CinemaSins Videos Aren't Satire: They're Just Poorly Written

CinemaSins Videos Aren't Satire: They're Just Poorly Written

Jay Exci

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@Solidier1 - 29.01.2024 15:16

At first I thought their just a channel that highlights mistakes in film. But then they just point out just BS over and over which I ended up stopped watching their content.

@masternoob9673 - 25.01.2024 21:18

Not to mention just your typical hatin ass bullshit channel

@tekdaystar345 - 20.01.2024 07:24

like, I know a cinema sins clone for anime who actually does admit his mistakes in the comments if you point them out or at least he used to, even though he does also use the comedy defense if you go too hard on him

@saxor96 - 09.01.2024 17:00

If they just, for example, after being wrong, showed in the very next clip why they're wrong and they just said "... Oh" or, said "let's just cut that part of the script", that would make it at least better (and real) satire.

@pNsB - 02.01.2024 05:23

Here's what I don't understand about the responses to comments on CinemaSins' videos defending his bad sins. How can someone "miss the point of it entirely" and "not be able to ridicule it because it's satire"? Aren't those mutually exclusive? Which is it?

@rocklemillion8041 - 01.01.2024 12:14

What happened to the stream with mauler where you went over whether cinemasins has gotten worse over time?

@edwardhoover3727 - 26.12.2023 01:57

If you want to see an actual funny movie critique, try Red Letter Media.

@unprofound - 11.12.2023 03:25

Really, you care about this?

CinemaSins machine guns out 100+ quips a movie. Runs the range from completely valid criticisms to inane, inaccurate, goofy observations. So what?!?!?

To bad for you if you're asinine enough to base your decision to watch/judge a movie based on a CinemaSins "review."

Please, please, do Knock-Knock jokes next.

@nerdwisdomyo9563 - 08.11.2023 15:20

Pro tip, do something objectively wrong or immoral, then say the joke is that you wouldn’t do that 🤣

Just because your doing something objectively wrong, doesn’t mean your parrying it, it means your just literally doing that thing

This is like when destiny was yelling at his wife and im like “why is that funny, its just yelling at your wife” and everyone’s like “it’s funny because we know he wouldn’t do that” and im like “but he literally did do that” like lmao get a better joke

@MorningDusk7734 - 18.10.2023 09:46

The werewolf child's name is Winnie, because that's the same name as the werewolf from Scooby Doo, Monster School.

@DVDandFilmBloke - 11.10.2023 20:58

Not to mention the CinemaSins being satire argument falls apart when you realise a lot of the sins in the videos are genuine criticisms Jeremy has. Seriously he used to do a series where he would talk about a movie in his car on his way home from the cinema and he makes a surprising amount of complaints that later found there way into CinemaSins videos.
If CinemaSins was genuinely satire, every single point would be wrong and so blatantly wrong that it can't be viewed any other way, and even then the joke would get old really fast. You can still make jokes at the movies expense without getting the movie wrong.

@jackuval9362 - 23.09.2023 23:49

I used to be a CinemaSins fan for a long time as a kid and then I was on the CinemaSins hate train for a while, and looking back it doesn't really matter when they get stuff wrong? I mean if they presented their videos as genuine criticisms of the movie it would matter, but they don't. You can argue that they do, but I doubt there's a single person that was deterred from a movie or liked a movie better because of its CinemaSins rating, and if there is they are likely a child that can't buy movie tickets anyway. At most their criticisms are suggestions for how the movie could've done something better, and when it's that the movie does something bad it's usually pretty obvious to the viewer as well.

Nobody genuinely criticizes movies by individual minor errors or aesthetic choices they would've preferred because those things rarely affect the actual experience of the movie, and are hardly immersion breaking. Literally every sin, by nature of the way they're presented, is a joke where the format is being nitpicky. Even when it's a genuine criticism of something done poorly, they're not reviewing that thing on the merits of its importance to the story, because that's not what the video is about, they're reviewing the thing itself removed from context

Looking at it like this even the obvious "mistakes" make sense. "He's also the only boy she knows" is just a quip you could make were that line said out of context. The misunderstanding of the unused level in Sugar Rush is literally just what Jeremy thinks, he doesn't research it because it's NOT A CRITIQUE, he's making an anecdote he thinks is funny, or participates to the humor of the rest of the video. And sometimes, jokes just don't land, especially when you tell 50 of them in the span of 10 minutes.

I haven't watched recent cinemasins videos so I don't know if their model has shifted, but I think the experience of watching cinemasins was heavily damaged by the misconception a lot of viewers had that they were criticizing the movies, albeit humorously. When your viewership is consistently uncertain about that, then yeah they probably do need to improve their writing and make it more like the ScreenJunkies did. I also don't think people shouldn't point out when a sin is wrong, because misconceptions are very easy to spread even when it's just by proxy

@kellenwalter - 22.09.2023 03:09

My biggest problem with Cinema Sins is how woke they became. They were good about 10 years ago. But now they're just trend surfing and putting as much woke bullshit they can into their videos.

@FrenchyMcToast - 26.08.2023 15:42

It's been a while since I've seen this or Shaun's video but I find it amusing that he lists "police" alongside crime, inequality, slavery and class divides as one of societies problems.

@annaaquaro4575 - 07.08.2023 00:02

i liked their content a lot better when it was mostly pointing out filming inconsistencies (i.e. objects or people moving/disappearing between shots) because it was something i wouldn't have noticed before and it felt like they had put more effort into watching the movies carefully. now, its all just "smart"-ass quips and cherrypicking scenes to find random things to sin

@KillJoyJakeLovesHorror - 03.08.2023 16:23

That channel ruined modern film criticism. It sparked an entire wave of people who just watch movies to point out flaws. If that’s the only reason you’re watching movies, then maybe they’re not for you.

@KalCounty - 24.07.2023 01:34

The main issue I take with people saying "It's satire! They're satirizing nit-picky people!" is that the frequent mistakes are clearly, CLEARLY not meant as jokes because they have no joke structure. There's no punchline, there's no humour to it at all, it's just a guy saying wrong things over and over with a straight face without being challenged. Like am I meant to believe someone watching it would go like:

CS: There would have to be a generator here, and generators are loud.
Viewer: Ahahahaha! What a hilarious thing to say!

Fucking what? That makes no sense at all. You can admit they're crappy, lazily made videos and that you still enjoy them for what they are, I would actually respect that more. But don't pretend like the channel is playing 4D chess when they're clearly just pumping their videos out as quickly and haphazardly as possible for the money.

@jessicamartin1160 - 29.05.2023 00:48

I used to be a fan of CinemaSins until their harsh criticisms started getting out of hand and I can't tell if they really are trying to be satire or if they're just saying that to deflect criticism of their own channel. I can't stand when people take their hatred of CS way too far, though. I'm glad you're much more reasonable and respectful with your criticisms of Jeremy's content instead of just being butthurt because he said something bad about a movie you like, which is what most CinemaSins haters do. We need more genuine critics of CS like you and Birdman.

@antimonyparanoia - 26.04.2023 22:07

Cinema sins is trying to be too many things at once: comedy, satire, internationally wrong, unintentionally wrong, and actual criticism. If they were any 2 of those things it would be fine but because they have to be all 5 they end up ruining their own videos

@jakeystarsuper - 18.02.2023 05:05

Just the satire isn’t well written doesn’t make it not satire.

@realambientasmr - 17.02.2023 02:40

People always say CinemaSins is supposed to be a joke but they're almost never funny.

@cibby6155 - 02.02.2023 18:03

If anyone criticizes you for critiquing CinemaSins saying "it's just satire", just respond by saying that what you're doing is also "satire". Don't try to reason with an idiot seriously.

@santiagofarell3405 - 15.11.2022 10:37

Ok just an idea but is it possible that 8.2 million people are idiots?

@koallante - 14.11.2022 01:11

Time I heard that comment about the unfinished bonus level. I instantly thought developers do that all the time.

@oneghost1257 - 12.11.2022 03:14

I watched a lot of their videos when I was a toxic contrarian teen, but even then I was a bit confused and annoyed by the fact that especially then, he was dinging movies for having stuff to read when they start, but then also dinging them for having that text narrated, and then dinging them if they just had a narrator at all. Also, it's a known fact that you are incapable of having good opinions on movies if you do a crossover with Doug Walker sorry Cinema sins, ding

@jesterspin - 02.11.2022 04:24

the two rules of satire are:
1. it has to be able to be differentiated from what its satirizing
2. it has to actually be funny

@akshatgupta4817 - 14.10.2022 12:41

It is kinda lazy content but i think most people just watch him for his personality of just some guy ranting than any actual real movie critique. I may be wrong but that's what I think. Great vid btw.

@toplayDA_ - 03.09.2022 15:47

I genuinely thought that first sin was supposed to be funny bc he was so incredibly wrong. Not that it was funny anyway, but still

@joslyndove - 23.08.2022 22:47

subbed so hard after watching through your lego star wars vid. happy to join the community

@joslyndove - 23.08.2022 22:42

we need to bump this video

@BWMagus - 23.08.2022 04:07

Who are they even satirizing? Big channels making obvious jokes? Well, no, that can't be it. Big channels doing legit criticism? Wait, no, no, still not it. Oh, hey, are we supposed to believe their big channel is supposed to be satirizing nobodies with 100 followers who are mostly failing at both jokes and criticism? Because...why would anyone satirize those people doing stupid things? Like, their existence mocks itself--making dozens or hundreds of videos to tell us that's bad is like making hundreds of videos desperately trying to convince us that sex feels good. It's hard to believe it would exist, and it's far harder to believe when they've put in a million times more effort than the irrelevant thing they are satirizing. I mean, compared to the alternative of them just being bad at their jobs.

@akaneonfox - 30.07.2022 20:42

I stopped watching Cinemasins after their HTTYD 3 vid because I just can't stand them anymore and I feel even dumb for watching them back then. Even watching them because they really aren't criticizing the movie or give out good points. NC and Animat can do better criticism than them.

@sweetpea2604 - 13.07.2022 07:35

“He’s playing the character of a nitpicky asshole for comedy”

Ok…but nitpicky assholes aren’t funny, their annoying, well…nitpicky assholes

@badfoody - 09.07.2022 09:07

obviously it isn't comedy. that's just a lazy way of shielding yourself from criticism

@abomination2872 - 12.05.2022 12:55

An example of this is the "Everything wrong with Star Wars: The Clone Wars"
Most of the sins are nonsense and in the options of the people I have asked, the sins aren't funny.

For example, a stupid sin. "Since when have the clones cared enough for each other to call for a medic?"

Meanwhile in Star Wars Episode III ( a movie he had already reviewed): there is a scene where a clone calls for a medic.

So I think, Cinema Sins skims through a movie, slaps on some completely nonsense sins ( they think are right) in some places that look like they 'need' a sin, then throws in some unfunny jokes.

Oh wait, they do.

@dhstudios1269 - 28.04.2022 20:17

Your the only one of these "fine lads" you mentioned. You did this very professionaly because anyone should be able to critique anything. I agree with you that Cinema Sins writers are now in a chaos. Because they make pointless sins, or sometimes like you mentioned they even themselfes show that they're wrong. Like saying the false sin and then showing movie scene where it gets neglected. Huge respect and a sub ofcourse for the hard work;)

@ironcopper9229 - 23.04.2022 16:19

They sin 'narration' but there are still brilliant details that I'm happy they pointed out

@guyspy21 - 20.04.2022 18:17

CinemaSins is satire?

@Ives268 - 22.02.2022 23:17

“You can be right and funny at the same time” I’m putting this in my back pocket

@tryingtomakeapropperuserna3625 - 18.02.2022 16:28

i just watch cinima sins because im bored.
They're good background noise to have when working.
but i get what you and others mean when talking about CS

@wellybelle - 11.02.2022 23:30

"it wasn't meant to be taken seriously" ex machina

sin counter explodes

@xSoporific1 - 08.02.2022 15:30

