Is the MBTI personality test accurate? | Andrew Bustamante and Lex Fridman

Is the MBTI personality test accurate? | Andrew Bustamante and Lex Fridman

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@mar_chak5073 - 26.11.2023 18:59

This is not true mbti it s not about letters

@fppro1679 - 20.11.2023 19:59

Talk about misrepresenting introversion! What a load of crap!

@wch7251 - 10.11.2023 16:49


@collin5547 - 07.11.2023 22:24

Kanye is an ENTP and a musician don’t say dancers can’t be ENTP

@_Kei_730 - 21.10.2023 04:14

i think people subconciously answer who they would like to be in self-report tests and less who they actually are. Not to say that seeing who you actually are is easy. We are objective observers when analyzing others. We are subjective observers when analyzing ourselves.

@lilac624 - 20.10.2023 11:20

It's useful for me because it helps me understand myself better...Being sensitive and having personal values I realize are naturally part of my personality...

@iswaloh7441 - 13.10.2023 13:34

Remember the only reason the Myers Briggs Company exists is to make a profit. Its board members have publicly come out and said they reject usage of MBTI for legitimate psychological research. Yet they're still sitting on the board of the company because of the money. Nothing wrong with people who enjoy taking the tests, but Myers Briggs itself is primarily motivated by profiting off of name recognition, charging corporations millions to administer their outdated tests, rather than advancing genuine psychological understanding.

@Daeva83B - 10.10.2023 11:09

Yeah.. it did help me.. i got a better understanding of who i am. I can explain now (to myself) why i do certain things or why i don't do certain things.
why it's difficult, or why i am a natural at some things

Turns out i am a weirdo ;) haha, but it gave me a lot of insight.

It's not truth, or hard science, but a good guideline, i think.

@alexwelts2553 - 03.10.2023 15:31

iq only measures left brain, only intellectual school curriculum measurement. theres 9 other types of intelligence that's dismissed in society by people who don't have a synchronized left and right brain. I'm an infp, a gritty one. and i hate school . i learn what i need on my own, and my eq is insane, im really here to flip some tables tbh

@user-uc3db4uj3r - 25.09.2023 10:43

everyone and their mother tested as N type esp INxx its definitely bullshit

@fppro1679 - 23.09.2023 20:36

Accurate, relevant to what? Science, intuitively arrived at traits except for extraversion, has relatively poor repeatability, questionable lexical comprehension depending on the demographic being tested, isn't used for any kind of scientific research anymore. Almost a social survey of some sort. Jordan Peterson calls it. A" qualitative test of temperament".

@JasonLaveKnotts - 22.09.2023 21:01


@angeloreyes707 - 21.09.2023 03:27

grace is for feelers not sensors.

@davidvandenbergh1419 - 29.08.2023 08:20

"there's not a lot of money to be made in personality testing'
Just look at the many consultancy companies that have formed around MBTI. There's an huge amount of money to be made.

They put a lot of effort in making MBTI sound sciency, but it is exactly as valid as say frenology or astrology. It's only marketed waaaay better.

@marshalllapenta7656 - 28.08.2023 18:33

Ok Bustamante
I took that test, which I didn't want to take
As far as the agency goes
Are you people ready to work with me?
Or do I have to kill or make an executive decision with your 3rd party?(The Mafia)

@HaycravingHorse - 12.08.2023 03:40

This is such a bullshit claim that your "core personality" doesn't change.
Your personality is essentially your neural anatomy and physiology. And that's not entirely determined by genes. Your brain's physiology as well as its anatomy is changed by so many environmental factors throughout your life.

@parkerp9557 - 19.07.2023 10:53

Where are cognitive functions?

@jarrodyuki7081 - 27.06.2023 07:19

andrew bustmante is entp.

@jarrodyuki7081 - 27.06.2023 07:18

lex is infj.

@TheAdhdGardener - 22.06.2023 16:06

I thought I was an ENTJ but dug deeper with the cognitive functions n I'm an ENTP

@energia677 - 20.06.2023 04:28

It is accurate in the way the it understands tonal aspects of consciousness. It is inaccurate and incomplete in the way it doesn’t incorporate environmental influence. That’s why under observation a ENFJ can seem like a ISTP under the environmental constraint of a a post pandemic world. Personality is not a set pattern, but rather an alchemical pattern of influence and response.

@petrahorcicova6641 - 14.06.2023 16:57

Weird, I am ENTJ and I am very good at dancing ...

@guitaro5000 - 14.06.2023 15:21

It's funny how he claims to depend on MBTI for career, but demonstrates clear misunderstandings of MBTI. Is he insinuating that he can not be an athlete or dancer because he's ENTP? Meaning all N types can not be athletic? That would be incorrect. The theory doesn't say that you are LIMITED to your letter preferences-- It's just that you tend to rely on them most of the time. An N type can do all the same things as an S type can do if they want to. His lack of athletic sensibility has nothing to do with him being ENTP. He's just better at other things and he stuck with those things. ENTP athletes and dancers exist.

@borderedge6465 - 06.06.2023 18:36

This guy Andrew B is super articulate here. From seasoned MBTI enthusiast INTP

@JohnMichaelBurns - 01.06.2023 19:41

This guy is a moron. He's applying a low quality, less accurate, less predictive version of the big 5, one which doesn't even include neuroticism. He's going on his personal experience. In HIS experience, the MBTI is more reliable. Guess what, genius. YOUR experience is not how you measure the reliability of a tool. The empirical data that you get back from extensive studies is how you measure it.

Do you guys want your car to use airbag A where 1 guy says "In my experience, it's the best airbag" or do you want it to have airbag B that has been tested 1,000 times and significantly outperforms airbag A in 99% of tests? Do you want the airbag that makes people in the test department say "I much prefer this airbag" or do you want the one that excels in consistently protecting the test dummies from neck injuries?

He speaks like a man who has spent a long time reading r/mbti but hasn't actually read any scientific studies. If you focus on studies you find the big 5 outperforms the MBTI time after time after time.

I didn't watch this podcast. Does he go on to say that "in his experience" flat earth theory makes more sense to him?

@MattHalil-di9bv - 13.05.2023 14:00

Typical sceptics opposing. If iq tests are wrong then I’m a genius.
Mbit is spot on. It’s humans way of making sense of who we are.
The big five isn’t thorough enough. Jordan Peterson is an intp highly sceptical about anything that doesn’t fit his logic.
Carj jung is a genius. Most define way of looking at our consciousness. Jordan Peterson is full of too much logic and always wants to disagree. Maybe he should find he is disagreeable as a person and full of propaganda 🤣

@gabednconfused - 22.04.2023 00:18

Its interesting that people refer to MBTI as pseudo-science, I have taken it 3 times over 5 years and I get the same results every time- INTJ-A. I find it to 100% represent my way of life and my thought process. Moreover, it says a lot that all of the major branches of the armed forces, CIA, and other major govn't agencies find value is using this test. I did not know that. I found value in it, and as I hire people to work for me, I would like to have them take the test to better assess working and thought process styles.

@ronin3782 - 21.04.2023 04:39

ENTP married to an ISFJ here. His comment about his wife walking into doors is spot on. 😂

@amphitriti - 14.03.2023 07:54

1) ballet is a very specific discipline that doesn't allow for much experimentation and rebellion from it but "NTs can't be artists or musicians" and "Ns can't play guitar"? please..
2) "sensors are able to interact with the world around them through their five senses very effectively" vs "my wife is an isfj and she's been walking into the same door for 50 years"

@hans5259 - 27.01.2023 10:09

As Jung have said, it will direct your life and you will call it fate

@HungryLaLa - 03.11.2022 06:49

I urge anyone who’s interested in the MBTI to read Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence
by David Keirsey.

It’s fascinating and delves into the research on long term relationship success between different combinations. NT and NF types make up only 15% of the general population.

NT people and NF people are very well suited (not just saying that because I’m INTP and Lex is INFJ lol). The reason is that both types crave depth in their partners, and are looking for someone who can meet them in intellectual discussions to feel fulfilled emotionally, spiritually and even physically. Both types become bored easily by other personality types who don’t appreciate abstract thinking or intellectual inquisitiveness.

@campt91 - 25.10.2022 05:48

This guy is definitely an estp not an entp.

@sterlinglapratt2855 - 14.10.2022 17:17

I think people accidentally conflate MBTI, Big 5, and wisdom/experiences. All of those make up our individuality.

@callsignkillerb2u214 - 12.10.2022 02:30

I’m also an ENTP but never recruited by the Government. It may have something to do with my political affiliation with the Libertarian Party 😂

@KoolT - 08.10.2022 04:02

A psychopath doesn't know he's a psychopath nor a narcissist

@BadVoodo0 - 01.10.2022 22:21

Protip; Weighting Enneagrams and MBTI together gives a more detailed perspective on someones motive. As an intj 5w4. i am a completely different animal then an intj 9w1, and generally if you're working on the same level as a spy you have access to this intell. Andrew Bustamante (an ex cia agent) and Nick Mullen (a failed comedian) are both entp's but have different values and skillsets which is why they're different people / entp's aren't all the same.

i think the reaosn why mbti isn't respected generally is becase most people who take the test aren't actually being honest during the test, and that's why so many mistypes, memes, and stereotypes exist

@XxXgabbO95XxX - 14.09.2022 01:47

Do psychologists actually take the MBTI and the cognitive functions seriously? Jordan Peterson says that it's not accurate as a test and that the current standard is the big 5.

@Trizzer89 - 13.09.2022 20:47

You said your wife is an S and that S people are graceful but your wife bangs into stuff?

@Trizzer89 - 13.09.2022 20:44

The big five is better than MBTI

@Trizzer89 - 13.09.2022 20:42

"Theres not a lot of money to be made in personality testing"

False, I could se up a personality test with affiliate links and EASILY make money. And each type is more likely to click on a different set of links!

@Trizzer89 - 13.09.2022 20:40

My core personality HAS changed. I'm sure you cant really change I/E, and probably not T/F either, but I've seen the other two change a lot

@Ligereoficial - 08.09.2022 19:58

Loved this conversation. Lex is an INFJ

@PunkAndFun - 07.09.2022 13:21

MBTI is one of the worst personality tests...

@wendyhutchinson5820 - 07.09.2022 04:40

INFP here. I’m ok with it for the most part. I do wish I wasn’t so emotional and was better at making decisions in a more matter of fact way. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

@MrTraffIQ-AZ - 06.09.2022 18:56

I wonder if astrology holds any significance in intelligence agencies 🤔

@Fabz_media - 06.09.2022 18:19

my mbti test def changed.

@rockzom - 06.09.2022 17:00


@GodsendNYC - 06.09.2022 12:00

As a life long INTP I completely agree!

@sosaysthelegend - 05.09.2022 00:09

Big 5 or GTFO
