FFXIV vs WoW: A Completely Different Experience

FFXIV vs WoW: A Completely Different Experience

Legendary Drops

1 год назад

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@LegendaryDrops - 18.01.2023 17:39

There is a ton of stuff that didn't make it into the video. I like WoWs' approach to gearing, WoWs PVP, I think the work orders system is really cool, timewalking is an interesting concept, and the classes all feel unique. I plan on making a follow-up, so I hope you guys like the video.

@mackenzie2042 - 29.12.2023 14:00

They're just too different MMOs to compare them properly. That's why I always hate hearing FFXIV players in random games crying about how every game sucks and they just wanna play FFXIV. It happens in every MMO I play

@Guardwolf65 - 28.12.2023 13:00

I wish I could get into FF14 but the world is just not my style at all. ESO is the world I like the most but the I can not stand the combat. I play WoW because its a happy middle ground.

@Vote_Blue - 27.12.2023 02:23

i couldn't stand ffxiv... load screens, everywhere!

@riftwalker9296 - 25.12.2023 04:03

I'm pretty certain the Criterion Dungeons are FFXIV dipping its toes into a Mythic style content.

@thunderdragon8341 - 24.12.2023 07:03

What I don’t like about wow is the community and the bots

@12Blubb12 - 23.12.2023 12:02

Bro hasnt even played classic WoW and wants to compare WoW with FF14. xD

@adanos4 - 19.12.2023 18:17

FFXIV has msq and i hate msq.

@florianchoquet8679 - 14.12.2023 08:25

Final fantasy XIV is horribly ugly. The universe and game aesthetics make me want to puke. That’s the reason why I don’t and won’t ever play the game. You must have no eyes to say it looks better than wow.

@Allen2142 - 08.12.2023 20:32

The clear winner here is Guild Wars 2.

@ViewTube_Emperor_of_Mankind - 26.11.2023 17:30

I knew this was all fake the moment he mentioned the gamer girl.

@orbinsolem - 26.11.2023 03:59

The only thing holding me back from switching to ffxiv is the lack of a mythic+ style game mode. id love to raid and stuff, but keeping a schedule with a guild and using voice chat prohibits me from raiding successfully

@TheRogueX - 19.11.2023 09:51

So wait, did they get rid of the original style racial starting zones in WoW?

@FutayuriShironeko - 15.11.2023 13:20

New player or players who arent already familiar with its lore is straight up bad, because with 10 expacs and 3 rts games there is no way someone new to the universe will spend 1.2k hrs as a minimum to go through the lore of the universe.
FFXIV msq is taking around 200 hrs so imagine msq 6 times that, most people wont even start for the same reason most anime enjoyers dont watch one piece.

Also wow even though is much older hands down beats ffxiv in game responsiveness due to artificial 500ms inbuild server latency.
Also wow not flashbanging you every time boss wants to do a raid wide is not a negative. Boss tells could be better but 5k hrs in ffxiv i would like a boss to not flashbang me anymore for some raidwide dmg.

@XxUchihamistressxX - 15.11.2023 09:03

Omfg, Nidhogg gives PTSD vibes. That shit was just BEYOND personal. Bruh. I fought him when he was RELEVANT. My group wiped about 10-15 times before we finally beat him. That shit was wild and it was the moment I was permanently hooked on FFXIV. Heavansward is my favorite expansion because it felt so real and personal. It dragged you into this beautifully tragic story and made YOU a part of every moment. It was just awesome. I am so so glad new players will get to experience every moment of what I went through going through HW albeit a little easier.

@IceWolve67 - 12.11.2023 23:39

I played WoW for years and FF14 for a few weeks now, my view :
- WoW has a salty and unwelcoming communty of old player living in their mom's basement that play normal dungeons like their lives depend on it
- I like wow's style better as it's more "eastern" and not everyone looks like a catgirl or kpop singer
- WoW used to have an awesome lore but nowaday, they retconned it and don't even know their lore, and change it whenever it can be used to make more sales (make a character gay for no reason and use it as a sales argument)
- WoW went woke and Pegi 13, from cool and dark story to some kid stories (duskshire for instance or plagueland to "cute vulpewaa hugging dwagon owo, and every body is kind except bad people ")
- FF14 is weeb, but men, the story and world become really engaging, you are "the chosen one", but the world is consistent with it. In WoW, one day you kill the god of death and a titan general of the legion's demonic army, and the next day people don't know you and ask you to pick up daisy and clean toilet.
- FF14 gives you much stuff to do AT YOUR OWN PACE where WoW feels like a second job. "grind this, do that, or else in 4 month half of the content will be lost"

WoW has a special place in my heart, but unlike the neckbeard that built up that salty community, I left and accepted that the game has evolved to become something I don't enjoy, and far from the game I enjoyed. FF14 is nice so far, and I enjoy beeing able to play at my own pace

@suchawow - 08.11.2023 09:29

See the issue I have with Final Fantasy is that all the characters are basically just human with different animal ears and some are just shorter... "Adding different looking races makes it harder to make models for their armor" argument is stupid because Guildwars 2 exists and thats a boss game. Then there's the people that say "people only play human anyways" and to that I just say no. Now I am not saying world of warcraft is better or worse but I had a better experience when I played legion solo. I didn't have the issues of people telling me to have add on and stuff. I just kinda queued and played a blood elf warlock till around level 105 and just kinda moved on. I really mostly played wow for pet battles. With final fantasy its kinda hard to engage because im nota fan of reading a wall of text to explain the story and I might as well just read a book. Then also the world is unfamiliar with me as you know Final Fantasy is a multiverse. I have a hard time to get nostoligic for anything and the beggining of the game is just a slog and overwhelms you will 100 different quests where yes there is a main quest but i end up doing it way overleveled sometimes because i dont even realize there was one. I was too busy collecting cotton to make some boots ot realize the game even has a plot. At this rate I don't see myself really going back to either I am going to give it another go but its really fucking hard to get into them.

@xbon1 - 06.11.2023 23:53

it's not a diff experience.. it's the same. real time hotbar action mmorpgs. and yes ffxiv is high intensity fast action with the ogcds and savage/ultimate gameplay, even more than what WoW offers. I play both games and whenever one is better than the other i go to the better one, but lately FFXIV has been all Ws.

@zachsmith8967 - 05.11.2023 21:30

Age of sigmar return of reckoning

@yuriestevam4355 - 03.11.2023 07:28

I want to play both so badly but I'm afraid that I can't manage such thing within my schedule. But seeing how FF seems to have these "spaces" between patches and expansions, and seeing how other people can make it, I think it might be possible.

@iceicco1598 - 29.10.2023 22:43

5 minutes of ''i know what i'm talking bout''

@BorgWolf359 - 26.10.2023 09:43

I agree with you on WoW! I went back into WoW after leaving at patch 3.5! Coming back for Nightborne BFA then left & came back for Dracthyr DI & left again! FFXIV is my Main MMORPG & my Favorite of all time!

@federalcheesegrater556 - 25.10.2023 08:44

Saying Final Fantasy looks better because its more modern or whatever and simultaneously comparing it to WoW-Armor from 2004 is super misleading and unfair.
Saying that WoW's combat animations look dated whilst showing a class that was added and not visually updated over a decade ago is again super misleading and unfair.

To me personally, WoW not only plays way smoother but looks better at the same time. From visuals to sound-design, WoW is simply way more attractive and playable than Final Fantasy. Especially Final Fantasy looks like a 2010's Free to Play game with the stiff animations and uncanny smooth "skin" - the games sound is just like that aswell.

The over-stated "reliance" on Addons is a big lie in WoW and I don't get why people still complain about it. I've done raids and medium-difficulty mythic+ without any combat addons and by just reading the built-in Boss-Journal. Simply don't stand in fire and 75% of the game becomes trivial.

Overall I felt like this video was VERY Final Fanatsy biased and despite you indirectly judging Asmon and Bellular in the beginning on how they talk the game down permanently, you've basically only talked the game down aswell. Especially when you said that you enjoy playing smaller scale content like M+ but not even 2 minutes after, you recommed that people that enjoy such content should consider playing FF.

WoW is a group content-oriented game whilst FF is a more social experience with some RPG elements stapled onto it.

@jasonbrown2587 - 23.10.2023 07:41

Your assessment if the use of the world is off. WOW makes you go out in the world for everything. Ffxiv gives you the choice. And hunts. Fates. Mining fishing and gathering require they world traversal. Ffxiv allowing players to queue dungeons from anywhere while doing anything is huge win for FFXIV. and you comment “without going into WOWs need for add ons” just glossing over the biggest issue with wow. Accessibility. Wow is not accessible. Ffxiv crushes wow in that column. Wow is a great game. Yoshi P in many interviews has said he had the teams look at WoW when developing ARR. but this conversation is 3 years and still meaningless. There is no villain or victim here.

@ErraticFaith - 13.10.2023 17:44

FFXIV is so braindead easy, you'd have to have an IQ in the triple digit negatives to consider anything a 'ramp up' from healers single button rotation lol. Perhaps thats 'skill' to you - but I am pretty sure a lobotomized monkey could complete the content.

@GrimRejji47 - 12.10.2023 18:29


@jhonayo4887 - 07.10.2023 17:27

I have to hard disagree. FF14 does not look better. FF14 art style is muddy and each npc including the player character look out of place. Ive never like any FF aesthetic there is something always something off about them.

@slavche - 29.09.2023 14:33

I was LOOKING at the "newer" game engine you showed your clips of, in FFXIV I couldn't even SEE what anybody doing. the combat animations can be TURNED OFF/DOWN?

WTF? the devs have a MAIN option in the MAIN menu, that turns 50% down animations.. wHY? cuz they GET IN THE WAY, they SUCK..

If ffxiv had better GEAR in the beginning, to get you hooked, BETTER animations.. and THE UI fucking SUCKS in FFXIV.. you tried to tell us that newer game FFXIV had better ui.

Please LOOK at the Ui on FFXIV.. IT SUCKS... compared to WoW ui.. CARTOONY + SIMPLE + VERY EFFECTIVE. . GREAT looking!, NOTHING takes up 50% of the screen, EVER.
Wow ui, you can press N, talents pop up in NICE triple split way, the UI to click on that is SO SIMPLE, and effective..

in raiding, I LOVE how animations are done.. AND WOW TO THIS DAY.... is STILL king of PVP/PVE combat.. the COMBAT is SOOO smooth. I can KNOW in Nano second when Cone of Cold is used, in nano second I can see if somebody in my raid AND WHO IT WAS,,, that did Arcane explosion.. I can see if MY OFF TANKS ARE USING WHIRLWIND.. or MORTAL STRIKE BUILD.

I can't SEE ANY OF THAT too clearly in FFXIV.. DEVS KNOW IT.. so they have option to TURN IT ALL THE WAY F*CK DOWN...

That shit SUCKS..

see I did to FFXIv what you just did.. THATS WRONG.. It is right all the POSITIVES I said for WOW and NEGATIVES for FFXIV.. PLAY THEM YOURSELF.. play WOW CLASSIC/BC classic ( I am too)
It is ALL TRUE.. play FFXIV in beginning again.. iT IS KINDA BORING at start.

HOWEVER, I will do a full review here, THERE ARE BIG positives to FFXIV. The story encompasses A MORE BROADLY DONE STORY, with cutscenes more frequent than WoW and better.

Dungeons got better and animations got WORSE? like you can turn them off a bit I guess? So almost better than it WAS? either way that is a big weakness to FFXIv. HOWEVER, Nearing the mid game and end game, I see the STORY and FEEL of FFXIV is NEWER? per say? so it is better in SOME WAYS.

Yes FFXIV is BETTER in some ways( cuz newer graphics , still UI sucks, ANIMATIONS slower than WoW and worse, GEAR kinda better in Wow BUT FFXIV is newer, and STORY is way better).
I play BOTH, classic WoW, pVP, pVE, GUILDS, seeing my char grow and friends, UNBEATABLE.. but for OVERALL player to player experience,, FFXIV is finally CATCHING wow. STILL you made it seem like cuz it's CATCHING wow.. that EVERY ASPECT IS BETTER. nope.. if WOW came out today SAME GAME just newer graphics.. BOOOM FFXIV is done being #2 / #1... for now they share that #1 rank.. WOW has had #1 rank for 20+ years. no need to LIE about it.. it is STILL the single best COMBAT/ MMO nature game.. it SUCKS compared to TODAYS (FFXIV) QUESTING and shit.

@flavioromano8754 - 27.09.2023 21:34

dragon riding from wow is a direct copy from gw2

ALSO mythic plus is also from gw2's fractals.

@ismaelrodriguezbarrero4945 - 22.09.2023 11:03

Raiding in FF14 looks button-mashing as hell... Also fighting in a squared dance floor all the bosses does not look good estetically (even if the graphics are stunning), I know wow also has bosses to dodge areas and the same but the scenarios are different are more different mechanics to do.

@kernalrom - 19.09.2023 05:20

Appreciate the review... But the fear of covid.... Weak... Thumbs down

@redrav4233 - 18.09.2023 07:33

You should look into guild wars 2.
A very under rated mmo.

@Raoul9753 - 17.09.2023 14:50

Honestly, I dont even care which one is better, but anyone who still gives as much as a single cent to Activision these days, is to blame for the crappy state of AAA gaming we have today. Activision should by all rights to bankrupt for their openly anti-player stand and predatory game design.

@zekesant6124 - 16.09.2023 05:40

It feels like a lot of WoW’s shortcomings are recent developments, and that they would do better to reintroduce old mechanics or subsystems. I play both Retail and WotLK Classic, but I wouldn’t play Retail at all without Classic.

@BasedChadman - 15.09.2023 23:07

Only issues with FF are the small world, terrible pvp, and built-in lag.

Class design is better than most MMOs, but a game like WoW simply feels a lot better to play.

FF has much better social aspects, transmog, etc. but falls short in the aspect of gameplay, which is most important to me.

That being said, I think it is the objectively best MMO out there, and I'd gladly come back if they reverted the pruning of classes and went back to HW complexity. The game was more fun to me back then, especially with tanks having stances to juggle.

@RicardoSantos-oz3uj - 13.09.2023 00:48

Neither. While FF14 is still my relax game. Its endgame sucks. So I end up making alts.

I find Guild Wars 2 is much better at exploration. Sometimes is overwhelming, so I don't log in every day.

And SWTOR is better at story and housing. It also have a good community. Although the game play is dated.

The main thing I like of FF14 is its one character/many jobs approach. As well as the chill out community.

Tried Wow. But found it incredibly boring. I guess due to the new player experience being hostile to new players. Is almost like Blizzard does not want new players.

One good thing of GW2 and SWTOR is that I am under no pressure to login or continue paying a subscription. FF14 main flaw is housing. You stop paying your sub, your house gets demolished. I have no problem like that in SWTOR. And I can share the same houses with all my alts. Something that is impossible to do in FF14 as you cannot friend your alts. I can add a stranger to my house. But I can't add an alt to my house.

I have no problem with subs in GW2, as I just pay for the expansions. Not a monthly fee. True, I could pay extra to not play the game. But why do that?

Tried New world, but hated the "wait for a boss to show up and hope someone else doesn't kill it, otherwise you will be waiting half an hour more and hope someone else doesn't show and kill it."

@cosmicperception7731 - 12.09.2023 18:47

They only problem I have with final fantasy is you have to pay a monthly fee for an unknown game ( for most people ) and alot of people won’t do that.

I played it for a bit and definitely doesn’t beat wow in my opinion (as a healer ). In a few years when they really refine it but in my opinion wow is still the better MMO.

If they want to bring more players they should drop the monthly fee. I know it doesn’t work like that but just my opinion. I was literally going to play it again and forgot about the monthly fee and went against buying it again.

@Bertilsdotter1 - 11.09.2023 18:35

I do not agree. I have been playing wow for 15 years. As a new player, I hate the story. A lot of text to be read where there is some speech. The transport is worthless. Keep track of lots of places by name. The map is disjointed and you end up in lots of loading screens. Feels like you are in a puzzle. The graphics feel old and boring environments. I only play to get to the end-game

@johnpaulmckee8462 - 08.09.2023 19:00

Coming from someone who played wow for my whole life and just recently got into final fantasy 14, and is struggling between picking one. This video is AMAZING!!! So informative thank you

@chaosette - 06.09.2023 08:35

Wow could fix the whole ninja loot hogs system if they did what ff14 Dont Announce what people rolled just say this person rolled on the item every wow expansion they say they fix the ninja loot hogs and every expansion its a lie

@chaosette - 06.09.2023 08:32

You forgot how wow is handing out flying and allied races now in wow but to get flying in ff14 you had to look for the aether currents in each map to be able to flying that area

@tameelah3839 - 04.09.2023 07:23

I tried Wow, and you are right, New players are not looked upon well. I had 8 people rage quit in a normal dungeon. One thing goes wrong, people have a tanty and leave. In FF14 the party dusts itself off and tries again.

@PedroIgori - 24.08.2023 03:54

Saying wow got good story when it comes to RPGs let alone MMORPGs is a giant cope, wow stories suck, they coasted along a while with the background worldbuilding of the warcraft RTS games but wow's narrative was always rule of cool and "we want a cool boss so hes the bad guy now" type of storytelling (looking at you illidan) and half the story is told in books or animations OUTSIDE the game, its just a mess and whats there isnt even good, mediocre at best

@dirtbikeryzz - 04.08.2023 06:39

I swear mmo fans spend ridiculous amounts of time justifying playing. Clearly its not fun if your doing that 😂

@sean2val - 03.08.2023 06:05

agree wow leveling in dragon flight is a mess

@dusanslavnic4727 - 30.07.2023 08:02

The #1 idea I believe most FF players want SE to copy off WoW is the collections tab and specifically the transmog appearance system. Not having to hold onto gear for glamour would be amazing and save so much inventory space for marketboard domination instead

@nathanhargenrader645 - 29.07.2023 02:06

Koikatsu party, truly the greatest mmo

@tattoomaniacsalina - 18.07.2023 02:49

FFXIV encourages breaks so you can play other games?!?!! This is alarming and a red flag imo for a game that charges a monthly subscription fee. So youre supposed to pay monthly and dont get stuff to do the whole month

@luping9941 - 14.07.2023 08:51

i never feel the hype in WoW
but FFXIV is different specially the story expansions

@capolot - 10.07.2023 05:38

I feel like if ff14 add a mythic plus system it would be game over for wow. I don’t even play ff14
