Happiness is a freshly cleaned house. ❤️
99.9% of germs and bacteria do not stand a chance with this latest ELECTROLAB disinfectant sprayer from BRIKK.
This special unit prepares sodium hypochlorite by simply mixing table salt and water. Sodium hypochlorite cleans, deodorizes and sterilizes and is effective against bacteria, viruses, chemicals, pesticides, fungi and mold, turning your homes from the grimiest of areas to a clean haven!
- BNEL7600
-Capacity: 300ml
-Prepares sodium hypochlorite disinfectant with water and
table salt using electrolysis
-Powerful sterilization, deodorization and disinfection against
chemicals, pesticide, fungi, mold, bacteria and viruses
-Disinfects clinics, hospitals, offices, rooms, restaurants,
kitchens, toilets, cars, homes, schools, hotels and
public places
-100% safe, non-toxic, non-irritant, non-staining
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