Jordan B. Peterson | Full interview | SVT/TV 2/Skavlan

Jordan B. Peterson | Full interview | SVT/TV 2/Skavlan


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@user-qj5gn1se5r - 16.03.2024 20:59

Crazy crazy, crazy world we live in. Twenty six years later we live in the CHAOS of social engineering.

@smartsailinsinbad8707 - 16.03.2024 20:53

The way they just don't understand what he is saying baffles me. Speaking of differences in interest is Do these feminists ever ask themselves do many many women WANT to be prime minister. Or a construction worker. Or an engineer. Or working on oil rigs or be CEOs. Not many of them want to do the jobs that many men want to do. Most of them aren't willing to do the more dangerous dirty jobs. And the few that do want to will and can and do pursue those in western and egalitarian societies. The reason we see more difference sin career choice in more egalitarian societies is because everyone of each sex can choose to do what they want and they choose base don their interests and men and women's interest majoritively differ.

@smartsailinsinbad8707 - 16.03.2024 20:43

It amazes me how so many people do not actually LISTEN a d therefore they do not understand

@vvwalker7261 - 15.03.2024 17:46

Another woman who has come with a combative attitude and ended up looking like a complete plonker

@johnbarnett6128 - 14.03.2024 18:47

Jordan said when you remove all gender barriers and bias, gender differences in temperament and preferences maximize. Then the lady shows she understood nothing with her glass ceiling statement.

@harrietkinloch7451 - 14.03.2024 17:23

Maggie Thatcher was a prime minister woman! Stop with the victim narrative! You yourself allows you to be a Victim, nobody else!

@harrietkinloch7451 - 14.03.2024 17:20

The world was created out of chaos, the big bang, billions of years ago, look at it now, we're evolving again, let's hope things will be better in the end! At the moment I just want to get off.

@ladis123 - 14.03.2024 03:12

Jordan is a gold. Ome of the best people living. He helped me a lot when my dad passed two weeks ago.

@jarofawesome4621 - 13.03.2024 17:05

Peterson is NOT saying that because men and women tend to show very real, observable differences in interests when a cultural impact is mitigated women HAVE to or MUST be relegated to those occupations.... He's just saying that this is what happens.

Her: But what if I want to give my daughter the best possible upbringing to allow for her to become a civil engineer???

She sounds like the type of feminist that would be severely disappointed if her daughter chose anything close to resembling a trad wife lifestyle.

@Somong - 13.03.2024 06:36

They were prepared to discuss conflict, but JP kept pivoting toward resolution.

@kingnirvana7714 - 13.03.2024 05:11

She refused to engage in anything that was being said. It says a lot.

@WanderingWolf365 - 12.03.2024 20:07

Jordan makes an excellent point. If you want freedom of equal opportunity, you cannot mandate equality of outcome because that is not freedom of choice. As his data points out, when equality of opportunity increases, men and women choose MORE different fields. The problem with what the lady is saying, is she is using a man's measuring stick for "success" and trying to apply it to women. - WW

@jc2044 - 12.03.2024 07:39

The interview is truly disheartening; while the three individuals involved may have genuine intentions to help, their apparent lack of information and singular focus on equality of outcomes could prove detrimental. This approach may lead to the manipulation of vulnerable children, with an agenda that has the potential to unravel the fundamental aspects of biology and society.

@ericshingles6962 - 11.03.2024 02:29

A grown up having to educate the ignorant

@nataliaabello - 10.03.2024 05:52

It’s fun to watch how they are trying to psycho analyze him to pin point what made him who he is

@vladimirsamusevic7875 - 09.03.2024 18:12

Все ,что я почерпнул из этого интервью-Джорнал Петерсон-гений...

@andrewhobbins1915 - 09.03.2024 16:41

Peterson has some stupid theories. He's like the Devil. He's against equal ity. Equal opportunity doesn't exist and equal outcomes doesn't exist right now. Most of what Peterson says are lies?Things, people?What?Peterson lives in a subjective theories of his own. People are using their positions of profession as a authoritarian.

@blackwood4090 - 09.03.2024 16:39

Didn't know that Kyle Glass was a woke man haha

@andrewhobbins1915 - 09.03.2024 16:33

Militants view vulnerability as weakness. Our society and most western societies are militant by nature.

@eleshalife5 - 09.03.2024 09:06

the interviewer is an idiot

@antiochiaadtaurum3786 - 08.03.2024 18:06

I wouldn't say he is narcissistic, I would say he is pathologically narcissistic

@concernedcommenter8258 - 08.03.2024 01:26

You can see the moment they change their minds about him.

@concernedcommenter8258 - 08.03.2024 01:19

The way he speaks is so unfiltered that you can tell by how he speaks how much he knows and how honest he is.

@tcnelson3428 - 07.03.2024 03:56

This gentleman (Jordan Peterson) not only gives a lecture, but also clearly offers compassionate advice to one of the co-hosts who is obviously struggling with a personal issue.
I don’t agree with everything he has to say ever, but my hat is off to him for this attempt to shoulder his burden.

@FootlooseFishing - 06.03.2024 19:47

i found it hilarious any time blondie said lityerally anything, but i couldn't stop laughing when she said 'i think it's important her dad shows feelings and gives her kisses' like yes every fucking father does this already hahaha everything she said was literally nothing, she said 'everybody should have opportunities' like yes, you can literally do whatever u want whoever u are.... if ur the best pilot ever and ur female, that's fine? haha like wtf is she saying

@josephdans7120 - 04.03.2024 04:02

Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Doulas Murray, Niall Ferguson…the four best thinkers in the west…they can take anyone on…

@shubhamghodgaonkar7333 - 02.03.2024 14:36

Actually J .Peterson is too smart and knowledgeable for everyone sitting there...

@smaswqa4208 - 01.03.2024 21:06

The woman and the interviewer listening to Peterson with a smile is hilarious. The expression "damn he makes sense" sums it up perfectly.

@50shadesofskittles9 - 01.03.2024 05:52

Who's the woman in this discussion?

@rachelmiller9467 - 29.02.2024 22:27

Love JP. No doubt, he’s brilliant and giving straight facts. I’m surprised to see people commenting on how respectful they were towards him when all I see is them looking at him in smug disbelief and trying to withhold laughter. Their ignorance is astounding.

@LashyYT - 29.02.2024 05:52

I would love for him to interview Andrew Tate they would talk for hours

@maeganaustin5845 - 29.02.2024 04:23

The unfounded & empty audacity of these "woke", radically liberal, toxic feminine, anti-white, anti-man gender/pronoun-obsessed, painfully delusional "total equality/equal outcome" chasing creatures of modern society to call people like Jordan Peterson (and anyone else who even remotely thinks with factual & moral logic and common sense) a fkn NAZI has to be the most hypocritical thing I have ever heard!!! These goofy senseless idiots constantly & proudly display just about every single trait & social characteristic of an actual nazi themselves!!! Seriously, the twitching mf nerve to possess a hardcore Nazi personality, logic & values and then scream "NAZI" at anyone who doesn't bow down to their catastrophic ideology and agree with them....the NAZI. Their narcissistic stupidity has far surpassed the deepest darkest depths of hell! This "woke" bs has to be stopped....and it WILL be stopped!!!

@warrenmills5800 - 28.02.2024 14:34

Jordan schooling yet another

@frankasseko - 28.02.2024 04:11

I am intrigued by the lady speaker who seems to have high admiration for JP and enjoy his eloquence by the way she looks at him. Very commendable for a feminist.

@guangulteshagerteshager9751 - 28.02.2024 03:47

The woman's half smile is disgusting

@cjrock4096 - 26.02.2024 16:37

The equity fallacies fall apart with the reality of gender differences. The globalists are losing this simple wedge to create the division they need for control of the masses.

@AD_Saffa_HD - 25.02.2024 23:58

I think people misinterpret things Jordan Peters on says all the time which is why he's made out to be such a villain. He is an incredibly well spoken man and I feel most people mishear what he says and assume he means something else and put words in his mouth. The world is so toxic nowadays! He speaks truth but people wanna believe in fantasy. If I was in his position, I'd find it so hard to not "mansplain" to people what I mean in lamens terms 😂

@cjw9257 - 25.02.2024 10:33

I went to school in the 80s and 90s I’ll tell you the girls were smart and strong and would tell you too shut your mouth if needed. Sacred heart in Kyneton a fantastic school.

@cjw9257 - 25.02.2024 10:27

Great show

@curtiswilson3569 - 25.02.2024 06:34

In every argument, where someone argues look at the world.. certain people are obviously being held back (be it a race, sex, etc.) based upon this outcome... assuming its a systemic issue, and not multifaceted.

@fmwforex - 23.02.2024 11:47

"45 or something like that"🤣🤣🤣

@DouglasNicholas-el5hv - 23.02.2024 06:23

This started out as an entrapment,
Ended up as a lecture! To whom, wasn't at all satisfied with the results of the entrapment!
We can see, how the Leftists were attempting to encircle him. While he continued to straighten out their beliefs that were entirely wrong!
Dr. Peterson is lightyears ahead of these rookies in their assumptions!
We as a Society have a long way to catch up with him!
It's too bad, the Leftists are so entrenched in their common notions! That it really looks like, they will never be satisfied with the truth..
They must continue in their paths, to be totally wrong! Believing they are totally right!
It's not conundrum! It's pure fallacy, on their part of ever coming to grips of any sort of reality! Unless, they are confronted with their own fallacies!
Which may never happen!

@mrscoobis7273 - 22.02.2024 23:09

Jordan is so incredibly patient and kind to talk about the exact same topics to different people and several different networks where everyone is just trying to prove him wrong or corner him to no prevail

@mauriciovalero9378 - 21.02.2024 15:29

Beauty is always attractive....this conversation is an example of it

@youcefbenslimane7990 - 20.02.2024 03:31

Da hood

@innasadovskaya5857 - 19.02.2024 22:46

J.B.P. ❤❤❤❤❤😂

@CAROLZ101101 - 19.02.2024 08:34

i admire jordan, his patience having to sit, explain constantly by people whom majority whom interview him are out to lunch , and remotely have any awareness, knowledge , and lack the understanding of science/psychological based concepts ... this poor lady speaking here , so so sad to hear and watch but unfortunately she has this pseudo belief that she knows something .... hillirious, her presence serves for COMIC RELIEF i supposed , perhaps why they have her on here
