Grin And Beam Coin: How Revolutionary Are They?

Grin And Beam Coin: How Revolutionary Are They?

MrSotko CryptoCurrency

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@PrinceWa - 02.07.2019 20:51

Great channel!

@dotydale01 - 02.02.2019 14:40

If you want privacy, =Apollo APL The Swiss Army Knife of Crypto, cheers

@zakirahmed1410 - 01.02.2019 12:43

Hey dude keep up the good work, what are your thoughts on Raven Coin??? Would love to see a review..

@florinadrian7957 - 01.02.2019 11:04

I feel somewhere in my got that GRIN & BEAM coins are made by AMD ( or sponsored by them )
because of the release of VEGA VII witch coincidentally has 1 tb/s on memory witch
is the best in the market for those 2 coins . know imagine haw much hash you will get on those coins with an
VEGA VII i am nvidia fun but i will by VEGA VII for mining . The mining market is 80% and the gaming market is 20% .
In this days you buy console for gaming and GPUs for mining. With out mining Nvidia could not survive at this level
of production and AMD will have made GPU,s
just for publicity reasons not for profit because they are second in the gaming market . The only one that really
makes money are
those that sell the shovels remember that , and if the gold is gone you invent another one .

@TheReaL35 - 31.01.2019 15:52

4gb and up can mine grin now. However the network hash has raised and price dropped to the point where amd mining would be a lose. All nvidia on the coin now. Thanks

@bambatsa - 29.01.2019 13:25

8gb minimum vga or 6gb?

@blinkingdots1243 - 29.01.2019 00:03

Great work man!

@martinhyska1206 - 27.01.2019 16:59

Revolutionary? Privacy? When someone understand whole principles, grin look like big joke. No addresses here, so how i am identified in network? I understand that payment are done by swapping some file through email or ftp? Thats improve security? Oh. It can be easy block by 3rd. With that system not need block explored, if there are no values and no transactions visible. Maybe also not need blockchain if transaction are done by outer swapping file. Global system look like trash. Exactly mimblewimble is right name for it: Not see the truth.

@RizzoDaManiac - 27.01.2019 11:22

I don't like that it is proof of work we've already seen how much of a waste POW is.

@jakobsievers - 23.01.2019 14:45

People keep saying that mimblewimble makes the coins more scalable. I am not so sure. I mean sure they make transactions smaller (datawise) but that is not "scalability". That simply shifts upward the point at which the algorithm buckles under user pressure. "Scalability", in my understanding, is the idea of an algorithm which somehow adapts to the number of users in a linear, or even non-linear way. Not saying this isn't an important piece of tech. Just saying that it isn't the holy grail of scalability that people seem to believe it is. Either that, or I am missing something. I am certainly open to corrections if so! :-)

@jdrecords - 23.01.2019 12:41

Hi dude I signed up to Patreon it will come up as JD Records.

@c4p4c1t1v3 - 23.01.2019 08:43

they meant to say inflationary. more specifically, disinflationary

@foxcouture - 23.01.2019 07:06

so glad i made popcorn, thanks Sotko!

@foxcouture - 23.01.2019 07:00

paused, makin popcorn SOTKOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

@alinawaz121 - 23.01.2019 01:35

hello we love your videos
