Stopping The Liquid Bomb Plot

Stopping The Liquid Bomb Plot

Real Crime

2 года назад

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Joey Ward
Joey Ward - 18.09.2023 16:11

Lol these big grown men are allowed to travel in and out of he country running terror trips
but when a few school girls was brain washed and travelled to the same country's the big men were going to the country stood up and said do not let the children back in the country
why are the men never stopped from coming back into the country but children are

marklimbrick - 16.09.2023 22:37

After searching everything about this, there is zero evidence that I can find the bombs they used could ever have worked.
A little pop from the detonator hidden in an AA battery case and a sodden bag smelling of acetone. Panic probably. And shock surprise from the expectant martyrs.
There is a demo of the July 7 pepper bombs and it is scary.
But sloppy curry in a Tango bottle is a bizarre disguise.
The Al Queda seemed to have confused something because the same optimism appears in their encrypted porn film documents.
Obviously they were guilty of intending harm. But bizarre that Met and CIA claimed what they found was a bomb but never demonstrated it could ever work.

Ad Van rooij
Ad Van rooij - 27.08.2023 03:41

Gewoon opzet dit om dingen los te krijgen dirty war hahaha lijk wat we gewend zijn van amerikanen hahaha

Sadiebeanz - 10.08.2023 20:04

Never trust the Americans!

Brittany S
Brittany S - 16.07.2023 11:09

Fbi guy had to know going there was only going to mess stuff up. Like you can't trust them you barely trusted 5 people with the entire plot who were US or British. He's a big idiot oh I don't know yes you do moron.

Neil Ghosh
Neil Ghosh - 08.06.2023 09:55

It was at that time most muslims considered the UK to be the house of war (dar al harb) for which the core foundation of self defence jihad is founded upon. In conjunction with Al quitbi's politically violent philosophy of using terror attacks to achieve political objectives, the terrorists used a combination of quranic and externally politicall justifications to engage in acts of terror.

All in all Islam is tied to this, whether people like it or not.

Jm - 18.05.2023 21:06

why wouldnt they blow them up over populated areas?

Me Vio
Me Vio - 16.05.2023 00:41

Extraordinary action of British police. None of them armed! Are you kidding me??? Arresting suicidal terrorist' by convincing them to surrender?

Dabba Gol
Dabba Gol - 13.05.2023 10:04

Funny things is despite hundreds of cases linking Pakistan to terrorist activities UK and USA goes to defend this terrorist country everyplace. Seems like they like Pakistan to keep sending terrorists to keep the home politics alive. They don't seems to care about human life

OnTheGrind - 13.05.2023 06:58

I’m so glad they are caught & unable to hurt anyone else ever again. God bless these investigators & police. Brilliant work ❤

Caroline - 12.05.2023 01:22

The British Police did an absolutely excellent job in surveillance and arrest.

Lynn Galibois
Lynn Galibois - 07.05.2023 06:44

Where are all the psychics when you need them..?.

Dave Boon
Dave Boon - 02.05.2023 02:27

2 days After 747 Pan Am flight all electrical products were Banned and removed from All luggage at all airports ( mine included ) never returned 😳👍

Betty Davis is Hacked
Betty Davis is Hacked - 01.05.2023 13:21

Real crime Arabs vrs Real crime none arabs

George Gowar
George Gowar - 30.04.2023 01:40

Alex - 29.04.2023 23:21

Is the film "four lions" based off of this ?? The events are striking similar

dodge - 26.04.2023 13:25

bullshit the bush mafia did 911 open your EYES

Malcolm Rowe
Malcolm Rowe - 24.04.2023 00:51

My guess is the us got a tracking device put on Rauf, got him released on purpose so he could go to his bosses and then they launched a drone strike to take out many of the higher up bosses as well as Rauf! The guys grin and confirmation of his death at the end sealed it for me

Bratin Dey Biswas
Bratin Dey Biswas - 23.04.2023 15:21

I really enjoyed the line when American refers Pakistan as a reliable partner .🇮🇳🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

HL Florida Gal
HL Florida Gal - 23.04.2023 05:38

Every time someone whines about having to toss their water bottle, when in security at an airport, I’d like them to watch this. I can’t imagine how many attacks were thwarted by this intel.

Back when intelligence services focused on preventing terrorism; now they just talk about gender BS.

Thanks UK!!!

K N - 22.04.2023 06:06

So this is the asshole that made it so that we can only take 3.4 oz containers on airplanes.

Robert Travers
Robert Travers - 22.04.2023 02:22

The biggest terrorist threat since 9/11 is Joe Biden

Lord-Xanthor - 18.04.2023 08:07

I am glad these people were thwarted, but it shouldn't just be how to find the new ways they come up with. They need to find out why they are doing this in the first place!! Terrorists don't go out of their way to take out an airplane just for the heck of it. As other channels pointed out, some of these people, were once just every day people in their own countries, to one day wake up to their wives and children dead, for no reason at all. As my old professor once said, cause and effect. The biggest problem is, the ones that succeeded. Those well never know as to why they did what they did. Only what the media tells us. Back in the days when my neighbor had a Satalite dish with Kband, and we could see raw footage/feeds, before they were edited for public viewing. I was a kid back then during Desert Storm, and was mortified at what I was seeing. People getting buried alive, children not even armed being killed. War is a horrible thing, but it doesn't just happen for no reason.

Panik - 17.04.2023 01:19

Pakistani terrrrrrrrr…

THE_WOMB_RAIDER - 16.04.2023 22:06

BRITS uncover the plot an release information to USA,
USA dive in head first with no respect for others, sounds very familiar when we tracked bin laden the yanks bulldozed the place to pieces ,shoot first ask questions later approach

Makhayla - 16.04.2023 02:08

so what they are saying is a missile penetrated his butthole before making him a million bit non distinguishable cadaver.

Iain R
Iain R - 15.04.2023 05:52

Shows the true competence of the British state when there are not muppets running it

Da Pa
Da Pa - 12.04.2023 22:59

what an amazing doc

Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly - 12.04.2023 03:28

Typical off the government playing chicken with people's life this time the security service got lucky next time many thousands may lose their lifes remember Manchester!!! They failed our children

Hannes Le Grange
Hannes Le Grange - 10.04.2023 20:23

Never Trust Americans,they could have put lot off people's lives in Danger ,R is not dead !

Gulam Bogdadi
Gulam Bogdadi - 09.04.2023 20:15

All are set up fake story’ planned and edited video not original,

Mikey Piros
Mikey Piros - 08.04.2023 01:01


Dijk04 - 06.04.2023 11:38

😂😂😂😂 it's so funny that yet UK has open borders for them. Because they don't want to do discrimination to them and they are trying to kill everyone on the planet. 😢 They why I don't like the modern world.... Full of wokeness...

David Rafik
David Rafik - 06.04.2023 05:58

This was better than watching a James Bond movie

Todd Grady
Todd Grady - 05.04.2023 04:57

Makes me think did the FBI or the CIA provide the Liquid as we know their history. Everyone know who badly our government F up on 911 and now you put out his shit. Maybe your bud Ray to setup some more incents.

Frank Paul
Frank Paul - 04.04.2023 11:07

The arrogance of the United States government is undescribable. Always thinking that they are the smartest. Instead of accepting responsibility for embarking on their unwarranted intervention and betrayal of trust accorded to them by their partners at the British intelligence by contacting the corrupt Pakistani intelligence, which led to Rauf's eventual assisted escape, the Americans would rather try to cover their failure and shame with claims of eliminating the target through a drone strike 😂.

DakLak Digital
DakLak Digital - 03.04.2023 06:30

You could wind these characters up. Hire a bunch of dubious looking men and have pairs of the men ha meet in parks all over London to lie on the ground, facing each other. Scotland Yard would have to assign so manage many agents they could tie up a hundred Plod.

And rent premises for a workshop that has solid walls su h as a container with noise generators attached to the walls.

Of course this PR video details affairs that occurred over 20 years ago.

J C - 03.04.2023 06:08

Interesting how these terrorists videos are saying the US and allies should get out of Islamic lands, when they're freeloading in the West planning terror plots and discussing whether they should include their wives and children? It's absolutely absurd and is a tell that if you have military aged men without jobs hanging out in your country, feeding off the state, that perhaps its time to send them back to "their lands"?

J C - 03.04.2023 05:02

None of these people work, how are they paying for housing, food and all these trips to Pakistan. Too much time one their hands stabbing people in the back that have tried to help them. Disgusting.

J C - 03.04.2023 04:52

How does Khan support himself and his family in the UK? It doesn't look like he works? Send him and his family back to their home country where this behavior is routine. The West doesn't want any of it.

Andrew Dickson Rujin
Andrew Dickson Rujin - 02.04.2023 05:22

All things lslamic will be banned and errased because Quran is "Satanic Verses" wrote Salman Rusdi and Bibly cited Arch Angel never appear to Mothhamat. 90% generations of Arab from amah Hagar and bastard Isthmael will be executed when KOG is restored to lsrael the chosen Tribe of God!!!

citizenoftheearth6 - 01.04.2023 03:11

Great documentary, but the camera moves too fast and editing is too fast, hard to follow without getting a headache.

Web Name
Web Name - 01.04.2023 02:52

How come nobody talks about Pakistan? All the links attached to Pakistan and yet west is funding, supporting Pakistan. Strange!

Mat Han
Mat Han - 01.04.2023 01:35

British intelligence officials had to fight against the terrorist, and the backstabbing Americans.

Music Man
Music Man - 31.03.2023 06:12

These are animals; terrorists, killing innocent people traveling on planes that has nothing to do with any governmental policies, even sacrificing their own kids and wives, pure evil.

Amin Ashraf
Amin Ashraf - 29.03.2023 00:08

British police arresting 20 terrorists in one night with unarmed officers.
Sounds like a flex.

Gary Stavropoulos
Gary Stavropoulos - 27.03.2023 05:55

I wonder if that guy would really be upset if he found out that terrorist was in a cell being tortured

salty SCVMBXG - 26.03.2023 20:45

Not really relevant to the doc, but does anyone else think that guy looks like that Chris Whitty bloke? 😂😂
