Why I left Monavie - Monavie Review

Why I left Monavie - Monavie Review


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@danieljalomojr5856 - 06.09.2021 10:01

Monavie tastes horrible and is so expensive. A coworker tried to get me to buy and sell the stuff. She even gave me a bottle for free. I never opened it. I returned it to her after a week. I did not like the taste of the sample of the product she gave out at her "presentation" nor did I care for the price of it. Nothing more "snake oil" in my opinion.

@anthonyviglietta6209 - 28.01.2019 02:39

This guy has been in about 20 MLM companies.

@kachoo2135 - 08.03.2017 10:07

Monavie tastes terrible! A girl I used to work with tried to get me as a Monavie dealer, butvI changed to training to be a TWX preparer

@stephenworldwide - 02.06.2014 13:38

I agree that Monavie is a great product and company. He's correct in that it's quite expensive for many people to do for more than a few months. But his complaint about the time needed isn't a good excuse. If you want to do well, you should spend the time.

@poojamaheshwari7481 - 24.08.2013 12:48

Hello there, have you heard of -MonEYEopener- (just search on Google for it ...)? There you will see helpful advice on the way to make an income online just by participating in basic surveys. It made it possible for normal people to work from the comfort of home and therefore enjoy monetary liberty super fast. I hope it will help you too...

@lafrijole - 17.06.2013 18:04

OK.. I'm not even 2 minutes in and I'm already questioning this. Firstly, 3 years in the NFL "living your dream", and exactly how many teams did he play for? Seems legit. Also- people spend more money at Starbucks that what I spend daily consuming MonaVie. ALSO- I have several friends who JUICE naturally, and spend MUCH more money than I do lol. I get 12-14 servings of fruits/veggies a day drinking just 4oz of Monavie MX- worth every penny! MyPantsFallOff(DOT)com

@R3DH0T93 - 06.03.2013 18:42

Also people, check out the related Sad-face video - Truth about MonaVie

@mikenewby2096 - 26.02.2013 17:21

I lived in one of the highest crime, ghetto neighborhoods in U.S. After having 2 of my best friends get murdered. I realized that I needed to take action to change the future of my family..... I got online I realized that all of these companies promised the world but? without knowing how to Sponsor people.. I really couldn't make more than $1,000 a month..... Learn how I broke through, made it out of the ghetto, and made my first $12,321 in 60 days: Visit: WorldWideSponsoring(dot)com

@live10201 - 11.12.2012 06:51

Hey there, have you heard of "Thousands 4 Surveys" (just google it)? On their website you will discover useful tips about how to make easy money over the internet by responding to simple reviews. This made it possible for Gary to work from the comfort of home and thus enjoy economical liberty very fast. Hopefully it helps you too...

@celenagomes1064 - 27.11.2012 16:10

A guy came through my line and pitched me when I working as a cashier at Wal-Mart. I pulled out my credit card and signed up the next day. I actually pitched 200 random customers a day while I was working at Wal-Mart After hours of grinding I built a team BUT NEVER got a check for over $1,000 I learned that everything is online... Leads, 100% commissions..EVERYTHING Learn how I broke through the pain and had my first $10,000 month just 60 days later.. Visit: WorldWideSponsoring(dot)com

@Myjoyfullness - 24.10.2012 01:11

So what is the buisness?

@cgasucks - 09.10.2012 08:30


@SeanNardin - 29.09.2012 23:20

I know the answer!

@formallyknownasyou - 20.09.2012 01:00

Wow bro I love the PHOTOSHOP JOB on the Orgagnic Coffee. What a fake.

@ofsoundminds - 13.09.2012 14:26

im sorry that you use sports as a sales pitch. but im sure you know that many people refuse to talk to you BECAUSE of this.... regardless of what your selling

@DarkTyranitar33 - 16.08.2012 13:12


@mlhj2 - 28.06.2012 23:20

Show your gratitude and check out sendoutcards. It works well with all of your business ventures.

@luc14n3 - 16.05.2012 04:10

A monavie precisa de preço, a monavie precisa de margem de lucro para os revendedores, a monavie infelismente nao atinge a massa e por isso tem dificuldades no mercado, A upessencia que ainda é bebe no marketing mais cresceu 400% só em 2011 nela eu vendo 2 perfume pode ser ferrari, pode ser polo, pode ser crolina errera e qualquer um das 45 fragrancias mais vendida no mundo todo vendendo apenas 3 perfumes todos os dias ela me paga R$ 3,500,00 venha para upessencia voce tambem

@locotte - 08.04.2012 06:55

if you need something easier than monavie go to a coner and ask for money .. maybe a monavie rep will pass by and give you some money..

@locotte - 08.04.2012 06:52

in a min 2:11 you make a coment about that people can pay 140 or 250 dollars per month , well business needs income whether you get a loan or you pay from your regular job , but with not money you cant no do any business, that is fact the rest is just talk . if you dont make it in one company you wont make it in any cus mlm is the same system just diferent products .

@CocasPromise - 28.01.2012 06:28

I just want to ask- are there any stats on MonaVie juice, and is it as good for you as they say? I don't care if it's hard to sell/ make money from it, I just want to know if the juice truly is good for your health...please someone let me know or reply with a link!

@rounds180 - 23.01.2012 02:02

Why is he an idiot for feeling the way he feels! YOu know what FUCK THE MONAVIE! I said it! WHAT my god you people act like its the only way to money! I agree it cost a lot! 250 is a lot! I was in the Monavie because they said it would help with people Cancer and you know what it did shit for him! So tell people that are selling the Monshit to man up and be honest with it!

@ainul_aishah - 13.01.2012 13:53

what a loser.MONAVIE IS THE BEST!

@RandomSwill888 - 12.01.2012 01:50

Your an idiot, im 13, and i drink mona-vie daily, my bestfriends brother told me about this company, IMMEDIATELY i wanted to join, but im 13, so i eventually convinced my parents to sign up. 2 months later, we are emeralds making A WHOLE BUNCH of money every week, this is the best company in the world, and for the world.

@purplejuicejunkie - 10.11.2011 19:47

This company has created 168 Millionaires and has 9 of the top 25 highest paid Network Marketers on the planet.....its too bad that you posted this video......it discourages others..........when I become a Gold MonaVie Executive, I'll sign you up again and show you how I did it. Tina Kimbrough

@DancingSpiderman - 01.11.2011 12:46

EVERYBODY...! Send me MONEY. Thank you in advance. DancingSpiderman.

@rcrarcra1 - 18.10.2011 06:54

@rclaypool Monavie Team-biz PYRAMID scam. Just another sucker.

@rclaypool - 18.10.2011 04:45

@rcrarcra1 can u say uninformed...lol

@rcrarcra1 - 09.09.2011 19:08

Can you say PYRAMID.

@iamkristeezy - 08.09.2011 03:01

You shouldn't put down another company just to build up the company you are currently working FOR...not WITH...but FOR! you are stupid and a quitter. You should keep your opinions to yourself.

@HowardMosse - 04.09.2011 01:23

If you can't afford it you are not managing yr money right. It's $10 a day. We don't where suits and ties in R3Global and an hour at night to show this is easy compared to a job. For $20 a month you won't make anything!

@HowardMosse - 04.09.2011 01:19

Bottom line, you quit! Loser!

@vencomv - 09.06.2011 21:16

suits and ties?? lol omg i do the speaking in Mona Vie and i NEVER wear any suits and i have NEVER seen that. you are NOT honest. you dont understand the business model. oh yeah Mona Vie RVL has completely CHANGED THE GAME. too bad you left brother, Mona Vie is going to NEW RECORD HEIGHTS soon

@toob247 - 28.05.2011 18:30

the berry is a good fruit the product is a over priced package, I know people who have put Monavie before their mortgage because they are so brainwashed by ther meetings and the books , every comment on here from someone pro mv is the same oh dont quit just keep buying jjust keep buying , and then dont forget team mv's other scam , It boils down to people paying to hang out and hear what people with more money have to blow up their backside . Drink acai dont join a Satanic cult like mv

@TsunamiTD - 13.04.2011 07:51

Being in MLM says something about your character. And it's not a positive thing.

@penutwi - 22.03.2011 19:58

@brighammarques seems to me a good way to go is pay the 40 but do not start autoship. yes i know you will miss out on the bonuses and such but you can build your tree, make it strong THEN start autoship. I have only been in for not even a week but to me that seems like a smart way to go.

@9xixix9 - 18.02.2011 11:51

@LugiaLightning thanks for that info. You're right, and i guess that is why monavie have patented the acavie technology in order to keep more nutritional content. I know my grandma's best friend is feeling significant results from drinking monavie vs taking acai jells he used to buy from health stores before. results are results, facts just can't lie.

@brighammarques - 18.02.2011 06:55

I really would like to thank all of you for your honest opinion on this topic... Like I said in my video, I do love this industry however there are a lot of new net workers that will struggle tons with Monavie. Trying to connect with friends and family about Monavie, and getting them to commit to 1 case of juice is not easy. We all know that in Monavie you should be purchasing 2 cases of juice monthly..... My question is still on the table??? How will a new builder create success with Monavie??

@brighammarques - 18.02.2011 06:54

I really would like to thank all of you for your honest opinioin on this topic... Like I said in my video, I do love this industry however there are a lot of new networkers that will struggle tons with Monavie. Trying to connect with friends and family about Monavie, and getting them to commit to 1 case of juice is not easy. We all know that in Monavie you should be purchasing 2 cases of juice monthly..... My question is still on the table??? How will a new comer create success with Monavie??

@9xixix9 - 17.02.2011 21:41

@LugiaLightning where did you hear that? credible sources?

@CatieMariah92 - 23.12.2010 11:59

So you talk down on Monavie... Then you talk about ur business? How Dumb.

@penghiburaku - 18.12.2010 10:58

being healthy more important than being wealthy..we need money to buy food which is not poisonous to body.. but we buy poisonous food actually..so we will stay in hospital in future..and we have to use money to settle all bills. live longer needs good food for good body and happiness.

@AnthonySBD - 08.12.2010 05:48

@seaFoodSifu thats right because all the independent studies and news reports are all owned by monavie.... Learn to google bro...

@seaFoodSifu - 20.09.2010 09:10

At the end of the day, Brigham Marques is making the video. Respect to him for posting out this and finding a system that works for him.

@seaFoodSifu - 20.09.2010 09:08

@randykeling Actually, MonaVie is a cult. A religious cult that promotes a Prosperity Gospel in regards to Christianity and a cult in its teachings and business model. I rebuke my earlier statements because I didn't know better at the time. I made money, but it was a cult regardless. The product doesn't even have evidence that it works other than claims from MonaVie itself.

@scuds03 - 20.09.2010 02:00

@randykeling Only reaserch on Monavie specific beverages has been done by biased in house reserchers.....Hardly can be called credible much less proven. Research has been done on Acai itself, which is what you get in the store. Also if you know anything at all about business you know that if you have to pay your employer or buy your employers merchandise to work for them you are just a tool in a pyramid scheme.

@randykeling - 19.09.2010 17:30


@randykeling - 19.09.2010 17:26

@janstubemusikz ......same thought

@randykeling - 19.09.2010 17:26

@suzannesha GREAT REPLY!!
