Why I Am Concerned About Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds

Why I Am Concerned About Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds

Caffeinated Dad Gaming

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@Nuh - 18.06.2024 18:12

*Not Taimi

@lodadeath3339 - 02.07.2024 06:01

I think the new expansion will fix what SOTO ruined

@slayer4932 - 01.07.2024 16:14

Tbh Most of sotos best came from the first major update including the story. 2nd and 3rd update just felt rushed the story was good when it was about the astral ward and the villain being Cerus but when Eparch came it became good demons vs bad demons and it just got boring. And just llike you I thought it felt more like a paid living world season than a full expansion. Their old model is much better using living world as filler DLC to set up expansions. In terms of lore Janthir wilds looks promising we get to see the white mantle back and its focused in centrel Tyria. Also map wise im getting real tired of drizzlewood meta focused maps. I want hearts and random events that arent tied to a meta. It gives the player more meaning to explore the world. If anyone is on the fence for the upcoming expansion wait until the 2nd major update before buying it.

@uli903 - 30.06.2024 15:02

I play this game casually the real problem in this game is a large majority of the community are sensitive as fuck and complain about every little thing in the game. Like so many complaints about a game they put crazy hours in. My only complaint with arenanet is if y’all gonna add content fix the bugs they’re causing bugs rushing this expansion gonna fuck the game up. Gw2 players are hard to make happy

@JamesJohnson-ie8tr - 29.06.2024 22:24

Id try ff if i knew it wasnt so stupid

@JamesJohnson-ie8tr - 29.06.2024 22:24

Yeah welcome back man thanks for saying what everyone else already knew and such good timing... you know they started doing smaller expacs with annual release right? If you aint gonna play the game at least dont shit on it as we move toward new things including gw3. The ones who still play it are excited. Miss your old content i enjoyed it greatly.

@sinisan14 - 29.06.2024 18:59

Lets not sugarcoat it, people play the game mostly for the gameplay. The new expansions are just boring. After PoF its just lackluster story and content and characters are becoming similar to modern tv show characters, if you get me.

@Pablud3S - 29.06.2024 10:42

Since becoming a degenerate wvw player, everything excites me because I just don't care about the story at all anymore, and I don't stay in the open world enough to see the flaws. I just do the content once and withdraw back to the mists. SoTO was 10/10 for me 😅

@Ilikebeatzzz - 28.06.2024 13:11

The expansion could honestly be bad, good or something in-between. The things they promise are cool, but it all comes down to execution. I just hope they learned from SOTO and their new content cadence and found their pace in developing content in a not as rushed delivery. SOTO definetly felt rushed.

@dimitriosd2083 - 28.06.2024 12:18

New classes is always the banner for a new expansion. Weapon proliferation is only relatable to existing players.even worse than soto is that this expansion has only 1 weapon. Topped up with the announcement of gw3 and the really bad patches between expansions, it looks worse every next update.

@sylvainice3048 - 28.06.2024 06:48

Just dropping a comment to say I love SoTO and its probably my favorite expansion yet. Theres no good reason for it except that i suppose it feels more tied in the the lore of the world of tyria than theyve been before. Just leaving a voice here with a very different opinion vs the reddit posts etc.
Yes FFXIV has way better/different story... i just like gw2 because its "my" game at this point

@sowenia9725 - 28.06.2024 06:05

I waited 8 years for housing in Guild Wars 2. Of course I am excited!

@utmastuh - 27.06.2024 17:56

I am concerned. I'm not.pre ordering this time. Soto was garbage and not worth the price. Jamthir seems even smaller of an update for the same price with even more time gating. The housing does nothing for me. I already have home instance, guild hideout, and armistice. The only interesting part are spears. Putting power behind a paywall is the only way to get me interested but I'm not a p2w andy

@EyesOfGehenna - 27.06.2024 16:55

tbh, this might be a hot take but I've never really been impressed with the GW2 story. I found the core game so horrible that I ended up playing the story missions with the sound turned off. HoT was a lot better but for me it's always been sort of there and throughout the expansions and lw stories, I just really never connected to the characters in the story. So in essence I don't really care what happens to them. Long story short: I don't play GW2 for the story, so I'm just excited about the gameplay features of JaWi like spears and housing.

@ouroboros02 - 27.06.2024 06:45

NGL GW2 achieved something i didnt think was possible, make a content more forgettable than IBS. granted, IBS was free if u logged while it was being released since it followed the old LWS system so pretty much the player base didnt make their complaint very vocal other than some memes i guess. But SoTO was a paid content that really under deliver in every aspect, it started really good but the cadence of content delivery, the writing and map optimization really wrecked the reputation of ANET, FFS i dont even want to go to amnytas ever again (lets not talk about the wizard tower hub).

@jordansims7838 - 27.06.2024 01:45

I feel like Secrets of the Obscure was released to kind of move away from the old content and almost refresh itself for a new player base. Access to Skyscale unlock in that expansion is a big thing. Lvl 80 boosters too getting new players right in SotO. I just started playing less than a year ago so this is my completely biased experience. I was a Guild Wars 1 player though :)

@benoitrousseau4137 - 25.06.2024 09:23

I find it concerning that they're releasing only a week prior to the War Within WoW expansion (and that's not even counting early access.) I can't think of a worse timing to launch an MMO. Of course players who are already invested will get the GW2 expansion regardless, but the average MMO bloke isn't going to think about GW2 a week prior to The War Within.

@Bacatorious - 25.06.2024 06:45

I think the only thing that has gotten old for me is the stacking style end game answer for all instances. Cant really be fixed given the lack of the holy trinity role system. But i miss dungeons and raids

@minakatahizuru - 25.06.2024 03:09

Mobile free to play games have more mature and quality story than anything west creates.

@minakatahizuru - 25.06.2024 03:07

Vote with your wallet and playtime you have all the power.
Don't support Woke DEI ESG BRIDGE indoctrination.

@WordsOfTheTeacher - 24.06.2024 22:11

I don’t see how it can really fail as an overall product with the features it has. Concerns about the story though… I guess we just have to wait and see. But housing spears and a raid is like a guaranteed hit as a game bundle

@Royal.Grand.Majesty - 24.06.2024 15:36

I'm mainly keen on Janthir Wilds due to the fact that my eyes need a color-palette change from looking consistently at the light-grayish maps from the final Soto maps.
It's no surprise Soto was a letdown, and you are not alone in regards to your dislike of Soto, as many have the similar opinion.
I hope A-net looks at Soto and takes all the criticism and learns and adapts from it going forward.
In regards to FF14, personally I feel like FF14 has a great story, but what it lacks is the 'Massive Multiplayer' aspect to MMORPGs.
It's more of a glorified JRPG with a focus on instanced content. GW2 spreads its focus to every aspect evenly.
My main MMORPG has always been WoW, yet I always come back to GW2 due to the "MMO" aspect of the huge map wide events.
It's awesome to see WoW take a page out of GW2 and have similar large-scale events in WoW too.
I have my eye out for Throne and Liberty coming in September, as there's a focus on large-scale events in that game as well.
Anyways, good luck to you, enjoy yourself.

@june_o9 - 24.06.2024 14:58

I really liked beginning of SOTO and IBS. But both of them went down the hill with further updates, especially SOTO. I shit you not, if I could I would love to skip all the dialogues. Zero attachment to introduced characters and even Peitha became boring at some point. Currently I am not a fan of those fast expansions releases. SOTO was rushed and not polished in many places and I really don't like it for that. Was hyped with SOTO and bought it the very first day it was announced. JW? Still did not bought it as I'm not hyped with any of its features yet.

@AVMVM - 24.06.2024 12:02

you know? bro i feel like path of fire is my favorite expansion. That expansion is amazing in every way and made me feel so hype after all that built up and amazing ending but after that... it all just didnt hit the same. End of dragons did have cool moments and all but it felt rushed out? or something idk but i was not as hyped as i was in path of fire. Then SotO came out and seemed like it had potential but it turn out SO bad that i literally purchased Elder's Scrolls online because i was in need of fresh air. It was so bad I felt bad spending time in the game and i just wanted it to end quick. Man... the crazy part is that yeah, pay 30 bucks and we give you a house... but its going to be empty... so you need to pay real money if you want anything in it or to even change it. That is what breaks my heart... i know them and i know that this is why they added houses, just for a cheap cash grab. I need a new game...

@yourvenparianen5390 - 24.06.2024 10:53

I think the problem with soto was how all the content was built around farming for the legendary armor. Thats the main issue. Even though its an open world armor set, it never really was the main focus of all the other expansions. It was an option for people who wanted to pursue it. But other than the easier skyscale mount and just trying to farm up metas for gold ( which other previous living world seasons and expansions are better at the moment ) , they didnt really add anything for those currencies to be used for or have any other cool unlockables for more diversity in the content.

@Grr8xtc - 24.06.2024 01:30

i havent even played the last two chapters of SOTO. I am not a fan

@TheAquarius87 - 23.06.2024 12:49

Hot take maybe, but I think the previous way Anet handled expansions worked better for me personally.
One hefty chunck you could take your time with.
The content draught was there, but you could focus on other things. Which prevented you from burning out.

PoF: a glass of whiskey once a week.
SotO: half a glass of beer every day .

@TheZiggaZow - 23.06.2024 09:57

just an observation, as someone who visits your channel often but doesnt fully track every video ive seen when you make thumbnails with red outlines it makes me think i watched the video already. it happens on every channel who uses red bars on the bottom of their thumbnails.

@Witiok1992 - 23.06.2024 08:46

I would be happy, when they even don't make it worse.

@nuggettscout5715 - 22.06.2024 13:37

🙄 more click bait

@passman36 - 21.06.2024 22:49

It’s hard for most MMOs to compete with FF14 in terms of the way it presents it story. The way the games gives you cutscenes, epic solo que moments, how it ties the dungeon in, and then how wraps it up with an epic trial is unmatched.

It’s so good that main quest in other games leave a lot to be desired. Outside of FF14. The only other two that comes close is ESO and WoW

Also the last GW2 expansion lacks excitement as well as this one imo. No new classes, playable races, elite specializations. I think that’s what people really want. It makes what’s called and expansion feel more like DLC. Especially when competitors are giving you so much more with their expansion.

@xXimakidXx - 21.06.2024 17:22

idk, being burned out with gw2 and moving on just to come back and be sad about gw2 is kinda weird to me

@mikehancoski - 21.06.2024 17:12

I have high hopes that it will be better then SOTO story wise, but nothing has really gotten me into the story since scarlet... they just need to find a story excuse to res her bring her back from the mists what ever

@vaddick - 21.06.2024 17:03

As far as what i think? Im not preordering this expansion. SoTo left a bad taste for me. The ending to EOD was terrible. It was like Game of thrones all over. That last season sucked. They try to make it too grindy for Everything. The story was really bad in soto. It was very rushed nothing was fleshed out and after a month of play i haven't even logged in to finish the expansion since the last of it unlocked. I hope that they do better.

@drespinosa - 21.06.2024 16:55

higher chance your channel dies lmao

@gerdez - 21.06.2024 12:58

Well said. I hate the whole Obscure stuff, the mobs, the maps. I cringe when I have to gonto the Horn and kill flying zergs. I hope they go back to the old world and lore…

@SolarisNox - 21.06.2024 09:20

I don't really have any interest in homesteads, but the spear looks interesting. like you, I am cautiously optimistic.

@alcatraz-nc2814 - 21.06.2024 08:12

I personally took a break because of Anet balancing decision. The kind of balancing where they would say X class deals too much damage so we are changing the numbers but another class dealing the same damage or better is instead left untouched or buffed. The kind of balancing where they state they will buff unused skill /trait to encourage people to use them only for them to buff skill that are already being used. In the meantime there are new games that are being released, new content that are being added to old game so I am less and less encouraged to return to the game

@yoips4059 - 21.06.2024 07:19

I just want to be the commander again and leave this wayfinder crap behind

@wildrift1697 - 20.06.2024 23:30

soto was made for new players , a new story no need to play other expansions , zones are a mix of already existed areas in the game so new players can kinda have a taste of other expansions ,faster way to unlock skyscale etc...
so they where targeting new players , janthir wilds will not be the same , the targeted audience is different

@xxapoloxx - 20.06.2024 19:14

How are homesteads different from home instace....

@alloounou6900 - 20.06.2024 18:15

I just got done with Path of Fire for the first time to get access to those mounts. While not on par with Final Fantasy 14's storytelling, it was better than your typical MMO. I mean that's not saying much, though. I was more taken in with the scenery and some locations and the exploration was a lot of fun. Not the Desolation, however. That place can pick a direction and leave.

@mrcarjr1 - 20.06.2024 17:53

I'm cautiously optimistic too! Still love playing this game. 💜

@nd6886 - 20.06.2024 17:50

Sales will drop considerably for this.

@traviscue2099 - 20.06.2024 11:42

I'd argue most people don't play GW2 for the story.. A good expansion needs good gameplay loop, with a good big bad.. And then ofcourse we need the quality group content. When I played WoW/WAR, there were always lore chats in guilds.. But gw2? No one talks about it unless they're laughing about a funny voice acting line.

@Dark_Wizard_of_Mu - 20.06.2024 11:06

Yes you should be concerned. The quality and quantity of content has been on a downhill slope since IBS. And now they charge 25$ for a feature lesser than a Living World which is free before. This is absurd.

@shionkreth7536 - 20.06.2024 10:22

I think it'll probably be about the same as what came before... which is fine, for a game you play once or twice a week.

@evelynn2790 - 20.06.2024 09:59

lol saddest prt for me i cant even comment on inner nayos lol
the map move so bad for me in my pc :(... its pretty and lovey but everything so freezy lol

@evelynn2790 - 20.06.2024 09:57

half way threw the video
u kinda right and still wrong
i mean it really nice and aweful at same time
the price tag is reall low
and its quite worth it i guess
beside the boring metas that pretty much nothing move
and the boring as new wepaons
i dont 0 of them clicked to me
its quite fine
maybe they need refiments and yeah the story is aweful just go do green circles xDbut i duno i have 0 complains is better still then waiting few years for expantions :S i hope they will do better from 1 to another but in my opinins is real nice
and yeah on the specilaztions
:(( i wish they add more stuff around it
maybe even just creat new pages around each class for more cool and uniq builds and yeah i hope the add more new classes f level 80 but we will see i guess in the futur heh :D
