What is a Browser Cache? How Do I Clear It?

What is a Browser Cache? How Do I Clear It?

Ask Leo!

8 месяцев назад

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Ask Leo!
Ask Leo! - 23.10.2023 18:07

And why would you want to?

Carbon 14
Carbon 14 - 27.10.2023 17:14

Step one; Make a RAM drive (google soft perfect) set your Browser(s) Cache path to the RAM drive. If your RAM drive isn't backed up / restored whenever the computer is restarted.... Poof! all gone. Plus Cache access is MUCH faster. I would not place Windows TEMP or TMP on it as this is used for files needed for updates and reboots will cause these to disapear.

Piltdown Superman
Piltdown Superman - 25.10.2023 17:22

How do you feel about utilities that clear caches, temporary files, and so on? Some have undesirable elements. I share the wealth, using several browsers for different purposes. A utility means I don't have to clear each browser one at a time.

tihzho - 25.10.2023 16:52

So this video doesn't tell you how to clear the browser cache instead it gives you a link on how to do it. :/

Ed de Jong
Ed de Jong - 25.10.2023 02:35

Do not blame the browser but the developer of the "app" or website. They know when something has changed and it takes 5 lines of code to change the file's signature to overrule the cache...

Alexander Knibbe
Alexander Knibbe - 24.10.2023 17:42

I'm clearing the cache quite often using the 'shift-control-del' buttons simultaneously. It does not only clear the cache but also the cookies and prevents what I call cross-contamination of the site visits.

MasterHoover - 24.10.2023 00:57

By the way, same thing can be applied to fix problems with apps on your phone. But instead you delete the app's cache. That fixed a lot of "random" problems I had with apps (usually those using internet)

MasterHoover - 24.10.2023 00:54

Often in troubleshooting internet related problem, people can suggest trying another browser. Most often than not if the problem doesn't occur on another browser (I'm thinking stable browsers like chrome or firefox) it's a cache related problem since both browser don't share cache. Usually you can skip that step and delete the cache right away instead of installing another browser to troubleshoot

SpectaculeX - 24.10.2023 00:46

Another quite useful video, Mr. Notenboom! But I'm surprised, that you haven't actually mentioned the CCleaner application (which you've talked about in other videos before), which is an incredibly useful tool for things like the taks at hand here. After a rather simple setup process, it can take care of clearing ALL browser caches at once, if necessary. :)

glasslinger - 23.10.2023 22:35

Contrary to what you indicated, I have NEVER had clearing the cache fix anything!

David M
David M - 23.10.2023 21:29

OT : Leo, here's an idea for a video - the AppData folder. I back mine up occasionally but there seems be be dozens of folders and hundreds, if not thousands, of files that constantly change. I think some apps put important files in here unfortunately. I say "unfortunately" because, so many of the files would be pretty useless if trying to recover from a crash. An explanation of this folder along with some ideas on which folders and files ( yes, it will be app dependent ) are worth backing up, if any.

g joseph
g joseph - 23.10.2023 21:09

Does clearing the cache interfere with the user's expected experience on finance related websites?

Francisco Horna
Francisco Horna - 23.10.2023 18:01

i use ccleaner for that i use it everytime i close my browser only thing i dont clear is cookies and history but the rest gets cleared also i want chrome to run just 1 chrome.exe process for 5 tabs instead of multiple chrome.exe processes how is this possible same with firefox and edge i want this for those browsers and is there a browser that dose this thanks
