EASILY Teach the "Go to Bed" and "Stay" Command!

EASILY Teach the "Go to Bed" and "Stay" Command!

Nate Schoemer

1 год назад

12,946 Просмотров

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Vikki Butler
Vikki Butler - 19.09.2023 08:51

How do you do a marker with a dog deaf from birth? We are trying to train her to a dog bed to prevent her from anxiety and whining when we don't allow her on our bed.

Bill Vmfa542
Bill Vmfa542 - 01.08.2023 01:12

6:08 pm 7/30/23 would like to know how long a dog should be expected to perform each stay

Klayton Robb
Klayton Robb - 25.07.2023 14:16

Nate you are a Legend. I try to instruct people that food can be a reward, but must only be paid after a marker is given. The amount of pairing, or as you call it “Overshadowing” in public classes is hard to watch and even harder to convince the handler to stop. Your demonstration and explanation here were brilliant. Keep up the good work, I am certainly a fan.

Madison Barbee
Madison Barbee - 14.07.2023 20:24

Can a crate be used as the “place”?

Ran Nors
Ran Nors - 08.07.2023 01:14

I really like your updated videos! Keep them up, they are really helpful.

Sylvia McNeill
Sylvia McNeill - 04.07.2023 14:30

Wow, There were several details and nuances I had heard before but seeing them demonstrated was really helpful. It was also really helpful to let us know when you are demonstrating with a new-to-you dog/puppy. This not only gives us more information on how to work through difficult spots with our dogs in similar situations but also reassures us this is "normal". Not every behavior is a walk-in-the-park, easy-to-grasp concept and those will vary from dog to dog.

Elux91 - 22.06.2023 21:51

any tips on a climb target that is further away? we started doing climb and it works with the verbal command when I'm close to the dog bed, but a bit further and she is lost

clintusmaximus - 27.05.2023 18:29

Thats what im gonna do to!!!!! lol

Joseph Crawford
Joseph Crawford - 26.05.2023 02:40

I was working on this today and noticed my pup would break the stay. I'd say wrong and she would go back and I would say good girl without providing a treat. After 10 seconds I would say yes and provide a treat. I have found that she keeps breaking the stay thinking it is a behavior I want. Any advice on how I can stop that. Should I just stop the verbal praise when she goes back on?

Tanja Tarnarzewski
Tanja Tarnarzewski - 23.05.2023 08:16

Thank you. A great step by step training video. It is so important to know all the little steps to make it easier for the dog to understand. If we as dog owners are doing a good job, we get these super effects, and the dog is able to learn without confusion. This is the first command I show to my old dogs that I adopt from a nearby shelter. Every old dog that I adopted learnt this command easily. They are willing to do their very best! ❤

Berger Blanc Suisse
Berger Blanc Suisse - 22.05.2023 23:48

Fantastic explanation of the "Go to Bed" and "Stay" commands!

Kristen Harper
Kristen Harper - 22.05.2023 22:06

I love the little reminders of timing all through out your videos

Mira Traven
Mira Traven - 22.05.2023 19:53

Great video. Our current house set up has never worked to have a place cot. We use our crate currently in a similar way. But we are moving this summer and might use a place cot more if the living room doesn’t have space for our dogs big crate. Very useful video.

Mikel Azure
Mikel Azure - 22.05.2023 10:58

I accidentally taught my adult adopted GSD the "wrong" (I used "nope".) command and only realized what it was when I heard you talking about it. :) It is a tremendously useful communication and he understands it very well. We seem to have confused him with the 'on your bed' command, he often goes and lies next to it or vaguely in that part of the room and it requires some body pressure to get him to get up and go on his bed. I need to think a bit more about what we've been doing so I can clear up the communication for him (And me.).

Tracey Allen
Tracey Allen - 22.05.2023 09:35

Very helpful instruction to get MY training mechanics right so my dog can learn without confusion.

Jkoadventures - 22.05.2023 07:48

Always excellent!

ML - 22.05.2023 01:12

Timing instruction is helpful

Ombeline de belleville
Ombeline de belleville - 21.05.2023 21:37

I love that you show what training looks like from scratch rather than after you have already partially trained the behavior, it gives a good idea of what a true reaction from the dog might be at first, even though it will vary between dogs. I would be curious to see how more head-strong breeds like newfoundlands act on first attempts…
