A visual history of migration to South Australia from the colony's beginnings to the present day.
Education at History Trust of South Australia provides curriculum-aligned education content for teachers and students. Explore more of our resources on our website www.education.history.sa.gov.au
The History Trust of South Australia collects and preserves the states stories and material culture. It is responsible for the State History Collection which contains over 43,000 objects that all form a part of South Australia's story. Further, the History Trust of South Australia operates three museums - the Migration Museum, the National Motor Museum and the South Australian Maritime Museum, along with the Centre of Democracy which is a collaboration with the State Library of South Australia. The History Trust’s role is to encourage current and future generations of South Australians to discover this state’s rich, relevant and fascinating past.
History Trust of South Australia: https://www.history.sa.gov.au/
History Trust of South Australia YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HistoryTrustofSouthAustralia/
Collections and objects: https://www.history.sa.gov.au/digital-collections/