Warframe - Helminths New Invigoration System

Warframe - Helminths New Invigoration System


2 года назад

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PURPMNKY FPS - 13.07.2023 02:00

It's basically steroids

Nazyair sengikar
Nazyair sengikar - 06.05.2023 17:08

Wow I'm on this today and it's the same and awesome what is wrong with you people. The resources it needs is easy to replace just by playing.

Abe Toby Kakekapetum
Abe Toby Kakekapetum - 13.02.2023 20:40

Always wished it was permanent after every 10th invigoration but can't use it twice on a same warframe unless u change it or take it off

Kaizer Rexel
Kaizer Rexel - 06.02.2023 02:10

im so glad i clicked on this video to hear an adult whine about having to farm resources in warframe to unlock end game content

Rowan Melville
Rowan Melville - 13.09.2022 01:23

Coming to this now and it doesn't even seem worth it. I have like 3 frames I main so if I invest in this and they aren't there, then it's useless.

AscendtionArc - 26.01.2022 19:50

I ... I thought this was an MR30 thing ... I could have got this ages ago.


D. Nied
D. Nied - 06.01.2022 15:24

Does the "Invigorate any Warframe" reset after you max it?

D. Nied
D. Nied - 06.01.2022 15:20

Not worth it.

Mi in pajamas
Mi in pajamas - 21.11.2021 18:03

lmaoo oxidyess

Chelsy McClinton
Chelsy McClinton - 11.11.2021 03:48

2 times on wednesday

Pierce Naughton
Pierce Naughton - 23.09.2021 07:04

for the....fun of it i guess

Once Upon a Revenant
Once Upon a Revenant - 08.09.2021 20:06

imagine if instead of having to grind for this almost useless helminth modifier, DE created a high end feature where you can build your own warframe using the pieces of the ones you sacrifice inside helminth, sure it has to be balanced somehow, you dont want to have frames with 8000hp and 8000shields, something like a stat spread sheet with a circular grid scale, for the abilities you can only choose one of each category, having two number 4 abilities would be insane and unfair for balancing purposes, none of these creation would be primed for obvious reasons, so this way you have a unique frame of at your leasure and almost infinite possibilites for varied builds.

Furion Max
Furion Max - 18.08.2021 11:19

I figured out the perfect ability set to pair with Yareli and Nidus.
Yareli is a jellyfish right? So Shocks and Tempest Barrage should suit her nicely.

As for Nidus thought long and hard about this one. Shock and Roar. Shock for the chains and roar to boost my attacks. No wait. Oberon's smite in place of shock.
With the right color they can look like spore missiles which I always wanted for my Nidus. Helminth segment is cooking in the foundry and Im ready to start subsuming!! So many combinations! So little time!!

Hoffy Warframe & BF4
Hoffy Warframe & BF4 - 14.08.2021 12:46

Just go to infested salvage n get over a million spores in 30 minutes. Nano easy

Worotox - 05.08.2021 21:09

yea im not gonna buy that segment

KERIN lainez
KERIN lainez - 01.08.2021 09:48


Slenderminion - 28.07.2021 17:13

Mate, you have no nano spores left specifically because you literally fed Helminth nothing else. If you use a resource multiple times in a row, it loses effectiveness. There are multiple resources available for one category for a reason. A varied diet is vital to keeping your Helminth happy and your resources stocked up.

Martin Budinský
Martin Budinský - 22.07.2021 05:20

Kinda wish every tenth was a PERMANENT effect instead of frame of your choosing (yeah i would be broken but WHO cares).

Vladimir Ilic
Vladimir Ilic - 21.07.2021 11:18

So if we upgrade some random frame, that upgrade last for him only a week. And after that its like you newer upgrade him. So you have to do all over again and over again?

Luck is over the world Botman
Luck is over the world Botman - 21.07.2021 05:45

Time to destroy Game systems Who up to meet level 9999

azurephantom100 - 14.07.2021 23:47

to answer your question on the jump resets you lets you jump 4 more times its as useless as it sounds

C C - 13.07.2021 22:12

Just what we needed!...........

More power? No that's not it..

My Man
My Man - 12.07.2021 19:23

Just waiting to put 200% strength and 75% speed on Gauss, but I don't have 10 IVs so I had to put it on Protea instead.. XD

Depressedasfook - 12.07.2021 13:59

They should have let you infuse a warframe into itself to boost an ability or chosen/ pre chosen stat would make it actually worth farming multiple of a frame as well as not only lasting a few days

Depressedasfook - 12.07.2021 13:57

Only lasts 7 days not wasting my resources lmao il lwait for the next resource island to die on

Eaglefield - 12.07.2021 13:37

Hmm. if that system can give power strength a lot of buffing frames will be happy. +100% power strength sounds hilarious on a slowva aswell

Zinriusminazen - 12.07.2021 05:26

I don't see a problem with needing to have the warframe equipped. Makes sense.

ghost player
ghost player - 12.07.2021 00:19

It is play base

Mark McGehee
Mark McGehee - 11.07.2021 18:21

So to get a buff for my warframe that lasts 7 days I need 3.5 times max of two of hemeliths resources and need to get every unique warframe in the game, then I need to do these invigoration for 4 weeks (3,6,9,10) but do I get to keep the 10 invigoration bonus (The ability to apply to anything) or do I lose it after using it
If I lose the bonus after using it this system is extremely unreliable and requires you to own every warframe in the game, which means you need a lot of Platnium, just for a buff that may or may not be useful to you, not worth it at all

If you keep the bonus, why do I even need 10 in the first place, this is now the single worst grind in the game since the less frames you have and the less plat you spend (warframe slots) the longer this can take, and even if you had the right frames every single time this takes 4 weeks to unlock versus 4 days for building a warframe or a single week for research, however damn worth it.

James Beardslee
James Beardslee - 11.07.2021 16:23

I'm going to assume everyone who hasn't maxed entrati hasn't maxed any of their factions yet, as the entrati have the easiest leveling mechanics of the three open worlds. And it more incentivised than any of the other worlds just due to the sheer amount of resources you get for doing any of the missions. Also please stop comparing Warframe to Destiny they are completely different down to their original idea and design.

fbiWantsMyKids - 11.07.2021 01:36

Maybe use the helminth properly and you wouldn’t run into problems lol

Half of the resources you can give to helminth are nothing! I’ve got only 150 logins and can constantly feed my helminth for wacky buffs and abilities. If only half of the warframe community stopped whining and oh idk explore?

TaddiestMason - 10.07.2021 23:32

I main Gauss. Helminth is absolutely useless to me. There's no need to put a new ability on him. His kit is perfect the way it is. The only change I want for him is to be allowed to hurl him around in the direction I'm aiming rather than just running quickly forward.

ZaraFex-09 - 10.07.2021 16:23

I honestly would have liked this buff to be permanent. Maybe the 1 after 10 invigarations.

lucas deijlen
lucas deijlen - 09.07.2021 22:08

That’s a really cool nyx fashion! Please tell me the colors and all the attatchments etc. 🥺

Ascended Master
Ascended Master - 09.07.2021 09:01

Yeah this game is way way way way way way way too much grind for the same damn thing over and over and over again. Shit is pointless and kind of stupid.

Miguel Bustio Garcia
Miguel Bustio Garcia - 08.07.2021 17:29

My Yareli looks almost the exact same as yours lmao

A Skeleton that is both Spooky and Scary
A Skeleton that is both Spooky and Scary - 08.07.2021 11:23

I don’t get why you’re complaining about Helminth cost. You play this game exponentially more than I do and yet I’ve never felt like I was running too low on resources to be able to do anything with Helminth.

Unless you’re slapping Roar on like every frame(and not even then) I can’t think of a reason as to why you or any legitimate veteran of the game would be complaining about resource cost.

The Pope Of Awesomeness
The Pope Of Awesomeness - 08.07.2021 10:52

Yeet the weekly stuff, give me dual MIGHTY SEER

Greg GGs
Greg GGs - 08.07.2021 08:48

I don't feel that we need it at all... will not touch it.

haonesor - 08.07.2021 08:04

invigorations will make eidelon hunting among other squad farming methods a lot more toxic/competitive. a bad idea with a bad execution

ireallygotnothing - 08.07.2021 06:24

Its different for every player because otherwise, everyone would run the same three frames every week

Lilith Hex
Lilith Hex - 08.07.2021 05:37

WHAT!! you haven't used nyx prime in a long time

Grace Mires
Grace Mires - 08.07.2021 05:23

This is were patience is your friend. I am guessing you rushed a lot of your subsuming of the frames. And that is why you have spent so many resources. What I have done and am doing is being patient and strategic in the use of material to feed my warframe eater. What I do is feed the frame to the eater. Then I look at feeding it materials, in this step my goal is not to get each one to 100% but rather get it decently high like 70-90%. How I do this is I feed it what it wants and what I don't care for because I have a lot of it or just don’t use it. For example, if I am looking at calx I'll feed it 1 grokdrul package, and 1 lucent teroglobe package if they are highly wanted. Otherwise, I wait. I come back the next day when the frame is about done and see if the eater would like these materials. If yes, I feed it to it trying not to go to 100% but to 70-90%. What this does is it maximizes the use of the resources and based on my experience the more wanted the material the more standing you get. It is why I am nearly to r 12 or 13 with less than 20 frames subsumed. Now I do realize you probably are transferring the abilities more than I am. I have only transferred abilities a few times (mainly because I only use a few frames at the moment and don’t care for many of the abilities available for transfer), but you could still try to wait to transfer abilities until the resource is wanted. So for me I started out with 30ish of each of the parts from the juggernaut and for doing 15-20 frames and a few transfer I am down to 20ish each and I started out with 3.6-3.8 mill of nano spores and am at 3.4mill left because I only use them if they are wanted and I don’t go to 100% if I can avoid it because you start wasting the extra % that you get from each package. This does take a lot longer though it will be another 30 or so days before I will have all frames in but in turn, I may only use a 10th-3rd of my resources in the end. And I also wont use most of the frame’s abilities because I don’t care for them and completing the helminth leveling wont give me anything I truly would use so waiting to preserve resources is useful. I do love your videos and use them when I am stuck, so thank you. I suggest taking this approach in the future so you can save resources while trying to get the max that you can get out of the resources. Thank you have a nice day.

Officer Beepsky
Officer Beepsky - 08.07.2021 04:46

It's player based because otherwise you'd have everyone using the same frame

KingTakco - 08.07.2021 04:01

Mag with 1000hp hell yes

redant89 - 08.07.2021 03:25

Wait so after the 10th time it’s a permanent upgrade to the warframe ?

DOOM SLAYER - 08.07.2021 02:53

Does the Excalibur one work on Umbra

DOOM SLAYER - 08.07.2021 02:46

What rank you need for them for entrati I’m lvl 4

Blue_Angel - 08.07.2021 02:30

The costs are way to high. Hopefully the decrease it.

TheAvgCrusader - 08.07.2021 01:57

Sick, something else in Warframe that I'll never use ever.
