Павел Дуров: Выступление на конференции DLD

Павел Дуров: Выступление на конференции DLD

Vlad Tsyplukhin

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zergovermind - 14.09.2023 00:43

ВК без Дурова умер

Over Engineer
Over Engineer - 17.06.2023 09:04

Один Дуров с братом, больше сделал чем вся верхушка кремля воров за 30 лет, и то даже вк отжали бы, если не продал бы, : а в итоге Дурова выжили из страны, !!! гопники и опг у кормушки , чему удивлятся если страна не развивается !!!!

Cracka from America
Cracka from America - 31.03.2023 23:54

Pavel is one of the top geniuses in the present world

Al - 14.03.2023 11:47

И долготерпение почитайте как возлюбленный наш Павел. Испытывайте самих себя, в вере ли вы; самих себя исследывайте.

Vlad Exelarr
Vlad Exelarr - 03.12.2022 01:04

Павел интересный парень! Не стоит забывать о человеке который основал с тех точки зрения ВК это Николай Дуров, брат Павла, а Павел выдвинул в свет эту соц сеть и кстати давно уже покончив с ней и сейчас шаманит что-то в телеге

_ Noise Scary Noise
_ Noise Scary Noise - 13.11.2022 22:15

Если сделать звук на 50 %на IPhone 7+ и 8 то, полоска громкости будет ровно под DLD

Memento Mori
Memento Mori - 23.09.2022 23:16

Почему это у меня в рекомендациях сейчас ? 😅

Vlad Imir
Vlad Imir - 06.06.2022 19:59

Википедия сделала всё возможное, чтобы люди были тупые

Игорь Кожемякин
Игорь Кожемякин - 30.03.2022 20:39

Крутой реально образованный культурный человек!

Ильдус Шарипов
Ильдус Шарипов - 30.03.2022 05:59

Меньше всего пользуюсь VK

alex can
alex can - 05.12.2021 16:12

Он тоже будет участвовать в проекте метавселенной?

Andrey K
Andrey K - 06.11.2021 13:05

Что-то я не понял , почему Лионель Месси говорит про какую-то Микипедию ?!
У него от футбола крыша поехала?

Garik Khan
Garik Khan - 09.10.2021 04:59

Я даже свой код не помню, От международного вейкейя

Марина К
Марина К - 18.09.2021 17:37

Заработал деньги в России, а отдал заграницу. Обидно и неприятно.

DEL HELL - 15.09.2021 11:20

Не ви кей, а ВК, просто ВК, типо: "вэ ка"

St$rb$n - 11.07.2021 13:02

Что я здесь делаю?

С В - 13.05.2021 16:15

На английском хорошо шпарит, но с русским акцентом... Но безусловно он гений, очень умный и образованный человек. Всегда его уважала, как личность, он не гонится за какой-то популярностью, не светится в каких-то дуратских шоу, или новостях. Это всё и говорит о его образованности и высоком айкью...

Brunet Kariy
Brunet Kariy - 22.04.2021 15:49

Вот такой человек уходит из России ! Позор

Людмилаф Людмила
Людмилаф Людмила - 17.04.2021 16:16

УЁ.........Е ИЗ МАТРИЦЫ!!!!!!!!!!!

Катя Мироненко
Катя Мироненко - 15.01.2021 07:08

Такой крусивый голос озвучивает 😍 если бы такой голос был у Дурова, это был бы зашквал крутости

Авазбек Абдурахманов
Авазбек Абдурахманов - 14.01.2021 18:11

Почему он по русски не говорят

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 09:46

Half the world will say stuff like, I can't be in the room with a great man. Here, if you get near me, I might assault you out of fear because they train me to be afraid of you, and you can kill or harm me. Now if you have any rivals in the US, when you block my punch, you will be accused of assaulting a poor, disabled woman. In a professional world, it would be more or less like, I have no business with you, excuse me. We wouldn't usually be together or you wouldn't be a celebrity at all. You really aren't that much here, but you have money. Since I have spatial problems, I might randomly wander into your area somewhere, and you could just call someone to get me out. It happened at my dad's work, but the stars will make a big deal out of it.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 09:37

Half the world will say stuff like, I can't be in the room with a great man. Here, if you get near me, I might assault you out of fear because they train me to be afraid of you, and you can kill or harm me. In a professional world, it would be more or less like, I have no business with you, excuse me.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 09:34

I used to just say it, but I've been damaged a lot and can't. It's a strange thought thing that your brother can figure out. He'll have to gather data. Sorry, my brain is toast.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 09:29

Don't call it "entitled" when everyone thinks they're better and deserve everything or someone else doesn't because "entitled" will set off a storm that'll take like two hours to try to distract from because you can't argue, well, maybe with some commands. Savages. We are savages. You have to learn the language.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 09:25

Even my military "friend" on wordpress thought I'd been coddled and sheltered. They can't perceive anything true, logical, or real. I give up. Please, God?

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 09:22

They can have him since they loved him so much and just didn't understand my tempertauntrums. That's okay. You can "unspoil" me since I must have had it so good (medical file of health problems, just the Naval Hospital sheet, appearance, brain scans, teeth, tapping lines, reading emails, everything logical). I won't trip down the 12 Step Malabo anymore or wear my diamond tiara. Those things scare me. I think you're the cutest man on earth, but you may want to stay back if you ever meet me, don't have to.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 09:18

Go hire my dad or something. That should be interesting. He succeeds. He has the sacred markings, I swear. I know that the world doesn't care about me, blah, blah, that I have no value and nothing to offer really, and I've tried to escape this fate so many times, and it doesn't matter, so I will be scrubbing shit somewhere away from here. I gave you what I could.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 08:02

You people have brains, so you solve problems. I clean your floors. Don't let me near anything. It'll explode. Everyone will accuse me of sleeping with whoever for some reason, so put me away from that. Find something for me to do. I'd like my brain fixed. If that's too much to ask, fine. I will read and write with what I have left. I'm begging.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 07:39

I don't care about my little personal problems that they exploit. I might try to explain with them, which is pointless. I must be crying or valuing myself. I'm not, trust me. I'll clean whatever after you have to enforce it for like a month. You or whoever makes me do it might have to discipline me. I don't care. I haven't worked for 11 years, or that's all I've done, but not normal work. In my spare time, I will read and write. I'm sorry I'll require meds.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 07:36

I mean, unlike the awesome 355, who look great after every move, and a lot of abuse, those of us fighting here have to keep it basic. I'm not hating on them because they're women, but I hate the women they are using to inspire all of this. I'm not overthrowing the government. You'll have to figure out everything. I'm a little retarded. Anyway, I hate the 355 and Hollywood and the CIA because they are not defending us at all, and none of them are going through the stuff that we are. Blue Stahli is just going to keep attacking me, erase my memory until I have fullon dementia, to prove that he's right. He can't dominate or burn me anymore. I simply hate being here and want out. Come get me, please. I don't know what else I can offer you or do for you. It's up to you.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 07:29

Some females can do it, but I think they need smaller body armor at least. Is there lean-fit body armor? As far as my dad goes, he's the last guy you want with those weapons.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 07:27

I can't do it now that I'm fat, but I like the spider monkey move was cool.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 04.01.2021 07:26

It's either spam this guy to the end of time or get trapped again. You know, my dad has offered me body armor along with his arsenal of weapons. I doubt he's a good shot but is divinely blessed, so.. I screwed between both him and the government because even in the army, I couldn't function well with body armor. It slows me down too much. If I would have gotten the "dream" of combat, which for most will result in babysitting by the special forces, I would have had to drop the armor. I wonder how people who went to the war zone combat are doing with civilian combat? I had prior training in this sector, I guess. Everyone has been trying to kill or harm me from after 3 on.

Time traveller wk
Time traveller wk - 31.12.2020 00:26


Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 25.12.2020 09:53

If I remember properly, I had an 11 blood sugar in the hospital. I was suffering a lot, too. My brain damage has made it less fun to exercise or do anything. I could stop eating though.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 25.12.2020 09:51

The fat lazy chicks and the entitled male brats go after people who genuinely just want to be healthy and take care of themselves. They must be arrogant, have a huge ego, are golddiggers. Well, I have news, people will try to improve their financial situation, both male and female. I know I'm in the dirt. I hate money. I get robbed. The healthy and productive people reject the lazy and stupid still. However, the lazy and stupid are valued. I received more compliments at 222 than when I was 116. I should honestly weigh about 110, but hey, I like food. Anyway, the fat and lazy are culturally accepted and pushed onto us as love is free and love is fair. +rolls off screen+

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 25.12.2020 09:42

We do not need anymore Kaelas on Earth. Thou shalt not. A lot of people on that side of my family have lost visiting privileges. They seem to want to destroy our brains in America by any means possible. BTW, I would like if you guys with money would punish the ones that fling us at you. I've never been especially attractive. I was cute when I bloomed. This got me attacked by jealous psychopaths. We need to be allowed and encouraged to take care of ourselves here. She's not a gold digger just because she goes to the gym and doesn't eat a cake a day. And you, sir, need to get a job if you want to be with her. The competition in the habitats I occupy is not fierce. We have played the sick fling game for a while. I hate baby millionaires. It's actually harder and not worth it to be them. I'm better off in my class. And how would I logically get with Putin? That was the most impressive though.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 25.12.2020 09:34

Isn't it CREATIVE to see my sister being shoved down the stairs? Let's go play be trapped outside without shoes in the snow. I also grew up with special kids. Some of them have been abused, a lot, and they are also poor. It's like, maybe the ECONOMIC problems in your family are preventing you from eating? Is that the magical reason you're having a hard time learning? Then you know that many of us have brain problems and mental illnesses, too, which is why they should to a psych exam with an IEP. There is no logic with us.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 25.12.2020 09:30

We have an anteater family. It's very boring. Let's not aspire to that, but Lana Del Rey can't help it. Enjoy. My childhood was crappy and not fascinating, wah, wah. I had some serious issues, and my dad wouldn't let my mom get me help, so I kept trying to kill my sister. They all have "mental illnesses" but they don't really. I do. We've been traumatized. I was a special "gift" for them after being with my dad for three years. They won't let us grow in society either. America likes inherited wisdom. It's constantly trying to push us back down. I do find my sister funny now, but she's growing less paranoid of me as time goes on.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 25.12.2020 09:19

I had to wait for a little bit because I got hit again for posting on Telegram. That was awkward. I was throwing papers everywhere and doing random movements around my apartment. There is no logic with them. I don't think he wants Honey Boo Boo. :( It's okay, I'll admire him from afar. It's a sadness many of us aware disabled have because we know what'll most likely happen if we have children, which happens if you enter a relationship. It's like, I'm going to have to be sterilized if I work because I'll get "screwed" into it eventually. lol That's why there are 7 billion of us.. Sometimes it doesn't go to offspring, but yeah, mine will, and it will be dominant.

Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 25.12.2020 09:10

He's so cute. I don't know what to do anymore. No one hears but I keep going. Escape.

Zhamila Andreeva
Zhamila Andreeva - 09.12.2020 12:27

молодой талант, таких людей надо беречь у себя. Сколько таких молодых способных .Молодым везде у нас дорога а старикам везде у нас почет. Старики пусть идут на пенсию.

yar - 14.11.2020 21:02

Русский забыл уже понторез

Dim4iK - 01.11.2020 17:05

Не ну для меня Павел Дуров – Бог, так как ВК и Телеграм, созданные им, очень топовые и в честь своего дня рождения в 2020 году он поделился советами, как выглядеть моложе своих лет, проще говоря, сохранить молодость

C1HO - 25.09.2020 17:39


Надюшка Иванова
Надюшка Иванова - 29.07.2020 00:44

Дуров не умный, он увлечённый. Человек правильно выбрал дело своей жизни и получает от этого всего кайф. Я его уважаю.

Александр Милованов
Александр Милованов - 03.07.2020 14:29

Почему у нас в России уничтожают лучших, не дают работать, не дают развивать своё дело!? Создал прибыльный проект,прибежали жлобы чиновники,менты,мэлрушники всякие и отобрали бизнес!

Viktoria Matveenko
Viktoria Matveenko - 21.06.2020 20:22

Ах Павел умный аж страшно !!!😜

Магомед Кадыров
Магомед Кадыров - 15.06.2020 16:30

Объясните мне тупому, почему некоторым он не нравится?
