The ROOT CAUSE Of High Blood Pressure & How To TREAT IT NATURALLY | Dr. Mark Hyman

The ROOT CAUSE Of High Blood Pressure & How To TREAT IT NATURALLY | Dr. Mark Hyman

Mark Hyman, MD

1 год назад

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Greatest Ever
Greatest Ever - 05.11.2023 19:12

I have had high blood pressure my entire life (ever since I can remember). I blame it on anxiety from being a Jehovah's Witness, going door to door, being gangstalked (aka a targeted individual), and tremendous amounts of stress..

michael cosentino
michael cosentino - 03.11.2023 06:52

I stopped cooking with and throwing pink sea salt in dishes. What I do at times is put the salt on the porcelain dish next to my food and dip my finger in the salt look at how much I am going to eat and bring to tongue. This way quickly registers the salt hit. Also I understand that with in 2 weeks all taste buds change on pallet. So if you reduce salt to zero for that time when you or if you go back to using salt shaker your food will taste very salty. One more thing. I told my brain to register or let me taste the natural sodium in the food I was and am eating. It did I started to actually taste the sodium in the foods.

OnePlayer480 - 03.11.2023 04:37

Apart from Inflammation, I have some final thoughts, because I see a lot of anxious, stressed and worried people here and there:

1. Hormonal test, to see it ain't hipo or hiper thyroid issues or other thing.

2. Adrenal glands test, extra cortisol from that can stress the blood vessels and generally everything else.

3. Ask for an aldosterone and renine test, ask about aldosteronism, Primary Aldosteronism is the cause of 1/5 HBP cases. And it can happen to anyone for no reason because it can be caused by a benign, never evolving, tumor that just secretes extra aldosterone and does NOTHING else, doesn't even hurt.

4. Detox, garlic piece a day after your "big meal" and eat greens, reduce salt, if no change, reduce carbs but not salt. Heard that Keto and fasting works but remember to go in slowly with any dietary plans. Don't fall for any "results in 10 days or month" plans. Different bodies, different times to react to changes. Also, lose weight, no overweight or obese.

5. Stress and anxiety, some people have something called functional anxiety, they don't even realize their body is fighting nothing all-day and it can cause this. Talk to a therapist.

6. Ask for arterial tests, the widow maker artery and other main arteries could be somewhat blocked or have a large plaque, check for plaque reducing foods and so.

7. Take Magnesium, Vitamin D, Potassium and Nitric Oxide supplements, recommend eating more beetroot rather than taking in N.O. supplements but both work, also take in between 5-15 minutes of sunlight daily, doesn't matter if it is cloudy. some sunlight still passes through. Not asking you to be under the rain. Don't be desperate. That's just unnecessary. Someone also mentioned that eating heavy certain foods gets rid of heavy metals, should probably give it a look. That can happen to welders and people working in factories and thus they might actually be minimally poisoned.

8. Very important, too much actually. Don't stress over BP, assume it is a part of you that you must accept and learn to manage like anger or sadness. And if for some reason it doesn't lower, well. Some people are prone to have it higher for genetic reasons, sometimes it ain't hereditary, just a mutation in your genes happened because yes. Older people usually benefit from higher BP for some reason. Lower BP and higher age usually raise mortality rate for currently not understood mechanisms.

9. No VERY heavy weights, no lifting above your head, no planks or plank-like exercises. They strain the heart for no reason. Recommended exercise is 3 days of aerobics and 2 of anaerobics. Also walking and jogging, don't run too hard if you are not someone who never really ran for extended periods of time.

10. Posture. Also try to fix other issues you might have so you are not subconsciously worrying about them.

11. Really, really work on your mental health, be it therapy or meds or both or whatever, meditation or Cognitive behavioral therapy or mindfulness, also stress handling techniques, some people naturally handle stuff like this. Some other don't and internalize it which causes problems later on. Don't be afraid of asking for help or talking to someone if you think something might be off.

12. Accept mortality. Not joking, nor telling you to give up. Just accept that humans aren't perfect. That's fine. Also remember that a lot of people have BP issues but they end up being taken by "something else", not even the complications or possible organ damage. Several relatives of mine had BP issues but that wasn't what took them. Addiction, bad habits, poor decisions, some other stuff completely unrelated took them to the grave. And it is fine, we are not meant to last forever, make the most of your time. Learn to enjoy life. Don't let your life be all about your BP or anxiety or depression or whatever, something that I learned is that, the more you care about something, the more it tightens its grip over your mind and body. That's why some people can have the worst habits ever or be chronically ill with like 10+ things yet they live long, or live happily atleast. Accepting death is accepting life.

13. Don't betray yourself. Look it up. And have a good day.

Michelle Barth
Michelle Barth - 03.11.2023 02:23

Maybe if I just stop eating. Had a stroke in early july because of HBP but it still goes super high and I have cut back everything and have lost weight (because I have nothing I can eat) All thats left is licking the outside of the bowl my salad is kept in. I eat once a day, a leafy green salad, drink only water or hot tea (uncaffeinated) and take 3 different high dose BP Medicines and it still climbs high every day. i am about to give up.

Univerzal Truth
Univerzal Truth - 02.11.2023 07:24

Sorry. I don't see your broth recipe?

Ellen Evenson
Ellen Evenson - 01.11.2023 09:20

so how much magnesium does someone need to help lower BP

John davidson
John davidson - 31.10.2023 08:08

Hats of to you sir!1 I was suffered a lot from hypertension due to bad lifestyle but after i start to follow your tips & Use of Planet Ayurveda Herbal Supplements that helped me so much to overcome the problem of High Blood Pressure and now am living a healthy life.

F A - 28.10.2023 18:00

These meds too.. prevent that

Ru Young
Ru Young - 28.10.2023 16:16

Our medical system fails us
Because there us lack of preventive care

S. Melo
S. Melo - 28.10.2023 14:38

Thank you for this video very informative ! Why do i keep mistaking you for jon stewart though ?

silverhorder1969 - 25.10.2023 19:28

High blood pressure bad for kidneys, blood pressure medicine to lower BP is also bad for kidneys too. Probably worse..

Zarathustra - 25.10.2023 15:31

Now I am suffering for high blood presión got sleep apnea and use a cpap machine but lately I have being feel tired and sleepy maybe I need a new set up in the machine got it the same for 5 years

Kandis Mueller
Kandis Mueller - 25.10.2023 15:21

At 74 years, it is difficult to eat the volume of vegetables and fruits necessary to actually get 4700 mg of potassium. Do you advocate supplementing? How much is safe to take at one time?

Latha Venkatachalam
Latha Venkatachalam - 20.10.2023 17:48

Well said

Kevin McCauley
Kevin McCauley - 19.10.2023 12:13

was at 200 over 100 2 weeks ago they wanted me to go to emergency room prescribed a bunch of stuff. been taking vitamins and some other supplements am down to 170 over 90

Joyce Hanson Anderson's Favorite Art Tutorials
Joyce Hanson Anderson's Favorite Art Tutorials - 17.10.2023 09:22

I have to take BP medication every 6 hours. If I forget and miss a dose, after 4 hours my BP starts up, and after 6 hours my systolic bp goes dangerously to over 200. Sooooo I absolutely appreciate all you have said and I shall test out each point on myself. Thank you so much for this valuable information that could save my life. I've always drank a lot of milk every day. That's the first thing I'll try to stop for a day or two and see what happens.

Shaheen Junaid
Shaheen Junaid - 08.10.2023 17:14

If I am 75 years old. WhT should be my BP?

Trudy Bongers
Trudy Bongers - 07.10.2023 12:32

Thanks for the lessons learned 💕🌷🌺

Isabelle Giorgis
Isabelle Giorgis - 04.10.2023 10:15

Learn how to breathe slowly and deeply. Very important. It lowers blood pressure instantly.
