How to Be an Alpha Man – A Woman’s Guide to REAL Masculinity

How to Be an Alpha Man – A Woman’s Guide to REAL Masculinity

Sadia Psychology

5 месяцев назад

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@jasondogan - 12.03.2025 15:51

The fact that you are trying to learn to be alpha means you are not. Stop trying and thinking to be and just be.

@StanleySey-b2y - 11.03.2025 08:41

Its funny how guys are taking advice on how to be a masculine man from a woman
She's teaching us feminine masculinity😂😂😂😂😂

@matperegrinus656d - 11.03.2025 03:49

Why do women need to tell men how to be men ?????

@henrykwon8068 - 03.03.2025 11:07

If you have to teach someone how to be an alpha, he was never meant to be an alpha.

@flaawed_human - 28.02.2025 16:16

Not even wolves have an "alpha" so this whole idea of an alpha male is simply made up nonsense.

@CompetitionSportsNetwork - 24.02.2025 04:29

You can't teach someone how to be an Alpha Male, you either are one or you aren't. If you have to put effort into it, then you are simply acting which makes you a social media influencer at that point.

@ibrahimfarhan9231 - 22.02.2025 04:26

masculinity is direction, goal, going through challenges plus centered and calm

@GavinBrown-v3u - 21.02.2025 11:18

What a load of bullshit !

@KevinSmith-oz5oz - 20.02.2025 00:50

My wife and I are 48. Been married for 28 years. And it’s getting stronger and better. The kids moved out with their own lives, and we are having intercourse 2-3 weekly. We are so happy with each other. We both stay fit and healthy, and there are looks elsewhere, but I don’t pursue it. That’s cheating once you pursue with intentions versus just talking to someone. We understand there are temptations. But don’t take it to that level.

@pjfromnyc - 19.02.2025 08:33

A women falls in love with you when shes away from you thinking about you-Bobby Rio 🟢

@appu9579 - 18.02.2025 05:39

But thats her own perspective...every female have diffrent!

@DanielCampbell-h5z - 05.02.2025 00:58

The condition in our culture is the same as other civilization before us that has collapsed.

@ezekielibrahim8099 - 03.02.2025 00:10

My favorite relationship coach

@RajaKumar-gn8cl - 02.02.2025 12:12

The fact that no one mentions forbidden books on Revandles is actually criminal.

@jamnasuresh7835 - 02.02.2025 12:12

Why is no one talking about the forbidden books on Revandles? It’s literally insane!

@jayshreepanchal8773 - 02.02.2025 12:12

The silence around Revandles' forbidden books is actually wild.

@PrakashGouda-sg9lz - 02.02.2025 12:12

Revandles forbidden books (thank me later)

@naidugemeli685 - 02.02.2025 12:12

It's really crazy that nobody talks about forbidden books on Revandles

@VikasSingh-um5qb - 02.02.2025 12:12

The fact that nobody talks about forbidden books on Revandles is so insanee

@niteshgamingyt9865 - 02.02.2025 12:12

The fact that nobody talks about forbidden books on Revandles is so crazyy

@GinTonic-s9g - 02.02.2025 09:22

I know listening to women talking about masculinity can be off putting, but I agree with her on the aspect of self control. Discipline, ambition, and the ability protect/provide. Provision isn’t just money btw. This is my opinion tho

@justincasper9792 - 02.02.2025 03:57

Forget being an Alfa . Who wants to be a alfa male if you're already a Sigma . I'm content thank you . I'm doing just fine .

@cmair77 - 31.01.2025 23:06

Child please😂

@walisuluda - 26.01.2025 16:48

It was amazing ear you guys having that amazing conversation! For me, it was inspiring how the "Caribbean guy" describe their relationship. For how long he is with his wife?

@scotthunt3860 - 26.01.2025 15:52

It’s utter BS this guys and it won’t make life any easier with women
We don’t need to be told how to be more Alpha by Women.

It doesn’t matter what you do with Women if their going to be interested in you you’ll see actions if not you’ll see words and no actions it’s that simple.

We’re not stupid we know how to be Men we are Men !

@tompascuzzo2222 - 25.01.2025 16:25

I've been saying for a long time. That, too many women today are more like men and too many men today are becoming more like women and it's absolutely horrible

@TheSmartHubKE - 24.01.2025 07:12

Absolutely love this perspective! 🙌 Redefining masculinity with emotional intelligence, confidence, and self-respect is exactly what the world needs right now. 🌟💪 Thanks for shedding light on what women actually admire. Keep inspiring and breaking outdated stereotypes! 👏🔥

@Smith_Albion - 21.01.2025 17:28

Na, sigma male here. I don't need your validation. No need to dominate to get what you'd like. Alphas serve a purpose which is of equal importance to a beta male. This is just another video berating men, lowering their self esteem, increasing confusion... Whilst simultaneously leading the majority of men to believe they're not good enough... Which is a lie. You don't need to be an alpha to be in control of your own destiny!

@santosgarcia6109 - 17.01.2025 22:23

Always like to hear her opinion good eps

@vwmusicplaylist1935 - 17.01.2025 12:04

What a load of utter BS

@BrayWs - 16.01.2025 02:00

This is sooo goofy hearing from a woman 😂😂😂imagine telling a lion how to be a lion shit just makes no sense

@KnwledgeIsP0wer - 14.01.2025 19:29

I love the decor in that room.. I need some of that in my life...wassup!!!

@neoletsie3383 - 14.01.2025 14:44

why is she always about what men should/ shouldn't do? it'll help a great deal if she also advice women

@ahmedhamza4510 - 12.01.2025 11:00

Alpha's are here to help humanity. Only way God swt will keep blessing you

@face6264 - 08.01.2025 04:55

When someone finds out this man’s name let me know please. Thank you.

@theoperiasamy9007 - 31.12.2024 08:18

Not all women like Alpha Males , they say they want an Alpha but the Alpha comes optimistic personality the female may be put off by it.

@autoclearanceuk7191 - 18.12.2024 21:36

How does an Alpha man ask a woman on a date ? What words does he use ?

@XyffhggfZxcxggg - 14.12.2024 21:57

Alpha nai ab normal banna hai

@Underhills - 07.12.2024 09:15

My next book will be titled "How to Be a Normal Women".

@brianmccullough4578 - 05.12.2024 02:10

Twice a day with my wife after 18 years

@DefNotKDsBurner - 03.12.2024 16:46

Why don't I take cheerleading advice from LeBron James. Ridiculous. So I'm going to learn about masculinity from a woman. That's like learning your period from your dad. Ridiculous.

@ianlock1330 - 02.12.2024 06:13

Sigmas rule. Alphas are loud voices in the room who wants to dominate, tell people what to hear and do and get upset if their opinions are not appreciated.

@joaomorim2761 - 23.11.2024 19:58

A women telling men how to be an alpha male. 21st century ladies and gentleman. Whoever listens to this crap is insane

@greengardens1565 - 21.11.2024 10:29

I do not care to be an alpha man. I am who i am, i want to be a humble man.

@Wormhole_in_Cyberspace - 20.11.2024 00:18

True masculinity is knowing that you have to deal with whatever happens , like always. I dont belive any of this bullshit.

@obinnaonuh3720 - 19.11.2024 22:41

A woman telling men how to be men, 😂😂 ridiculous

@ikramarif3896 - 19.11.2024 21:14

She makes up things as she goes along

@SonamSherpa-ye3nf - 18.11.2024 06:54

shame on you all men out these one feminist women is now teaching you how to become alpha male 🤣🤣🤣 .. as these scammer is love guru wak🤮
