“What have the Democrats become?” - Mehdi slams the silencing of Palestinian child deaths

“What have the Democrats become?” - Mehdi slams the silencing of Palestinian child deaths


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@ucheuchema1081 - 13.06.2024 23:36

Literally, the two nations that do not see any evidence of Israel committing genocide against the Palestinian people are Israel and the United States. For Israels’ reasoning, anyone can understand why it does not see why its’ attemps to destroy an entire people as genocide. They think they are fighting “The Spirit of Amalek” and are commanded by “Yahweh”. But the US? Is it only a coincidence that Joe Biden’s top leadership in general and specifically in Foreign policy are jewish? His Chief of Staff, Jeff Zients-jewish; His Secretary of State, Antony Blinken-jewish; His Deputy National Security Advisor, Elizabeth D Sherwood-Randall-jewish; His White House Counsel, Ed Siskel-jewish. I think his director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines is also jewish. Her mom is.

Lets not forget AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, who exerts an oversized influence on American politics and politicians dangerously derailing the best interest of this country in order to meet the best interest of Israel.

No jewish person can survive in the political arena if they even so much as question a decision that Israel has made. So instead of fighting for honesty, groups like AIPAC fight to suppress any and all ideas not to their liking.

Sadly, Joe Biden is not as “vigorous” now as he was decades ago. We all see it in his movements thus, it’s widely believed that his aides, some would call them his “jewish cabal”, are making decisions and calling the shots with Biden given updates and nodding, weakly” in agreement.

@matthewsanchez7953 - 12.06.2024 04:22

It's almost as if America is an evil Empire or something.

@andrewreeve5537 - 11.06.2024 18:37

Truth is such a relief 👌

@toshir0m1 - 11.06.2024 13:13

Zeteo has instantly jumped into my regular news feed since I knew about it and watched a few vids. Mehdi, I salute your outstanding journalism.

@markbajkowski1171 - 11.06.2024 06:18

Democracy makes only sense when election process is not cash-based and judiciary is not a political favor social club. That is, apparently, not possible in the US and in many other countries which favor money over people. Without a third party (which is "unconstitutional" now), that may gather real patriots and focus on solutions not on polarization, while limiting the role of money in politics, any improvement is not practical and therefore impossible.

@albertorg4085 - 11.06.2024 02:48

Democrats never "became" what they are now and what they are showing. They have always been this way

@EmCatShyamalan - 10.06.2024 20:16

This needs to be everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

@SamBazzi-bc8zd - 10.06.2024 19:44

Mahdi is unbiased. One if the few

@margiehernandez7988 - 10.06.2024 19:43

If trump wins, you will see the rights you will have then.

@rafatkhan4288 - 10.06.2024 08:02

Keep on the fight for Palestinian rights and to raise your voice for the children of Gaza. You are blessed.

@iqbalmu - 09.06.2024 18:12


@tubeecsadik - 09.06.2024 13:29

This is sickening!!

@selmah1704 - 09.06.2024 12:05

The United Nations has added Israel to the “blacklist” of countries who are harming children during times of conflict!

@Everyonehasanopinion - 09.06.2024 11:44

While it’s beyond obvious that Israel has totally tanked its respect globally for probably a generation, the damage that America has suffered has also been profoundly ruined by taking the position it has. It was always known it considers Israel as an important ally, but it wasn’t obvious that it was willing to do obviously and profoundly destroy its reputation to prove it. Until now.

@fayezakamal3778 - 09.06.2024 08:56


@tothelighthouse9843 - 08.06.2024 17:10

"Trump will be worse!" That's the Democrats' election platform.
But this is DEMOCRATS using the power of the state to silence whistleblowers. This is DEMOCRATS silencing opposition, erasing the truth, & supporting & defending genocide.

@selmah1704 - 08.06.2024 15:53

Shameless politicians! Thank God there are people in this world who have a conscience and refuse to work under bosses who have no morals!

@user-be4ij6ql8b - 08.06.2024 09:31

Shameful hypocrisy /democracy is finally being put in the spotlight.

@rehlaafaqiya6426 - 08.06.2024 07:04

So you see.

@user-ud2dv5xg4l - 08.06.2024 04:20

Allah hu akbar

@lisawilliamson5012 - 08.06.2024 01:34

What have we become? Monsters.

@cindyrolle6476 - 08.06.2024 00:20

My heart aches for the Palestinians. How can the world turn its backs on these people? Why aren’t those being fired and dismissed not suing or asking for freedom of speech laws to be enforced? Anti-semitism has become a meaningless action when the word is thrown around and used for every dislike by Zionist and their supporters

@HM-ve3kz - 07.06.2024 20:02

USA is complicit in this genocide..!
They keep deleting my comments...

@inspiredaction1111 - 07.06.2024 17:56

Wow insightful

@davidowens1424 - 07.06.2024 17:43

We are just seeing the Democrats for what they are, a front organization for the Zionists.

@kadokang4479 - 07.06.2024 15:04

We have to start speaking up and out that a lot of Israel jews are pure racist. Not all but too many especially AIPAC

@roboldx9171 - 07.06.2024 13:13

F-35 Lightning II Fighter jet
Manufacturer: McDonnell Douglas United States.
Costs up to $110 million per aircraft.
The cost of the smallest missile, the GBU-39B Small Diameter Bomb used by the F-35 Lightning, is approximately US$40,000 per unit.
350 million dollar pier, built with US taxpayers' dollars, broke up and adrift off the coast of Gaza.
An estimated 22 million US taxpayers' dollars for repairs to the pier.
Cost of a former school and tents in Gaza: Negligible.
Let that sink in.

@claude_in_Cincinnati - 07.06.2024 11:37

Never let whytes get ahead; they will only destroy everything around them.
How much more history do we need to see this?!

@claude_in_Cincinnati - 07.06.2024 11:32

jews are gonna jew.
And I won't ever quit saying that.

@SodaQuasar - 07.06.2024 10:41

If this is not apartheid then I don't know what is...

@brenkelly8163 - 07.06.2024 09:39

Dear Medhi — an open letter to learn something about history.
Get to Know American History

Dear Medhi, welcome to America. I hope you learn a little history while you’re here and not be or feigning surprise at the real historical answer.
Since you seem naive of America’s past, a few facts on Democrat senators, governors and party members. For 125 years the Democrat Party was the party of severe and violent racist beliefs, causing pogroms and stealing elections, like the one’s stolen in 1878 in Louisiana through the killing of over 4,000 black Americans, as per the Senate record in 1880. In 1879, the Republican Attorney General of the USDOJ was ready to try the insurrectionists, with thousands of documents and over 150 witnesses, but nullified the trial just before it was about to happen—for unknown reasons. The Democrats then had a real life Purge in 1888, suspending the law by order of the governor on counties he traveling to to allow whites to freely kill and intimate black and white Republican voters to stop them from voting and to win the election.

Democrats in California passed laws preventing Mongolians from marrying whites in 1907, and prevented Japanese from marrying whites in 1909. The white worker’s union that supported Democrats in St. Louis in 1917 issued a letter to its member to meet as a call to order that resulted in them shooting, hanging, beating to death, or burning alive over 200 black Americans, burning down the black area of town.

Democrat Senators wrote and passed national laws preventing blacks from getting mortgages; prevented black Americans in agriculture work or domestic work from unionizing; allowing whites to remove black cotton farmers from land they worked and turning it over to white farmers from 1932-34.

In 1946, Democratic Senator Bilbo was put under a Congressional investigation for instigating a violent insurrection at the polls. In 1957 Democrat Governor Marvin Griffin signed a resolution urging the Congress of the United States to declare the 14th and 15th Amendments null and void.

In 1956, 97 Democrats in Congressed signed a “Manifesto” declaring they would not enforce Brown v. Board. JFK has all the white supremacist voters give their votes and take Alabama in 1960, putting him over the edge in a state that kept 99 percent of blacks from voting under threat of death. In April 1964, powerful Democrat Senator Russell wrote to the president from other armed service committee: “Be assured that I shall fight the vicious civil rights bill to the bitter end. With best wishes, I am Sincerely, Senator Dick Russell.” After that letter, Democrat Senator Gore Sr. And Democrat Senator Fulbright helped organize a 60 working day filibuster to stop the civil rights act from being passed.

My question to you sir, when exactly did the Democrats stop being effing racist? Under Carter maybe?

@BaalDavaR999 - 07.06.2024 09:35

Why does every thumbnail of this guy look like he has indigestion?

@numchucklee4279 - 07.06.2024 06:29

usaid is a cia front

@user-xv9th8wq3u - 07.06.2024 05:48

USA Sancioning the ICC this week for seeking arrest warrants against the Occupying leadership, has to be the most ridiculous move so far!?😡Justice then for only a very selective few.....supporting the Occupier, who is the Aggressor, but who always also claims to be the Victim?!?😡😡

@lrwsf1 - 07.06.2024 04:52

They have become what they always were. Welcome to waking up.

@amirriahi1968 - 07.06.2024 02:25

Such a joke.

US is losing all its respect worldwide. All because of Israel. What’s going on ?????

Why going through such cost!!!!!

@shelanderson9088 - 07.06.2024 02:22

so glad we can still hear your voice, Mehdi

@HunterBidensCocaine - 07.06.2024 00:36

They are silenced because Hamas fucked around! How about you focus your attitude on removing Hamas which would actually help innocent Palestinians. People like this loser will be a part of the reason why this war continues, Hamas continues to terror and no accountability will be made towards Hamas and Leadership that have not condoned what happened on October 7th and create a united front to stopping HAMAS, PLO and Hezzbollah. But maybe that is what Medhi and other Leadership want?

@miriammcgee - 07.06.2024 00:35

Making Jews the face of the war in Gaza.... sounds like human sh€ilding to me

@MattMajcan - 06.06.2024 22:54

I have no sympathy for anyone acting like the democrats have suddenly become evil. as if they got this way overnight? you're having a laugh. this is what you voted for, this is what the democratic party is. obama and biden spent 8 years bombing every brown person they could find in the middle east and now Biden is doing it again and people are surprised? these are the same people that gave us mandatory experimental injections and collude with big pharma. these are the people that bailed out wall street time and again. these are the same people that gave all our jobs to china. They've never been on your side. to the democrats, voters are nothing but cattle, and they treat us with contempt. they use us to gain power and then the rest of the time they wish we didnt get in the way of making them rich.

@nl5828 - 06.06.2024 22:03

i don’t know what is worse: a party that are overtly a**holes (republicans) or a party that is covertly a**holes (democrats). at the end of the day, there is one common feature of both parties!

@haruruben - 06.06.2024 21:41

Children are dying in Gaza? I hadn’t heard about this

@rizzzlaaa - 06.06.2024 21:29

They are what they have always been. They just haven't changed.
Biden, Clinton, Pelosi... They have been in power for 60 years. Yes, they are better than Republicans but they are still imperialists and evil capitalists.
You should know this as a Brit.
USA and UK need new political parties that work for the people and not for corporations.

Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party seeems like a good candidate...

@jasenmorin4936 - 06.06.2024 21:28

They have been captured by AIPAC.

@CarlZend - 06.06.2024 20:53

Just today I was watching Biden’s speech at the 80th commemoration of D-Day.
He spoke of tyrants and dictators and racists not to be allowed to get away with their oppression…

And I thought this is the man who has supported the massacre of nearly 40,000 Palestinians mostly women and children just because of their race.
This is the man who suppresses reporting on the genocide.

How does he sleep at night.

@KBo-wd7lw - 06.06.2024 20:09


@yacineatroune - 06.06.2024 19:45

Insane .. foundational rules down the drain

@alexanderschweiger5882 - 06.06.2024 18:41

Fun fact: He submitted an abstract and was formally accepted to give his presentation.

@dennismiller5725 - 06.06.2024 17:55

As someone as old as Biden I am once again confronted with the question of how shall I vote in the upcoming election. I was raised in a Republican household and a Republican township in a suburb of Akron Ohio. There were no people of color, no Catholics or Jews. It took years for me to conclude that there was clearly something wrong with discrimination and even more years to believe that the Democratic party was the only party to participate in. So, I have become a socialist in a country that believes Capitalism is the answer for this country. So we have the largest war machine because it's profitable, we produce more oil than any other country because it's amazingly profitable. And once again I'm asked to vote for Biden or a bafoon in an electoral system that has been out of date since the founding. I will die before the country collapses or Climate Change could get me first as I live in the deserts of AZ.
