The PROBLEM With Retro Gaming In 2023

The PROBLEM With Retro Gaming In 2023

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@littlebadwolf8129 - 20.12.2023 17:47

I personally would not buy a clone console but if someone gifted me one I'd be just as grateful and delighted as if it was the original hardware. And whilst I'd like to have space for an old tube tv to really recreate the way I played as a child, as I don't I still immensely enjoy playing them on my HD tv. And I think anyone choosing to introduce kids to retro games is doing nothing but a massive service to the community and to the world by contributing to keeping appreciation and market for old games and consoles alive. No matter what they play them on. Also, why should you fork out significantly more money for the original hardware and individual game cartridge for your kids? It wouldn't mean anything to your kids, they'll play just as happily on an emulator machine.

@kyledupont7711 - 20.12.2023 05:39

People are just toxic these days. I'll play my games on a calculator if I want. The important thing is that you are playing the game at all, it does not matter how you do it period

@fortniteisgud8222 - 17.12.2023 01:44

W take

@markasscop - 16.12.2023 09:45

I gotta, say, the banjo music when he starts mimicking the comments keeps me coming back

@missingno81 - 16.12.2023 07:26

Its so dumb, they’re just playing the games. I grew up without games so collecting games now will kill my bank account so emulation is fine with me. My only gripe is people scamming others into buying their crap at asinine prices.

@SpoonyOrbit - 15.12.2023 09:31

gatekeeper..they said neo was the one

@mikelondakos9723 - 14.12.2023 00:13

The problem with RETRO "GAMERS" wouldve been a more appropriate title, but I agree. Who cares what system or TV you play on, it's about the experience.

@damian9303 - 13.12.2023 16:58

So purists are more of the problem in the industry than completionists? Artificially raising up even the crappy licensed games (e.g Disney Sports on GC, Turbo on Wii U) that they have shelved as filler while depriving the remaining stock left in circulation, those are the true gatekeepers

@megagameplay1123 - 09.12.2023 08:33

Well said. I couldn’t agree more.

@JossinJax - 08.12.2023 17:03

Lol that rant at the end was great 😅…”dorks” 😂

@lewydunlop7804 - 04.12.2023 16:18

I have one of those mini Atari’s & my 11 yr old daughter loves it. Is it a real Atari? No but it’s an Atari & she owns me playing space invaders. Who cares what they’re playing the games on?? People need to just do their own time for fk sakes

@TacticalSnapBack - 03.12.2023 23:55

I would never let my kids play NES on and LED 4K TV. That's not how it was meant to be played. It has to be original hardware too. Composite RCA cables only. If you can't meet these minimal requirements you are not a son of mine.

@ren1205 - 03.12.2023 05:20

Word 🤣

@Mr-Clark - 30.11.2023 08:22

When disc rot start hitting in large numbers, there will be a fire sale of retro games 🤣🤣

@roastbeef3000 - 29.11.2023 13:19

I agree with this video and find the exact same thing happening in the groups I'm in, especially when peeps post pics of their setups 😬 Another things I see in sega saturn groups is people either judging folks for having an ODE or for NOT having an ODE 😅 Like who cares lets just enjoy old games already lol

@MiaArms0351 - 29.11.2023 10:40


@Jomon2006 - 23.11.2023 07:39

Just seeing this along with several of your other videos because I want to buy a retro console, like maybe a Kinhank, for myself and I’m gathering opinions.

Anyway, it’s always gatekeepers. I was a big comic book collector and all of these things you are saying about retro games was said about comics. With a lot of “you can’t…fill in the blank.”

Anyway. I’m learning a lot. I wish I had the patience to custom build a retropi, but I don’t. So thanks for the reviews.

@astrovewlix5929 - 15.11.2023 07:12

I love everything about retro gaming… Except retro gamers

@ZeekM1970 - 13.11.2023 12:55

I gave you a like just for the tittle.

@Bigpapapaul2004 - 13.11.2023 09:23

I rarely leave comments, but bro I felt every bit of your rage. LOL!!! I 100% agree with you! I subbed because of this video.

@mymomismad95 - 06.11.2023 20:01

I’ve seen a few of your videos, but this is the one that gets me to subscribe lol

@MelMaxQuest - 05.11.2023 01:59

I love your videos, but this is the BEST!! Thank u sir!

@reubenruppert488 - 02.11.2023 21:21

Do you think that vintage console collecting CIB will ever be a worthwhile thing? Like old school nes consoles?

@dalebrown-hs2ko - 27.10.2023 00:33

You are right on target. I like you man. I play retro games on emulators. I am an old gamer saw Pong in Japan in 72 and was blown away by it. Thank you buddy. Yes I've seen comments on line of people badrapping people like me who utilize emulators to play the "oldies". You are right it's the game. (It's in the game)

@robertschneider8024 - 25.10.2023 07:39

Preach brotha😎👊

@SoldierCloudStrife - 25.10.2023 07:15

Lmao the problem IS that the games are so expensive. Crazy you’d say otherwise.

@thepenultimateninja5797 - 24.10.2023 05:36

I have a theory about this type of behavior. It's not confined to retro gaming, but society at large, but I won't get into that here.
There are people who are psychologically underdeveloped, )and almost exclusively childless).
The reason they are mean to kids is because they view them as their peers and rivals.
When a normal person matures, and especially when they become a parent themselves, they view kids in a parental light; they understand that the roles of adults and children are different.
These other people are immature, and never reached this adult stage. They are still essentially children themselves, and this can make them feel jealous of or threatened by children, or sometimes act in an inappropriate conspiratorial way with them, ie an adult who introduces a child to something unsuitable for children.
I doubt any of the people who left the gatekeepers comments were healthy-minded adults, they were likely nasty, stunted little man-children.

@user-xw9ll2mt7g - 24.10.2023 01:21

I use emulated consoles mostly on my OG xbox, and have an N64 with RGB that I installed. I use an Everdrive, because collecting original carts is a waste of money. I do have CRTs but mostly because I love some nostagia and it's cool to play the games on a display they were designed for. But it's only my preference. I don't act high and mighty... I don't think so, anyway. Lol.

@jersydvl - 23.10.2023 19:15

Dude, most of these people complaining about not playing on a CRT are probably too young to have played on a CRT themselves.

@jersydvl - 23.10.2023 19:08

Retro collecting stopped being fun once you couldnt find them in the wild sny longer. Flea markets. Yard sales. Etc. Its still possible but just not worth the time these days. Its not a hobby any longer. Its a business. And grading games is such a BS business. Oh you have Super Mario for $500? No, you dont. Nobody will buy that from you at that price. Youre just throwing money away.

@x7heDeviLx - 23.10.2023 18:31

First of all love ur content as always second as a 40 year old I have played on some really janky setups over the years I’ve always said the best way to play a game is anyway u can. And gate keeping doesn’t belong in any artistic activity art is meant to be enjoyed experienced.

@thomasallen4340 - 23.10.2023 08:37

Collecting a few games myself. I dont want hundreds of games i prob wont ever play taking up space.

@Swaggybro77 - 16.10.2023 15:21

Brutal honesty wins

@tonycoffee7335 - 15.10.2023 16:04

I agree with this. I like to have the real stuff. But if a friend or family wants to just to play Mario I recommend any or those clone systems. Mini classic console. They just want to play a game let them ...

@eduardoborjas4465 - 14.10.2023 06:13

I personally try to get the an official or better version of retro controllers to emulate my retro games but that’s personal preference because I like to experience what the game mechanics used to be like. BUT, If you spend your time nit picking other people’s special moment like that dads then you really need to re-evaluate your life… because it ain’t worth living. I’m waiting for my daughter to have an appropriate age to introduce her to retro games and she’s gonna be playing on emulators because NO WAY am I spending thousands on retro consoles and a CRT just to have bragging rights and say “I PlAy oN OffiCiAl HarDwaRe” 😒god what losers….

@480Voltz - 08.10.2023 19:15

Gatekeepers are the problem with literally community.

@meezuswalks9578 - 07.10.2023 03:26

Yeah , honestly the fact that retro games get the recognition they deserve is enough And its a great bonding experience

@RobertWeisert-su4gh - 25.09.2023 16:44

Well Put!!!!!

@anthonynales4910 - 24.09.2023 07:45

Play the games the way you like to play. I love playing on original hardware and on my PC. CRTs are awesome, but they aren’t for everyone.

@christianmccauley7340 - 20.09.2023 09:31

Long walk to get there, but true

@chrisfoley908 - 19.09.2023 02:15

I tried to get my kids into retro gaming once and failed miserably. They lost interest when I told them that you have to blow in the cartridge first and jiggle the RF cord a little. Then I forgot to tell them you have to find channel 3 and please try not to trip over the controller cords. They replied with “what’s a channel 3?” and “dad, I smell something burning”. And I told them not to worry it’s just the AC Adapter, it runs a little hot…So, props to that dad getting them interested. I’m sure before too long, my generation of games will be completely unplayable, lame or whatever to future generations 😅

@D34d1y1 - 15.09.2023 07:56

It isn't unique to retro gaming though. This is a general problem on the internet. If you have ever been on Reddit in almost any thread you will see people who have to try and insult whatever someone is doing. It is disgusting.

@ultimatewin-draw-lossrecor8865 - 07.09.2023 11:07

a company should make an online store that has ALL the retro games from each company from ps3 era backwards and be officially licensed by the companies such as nintendo,sega,sony,microsoft etc so we can play all the games legally without issues and the legit game publishers/developers get the $$$$ still,a great idea,i will try and get this message to a game company soon,cheers

@tophat27 - 07.09.2023 06:36

Look at the older stuff no one plays anymore Atari and the like no one is buying that stuff anymore

@dirediredude - 07.09.2023 00:00

I agree completely. But sad news, Spoiler that's the eventuality of every sub culture and like you pointed out the driving problem in all of them. Instead of just getting pissed though you can wear it like a badge of honor to spin it.

I look at it similarly to graded games. We've debated whether or not video games were "art" for decades and now that we're dealing with similar issues the fine art world has dealt with for centuries, we can reluctantly say, yeah they're not art and all that comes with it.

So in that same vain, the idea of gatekeeping is pretty pitiful but the fact that your beloved past time as got to that point, it's a bit of a "well would you look at that" moment if you zoom out and think about it like all of these other sub cultures and what they went through. Games, music, art, film, comics, cards, cars, clothes. It's all the same and what happens when you have a culture demanding we own and upgrade from an early age.

At the end of the day screw the haters. Block em, ignore em, whatever. Just enjoy your games :D

@bryanfox1799 - 04.09.2023 18:39

Your one hundred percent on point.
