5 habits that make you feel incredible

5 habits that make you feel incredible

Better Ideas

2 года назад

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@betterideas - 14.03.2022 21:16

Oops I accidentally used all the b-roll in last video haha oops

@cheeseballs3825 - 29.01.2024 09:55

Al Gore rhythm

@MentallyStrong51 - 22.01.2024 05:09


@sierrawan4692 - 21.01.2024 17:04


@aquastyle - 21.01.2024 11:27

I’m really considering AG1 but I can’t imagine starting to drink something for everyday of the year and not get sick of it. In your honest opinion, how’s the taste after like 6 months of drinking it daily? I know you are sponsored but this is just an honest opinion to someone looking to improve their health. Thanks

@custardpup6385 - 12.01.2024 21:58

I am severely depressed right now. I'm off work with no direction or purpose. I wake up every day after midday and play video games until 4am. I don't leave my house and I neglect my own health, relationships and environment. I live off takeaways I can't afford because I'm in debt. I don't brush my teeth or hair or shower Right now, things are dauntingly bad. I want to live, but struggle to find the energy to get myself out of this misery. I'm not religious, but can't help but feel like your channel randomnly popping up on my recommended was divine intervention. I will set an alarm tomorrow and go outside when I wake up and feel the sun on my face. Thank you for the kindness and love you put into the world, you are saving lives.

@hannahemory - 11.01.2024 20:22

Your videos always make me laugh and feel more optimistic about life. And this is all great advice - 10/10. Thanks Joey!

@beansoup190 - 03.01.2024 23:39

These positive videos have been great for me,than the ole ageism/separation statements are made which ruins the whole damn thing,that sucks!😔

@cidaliacampos6051 - 03.01.2024 19:01

Um! Instagram is ‘cancerous’? Isn’t that applicable to all Social Media? 😢🤔

@soundhealingbygene - 31.12.2023 02:33

Man you have so many good videos you also have a new sub

@jdssurf - 28.12.2023 20:12

making yourself look put together, and getting yourself healthier and a little fit absolutely makes a difference. It just is what it is. Just the last two weeks of eating healthier, dressing better and cutting the beers, i'm less bloated, brighter and more confident.

@zeronight8846 - 10.12.2023 20:09

that is a good experiment about good habits or bad habits....etc but how about experiment about can religion increase productivity

@therealjohnnyb2151 - 09.12.2023 18:10

Joey...your IG link above isn't working. I found ya anyways and followed just now. But that may be a small reason of lack of followers.

@therealjohnnyb2151 - 09.12.2023 18:00

"I'm bad at allegories today, but I feel great" ....awesome stuff!!!

@Donoho-Studios - 08.12.2023 20:14

Working on your physical appearance will absolutely shoot one’s confidence through the roof.
When I found out the hairstyle that worked for me, getting my body fat down, dressings in clothes that suited me and fit well, made me feel like a brand new person that I wanted to look like.

Absolutely work on your physical appearance however possible.

@brendadunham653 - 05.12.2023 16:38

I love your videos.

@jessicabg8940 - 03.12.2023 19:45

Me encanta tu video, gracias por ser responsable y enviar a tus seguidores donde profesionales de la salud, estaba viéndolos para repasar inglés pero ahora soy tu nueva seguidora, excelente contenido❤

@Arsalan-Pervez - 27.11.2023 14:53

Hi Joey,
I love your inspiring content. But I am really concerned about sponsorship you provided in this video.
I have been looking for the effectiveness of taking supplements. To be honest, I only find confusion. A lot of them don't recommend taking supplements. As a lot of vitamins are not absorbed by the body if taken directly. And rather only work when supplied in food form.
My exploration is still inconclusive, but I would like for you to back yourself on this. I mean explain why you take them and how are they effective in your findings? It will really help a lot of your viewers to be sure about it!

@TheScienceGuy-kw7rc - 11.11.2023 18:31

"umm..., but I feel great!" - this is a new rule in my life now

@kenmcdavidefernandez5364 - 04.11.2023 14:00

@Sorrus-B4lyfe - 02.11.2023 14:30

I take a 10 pound dump every morning… not sure if I’ve been having digestion problem for years.

The idea of waking up and going for a walk is alien when I spend possibly an hr in the morning in the bathroom

Also, when it comes to clothes. I did go through a stylish Guy phase with brown shoes and belt.. opted out for “Going for a run” because I like to be prepared, don’t think my tight jeans and nice shirt will be advantageous when someone wants to stab me.

It’s better than looking like you just woke up, which is 90% of people at my workplace.

@gamecopshow - 01.11.2023 01:25

Everyone always says get out in the sun asap , walk. What about the folks who have winter lol. I can’t get out of bed and go stand in the sun at 7 am . I always do this during summer , but I dread winter so much

@majortwang2396 - 18.10.2023 22:43

5 milligrams of creatine ? Don't you mean grams ?

@ss11733 - 18.10.2023 14:52

been following you for years. i realize this is an older video but it's so cool we take basically the same supplements. i agree with everything you say. i dont watch often but nice to see

@davidtalturejman9185 - 18.10.2023 12:45


@davidtalturejman9185 - 18.10.2023 12:45

Amazing video thank you!!!!!!!!!

@deadlyvenom9069 - 18.10.2023 02:33

I think you take a bit more than 5mg of creatine a day 😅

@hiiki927 - 13.10.2023 17:01

Thank you

@alexjitoma - 08.10.2023 12:08

What a great video man.

@SaPpiOOr - 07.10.2023 22:52

Put your runners on and go for a walk to your car and drive to work - this is the reality… oh sure, wake up earlier… skip sleep - you have to sleep 8 hrs… so sick of these…

@alimohammd2929 - 07.10.2023 15:59

@DrBigkittylumpz - 29.09.2023 16:45

That iPhone thing had me feeling attacked as I watch this on the iPhone 15+ because “I just needed it” “my current phone is too small”😅😅😅😅😅

@sparkymularkey6970 - 25.09.2023 16:27

It's so hard for me to even start working out. I have no idea why, because I used to work out a lot (but I kind of hated it). Is that why? Why do I hate it so much?

@cheese-bg1xq - 21.09.2023 15:06

I love them! I started it recently, as an app on my phone, and it really does help to appreciate the little things instead of taking them for granted and demanding more and more. Do the journal before sleeping; look at your entries instead of at social media when woken up. Get your dopamine from nice entries of stuff you appreciate and the good things you've done and will have written/typed in there instead of through social media posts which can actually cause frustration or anger and feel much faster to scroll through. Social media and gaming are the perfect ways to feel like I have no time in a day because it spends like I've spent 1 hour scrolling when in reality it's been 6. If I do something productive or even just something fun offline for those 6 hours, they feel longer and much more worth it, instead of having loads of time whizz by me without me even knowing. I don't like my free time feeling quick, I like to savour it.

@undertheweather246 - 14.09.2023 21:23

"Having positive thoughts is cheesy"
-humans in 2023

@patch1459 - 13.09.2023 15:31

If you want to know more about the morning walks and sunlight, as well as why it works backed by science, look up Andrew huberman morning routine. He also touches on the science behind not drinking caffeine for 90-120 minutes after waking. Very cool stuff

@b.7942 - 11.09.2023 04:00

Hes like the good Andrew Tate

@PrinceChahal369 - 10.09.2023 10:43

1. Walking after waking up and before doing anything else
and being thankful for the fresh start
2. Having a weekly schedule of things makes you inspired or happy
3. Working on self-appearance
4. Keeping track and restore things in life
5. Exercising, having proper sleep and staying hydrated

@davidwhitcher1972 - 06.09.2023 03:09

Your fortunate to have a lifestyle that allows you to take a walk without scheduling it.

@artsky261 - 01.09.2023 16:54

best message, intention and humor in your video!

@user-ty7yu6fi5b - 30.07.2023 22:47

Okay, but is there anything that could be done if these habits work for some time, but after a few months, they don't bring me any productivity at all again? I try to strive to be better, to do more during my day, but after some time these strategies just give me zero productivity again.

Have any of you also experienced this? Idk if there's anything that I could do at this point, as any strategy, even if I form it into a habit, disappoints me after some time in it's effectiveness

@dizlike-to3wn - 30.07.2023 11:23

cool tips

@DuiDrop - 24.07.2023 17:15

in all fairness, I think a dog might make you happy 😊

@drumdad1242 - 17.07.2023 23:40

Just found your channel, fantastic! Liked and subscribed.

@Jdid18 - 16.07.2023 13:54

Does AG1 pay these guys and Huberman

@pqrest - 13.07.2023 15:33

the clickbait thumbnail though

@SherifaNakalema - 04.07.2023 00:06

Directionless feels awful! Thank you for this list!
