I Spent 100 Days in Kenshi... Here's What Happened

I Spent 100 Days in Kenshi... Here's What Happened


1 год назад

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oneSAIYAN_DarkKaji - 03.10.2023 21:38

peak kenshi. a true journey to greatness...

Veer - 29.09.2023 00:11


Kridad Kool
Kridad Kool - 27.09.2023 04:33

I hear to remind you all of the Legend of TORSOLO!!

Rian Voogt
Rian Voogt - 26.09.2023 19:42

why struggle in the desert at start, so many other places like the area you eventually built a base. plus as seen its easier to just gain armor etc loot from bodies rather than crafting. selling those then yield faster profit than selling 6c bandanas.

Andross1606 - 25.09.2023 00:05

The guy knows good music like Nier Automata or Made in Abyss, it's great to listen to this type of music and know that you are part of the culture XD

Lucifearus - 24.09.2023 07:38

!!! i had been waiting for this!! cheers mate

Maestro - 22.09.2023 19:45

<3 did i hear the music from Made in Abyss ?

Courtland S.
Courtland S. - 21.09.2023 18:43

bro became the biggest plug

melanclock - 21.09.2023 08:54

I gave beep my edge type 1 stick

Alex Rosu
Alex Rosu - 20.09.2023 18:04

I'm still playing my longest campaign ever 1200+ days in-game. My guy rose from zero to king in his own castle. As soon as I spawned in the Hub I started power leveling, first my athletics and swimming to 90 this meant that no matter what my main guy would survive. I then trained my stealth in the Bast area was pretty easy since there's alot of UC and HN squads duking it out. I then "purchased" a high level crossbow (expanded crossbows mod or w/e that adds a shitton of xbow variants) and ample stacks of bolts, skiddadled up to the leviathan coast and power leveled my crossbow + perception + dexterity by getting leviathans stuck in the terrain and just shooting them. After that it was time prove the world of Kenshi that I've become a man. Ran all the way to the bugmaster, snuck into his chamber at night and shot him down. Handed him to dommy mommy Esata, claimed my rewards a small fortune and my future bride Seto. I also got Ruka from Admag and Beep from Mongrel and that was the squad I rolled with from there. I went on various adventures in all four corners of the world. Did some bounties, did research along the way... exterminated the fishmen. And as time passed my protagonists reached legendary status.. all their main stats in the 90s, tier VI research and plenty of cats and gear. It was time to settle down.. I bought the big outpost building in Heft and started an adventuring shop/bar/inn with it's own clinic. A place where you could come in rest, get patched up, have a drink spend the night and buy supplies in the morning for your adventure. Everything was produced in house due to the miracle of science.. the bar was doing so well I opened up one in each UC city and thus the foundation of my Empire was laid. After opening a successful business chain I bought my nobility ( another mod, heavily modded playthrough ) from Tengu and started recruiting samurai to my cause.. pretty soon I had a whole army (200 samurai + 20 sniperbots I got from the sniper valley). A whole lotta mouths to feed so I wasted no time and set up a forward base right near okran's shield which served as a staging point for a full scale invasion. I could rest, train and gear up my army here, looked really cool having 50 recruits using the training equipment in tandem as the smiths and cooks worked tirelessly to equip and feed the army. With all this might I still couldn't take okran's shield head on so I build ramparts with turrets as close as I could and drew them in slowly whittling their numbers until I was ready to cut the snake's head. The invasion progressed slowly ( due to reactive world mod + mod to make HN stronger + high squad settings ) but I employed gorillo tactics, carrying out small raids against their mines and farms, slowly starving them out. Then one city fell after the other and the holy nation crumbled under it's own weight. With the religious fanatics out of the way the fertile valley connecting the world together was opened up. And this is where I am now building the infrastructure in those fertile lands.. there's one huge city in the middle being bisected by the river + main road, this is my capital and I have built outposts ( after my adventure bar model) all along the way from Bark to Stack with dedicated squad members living there a shopkeeper, workers, guards, runners etc. At this point I'm pretty much playing the game like an RTS just watching the dots ( 1000 squad mates mod ) move on the map while my main guy sits in on his throne with Seto by him, Ruka as elite bodyguard and Beep as spymaster/hitman. I plan to slowly take over the whole world( except maybe Swamp idk ) and rebuild civilization in the truest sense. Next I will conquer the Shek, use them to create a new fighting force to complement my main army ( heavily armored Shek warriors with planks for cleaving ) with which I will finally destroy the UC and Traders Guild, (I already have sleeper cells in each major city, the bars ), free all the slaves, march my massive army right up Tengu's stairs capture him, capture the rest of the nobles tie them to poles in the public square in Heft and have the ex-slaves beat them up. I have an even longer story in mind where after my dude becomes Emperor of Kenshi he starts experimenting with arcane technologies ( lotta research mods that add nifty high tech stuff ) he becomes obsessed with the old world, I still have the bugmaster captured in a small hut outside sho-battai. I will build a secluded lab down in the Ashlands and there experiment on the bugmaster ( a mod that makes him look scary and ups his stats, 150 hp, combat speed, regen ) trying to uncover the secret to immortality. As time goes by he slowly grows insane being consumed by his quest for eternal life. Growing ever desperate he decides to upload his consciousness into the bugmaster's body (no fancy mod I just used recruit prisoner mod and released my former main char) , naively thinking he erased every trace of the demented bugmaster's mind. After coming back from the Ashlands some more stuff will happen ( i haven't thought of that yet ) but he will grow ever more cruel and sadistic, replacing his limbs with god tier (another mod) robotics on top of the bugmaster's abilities. Wandering the realm mindlessly slaughtering everyone in his way, he becomes a monster that needs to be stopped. All this culminates in an epic end battle where his former squad mates his friends his family will face him. And there's no good ending no matter the outcome of the battle, if the Emperor wins he will simply become a walking apocalypse, roaming the land as the prosperous civilization he once built crumbles around him ( basically a third fall for the the world of Kenshi ) and if his adjutants win they will become local warlords vying for bits of territory of the once Grand Empire sparking numerous civil wars over the years, untill the world finally reverts back it's lawless state. THANKS FOR READING!

Yim ya
Yim ya - 19.09.2023 19:08

More please

Terese Holmqvist
Terese Holmqvist - 13.09.2023 21:22

200 days pls

Galaxy 5
Galaxy 5 - 16.08.2023 02:01

Kenshi is unforgiving

facehugger3 - 13.08.2023 21:47

Starts the game with only one arm LOL.

Dimsumkf - 10.08.2023 16:46

thank you, i started kenshi first time today and im so fucking lost and got killed by a group of bandit and quit, you gave me guide to do essential things, thank you i really want to love this game.

Marco Hoyt
Marco Hoyt - 09.08.2023 22:29

How did you level up armour smithing so quick. It took me 34 days of constant bandana making and cotton buying. I made supply chains with the other towns to source cotton to Heft so I can make more bandanas and It still took me like 30 days until I started making standard bandanas.

Bad Marxist
Bad Marxist - 09.08.2023 15:53

You sound like werner herzog mid purberty, subbed.

ZiP - 09.08.2023 09:21

Nier ost just hits different

Kitsu - 06.08.2023 06:02

How the fuck did Jeremy not lose his leg? In the game you lose the game when you reach -100% of your limb health. And he had -125/80


Smoody Doody
Smoody Doody - 06.08.2023 03:58

More.... MORE

tyraelpl - 04.08.2023 20:37

I dunno what it is about this game but it's just ugly.

Random User
Random User - 02.08.2023 10:27

You should look the yellow meat you find on various mobs, Hivers and animals are able to eat it

Ryan Pepper
Ryan Pepper - 02.08.2023 07:35

Kenshi Banana tycoon

Dragonking47 - 02.08.2023 01:43

RIP Beep😕

viruse - 01.08.2023 10:55

you are talking like forest gumb

Snecc TheSnake
Snecc TheSnake - 01.08.2023 08:28

You let beep die! You monster!

K369 - 30.07.2023 13:00

Buy a trader's backpack. It may seem smaller in capacity, but it allows you to stack many items such as ore. This stacking ability means it has vastly more capacity for stackable items compared to even a large thieves backpack.
I keep 2 backpacks on my characters, one for non stackables and a trader's backpack for stackables. I swap them out when I need to trade or sell.

Shannon Woods
Shannon Woods - 28.07.2023 02:32

Just started a solo build from Sho Batai, honestly I already gained a bounty that made me run to the Hub...Doen't take long xD

snake - 27.07.2023 20:49

3 : 46 "while we crafted bananas"
not making fun but it sounds really funny man , love your content tho 😹

Arcturion - 26.07.2023 17:30

RIP Beep, you will never be beeping forgotten. 😔

Fusionthejoker - 25.07.2023 20:59

Was wondering why I was hearing a familiar sound thinking it was in my head then realizing he had dearly beloved as his background music at some point in the video

Dragon_Ninja_218 - 24.07.2023 05:20

Nice. Love to see more Kenshi!

Muscle Raf
Muscle Raf - 22.07.2023 15:32

Play with mods

Akuti - 17.07.2023 06:57

Letting Beep die is unacceptable.

Vhbcc Cuhvv
Vhbcc Cuhvv - 16.07.2023 20:22

thats exactly how the game is meant to be played. Good video my guy!

Martin Iltner
Martin Iltner - 14.07.2023 12:23

this is the content i need doing stuff for uni niceu

Snoops - 12.07.2023 18:54

Cant believe you left my man beep behind

Something-Something - 12.07.2023 14:45

Fuck I'll buy it

Jordan Davis
Jordan Davis - 12.07.2023 08:43

Try the modpack genesis it makes kenshi 100% better

José Mentecho Fuerte
José Mentecho Fuerte - 10.07.2023 08:09


Reynalds - 09.07.2023 03:27

*Jeremy knocked unconscious by Vaegir Marksman 💀

Batuhan Duran
Batuhan Duran - 08.07.2023 22:31

my man talks like spooderman

Anuj Sharma
Anuj Sharma - 08.07.2023 21:07

i want MOAR !

3rd Cain
3rd Cain - 08.07.2023 11:59

okay okay okay guys do not roast or brand him for letting Beep die! We all know the true God Beep does never realy die anyway, so its all good

ADozenPickles - 07.07.2023 11:40

How did you get the output window when mining i cannot figure it out?

Dr.Doom - 07.07.2023 02:16

rock bottom isnt bottom enough no limbs is better start with maxed beast nests and in the middle of the desert^^

Plaiony - 06.07.2023 03:53

Hey Veequeue, what video editor do you use to make these entertaining videos?
