DROELOE - Back When (1997)
Anime: Ghost in the Shell (2008/2004/1995)
Kara no Kyokai 1&2
Eighy Six (86) S2
Shin no Nakama
Platinum End
Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru
Secret Santa of AMV.de and my "Wichtelchild" whom i presented this video to was sturmphoenix:
Since his wishes did not comply with my skillset and my preferred style i had to come up with something... well i tried i guess.
some fun fact:there are scenes in this video which contain anime sequences from 1995 to 2006 and 2021 this very season.
his wishes were as follows:
He prefered Ghost in the Shell, Black Lagoon, the Melancholie of Haruhi Suzumiya, Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu as source material.
Furthermore he would have liked something funny or artsy, while also wishing for a slower cut and lipsync. A part would suffice tough.
His Message in German:
Hätte gern etwas lustiges oder artstylishes. ich steh weniger auf schnelle action cuts, bin mehr für ruhiger cuts und steh voll auf lipsynch(was zeittechnische halt eng wird, würde mich aber freuen wenn ein Part drin sein könnte)
lastly the compilation where all videos are being presented:
2021 (to be determined)
#DROELOE #Back_When #1997 #AMV #Secret_Santa_2021 #AMV_DE #Ghost_in_the_Shell #86 #Ernst #Eighty_Six #Anime_Musik_Video #2021 #Silvester