Take Accountability For Your Actions - Simon Sinek BEST Motivational Video Ever!

Take Accountability For Your Actions - Simon Sinek BEST Motivational Video Ever!

Alpha Leaders

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MS Sub
MS Sub - 13.09.2023 21:13

Really like listening to Simon. The only time I haven't agreed with him was when he talked about cutting in line to get a bagel. I get the "go for what you want" mentality but cutting in front of people doesn't sit well with me.

VK Talks
VK Talks - 12.09.2023 07:01

So so inspiring Simon. Everytime I listen to you, I experience a connection with you... Your talks are personal and connect with the heart. ❤ God Bless You

X Varshne
X Varshne - 06.09.2023 14:00


Gyanprakash Raj
Gyanprakash Raj - 31.08.2023 09:36


Jean-Marie Gímenez Guéguen
Jean-Marie Gímenez Guéguen - 26.08.2023 12:03


saroj kumar Jha
saroj kumar Jha - 26.08.2023 06:27

Yes I am 💯 the trouble.

saroj kumar Jha
saroj kumar Jha - 25.08.2023 08:31

Quite impressive Sir.

Earnest Speight
Earnest Speight - 25.08.2023 01:38

A white guy would say this message even though he doesn't take responsibility for screwing over every minority and woman he comes across

Pardeep Jindal
Pardeep Jindal - 23.08.2023 15:44

Mere ko tere se hate hai buri tarah mein tere ko grana karta ho..

RealPov IL
RealPov IL - 17.08.2023 23:24

כל ניסיון להוציא אותי כמתקרבן יגביר שנאתי ונחישותי להלחם בנאצים.

kristinheatherstar - 14.08.2023 16:27

Lmfao the bagel thing. Yohoho. Maybe your feiend was in a fukn hurry man. I don’t think I am not wanting to wait in line for a bagel on that particular day thumbs up his entire personality way to be judgmental holy fuck.

Linda Johnson
Linda Johnson - 20.07.2023 23:57

We need to take responsibility for those things for which we are truly responsible. Of course, we should take responsibility for what we do wrong! In fact, we who are believers in Jesus Christ, have done this seriously, at least once, because we were convicted of our own sins, seeing that we needed to be forgiven. Salvation for our own sins is the core, the heart of the most important thing in our lives.

But in our world, it generally does not end there. People who don't care about the truth, or even think truth exists, abound.

And they tend to value the control of other people above any truth in their own inner man, but it can pay well in terms of pragmatic, worldly payoffs, which is all many of them value. Men and women of truth, they are not. Many of them take pride in how low they will stoop to benefit themselves materially. It is a mess, because that is the America we live in now.

For years, the political right wing has believed it owns Christianity. If one objects, the McCarthy-ite solution of accusing the objector of being a Communist, or at least a dreaded liberal, is wmplyed against the objectir. But criticizing the Right is not really giving your blessings to the Left. It is obvious that much of what is labeled of the Left is really wocked, and should never be equuated with the righteouness of God. When you bring God down to that level, why would anyone believe in a God of pragmatic lies and corruption? But the same thing is just as true of the political Right, and its crooked relationship with evangelical Christianity.

For years, probably decades, religious figures who were supposed to represent a cozy relationship of God with right-wing politics, would guest on radio shows (which some of them hosted), assuring Christians that our faith was just fine (although "don't be so heavenly minded you're no earthly good!"). This is one absolute scam that was perpetrated on the Bible, to gaslight poor Christians into being those who did not matter, even to God, if they could fool is into believing them.

For years and years, these politico-religionists would cite one of their favorite passages in the Bible: when Jesus met the crippled man who sat at the pool of Bethesda, trying to get into the pool, when the angel supposedly disturbed the water, trying to be the first in the pool to claim the healing that the angel supposedly brought. Jesus asked the man a question about what he was doing, and the man said he couldn't get anyone to help him into the pool; as a disabled man, dragging himself to the edge, someone always beat him into the pool to get the healing!

What the politico-false-friends of Christianity always said about this Bible verse:

The crippled man was basically a welfare fraud, playing on the pity of people to get bybwithout having to work. Jesus could see through him, and knew he didn't want to be healed! So he decided to set a trap to prove what a fraud the man was. "Do you want to be healed?" Jesus asked, knowing all along that he did not.

The man gave his explanation of being crippled and unable to get in the water, which Jesus knew was just subterfuge. Jesus commanded the man to take up his bed and walk, ruining yet another welfare scheme. The man did just that. Case closed; welfare cheat exposed.

But this political spin "Jesus" must have been surprised by how happy and grateful the man was to be healed at last.
"Curses! Foiled again!"

How dare these false friends of Christianity use a Bible record of an actual miracle of Jesus, done in God's love, in order to gaslight poor and crippled people that they do not want to be able to support themselves, and are in fact to blame for everything that happens to them! No, we are to blame for exactly what we are to blame for, but what is someone else's doing, is not a thing we can take credit for, and we should do our best not to allow ourselves to be bamboozled by that lying line of gaslighting. They don't just want us falsely gaslighted into the lie that we're to blame for everything, but they want it to hurt with intractable pain: a spear in our hearts that just never relents. And yet, it is based on at least a partial lie. Gaslighting is cruel. No one who has a godly heart for the truth would believe such a lie could be in the service of God..And sorry, politicos, but at a time when the economy has suffered the greatest transfer of wealth in world history, it is very unlikely that the poor are completely responsible for our own poverty. Some of it is due to our own mistakes and sins, but hardly all of it. Are there any drug addicts in poor neighborhoods? yes, and poor residents suffer the most from the crime and tragedy it brings. Many, if not most poor people are not involved, regardless of whether they have been users before. Are there any drug addicts—and drug profiteers—in rich neighborhoods? Of course there are. So is it just or true to accuse everyone who is suffering from the disparity of treatment, from being systematically impoverished, of just being "envious" and "bitter"? No, although poor people are also susceptible to those sins, we have to take responsibility for our own souls, too. But being on the bottom rung of recipients of a massive, cruel scam, hurts. Some things are our fault, but not everything. But a lot of blame goes to the psychopaths and sociopaths who will do this to so many people. As the extremely wealthy increase in power, they act as if they are gladly the depopulating Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and threaten to chip our brains to eradicate free thought, even all sincerity, forever.

And that wickedness is on them; it is not poor people's fault at all. It is hardly a matter of poor people's "envy" and "bitterness". What is wrong with it goes far beyond that.
So I just don't think we should accept the blame for everything, but should recognize dishonest gaslighting for what it is.

Lifeguard on duty
Lifeguard on duty - 19.06.2023 23:42

You are the reason people think am controversial😂😂..❤❤❤your hard work has not gone unnoticed 🎉. I owe you big time sir

GICAIRO GIIVIERO 🖤 - 08.06.2023 07:59

sometimes u have to be real

Jeronimo Tamayo Lopera
Jeronimo Tamayo Lopera - 29.05.2023 11:22


Jeronimo Tamayo Lopera
Jeronimo Tamayo Lopera - 29.05.2023 11:21


YB Wang
YB Wang - 24.05.2023 16:40

yeah, I am the problem. And now, I am your problem

April Sunshine
April Sunshine - 09.05.2023 09:27

It's so funny because that's exactly what i was thinking before he even said it "FREE BAGEL" 😂

Charlene Cotton
Charlene Cotton - 10.04.2023 08:57

Tell the state to be accountable for their actions and do it for the greater good of the community THE SMEAR CAMPAIGN was a good idea SC GOVERNOR IS STUPID

R Smith
R Smith - 19.03.2023 17:19

Watch: "MIGHTY SALVATION PRAYER" on Repentance Channel. Amen

Emmanuel Fabian
Emmanuel Fabian - 09.03.2023 22:30

Love Simon Sinek 🙏

Rishi Raj
Rishi Raj - 09.03.2023 20:43


Mike - 09.03.2023 20:25

Um I'm sorry. Nelson Mandela was a terrorist. Guilty of killing many innocent people. Yeah, a great leader.
