectives, that is, they mean belonging to something/someone, those who belong to someone or something and are not part of it. And this fact has its own reasons: this society and "nation" began its formation as a colony of Rus, which Russian propaganda calls "Kievan Rus", that is, today's Ukraine. That is why their nationality is an adjective, that is, they belonged to Rus but were not Ruthenians. Surnames are adjectives for the reason of being under the control of the Turks, as well as several hundred years slavery that existed there until the 18th century.

In the Slavic language, to say that I am "Russian and my surname is Ivanov"/ "Я русский і моя фамилия Іванов" means the following: I belong to Rus and my owner is Ivan, i.e. Ivanov literally means belonging to Ivan, as a slave.

This is where the slave mentality of the so-called Russians comes from.
Another interesting fact is the origin of the word "katsap"/"кацап", that's how the neighboring nations call "Russians", in the Turkic languages this word means "thug".
Which is another feature of Russians.

One more fact should be known to those who speak Russian: Russians in their language very often use the word ass and shit, remember the speech of their president about a rubber ass, and look at what Russians in Ukraine leave in the homes of local residents: literally everything in their feces.

So for lovers of Russian culture and language, you are literally immersing yourself in a world of slavery and feces!

Огород на балконе.
Огород на балконе. - 03.09.2023 12:10

English is not easily! I try long time to learn it.
Ich wohne seit 20 Jahren in Deutschland.
Первые 30 лет я прожил в СССР, потом в РФ.

Vitaly Rybin
Vitaly Rybin - 02.09.2023 21:19

Russian language has some 'fossil' remnants of definite article similar to Bulgarian. E. g.

А где книга? - Where is the book?
А книга-ТО лежит на столе. - The book is on the table.
-ТО is used here in order to show that we are talking about the book that was questioned.

Ты купил хлеб? - Have you bought the bread (that I asked)?
Хлеба-ТО я не купил. - No, I haven't bought the bread (you asked to buy).
Again here we use -TO in order to show we are talking about the bread we've discussed before (the bread that another person asked me to buy before my going to a supermarket).

Also instead of indefinite articles Russians use ONE. E. g.

Там ОДНА девочка плачет. - There is a girl crying.
ОДИН старик купил лошадь. - An old man bought a horse.

Наталья Лямина
Наталья Лямина - 30.08.2023 11:50

Я не различаю диалекты. Но некоторые друзья различают

Ярик Haddaway
Ярик Haddaway - 30.08.2023 11:29

насчёт вопроса о диалектах

диалекты в русском языке не очень сильно выделяются, в основном в россии и за её пределами люди говоят по-русски одинаково. выделяют три группы диалектов: южную, среднюю и северную. заметной чертой южного говора является фрикативная [г], как в украинском и белорусском языках; в северных говорах в распространено оканье — отчётливое произношение звука [о] не под ударением. среднерусские же говоры стали основой литературного языка. подробнее о диалектах можете послушать лингвиста Игоря Исаева

Marcelo Silveira Hayden
Marcelo Silveira Hayden - 30.08.2023 06:55

I've been a Duolingo student for more than 120 days and I would say the Cyrillic alphabet is the most easy thing by far.

Md Abdul Hafij
Md Abdul Hafij - 26.08.2023 09:59

❤❤❤❤❤ love from 🇧🇩 bangladesh

kkielinero - 25.08.2023 21:51

Только несколько дней назад ехал в поезде с юга, там были женщины из Нижнего Новгорода. Как же прекрасно они окали. Но сказали, что не все так разговаривают. Говор молодежи ближе к московскому.

a_hsla.1 - 24.08.2023 07:09

Мистер бист ты приедешь в Кыргызстан?

Владимир Сидоров
Владимир Сидоров - 23.08.2023 21:16

Пургу гонит. Русский язык простой. Если ты забешь на падежи и склонения тебя один хрен поймут. Половина слов общеевропейского корня.

Just your average humans
Just your average humans - 23.08.2023 18:36

I’ve been trying to learn this language for a while now and you are right the Cyrillic alphabet is not the hard part, I can pronounce words but it’s hard to figure out which part of the word to stress and what ending to use, there are so many variations 😅

Fermati Chebellosei
Fermati Chebellosei - 22.08.2023 22:55

"And my name`s Paul, that`s all, big or small, five feet tall".

Сергей Петрович
Сергей Петрович - 20.08.2023 15:37

одна поправка: не существовало такого государства как Киевская Русь. Этот термин стал широко использоваться в 19 веке в академических кругах.

KorSariel - 19.08.2023 20:42

Русский язык настолько сложный, что все говорят по-русски неправильно, даже российские лингвисты.

Но о них не говорят.

Bir şey
Bir şey - 17.08.2023 20:48

Guys, don't be afraid of making mistakes. As a native speaker, I can confirm that we're very happy to see someone learning our language and trying to speak it

Alca Pone
Alca Pone - 16.08.2023 02:30

As a Bulgarian, I understand old church Slavonic well when spoken. It sounds close to Bulgarian.

Artur Jelev
Artur Jelev - 13.08.2023 19:35

I am a native russian speaker. I was quite surprised when I had known about post positive article in russian. Although in "low" language it is used nevertheless it still exists. Examples: Вода-ТО холодная; машина-ТО старая; ты-ТО кто такой?

Дипломат - 13.08.2023 13:23


avalanche156 - 12.08.2023 16:07

You haven't mentioned that the correct Russian punctuation (commas and semicolons) is quite had to grasp, although it adds such sweet rythme to the intonation of the sentence...

giovanifm1984 - 11.08.2023 21:36

What is the explanation for the Russian language being so uniform throughout its huge territory? speakers say that although there are minimal variations in some regions, there aren't even accents among Russian speakers, making it very difficult, sometimes impossible, to identify which region a person is from.

LMB222 - 11.08.2023 18:13

Satan's language.

Icaro Simões
Icaro Simões - 09.08.2023 20:07

I started to learn russian and the bigger dificcult (for me) is learn the cases

Mr Slinky dragon
Mr Slinky dragon - 08.08.2023 23:44

On of my friends is russian, she speaks perfect spanish and english...

Zappababe - 06.08.2023 05:26

Bald and Bankrupt said when learning Russian, concentrate mainly on the vocabulary. He said not to worry about the grammar too much, as long as you have a large enough vocabulary to express your meaning, Russian people will understand even if you get the grammar wrong.

ma honghao
ma honghao - 05.08.2023 15:26

Слава Україні! Death to Russia!

Dogen - 05.08.2023 06:30

I'm an American student studying Russian, and the most difficult topic for me is aspect, learning the difference between imperfective and perfective verbs. While English has its own version of perfective tense (have/had/will have) which is similar, it's not the same, and it's hard for me to wrap my head around sometimes.

DimaCheguevara - 04.08.2023 17:23


K en
K en - 04.08.2023 14:30

I would think that with all of these word cases and aspects, it would make Russian poetry exceptionally beautiful and artistic? I would love to be able to read it in the original. Love and brightest light to our Russian brothers and sisters from Houston Texas in the US. You have given the world some great artists and musicians. Thank you. May this terrible war and suffering be over very soon.

Алексей Воробьёв
Алексей Воробьёв - 04.08.2023 09:25

Специалистов развелось нерезаных,историки,языкового и т.д.

S Baez
S Baez - 04.08.2023 02:38

Trying to learn Russian but Duolingo turned into total trash with turds on top (displays beanmouth-style illustrations of humans with all kinds of skin colors) and I need something else.

Andy Taylor
Andy Taylor - 03.08.2023 07:10

Russian sounds nice like Portuguese in a way

Алексей Пешков
Алексей Пешков - 03.08.2023 06:05

1. As native speaker the most difficult part of Russian vocabulary is the deduce correct word stress from written form. 2. While free speaking it is difficult to predict a proper adjective or numeral grammar form before we decided which exact synonym to use later in still incomplete sentence. So while declension is automatic for native it is still difficult to use in spontaneous talk. 3. Sentences tend to be longer, more complex and punctuation rules are difficult (nobody really cares about correct punctuation even mass media past Soviet times). 4. There a few very complex spelling rules (either н or -нн-)

Oleg Shakhmatov
Oleg Shakhmatov - 02.08.2023 18:22

You have no idea how often Russians themselves make mistakes in word stress, how often they make speech mistakes, and how often they make punctuation mistakes. This is indeed a very complex language, apparently.

die 11
die 11 - 02.08.2023 00:39

easy: A foreigner can understand almost every dialect of russian, that means, your russian really works for any region. difficult: they have two verbs, where I (native german speaker) have only one. what helps: Listen to native speakers, do the same, don't ask for the rules, just say it.

Большая рыбалка
Большая рыбалка - 01.08.2023 09:02

13 век - Русь ни когда не была завоёвана Монголами. Они совершали набеги. Как объяснить это?: в XII веке на Руси было 15 княжеств, а в XIII веке - 50.
