917 haters😂
ОтветитьCan someone please tell me the name of the reciter?
I forgot his name.
Science is basically based on observations and conclusions and its changing over time. So why would I use something uncertain to prove which is certain over time? Brothers and sisters have faith in Quran more than the scientifical facts. Ameen❤
ОтветитьHoly Qur'an are the words of Allah (SWT).
ОтветитьAllohu Akbar
ОтветитьMashallah im pro
ОтветитьAnd this is why i am proud to be a Muslim!
ОтветитьSubhan Allahuma wa bihamdih Subhan Allah Al-Atheem Subhan Allah wa Alhamdulilah wa shokro lilah Al-Alei Al-Atheem❤️🤲❤️
Ответитьplease write the Ayah's number in the description so that we can find it
Ответить24-40 :Or [they are] like darknesses within an unfathomable sea which is covered by waves, upon which are waves, over which are clouds - darknesses, some of them upon others. When one puts out his hand [therein], he can hardly see it. And he to whom Allah has not granted light - for him there there’s no light.
ОтветитьAny person who has turned his life towards Allah , just to let you know Allah is with you ❤ Keep Moving ...your are on the right path.
ОтветитьAshadu ALLAH ilaha illa Allahhhhhhhhhh wahadahu lasharikala washadu anna Muhammad pbuh Rasoolallahh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ОтветитьDigital ummah please reupload the 2nd part of Illuminati. Please
ОтветитьAnyone recognizes the reader ? .. the one that recites the ayat :)
ОтветитьI think I am not as grateful as I should be for being born a Muslim
ОтветитьAlxm am a Muslim
Ответить"فَبأَیِّ آلاءِ رَبِّکُما تُکَذِّبانِ "
ОтветитьMay Allah fill our hearts with faith!
Ответитьinsert atheist salty excuse here...
ОтветитьLet's just stay clear of science, because Quran is not a science book and did not come with scientific challenges and we should stick with the best (I.e) the ones who understood it best like the prophet himself and the companions and the early scholars.
ОтветитьGuess how lucky we are!! Allah chosen us to be muslims, Alhamdulillah ❤️
ОтветитьAlhamdulillah for Islam
Laa ilaha illallah
Allahu akbar
Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah
SubhanALLAH Alhamdulillah ALLAH HU AKBAR
ОтветитьFirst book of Enoch and Genesis.
ОтветитьAllahu Akbar
ОтветитьCome watch me read the Quran in English I try to read it accurately and make it understandable and sometimes I’m funny so that is a plus
ОтветитьMay Allah guide us to the right path till our last breath...
Ignorance can be harmful, so strengthen your Imaan.
Is there any proof in quran that prophet muhammad whatever said was truth..And it was send my god itself
ОтветитьAllah akbar.
ОтветитьHow did the Qur'an have this in a verse 1400 years ago? Since Allah SWT made the Qur'an and Allah is the one and only God
ОтветитьWhat's the name of this documentary?
ОтветитьScience is extension of our senses and sometimes we become senseless and stupid so don't rely on science to prove anything.
Ответить* It is mentioned in surat Maarij, chapter 70, verse 4 in the Holy Quran what
means "The angles and the spirit will ascend to Him during a day the extent of which is fifty thousand years".
It means that the distance between the earth and the Siderat Al Muntaha is 50000 years in the reference frame based on the earth or 1 day in the reference frame based on the Siderat Al Muntaha.
To calculate the distance between the earth and the Siderat Al Muntaha, one has to assume two things:
1) A year as mentioned in this noble verse refers to a period in the fabric space-time between the earth and the Siderat Al Muntaha;
2) The angles and spirit travel at the speed of light from the earth to Siderat Al Muntaha.
The first assumption allows us to choose the wavelength of the so-called primordial gravitational waves reprinted in the cosmic microwave background radiation as a period in the fabric space-time, and the second assumption allows us to convert the distance given in light-years to the distance in meters.
Following this approach, one can calculate the distance between the earth and the Siderat Al Muntaha as follows:
d = 50000 in years
d = 50000 × lambda in light-years
d = 50000 × 10^6 × (12 × 30 × 24 × 60 × 60 × 3 × 10^8) in meters
d = 4.665 × 10^26 meters
Where 1 lambda (CMBR) = 1 Million light-years as the astronomical unit or as 1 period in the fabric space-time between the earth and the Siderat Al Muntaha and 1 light-year = 1-year × c = 12 × 30 × 24 × 60 × 60 × 3 × 10^8 in meters as the distance traveled by the light during 1 year (1 revolution of the earth around the sun).
Allah Akhebare to my surprise this value of the distance between the earth and the Siderat Al Muntaha is in perfect agreement with the value of the radius of the universe as expected by the cosmologists.
This coincidence is because the Holy Quran is a book from Allah and the Noble Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is the last messenger of Allah.
But only Allah knows best.
1 - Wikipedia (for the radius of the universe)
2 - La matiere Noire - A la recherche de la plus grande Inconnue de l'univers - Une collection présentee par Hubert Reeves (for the wavelength of the ripples in the fabric space-time known as the gravitational waves reprinted in the cosmic microwave background radiation).
SubhannaAllah walillahilhamd
ОтветитьAmazing I really need this thank you ❤👍
ОтветитьAmazing everyone must know the truth ❤👍but sadly so many people don't know this miracle 💔
ОтветитьSubahanAllah JajakAllah Khair Alhamdulillah La ilaha illallahu Allahu Akbar JajakAllah khair
ОтветитьWho’s the reciter at the end of the video, anyone knows????
Ответитьسبحان الله و بحمده 🙏
ОтветитьAnyone watching in 2025?😢