American Learns How to Drive on The Autobahn!

American Learns How to Drive on The Autobahn!


1 год назад

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Faul Pelz
Faul Pelz - 17.09.2023 23:50

there was missing a rule ... the left lane should used by bmw and audi only. mercedes and porsche are free to use this lane. all others have to keep away. it makes no sense

Minecraftfuchsjadwi - 17.09.2023 20:09

Liebe an alle Deutschen

K.Bay.Sts.B. - 15.09.2023 16:53

Funfact: in the State of Bavaria, a state of germany, the traffic singn with the deer is very rare on the Autobahn. In Bavaria the Autobahn is all secured by fences on each side. So wild animals can not easiely get on the Autobahn.

Joachim Benz
Joachim Benz - 14.09.2023 01:02

As a German ... let me say - Australia, Northern Terrotory

Everplay I
Everplay I - 13.09.2023 20:10

Same with emergency phone on motorways in the UK

Ferry van Tichelen
Ferry van Tichelen - 12.09.2023 22:14

As most rules, Germans adhere to their speed limits, mostly. There's definitely cops and speed cameras. But also, because speed limits only occur when they are actually necessary it's easier to adhere to them. When the speed limit drops there's probably something dangerous coming up

Ferry van Tichelen
Ferry van Tichelen - 12.09.2023 22:03

This video is so overly German, very detailed, but, useful haha

Soyboy - 12.09.2023 00:46

i love his videos, he is so calm and peacefull

Maikel Molto
Maikel Molto - 10.09.2023 18:25

What I 'like' most are wealthy tourists flying in from many parts from all over of the world, hiring a really powerful beast of a car, and insist to drive as fast as they can, ideally hitting that 300kmh (~190 mph) magic mark - no matter what the traffic situation is like. Having no driving experience doesn't count.
Some kill themselves (and others). Sad fact: too many survive and come back again on the next occaison.
Recently I observed a driver, who couldn't shift into 2nd gear on his Audi R8 V10 >600hp. You made my day, mate.

Martin Mayhew
Martin Mayhew - 10.09.2023 06:23

What's an Australian or Austrian fart doing in Germany?

TexasChilliMasacre - 09.09.2023 00:20

Speedlimits are for softegs.Always go 20 Km/h faster.Drivers will give you lightsinals if there are cops taking stupid photos of you.And the stationary "flashers" are wellknown by locals so they can slow down for a few sec.😁

Sebastian Dresel
Sebastian Dresel - 07.09.2023 22:45

So Slow😂😂

Johanna - 06.09.2023 18:48

Once again...there are Speed Limits on German highways.

Duke Cronenwerth
Duke Cronenwerth - 31.08.2023 17:21

Zu leise!

Kai Shomer
Kai Shomer - 31.08.2023 15:34

@ speed limits, going to fast like 20 km/h is just a fee up to 80€ if you are going faster you start collecting points it`s between 1 up to 3 points. 3 points is a minimum three month loss of the permission to drive, so you loose your drivers licence for at least 3months. if you got 8 points.... enjoy ;-)

Marcin Kiciński
Marcin Kiciński - 28.08.2023 22:10

There's no speed limit on German autobahn and almost everyone drives 130km/h. The speed limit in Poland is 140km/h, and no one cares 😂

Martyna S.
Martyna S. - 28.08.2023 15:44

Drove on the German autobahn on the no-limit part -and let me tell you - I have never in my life been so alert! I was blasting 200km/h and was regularly being taken over by waaaay faster cars. Your adrenaline is to the max and changing lines is a decision you need to think through. It was surprisingly very safe too - everyone needs to charge 4 times before doing anything.

O_WimmeL - 27.08.2023 18:17

as a real german i can say there is nothing more satisfying than driving 200 in the left lane xD
No its a joke.... in Germany there are now very few places where you can drive unlimited but where you are allowed, freedom is limitless, like in the wild west only without horses 🙂

Strangelysmall - 27.08.2023 13:30

Speed limits are more like a recommendation enhanced by a small fine, depending on the exceeding this limit. 20 km/h over SL isn'T generally seen as a problem. Even cops might go at this excess speed with no care

Anna Bolica
Anna Bolica - 25.08.2023 11:42

cool. this guy is driving in my neighbourhood (Lichtenau/Paderborn)

Gaston Kawitzke
Gaston Kawitzke - 24.08.2023 08:45

There are cameras, in the middle, they can turn around.

Chrisch - 22.08.2023 21:33

There are no Cops with radars but there can be a Blitzer (that is like a Box that shoots a photo when u are driving too fast and then it sends u a bill) in the Speedlimit zones

TOSA - 22.08.2023 14:49

Maybe "Ausfahrt" is the biggest City on the planet. 😉

LUL WUT? - 19.08.2023 02:42

about the vests and the triangles that are mandatory in the cars: whilst its not mandatory yet in germany, most people also have a small fire extinguisher in their car

Anon Akkor
Anon Akkor - 17.08.2023 21:40

niceeee…. The airplaine is because people might drive slower to look at the plains so be careful…. Also if there are 3 lanes you still have to drive on the right one if possible……

Maxime Noel
Maxime Noel - 16.08.2023 22:32

Apart for the parts without speed limits, and the fact that most of "autoroutes" in France are not free, but everything else is the same or very similar in France

Jozef Kostelansky
Jozef Kostelansky - 16.08.2023 22:05

Almost everything shown in video is valid in whole European Union. Of course exclud. unlimited speed. But in Germany there are maybe only 30 % Autobahn suitable for unlimited speed, and moreover not 24 hours a day. However unlimited speed has also another, not so pleasant side. Everybody on Autobahn must be very carefull, even if you drive 100 or 110 km/hour, especially at overtaking camions and slower cars. In any moment a car with speed 300 km/h+ can appear behind you. So every driver must pay attention whole time. It not possible to shave yourself while driving on Autobahn, like it is possible in the USA... 😀😀
I have not been in USA, but according my information american highways are very safe and comfort.

MrKaktusPL - 15.08.2023 13:50

in poland its even better to use those phones rather then metric poles on the sides of the road, there are some places those numbers duplicate in different voivoidships, so when you are crossing them, it might get hard to pinpoint exact location :D its pretty rare to happen tho

N - 12.08.2023 22:39

Usually germans don't care about the speed limit very much, usually they drive 20 km/h faster than allowed, except they know that there's a speed camera, then they drive 20 km/h slower than allowed.

Deku - 10.08.2023 15:59

the obligation to drive on the left lane exists in America as well but its just that nobody cares about it. funny to explain that to an american. lol

rlupara - 09.08.2023 20:07

How to figure out foreigners driving autobahn?They drive 180 km/h in a second lane.....

rlupara - 09.08.2023 20:05

Autobahn=Car path

obimk1 - 08.08.2023 20:58

Autobahn you can speed, but their are rules or laws you must NEVER break. For instance it is not allowed to overtake in the left lane. You have to keep distance to the car in front of you. And if the autobahn has a speedlimit, better to adhere. to it.

Grindhousewatch2007 - 08.08.2023 02:02

In November I will drive in Florida with a rental car. 🙂

kodtech - 07.08.2023 01:54

In Europe in general, those speed limits is the maximum speed for you are safety. Is no need to be enforced because as a general rule of thumb, if you exceeded by 10 miles/h you have 50% chance to make an accident.... and you can lose your licence 😉

Tralala - 07.08.2023 00:28

Camera are everywhere, if you see thé flash it’s means you have a love letter worth 60 to 250 sfr or euros in a couple of days 😂

Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson - 06.08.2023 23:53

Loving the union flag in shot

TYPE xxi - WOLF - 06.08.2023 05:47

speedlimits are obeyed and if one ignores it he can be tracked by the police - and then it becomes expensive , fines up to multiple months net income, which means rich football stars can pay millions for 1 indident.

Jan Bruun Andersen
Jan Bruun Andersen - 06.08.2023 01:17

Re: warning triangle

Also mandated by law in Denmark. It is usually folded up and stuck in a hard plastic case in the back of the car.

The reflective vest? I don't think it is required by law. But as a cyclist I have one.

TheSommersonnenwende - 05.08.2023 20:36

Very nice video! One thing he didn´t explain. Maybe because it isn´t a real rule! When cars want to come onto the Autobahn from a "Zubringerstraße" (access road) many cars that are already on the Autobahn drive to the left sidelines so that the new cars can easily drive onto the Autobahn without having to stop or drive slowly because the right line is full with speeding cars. I always drive over to the left side (If the left line is free of course!) to keep the flow going.... Because it is always a little nerve racking to enter the Autobahn!

TheSommersonnenwende - 05.08.2023 20:27

I hate speed limits so much! And yes, it is a state hobby to put up radar traps for us so that the government has a study flow of income throw us speeders! LOL

Caturae Benton
Caturae Benton - 05.08.2023 18:18

Turn up your mic!
Love your videos!
Greetings from Ausfahrt, Germany!

MyurrDurr - 05.08.2023 17:28

I want to know what happens if a driver is driving too SLOW, surely there is a minimum speed for them also?
If this happened on a road where I am from, you would be stuck until you were given a second lane to overtake with (which usually occurs if going up a hill so maybe your car might be unable to accelerate fast enough to overtake) or if there are no oncoming cars on the other lane

Jan - 05.08.2023 11:48

Funny fact of the Netherlands, the triangle is mandatory to place if your car breaks down, but you don't have to own one / have one in your vehicle (should a cop inspect your vehicle, they can't fine you)... so... summon or borrow one on the spot 😂???😅

Vincent Potvis
Vincent Potvis - 04.08.2023 19:20

Und dann fahrt mann von Baustelle zur Baustelle. Und wenn da keiner ist steht mann im Stau wegen die vielen LKW's.

lliza - 03.08.2023 17:07

It's legally required for you to go to a "Fahrschule" (lit. Driving School) and do a certain amount of hours behind the wheel. You have to pass a theoretical and a practical test in order to be able to drive. You can start at 17, but at 18 you're allowed to drive independently.
As a non-american I'm baffled how easy it is to get your drivers license in America. Even as a 16 year old. And how much you can do with it - like that proves your whole identity.

We like to regulate, I guess. Like there's a sign that regulates your speed when the Autobahn is wet - and I personally think such things can save lives.

Malik Seyhan
Malik Seyhan - 03.08.2023 03:41

Ass fart and Ausfahrt are technically the same somthing goes out 😂
