Ecoideas - CHFA 2018 - Baru Baron

Ecoideas - CHFA 2018 - Baru Baron


5 лет назад

84 Просмотров

Baru Baron

Arguably the most nutritious seed known, Baru Seeds are a delicious and versatile ingredient. These nutritient dense seeds can replace peanuts, chickpeas and pine nuts in any recipe.

• Peanut and nut free
• High in plant-based protein
• High in Fiber
• Kosher certified
• Gluten free

Products Available
• Wild Dry-Roasted Baru Seeds 150g (BAR-526)
• Baru Flour 227g (BAR-529)
• Wild Dry-Roasted Baru Seeds 20g (BAR-530)

Baru Baron

Sans doute la plus nutritive en sa catégorie, la graine de baru est un aliment délicieux et polyvalent. Riche en nutriments, elle peut remplacer les arachides, les pois chiches et les noix de pin dans n’importe quelle recette.

• Sans arachides ni noix
• Riche en protéines d’origine végétale
• Haute teneur en fibres
• Certifiées cachère
• Sans gluten
Produits offerts
• Graines de baru sauvages grillées à sec 150 g (BAR-526)
• Farine de baru 227g (BAR-529)
• Graines de baru sauvages grillées à sec 20 g (BAR-530)

#baruseeds #baru #barubaron #nutfree #highinfibre #glutenfree #kosher

About Ecoideas:
Ecoideas is a leading manufacturer and distributor of natural health products to retailers across Canada. Ecoideas has a truly unique selection of products in the categories of: Organic health food, raw food, high quality dietary supplements, the purest envirofriendly cleaning products, and natural body care products. Our team at

Ecoideas strongly believes in the alignment of thought, speech and action, which became the foundation of our company. We believe that healthy living should be available to everyone and that the earth must not suffer in order for humans to live well.

Video & Editing by: Pinder Khaira
Copyright Ecoideas® 2018


#baru_seeds #baru_baron #baru #peanuts #chickpeas #pine_nuts #nut_free #high_in_fibre #kosher #gluten_free
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