NIX OS: the BEST package manager on the MOST SOLID Linux distribution

NIX OS: the BEST package manager on the MOST SOLID Linux distribution

The Linux Experiment

1 год назад

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anik Stel
anik Stel - 23.09.2023 04:18

I used Arch for around 10 years, and never found any other distro particularly compelling, and never thought I would switch. Then about 6 months ago heard about Nixos, thought it was really cool, and decided to give it a try in a VM. Well, I blew away my harddrive and started a fresh install of Nixos two hours later. I've been using it since and it's been incredible.

Schrödinger - 21.09.2023 21:08

If you are a software dev or just familiar with Apache Maven's purpose, you'd know that the exact same concept is used for this linux variant. It's actually brilliant.

Thomas Alexander
Thomas Alexander - 20.09.2023 23:38

Great overview. I've been trying it for two days now and I'm hooked

Azisk Garion
Azisk Garion - 19.09.2023 08:53

NixOS, in my opinion, is going to be the defacto prime Linux distro for advanced users for the Web 3.0 era.

Baum Kuchen
Baum Kuchen - 16.09.2023 18:23

Isn't it the same thing as salt or ansible ?

zungaloca - 14.09.2023 07:40

Nixos is the superior linux distro

Romulous75 - 13.09.2023 03:57

I installed it on zfs 😁. Luckily there is very good guides and documentation.

Artur K
Artur K - 12.09.2023 18:09

Hmm very interesting. I will defo checkout the distro! Thanks!

Coty Hamilton
Coty Hamilton - 12.09.2023 16:08

"Oh wait you said snap... no that's fine, no one cares" 😂

Tembersom Heirfreux
Tembersom Heirfreux - 12.09.2023 14:24

u really couln't add NixOS download link in that long ass text?

doman tlen
doman tlen - 08.09.2023 18:48

Don't get me wrong it looks interesting, but so far I've watched 10mins of video and haven't seen anything that can't be done with for example Ubuntu + Ansble or Puppet or Chef. Learn Linux TV had such setup and tutorials about Ansible. Profit with using Ansible or any other IaC is that you're independed from distro you use. And second is that with such knowledge you become a person demanded on a job market

kychemclass - 08.09.2023 17:56

Would be great if the Mint team take up some of these ideas - particularly the isolated dependencies, although so far I've never had a problem in Mint so far.

Stefan - 06.09.2023 22:34

cool beans

Test Buis
Test Buis - 03.09.2023 03:25

I guess NixOS really is Nick's OS

Wisdom Over Money
Wisdom Over Money - 03.09.2023 01:47

I met three Nix OS users in 2013. They were also contributing code. They have come so far.

O M - 01.09.2023 19:47

What about using clonezilla? Its more robust in terms of copying a linux device's software to another

Kimberlynn Kelly
Kimberlynn Kelly - 31.08.2023 15:16

You are awesome Nick.

Dale - 31.08.2023 01:01

Still don't see much value in this. The number of times I've reinstalled my OS in the last 6 years is.. once, when I replaced the motherboard. Maybe for a sys admin this is useful but for a developer I don't see the point.

Teszaract .
Teszaract . - 30.08.2023 09:37

Please review Snowflake OS..... it's a GUI based noob friendly Nix OS derivative.

Mikhail Romanov
Mikhail Romanov - 28.08.2023 16:44

Sounds like a distro equivalent of spaghetti code. I’ll see myself out.

MunkFano1 - 28.08.2023 05:52

stable doesn't mean that you can roll back, damn idiot...

Joseph Turberg
Joseph Turberg - 27.08.2023 18:59

Great Channel

Anthony Tobianski
Anthony Tobianski - 25.08.2023 23:46

Loved the comment about snaps... hahaha

Porterhouse - 22.08.2023 13:27

Nix dash oOnV hon hon hon we we we

MuchBacon - 19.08.2023 00:48

I haven't tried using NixOS, but I'm intrigued. However I have 1 question: why do I need to reinstall my OS?
I have my Windows laptop, a home server and a couple of VPS's with ubuntu server. I'm using Windows since I bought the laptop in 2019 and it's been set and forget ever since. It's very stable.

I don't see the point of reinstalling Windows unless something happens with it or I'm buying a new laptop. The first is unlikely, the second not anytime soon. Sure in those cases I have to setup my Windows environment from scratch and restore the backed-up files, but does that justify using something like NixOS? Why are you all reinstalling your OS so often? No hate ✌️

Michael Bradley
Michael Bradley - 18.08.2023 23:36

Imagine I download (your favorite linux os flavor) and I remove a few package, add some of my favorites, then changes where files are kept so its to my liking, then I release it as AmazeOS - then everyone touts its, thats my opinion of the flood of Linux OS versions out there. Back in the day when I was redhat certified, I could go up to almost about any linux/unix (sco) box and work my way around, change ip, set firewall rules, etc... today, even the same OS changes crap up too much. I installed ubunto (not my choice) and I had a hell of a time finding the files to set the IP, what happen to /etc/sysconfig/networ.... ifcfg-eth0, it was so easy to add an ip, multiple ip's etc. and no I am not talking desktop OS, click and set an ip... honestly kinda sick of linux being more about being linux that getting crap done.

Mao - 16.08.2023 07:22

Can I copy other people’s config? 😂

Just_An_Idea_For_Consideration - 16.08.2023 00:08

Went to Tuxedo web page
can not find pricing!!!

Vollhorst2000 - 15.08.2023 11:22

sounds like $yourdistro with flatpak & fsarchiver OR mx-linux and their snapshot feature, but does it use systemd?

Craulback - 14.08.2023 06:18

I say cool beans... 🥲

Juan Carlos Alpízar
Juan Carlos Alpízar - 11.08.2023 01:23

So is NixOS like if Docker was made a distro?

Isaac8074 - 08.08.2023 15:06

I downloaded it on my Mac and it did not suit my environment so I deleted it and kept homebrew.

Yassin Zao
Yassin Zao - 06.08.2023 14:32

Linux is by definition not for beginners my friend….NixOS can be installed like all other distro’s with gnome or plasma …and you don’t need to tweak anything if you are not in the mood😊

antonio torres
antonio torres - 02.08.2023 00:39

Hello, great channel. What do you think about immutable linux Os, as Fedora silverblue among others and the fact they claim to offer more secure environments ? Thanks

Lance Marchetti
Lance Marchetti - 01.08.2023 15:26

Apparently it's pronounced NixOS

K R - 31.07.2023 22:44

Love to see more appreciation for NixOS.
I'd be in awe if you were to share your oppinion on GNU Guix as well.

Gustavo Paco
Gustavo Paco - 31.07.2023 19:33

my issue is i dont find any guide to install maya or other vfx software

rob claridge
rob claridge - 31.07.2023 00:07

I know it's not exactly the same, but almost reminds me of editing the S:Startup-sequence file on my Amiga Workbench.

Fool Long Gone
Fool Long Gone - 28.07.2023 17:34


Hades Eye
Hades Eye - 28.07.2023 13:49

As a Unix cultist I have to say write it. It's et cetera, not e, t, c. ;)
PS. Would be great to have a chance to switch to OpenRC. systemd is overbloated and damn slow.
PS.S. Fedora is damn buggy. Updated few times. Always something happens.

Hades Eye
Hades Eye - 28.07.2023 13:16

It has some mustache. People finding out now about it is just mind boggling. Tbh wanted to try it since 2007, but never gave it a chance. Never had a need for few versions of the same program. Plus watching a video tutorial is a lot quicker, than skimming through web pages.
I really dig the idea of config file, which removes a need for past-install script, that you have to make to remove all the trash, distro devs likes to put into your system.
For example KDE is always installed with a lot of junk that I won't use. It takes not only space on HDD, but also in menu. Quite irritating.

Jayzn - 26.07.2023 20:13

Could you use something like Syncthing to sync two computers completely? Eg. laptop on the go has the exact same setup and data, as the main machine at home?

Mojo - 22.07.2023 18:47

Nix Os is good for large organizations which need to replicate the same software stack across teams. It has a particular use case but hardly useful for personal computer crowd. Comparing it to Arch is lackadaisical because Arch as specific use case and Nix is in completely different genre.

Alex D
Alex D - 21.07.2023 12:21

Good. Now we can ditch Docker on development environments.
And we can build it automagically into a docker container for Kubernetes.
Devops will be obsolete.

Nightmare Rex
Nightmare Rex - 20.07.2023 23:24

i been asking for this feature forever now, universal shortcuts. for example you have a game that you can add music too, to do this you have to drag and drop the sied music, now you got two copies of the same music!, if only could create a shortcut to the music and function as if dropped it in. idk if this could be implamented for older softwares or only if they make it support it but windows adds all these garbage features but never this.

Per Gollubits
Per Gollubits - 20.07.2023 12:03

Great video but, as a developer, I would hate for someone to dictate what my system should look like. It's taken me a long time to set it up exactly as I want it.

Cookiekeks - 19.07.2023 20:27

This is the worst package manager I have ever used. I am literally unable to search for packages from the command line. I do not want to open a web browser just to search for software. There are 20 different programs for each different task, and I have to dig through poor documentation to find out which does what. Why didn't they combine it all in the nix command? The syntax for installing software is gross, I don't want to type in nix-env -iA nixos.obstudio. This is unacceptably complicated for the most basic operation a package manager could perform. Very sad, your video hyped me up, but I'm unable to perform even the most basic tasks with this thing. Will stick to Arch for now. Not a critique of your video btw, it was good, but the software presented isn't.
