Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama^ah: The Largest of the Factions

Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama^ah: The Largest of the Factions


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Boxing Bully
Boxing Bully - 23.08.2023 22:43

Mashaa Allaah
May Allaah reward you and magnifying your position and status in this life and the akhirah... Ameen... Is the a way to get this text pdf. Doc. Etc

abubakar musa
abubakar musa - 23.12.2022 14:06

jazakumullahu khairan. Pls is there any printed version of this document? Best regards.

Pro Lookout
Pro Lookout - 11.06.2022 19:05

Does this also extend into the madhabs, for example, since Hanafis are the majority should we follow the madhab of Imam Hanafi? Also, some Hanafis follow the Maturidi creed and others follow the Ashari creed, which one would be the majority in that regard?

MACHINEGUN Kely - 09.06.2022 07:46

May Allah guide you and me bro

Dilnawaz Jadoon
Dilnawaz Jadoon - 15.05.2022 13:30

Do you know what the tafseer of the hadith is of the 73 sects tafseer of the imams of ahlul sunnah Wal JAMA like imam bukhari,ahmed ibn hanbl,shafi,tirmizi they all said it the JAMA is AHLUL HADITH is what this hadith is referring to. You have come with your own personal explanation of the hadith to mean the majority which is wrong this hadith has a name unlike other hadith it's called taif Al mansoora I have file on these proofs if you provide your email I will happily send you the file my brother this is just an advice look up the tafseer on the hadith before you believe in the hadith

عبد الغني
عبد الغني - 17.04.2022 22:33

بارك الله فيكم

Noah Boah
Noah Boah - 19.01.2022 20:19

Brother pls a lesson about Hunting

Yusuf Ibn Liban
Yusuf Ibn Liban - 20.11.2021 16:03

"Sh Sulayman (Miaw's brother) wrote a book refuting Miaw"

The book that was supposedly written by sulayman ibn abdul wahab is called 'as-Sawaa'iq ulilahiyyah fir radd 'ala al-Wahabiyyah' and the attribution of this book to sh sulayman is problematic——

——Due to:

1. The text in the book is completely identical to the book 'Ashaddul jihad fi ibtaal da'wal ijtihad' by ibn jarjees, an opponent to Miaw and his book refutes the 'najdi hanbalis'

2. Other books/titles have been falsely attributed to Sh sulayman such as——

'al-Fasl al-Khitaab' by Ahmad al-Qubbaani from Iraq so it is fair to be skeptical about the other books.

3.There is no mention in any of the letters and writings of Miaw of a book written by his brother. If Sh Sulayman really wrote a book against his brother——
——Miaw would've responded it in his letters and books like he did with his brother's other statements as noted by ibn bishr.

4.The term 'wahabiyyah' that is used in the book also is an indication that the book was not written by Sulaiman due to the term first surfacing——

‎——after imam sa'ud ibn Abdul azeez entered Makkah in the year 1218. Sulaiman died in the year 1208, just 2 years after his brother Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab [رحمه الله].

You’re tongue has been for years complicit in incurring the flesh of the scholars, in propagating falsehood to your misguided congregation, and with incompetence falsely interpreting the texts to justify your heresy.

May Allah guide you and your like and make you and your like conveyers of the sunnah and not falsehood.

J B - 22.10.2021 23:25


TRUE ISLAMIC BELIEF - 27.09.2021 15:39

sahykh could i get a pdf to all your books refuting wahabiyya. bouriktom. love your work shaykh

Zawaheri Hossen Rafsan
Zawaheri Hossen Rafsan - 22.09.2021 16:09

May Allah protect form your fitnah

Teymur the warrior.
Teymur the warrior. - 10.09.2021 17:38

Asalamualaikum brother, can you make a video about the Manhaj?

PraisebetoAllah - 07.09.2021 07:40

Assalamualaikum Akhi,

May I clarify to the best of your knowledge as student of ilm. Based on your vid stating on your perspective of the word Kullu(It’s not everything but most)

Is Maulidul Rasul permissible? (Based on your perspective).

May Allah guide us all.
Only Allah knows best.

Jazakallah Kahyr Akhi.

A.I.D - 06.08.2021 19:41

Brother there is nothing like good bid’ah it’s called a sunnah

Abdul Hallak
Abdul Hallak - 21.07.2021 15:28

Your a deviant sufi

Aziza Sherif
Aziza Sherif - 04.07.2021 22:36

Masha Allah 👍🏼👍🏼 may Allah protect us from theme 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼 and protect you brother

Adil Badsha
Adil Badsha - 16.06.2021 17:05

I am also from Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa but find me one thing that Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab said that is wrong According to authentic sources?

H - 31.05.2021 00:43

What is the name of this book brother??

PostUp - 26.04.2021 21:42

Who is the second scholar in the thumbnail Akhi?

Documentaries For Muslims
Documentaries For Muslims - 24.04.2021 14:17

Very interesting to know that in Surah Saba verse 13, Allah the Most High Is referring to the awliya - so This doesn't mean that all the others except these few are not Muslims. However Ibn Khatir in his commentary of this verse by saying:" This Is a reflection of reality" seems to depict an implicit condemn of those Who are not truly thankful.

Mohammad Zaki Alawi
Mohammad Zaki Alawi - 18.04.2021 09:20

There is no so called wahabbi you are just mubtadih pweee

Forhadul Alam
Forhadul Alam - 15.11.2020 08:36

Ma sha Allah
descriptive video..

Truth fighter
Truth fighter - 25.08.2020 07:51

Love all these new videos. May Allah reward you greatly. May Allah preserve you and keep you firm. Ameen.

The How To Dad
The How To Dad - 19.05.2020 21:53


B T - 17.05.2020 04:56

can you comfortably type in Arabic? Did it take long for you to get used to it
