Political Spectrums Explained — Why is there a left wing and right wing?

Political Spectrums Explained — Why is there a left wing and right wing?

Mr. Beat

4 года назад

1,470,309 Просмотров

Mr. Beat and Mr. Barris explain political spectrums and why the whole left versus right paradigm does more harm than good.

Be sure to subscribe to This is Barris! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfveSKkxngPNNHLoDhqjaOg

Thanks again to Mr. Barris for helping me make this video!

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Produced by Matt Beat. All images by Matt Beat, found in the public domain, or used under fair use guidelines. Music by Electric Needle Room (Mr. Beat's band).
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#politics #leftwing #rightwing

Sources/further reading:

What do people mean when they say that they are “right wing” or “left wing” or on The Right or The Left? Well, the whole left vs. right political spectrum started during the French Revolution. For more about this, I’m going to send you to Barris, from the channel This is Barris! So HERE is Barris.

Thank you for having me over Mr. Beat! To discover the origins of the left v right paradigm, one must go as far as 1789 with the creation of the National Constituent Assembly, whose main task was to create a constitution. Now, while France is proudly republican today and any trace of royalty has long been guillotined away, that wasn’t always the case and a large portion of the population supported the King, or at least those who represented that population. As such when on November 11th, 1789, the assembly had to vote on whether the constitution would grant the King an absolute veto or a partial veto, those who favored an absolute veto were asked to sit on the right of the President of the Assembly and those who favored a partial veto, which was the more radical position, were asked to sit on the President of the Assembly. This wasn’t done symbolically but… to make the vote count easier for the President of the Assembly who felt a bit overwhelmed by the 1,500 deputies. And just like that, France started this idea of change vs tradition, of liberalism vs conservatism which still shapes the political landscape to this day!

It would take another century before the left vs right spectrum became popular outside of France. In the beginning of the 20th century, as revolutions were sprouting across the world, the press and academics needed a quick way to categorize the different ideologies that were fighting each other, especially as these ideologies, both left and right, became increasingly radical. For example, the Bolsheviks, who loved anything related to the French revolution, immediately embraced the leftwing v rightwing spectrum but used themselves as the center. In England, however, it took longer to become popular and books only started referencing it in the late 1920s. Adoption in the US was just as slow but eventually, as partisanship increased in the 1960s during the civil rights movement, the idea of a left vs right political spectrum cemented along the beliefs of both parties.

Well, often the political spectrum looks something like this. On the left side of politics, you tend to see ideas like liberty, equality (aka egalitarianism), progress, and internationalism. On the right side of politics, you tend to see ideas like authority, hierarchy, tradition, and nationalism. On the left, you often see reform, while on the right, you often see reaction. Those on the left tend to want MORE government involvement to make society better. They want it more top down, while those on the right tend to want LESS government involvement to make society better. They want it bottom up. Ideas on the left are often called “liberal” and ideas on the right are often called “conservative.”


#the_political_spectrum_easily_explained #Political_Spectrums_Explained #Why_is_there_a_left_wing_and_right_wing? #left_wing_vs_right_wing_explained #origins_of_left_and_right_in_politics #what_is_the_left_and_right #right_wing_politics_explained #history_of_political_spectrum #political_opinions_explained #crash_course_government_and_politics_political_parties #why_are_there_political_ideologies #left_right_centrism #left_right_paradigm_in_politics #crashcourse_political_ideology
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Mr. Beat
Mr. Beat - 22.11.2019 15:32

Is it time to get rid of the terms "left wing" and "right wing?"

Blythe Anderson
Blythe Anderson - 29.09.2023 13:09

We need to get rid of left and right wing. We're ALL God's children. Satan is trying SO hard to divide us because we'll be easier to control. He's winning! We need to fight back! We are stronger than him! It's time to gather Israel and fight back!!

Jimmy Jones
Jimmy Jones - 27.09.2023 21:38

Keep in mind that both left and right are constantly mis-characterizing (read mis-caracaturizing) the other.

Chris Stadler
Chris Stadler - 27.09.2023 14:58

Sitting here in my yellow shirt, drinking my morning coffee, and watching this I found your call out amusing

Patrick Talley
Patrick Talley - 26.09.2023 16:47

I tend to think of Left and Right as two different philosophies of change management applied at the societal level.

The Left is impatient for societal change and is willing to promote it to the point of revolution, if necessary. They see injustice and marginalized people - or they may be in those groups themselves - who are victims of an oppressive system. They want immediate remedies for those injustices through the intervention of
centralized government power, the law or economic policy. The believe this is the only was to defeat the rich and powerful private interests. The Left are more focused on achieving practical social justice than on adhering to particular constitutional or traditional norms. Results matter more than principles.

The Right is highly skeptical of change and wants to stop it or control it to the point of stasis and authoritarian order, if necessary. They don’t deny the need for social justice, they just don’t want to address it with increased government intervention or radical change in the status quo. The figure every capable person should largely take care of themselves or rely on small communities and local institutions, like churches, to help. They want to protect the traditions, values and institutions that created the current prosperity for most people, even if it means that the few people on the margins haven’t benefited yet. The Right prefers slow evolution to sudden revolution.

I think these divergent Left and Right instincts are partly informed by one’s circumstances. For example, if you’re born poor in a system that seems to cater to rich people, of course you’d want society to change.

But I also think people on either side are motivated by personalities.

People on the Right score high on trait “Conscientiousness” on Big Five personality tests, while folks on the Left score high on trait “Openness”. These traits are formed very early in life, long before any political awareness has been developed, so they must be highly influential.

I think we need a political system flexible enough to change and progress. But we should also trust the instincts on the Right that warn us not to be so eager to change that we throw the baby out with the bath water. Some of our traditions, like constitution, and values, like free speech, that brought us so far are critical to ensuring that we only change for the right reasons, that as many people as possible will benefit (or at least not be harmed), and that the progress we want takes us in the right direction - toward freedom and justice.

Donald Doresy
Donald Doresy - 23.09.2023 02:36

Opposites attract !

Joof Edits
Joof Edits - 22.09.2023 08:06

mr beast give money

Iceblink - 21.09.2023 05:34

The most consistent and logical definition for left and right is simply about hierarchy and equality of decision making power. Not government size, freedom, authoritarianism, etc. If you support reducing or eliminating an existing hierarchy you are left wing on that issue, and if you want to increase the power or create new hierarchies you are on the right on that issue. Most people have a combination of both tendencies depending on the issue. Many left wing people want "larger government" while others want smaller. The important thing is: what do they want the government to DO or NOT DO? Likewise there are capitalists who want less public government so that they can have more freedom to reduce the bargaining power of workers (stronger PRIVATE GOVERNMENTS). This is still right wing, as is a state using socialist justifications to eliminate democratic institutions like the soviet union did. When you look at what people actually do and how they interact with the various hierarchies in our world you can see what their beliefs actually mean in reality.

Badgers48 - 17.09.2023 11:21

Right wingere: facts>feelings
Left wingers: facts<feelings
Me: I just devoured an entire jersey mikes sub in less than 5 min

LeDoti - 17.09.2023 04:35

Please make a correction video. Right and Left only mean ONE thing when it comes to politics. The left means equality and the right means hierarchy. When the french had their pre-revolution national assembly, the people who sat on the left wanted to abolish the monarchy and nobility, and the right side sought to preserve that system. Every other system until the Soviet revolution used left to represent ideas that expanded the equality of power and the right sought to maintain them. The difference between seeing them as liberal and conservative, is that it separates social and political problems. a liberal wants proportional representation in prisons, a leftist wants an end to punitive justice. horseshoe theory only makes sense if you believe a dictatorship is socialism (it is not).

Marshall Littleton
Marshall Littleton - 16.09.2023 08:08

The Left Right paradigm that is prevalent today is actually the European model. It is the Communist definition and is very misleading. It is widely accepted by Socialist elites especially in collages, universities and law schools which are steeped in Marxism. Correctly NAZI National Socialism/Fascism and Communist International Socialism are both in the Left Idealogical spectrum and are only Right and Left of each other. These all fell from the same philosophical tree, the Hegelian Dialectic. Example; Marxist Dialectical Materialism. In America these are all Left while Americanism or our Liberal Democracy with its Originalist Constitution interpretation and Judeo-Christian Values is Right.

Jamie Froggatt
Jamie Froggatt - 15.09.2023 13:44

I confused even more, which way would born again Christians go?

James Slick
James Slick - 13.09.2023 04:04

I had to bail when "Nazis" were considered "right", As the Nazis WERE Socialists! It's part of the very FUCKIN name of the party! Unsubbed.

Leveler - 13.09.2023 03:36

I have learned from this that the human race is a chaotic failure.

fgd sadsdf vsdfgsdafg sdfgsdgsdfsdcf
fgd sadsdf vsdfgsdafg sdfgsdgsdfsdcf - 12.09.2023 02:43

Awesome video, made my history homework a breeze!

Vixx Celacea
Vixx Celacea - 11.09.2023 19:17

Left and right are purely economic spheres
Conservative and Liberal are cultural spheres and deal with social policy.
Politics are a horseshoe. The extreme on either end are just a reflection of each other.

You can be a left wing conservative or a right wing liberal. They are not exclusive.
Libertarians are generally right wing liberals.

America devolved into left and right erroneously.
Also America is SOLELY right wing economically and has been since it's inception.
Left wing does not exist in the USA and any policy that people think is left is at best right center. Seriously, the rest of the world doesn't have right and extreme right like the USA does.

Politics are vital because they deal with social and economic concerns that affect all of us. They are not "just politics"
Though they should be, because a TON of issues shouldn't have to do with personal ideas and guesses on specific policies, they should be deferred to experts who actually know about these things.

I should not be able to vote on how a plane is built when I don't know enough about aerodynamics. If I want to vote on that, I should take a course and a test to verify that I understand the basics and want to be apart of the decision making regarding what materials are used and how in order to promote better safety, cost effectiveness and other concerns. I shouldn't be able to have a voice when I do not know what I am talking about.

Politics in this way baffles me, but considering we went from oligarchy to democracy, it makes sense that we still don't know what we're doing.

money - 09.09.2023 16:07

Im prefern Tradicion and Nationalism , because im actually proud of my etnicity , because im Slovakian

Lizard King
Lizard King - 08.09.2023 00:41

It's simple, it's to trick people into thinking that there is a good side to government.

Azazin187 - 07.09.2023 16:41

I recommend "9axes" instead of the political compass. It helps you to understand where you are on the political spectrum on core issues.
And just be clear, left does not automatically mean more state or government, that's historically false.
Here is a simple overview of left and right:
Far-Left: Communism, Anarchism, Libertarian Socialism
Left: Democratic Socialism, (Old) Social Democracy
Center-Left: Social Liberalism, (New) Social Democracy, Green politics (Environmentalism)
Center-Right: Classical Liberalism, Neo-Liberalism
Right: Conservatism, Right-Libertarianism (Minarchism), Christian Democracy
Far-Right: Fascism, Nazism, Monarchism, Anarcho-Capitalism

Andrew Blackman
Andrew Blackman - 06.09.2023 20:48

Sorry, but it came from the seating in Britannia’s Parliament, relative to where the Prime Minister sat. The Conservative Party sat to his right. The Liberal & later, the Labour Party, to his or her left.

The reason why this is antithetical to American democracy is that in The U.K., there is only 1 party in power, and compromises, for the sake of national well being, does not compute there.

Here, before this left/right, divisive rhetoric, politicians served their constituents’ best interests.

The increasing dysfunction in America is the result of the betrayal of the majority’s interests, by duplicitous politicians and self-serving civil servants who divide and evidently betray the spirit of 1776.

marissa montoya
marissa montoya - 06.09.2023 07:35

your bias is showing.

Matthew Magda
Matthew Magda - 06.09.2023 03:01

Mr. Beat's aesthetic is pretty fluid but I'm digging his crazy beatnik vibes here.

heroinu - 05.09.2023 17:03

why is mr beast talkign about poltiic

Duppy's Human!
Duppy's Human! - 05.09.2023 06:27

Who decides what issues to focus on? All any of us know about anything is chosen by the media.

Ocean Rocks
Ocean Rocks - 04.09.2023 09:06

Lol I’m completely alone in the political sphere. I mostly lean socially right (secure our southern border; deport all illegals, heavily restrict future immigration, tough on crime policies, against race-based quotas, transing kids shouldn’t be allowed, men who ID as women shouldn’t enter women’s spaces). The only social issue I fall centrist on is the gun issue, I’m in support of red flag laws because I believe there should be limits to who can own guns and it shouldn’t be easily accessed like candy. And I do believe the more guns = the more homicides and that other countries are safer without them but I do acknowledge that the right to own a gun is in the constitution. And on the abortion issue, I think I lean right, but I don’t see it as an important enough topic to focus on compared to everything else I mentioned, but I lean economically left (affordable healthcare, housing, raising taxes on the rich).

The One n' Only KG 1996
The One n' Only KG 1996 - 02.09.2023 16:57

It's a little off topic, but Jesus (back in His days), was not a politician!

He was considered a prophet by many (as Muslims strongly consider Him today), and a prophet (back then), was definitely more valuable than a politician in those times!

Now? A very select few (Christians) over the globe, hail Him as the Christ/Messiah, the savior of the world who died horribly for Our sins, sacrificing Himself for Us, so that eternal life is possible through Jesus!

Back then, Christians (Jesus's first group of disciples) were known as a "dangerous sect" by the Jewish people!

syed nasir
syed nasir - 31.08.2023 20:19

I am a full on communist

Athael - 31.08.2023 17:58

Republican Party: no
Democratic Parry: no
Mario Party: yes

Kaward T
Kaward T - 30.08.2023 02:52

What great name. Right and left wings. Whats next?

Templar - 29.08.2023 23:21

Blame the French.

fairy_nurse M
fairy_nurse M - 29.08.2023 22:23

Definitely a righty!

Mamba Kroko.
Mamba Kroko. - 29.08.2023 12:43

I n I Rastafari...no ism

experi-MENTAL Productions
experi-MENTAL Productions - 29.08.2023 02:54

This could all be solved if we just made a political spectrum that went:

Human ----------------- Human

Then we could actually get on with sorting stuff out.....

Vextonomy - 28.08.2023 14:58

I just want to grill

emmc (electronicmeminecrafting)
emmc (electronicmeminecrafting) - 28.08.2023 03:16

most other countries have many many parties instead of two so its a lot less and a lot more confusing

Joe L 02
Joe L 02 - 28.08.2023 01:01

Left, right, up, down, Black, white…classic divide and conquer 😂😂😂

Trippy Hippie
Trippy Hippie - 27.08.2023 10:12

It’s not left versus right. It’s us versus them.

Gigachad - 27.08.2023 08:38

Im baffled that people think liberals are leftists

AndyGrouch - 25.08.2023 22:24

Perfect centre would be the ideal political construct.

Sai Kaushal
Sai Kaushal - 22.08.2023 19:22

At this point, progressivism might as well be authoritarian.

si - 22.08.2023 10:27

The left collectivism right individualism linear political spectrum based on freedom and liberty of the individual is the best and most logical spectrum for positioning a parties or individuals ideological position.
Collective Totalitarianism zero freedom or liberty far left opposite the far right.

BarryLyndon - 20.08.2023 17:36

This is an idealistic (typically Protestant) view of differences in "moral ideas." The historical reality of the left and the right has to do with who controls the state and for whom. The Jacobin left created the political nation against the aristocracy, and the following generations of the left simply expanded the integration into the State of more layers of the population. The right wing simply reacts to this.

tartipouss - 19.08.2023 07:26

Ma man Hans Eysenck really looked at communism, the ideology that don't want any state or class (essentially no authority), and then put it as authoritarian as fascism.
Quite impressive

Well to be fair, he probably just looked at Stalin's USSR which was self proclaimed "communist" (even tho it didn't really fit any criteria of communism) and saw that, yes, it was very similar to nazi germany.
Btw, nazis called themselves socialist nazi is the short term for "national socialistm". The name of a party does not mean anything as any party can call themselves whathever they like... which is very annoying as it forces you to do hours of research on a party before being able to know in which category they would fit...

Politics fucking sucks so much at naming stuff on every single side and I absolutely hate it with my entire being !

Rikka-ka ka
Rikka-ka ka - 19.08.2023 03:23

I know I'm going to get an unbiased look at the spectrum when the video starts out biased immediately

Duncan.o'vic - 18.08.2023 16:05

This explains only that people don't know what they're talking about, politics are simple. Left benefits to majority, right benefits minority (and that only in appearance).
Current politics is all about confusing and persuading people that they are centrists, so that they can support the right wing policies while their interests lie in left wing policies.

Sadhana s
Sadhana s - 15.08.2023 11:29

did I hear, "with the yellow shirt", because I am wearing one ?😲

SantaFe19484 - 15.08.2023 00:46

I am a Christian. I don't care about any of these chart labels.
