15 Reasons NOT to Move to San Antonio Texas!!! The TRUTH About Living in San Antonio Texas!

15 Reasons NOT to Move to San Antonio Texas!!! The TRUTH About Living in San Antonio Texas!

Life in San Antonio Texas

3 года назад

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Meme :)
Meme :) - 25.10.2023 10:50

What pest control company do you use?

Lawrence Agnew
Lawrence Agnew - 24.08.2023 07:45

California is worse,kansas where I'm from is worse

kellyldavis100 - 25.07.2023 23:27

We lived in San Antonio for 5 years when I was a kid. It was SO hot, my dad would send us outside to play for punishment!

Zodia195 - 28.03.2023 00:45

I know this video is a year old, but I still want to comment it.

#1- I think you forgot one important factor- the Heat Index. Sure the actual temperature may not always reach triple digits, but the heat index factor almost always does so it FEELS super hot. There's a reason why I hate going out in the afternoon during summers, unless I am at a water park.

#2- I agree these things are RARE (Hurricanes and Tornados), but they still happen. I think the bigger issue people need to be aware of (besides the hail) is flooding because SA IS in a flood plain and the city does flood easily. There's a reason why they say you still need flood insurance when living down here. Like we've been in a drought for several years now, I would NOT be surprised if some point in the future we get another flood. But yeah storms here can get fierce. One phrase you'll here a lot when it does flood is "Turn around, don't drown." I can't tell you how aggravating it has been over the years to hear people ignore those flood barricades and more often than not it's someone with one of those big trucks or SUVs who don't think the flood waters are that high.

#3- Only thing I want to add here is to be wary of junk callers who want to 'buy your land'. My family has seen an increase of these types of junk calls (and they'll even leave messages) of people constantly asking us for our land. It might have to do with the factor that my parents have paid off our land and house within the past 5 years. But yeah thank GOODNESS there's no state income tax. If I ever move out of Texas, ideally I want to move to another state with no income tax.

#4- I've been use to the Tourism since I understand SA's biggest form of income probably Tourism because of things you mentioned, not to mention all of the big events like Rodeo and Fiesta. SA is also a popular Convention city, so don't be surprised to see crowds with people wearing convention badges around downtown lol. Be wary for Labor Day weekend, the biggest Anime Con in South Texas is here too called San Japan. I am a volunteer for this event (hopefully I'll finally be able to return to it since 2019, thanks Covid) and I can vouch that it draws a huge crowd. Granted the past few years the crowds have been as big because of Covid, but I wouldn't be surprised if we did see a bigger crowd this year. This fall I wouldn't be surprised if we drew in a huge crowd for the Solar Eclipse that'll be happening here and then next Spring, we'll get a Total Solar Eclipse in the Hill Country area. I understand the last time a Solar Eclipse happened in the USA, certain areas around the nation saw a HUGE increase in tourists for this specific event.

#5- Road construction has been a thing in Texas since my family moved back to Texas in 1992. It's non-stop lol. The day there's no road construction is the day I'll say Pigs are flying lol.

#6- I do agree that unless you live inside the loop, your best bet is to use a car to get around. I have been using VIA for 20 years now and I love it. However, nowadays I'll only use it to get downtown. No way in heck I'll ever park downtown it's a definite tourist trap lol. But yeah I still drive too. I do commend VIA for keeping their prices low though even after 20 years. They even made their transfers free now.

#7- LOL, there's one critter YOU ALWAYS need to be aware of, even in the city- ANTS! I always tell people, never walk outside barefooted for this very reason. I learned this the hard way as a kid when I was walking barefooted on my grandparents' lawn and got bit twice by a fire ant! It hurt to walk and I had to big bubbles on my foot. Also I have a great tip- get a bat house. Bats are amazing for dealing with bugs, especially mosquitoes. My family has hardly seen any mosquitoes since we got a bat house. Also we have a lot of cats in the country, some feral while others are house cats and they help with the gopher, mice, and snake issues.

#8- I always find it funny when big artists skip SA because Dallas or Houston always gets them lol. But yeah we'll get well known artists here from time to time. I personally am not a HUGE concert fan due to how loud it can get (I have sensory issues), but I do enjoy them. Love the Rodeo Concerts though.

#9- I still live with my parents so I can't really comment on it.

#10- I know this has been a deal breaker for several and I don't blame them. I am the lucky one in my family who only suffers from one allergen and that is the Mountain Cedar. But yeah there's always 4 big ones throughout the year- Oak in the Spring, Mold in the Summer, Ragweed in the Fall, and Cedar in the Winter. There are others of course and mold tends to show up most of the year, but that's the way it is. Honestly I thought San Fran was worse because when I visited that place back in 2009, something did not agree with me and I couldn't breath the entire time I was there and had a cold when I got home.

#11- While it's true the Spurs haven't been good in recent years, there's a reason for it, Coach Pop purposely got young players to help build them up. So while I think it may be awhile before the Spurs are good again, I have faith in Pop and the Spurs Organization.

#12- I can see your point here. But I like that SA has a 'small town' feel to it also. I am 100% a city girl (I live out the country but all of my interests connect to SA more than they do to La Vernia). Maybe it's because since I've lived in this area most of my life I am use to the city's layout.

#13- What I am finding frustrating are places that are getting 'refurbished', but cost much more than your average SA local because they want to cater to these new guys showing up. I am looking at you Pearl Brewery area! I keep praying that SA doesn't go the route of Austin.

#14- My dad works at a Quarry and he's always wearing ear equipment, it is HARD work for these people. But yeah it's a similar situation if you live near the Airport like my aunt and uncle, you get use to the noise lol.

#15- Speaking for me personally, I don't like that SA is growing so much. I worry that with these price increases it'll cause small businesses to suffer and push them out as bigger businesses take over and more out of state businesses will change the SA scene. I love SA so much and I just don't want to see go downhill like a lot of CA cities have.

Dan Man
Dan Man - 02.03.2023 04:53

Moved to SA, got a bigger house for cheap, higher paying salary, and home values went up. Very family friendly. The one downside is having to drive everywhere

Espressos & Planners
Espressos & Planners - 20.02.2023 01:09

Do you see alot of apartment complexes going up???

Portland Oregon has the best public transportation system

Camping Coastie
Camping Coastie - 26.01.2023 17:57

We love visiting San Antonio but the last trip my truck was broken into in front of Chuy’s near The Rim.

I found out if you drive a truck it’s likely to get broken into a someone looking for guns.

comicmartusa - 25.01.2023 22:25

25 minutes of BS

75andBreezy - 08.12.2022 20:59

I own a couple of investment properties in San Antonio. I like it there quite a bit. Southtown is a real hipster vibe with some great bars and restaurants. Our properties are in a neighborhood next door. We haven't had any issues with crime in three years and I monitor the neighborhood with RING. I do get the feeling that the police pick and choose where to lock it down. Like I wouldn't necessarily hang out on the West side. or parts of the South side of the city. But there is crime in most major cities. Some of the suburbs north of San Antonio are gorgeous. San Antonio is on the doorstep of "Hill Country" and some of the areas around there are breath taking. Cheap too. There is also a wonderful lake near by and places where you can coast down the river with a beer in hand. It's not Austin. Definitely a bit more urban. But if you're looking for cheap, warm, lots to do, it's a great place to get your career started or cash out from a bigger city. And statistically it's safer than Houston (which is also a good investment). The one thing I will say about Texas is that the property taxes are high. Be ready to pay 3% a year in a major city like S.A. But tons of jobs and very well positioned for the future build out in the US as manufacturing comes back home.

Steve K
Steve K - 08.12.2022 20:51

Listening to the list of negatives, I couldn't help but often hear them as positives. No rap or hip hop, for example.
Surprised the list didn't include crime or public education.

Daniel Plainview
Daniel Plainview - 08.12.2022 18:16

Reason #16: Lifted pickup trucks driven by meat heads

Paris Gonzalez
Paris Gonzalez - 07.12.2022 02:23

All my family is in San Antonio. Always something fun to do, and great food! Way better than other places I've lived

Charlie Bucket
Charlie Bucket - 06.12.2022 11:16

Move to Shiner, TX with a population of about 2,200. They love and welcome people from all over. They also have the Shiner Bruery, and every store is in walking distance. Your welcome. Fredericksburg is also a nice town.

Julia Isabella
Julia Isabella - 24.11.2022 10:33

I lived in San Antonio in the spring of 2022 for three months and everyone was super sweet there and polite and I really enjoyed meeting so many nice people, however, I hated the weather so so much. It was incredibly hot and there were so many days over 100 even before summer hit and the evenings were in the 90s and it was constantly sticky and hot and humid. Definitely not for me.

Brian L Dixon
Brian L Dixon - 23.11.2022 22:53

You forgot to mention all the fucking cowboys fans

Ethan - 18.11.2022 21:20

1. Job Market
I find San Antonio to be limiting when it comes to the job market. If you don't work in Sales, military, medical, customer service or have a trade it's going to be difficult to find a diversity of companies you can work for. The major large HQs in SA are mostly Texas companies versus the other major Texas cities, SA has USAA, Frost bank and H‑E-B. The other non-Texas large HQs are Valero, Marathon Petroleum and iHeart Radio. Therefore really think about it is SA job market really for you as competition is steep with a population of almost 1.5 million plus with the companies only found in Texas the health insurance premiums are higher than other companies that has offices all over the U.S. You may see major companies like Nationwide, Wells Fargo, Aetna etc but those are mainly call centers or the jobs they offer are in the service industry. You may also see tech companies like Microsoft, CyrusOne etc, by they just house their servers here in SA so don't be mislead. Austin, Houston and Dallas have numerous fortune 500 companies HQs (with offices all over the US) and their mayors keep wining bids for these companies (or even major operational offices) to move there. Wells Fargo is building a multi tower regional corporate campus in Dallas as I'm writing this. My point is if you considering moving to Texas for opportunity, depending on what that is I would look to the other Texas major cities.

J Conn
J Conn - 12.11.2022 00:53

66 year resident of San Antonio. If I was younger, I would leave. The friendly people of years past are gone. Everyone is in it for themselves. Makes me sad. We also had 58 days over 100 this year with unbearable humidity. Not worth it, but what can you do at my age?

Frank Radcliff
Frank Radcliff - 31.10.2022 06:22

Ok. Where should I move to then?

David Gonzales
David Gonzales - 24.09.2022 21:53

With those california size property taxes would stay in california and go to desert or the forests of the top third of cali.

Jay Montange
Jay Montange - 20.09.2022 16:23

One and one only available property in Villa’s of Briggs Ranch High $300 Gated and Guarded 211 nd USHwy 90 towards Castroville between two golf courses 1 private one public. Quiet and safe , walk your dog , and Just nice . Lived here most of my life and this is our 5th home in 20 years. So we have a little experience. Take your golf cart to Golf club of Texas . Where they have a lot to offer and are continuing to grow. San Antonio’s hidden gem.

The Solution!4Kickz
The Solution!4Kickz - 19.09.2022 02:10

Originally from Baltimore so some of these things make me chuckle.
About garages, most people here don't park in their garages. They cram them full of stuff or make it a place to chill out in. Then when the hailstorms happen they complain. Ok.....
Car insurance is high because of the drivers who can't drive and illegally drive. It's common to see registration stickers over a year expired and they probably aren't insured.
Yes property taxes can be tricky.
San Antonio has about 1.6 million people but it's nightlife does not rival those are similar size cities. There's a small-town vibe that culturally regulates nightlife. Natives will tell you it's "lit" but it isn't.
Traffic is crazy because of growth.
However, this is my 2nd hometown and I love it but I do scratch my head at its peculiarities.

Tashmahal The dank meme place lol
Tashmahal The dank meme place lol - 07.09.2022 21:54

It's funny you said that I moved here from Chicago as well but I first moved to Austin and that was a mistake Boy, was that a mistake, I don't know who in the census bureau is sleeping with someone from Austin on the crime issue but when I was there homelessness and crime was some of the worst I'd seen when I thought I was coming to a safe place coming from so with that being mentioned I still love San Antonio despite the same 15 reasons so there is a spot for you here if you're from Chicago or anywhere else

Alex Press
Alex Press - 04.09.2022 03:17

this summer has been over 100 degrees everyday...I would say an average 103 several days straight for the entire summer

Ronald Gavlick
Ronald Gavlick - 02.09.2022 20:23

I have lived in San Antonio all my life and have lived all over S A and what this guy is leaving out is how people moving from California etc etc the prices are

Angel Rivera
Angel Rivera - 29.08.2022 18:56

This dude is trying his best to keep people away from an obvious gem of a city... nice try.

Uncledaddy - 29.08.2022 13:15

Taxes is not true! Around here if you have a 200k house they will say it's worth 400k so they can tax you more

Roxanne lambert
Roxanne lambert - 27.08.2022 21:31

I was born in and raised in san Antonio tx and moved to different states as a teen and moved back to tx in my adult life, I hate san Antonio, I live 45 minutes away from there but still hate it,although there are some advantages like law gun,but other than that it suxs, there's alot of Immigrants and they want you to speak Spanish, sorry but you come here you must speak English, I'm not from your country so I will not speak Spanish for you to help you government already helps you alot,but won't help use,I work and get paid very little as for immigrants, they work for cheap,and they want us to work for cheap as well,if I had the money to move I would

Scarlett Lens
Scarlett Lens - 27.08.2022 05:33

Seriously contemplating leaving El Paso for San Antonio.

Javier Rocha
Javier Rocha - 26.08.2022 17:14

A lot this about Texas not San Antonio and I live in Austin Texas and it fucking ridiculous living here and not much to do here and way overpriced I rather live in San Antonio love it there more cultural

Sonia Sias
Sonia Sias - 23.08.2022 02:16

You need an equivalent to California's Prop 13 for residential property. It keeps the elderly sheltered.

Maria Alvarez
Maria Alvarez - 13.08.2022 20:25

I just visited family that live in San Antonio, I am afraid to buy here after I saw all the side walks lifting and cracking everywhere. And family said all of the homes foundations are cracking. Is there a particular area in San Antonio where homes are in better shape. The roads are also messed up. Thanks

Patty V Jones
Patty V Jones - 12.08.2022 04:20

Any suggestions on friendly communities for active retirees?

Lori Lorditch
Lori Lorditch - 09.08.2022 09:35

What's the address to where the Beach is at in San Antonio Texas

rolback - 05.08.2022 05:44

SA is a really boring city. It’s a big suburb. Nightlife consists of shltty little shot and beer bars. Very little downtown activities and night life. No nightclubs or dance clubs, no decent places to see a band, mostly chain fast food restaurants, no lakes/rivers for boating or swimming, country music at most places. If your single in your 20s do not go to SA. A lot of ex military and military with families.

Paul Greene
Paul Greene - 01.08.2022 09:34

I've visited there twice,.....(From Alabama of course).... It's like you're sayin' to yourself: "Tha' phok goin' on here?
The air is really crazy to breath wit',
I've literally felt pretty drained, not because the heat, Well, 129 outside while Degrees and 90 in the shade. Certain restaurants has crazy good out there true'nuff though, No doubt 'bout That.
I've visited a community of Indian Creek,.......To be honest,..
it's kinda has a laid back thing goin' on but, All I can say is this:
It has it's chill moments,.... You're very much welcome to move there if you want to.........And see what's really goes Down.
You'll change your mind then

Kathleen Stein
Kathleen Stein - 28.07.2022 08:43

We have had over 40 days of 100 and above in 2022! It is like living in an oven, and it's still July! I moved here 40 years ago from Chicago and I was widowed 25 years ago and was stuck because this was my children's home. Be prepared for crazy high electric bills.Miserable public transportation. It is a small town that believes it's a city LOL. My Dr. has me taking Claritan everyday all year round due to the allergens.

2108372888 Leung
2108372888 Leung - 24.07.2022 01:10

Honestly, I am really hoping your title resonates with those coming from Florida. And I'll add a sixteenth reason for Floridian people, you don't know the culture, mannerisms, and weren't born here to the Floridians, ih10 east is your best bet, and floor it

Mela Nicole
Mela Nicole - 08.07.2022 02:41

Moved to San Antonio from Chicago a year ago. Here are my negatives… The food is bad. I can go on and on about it. The price of living is going up and it’s not worth it. San Antonio barely have any big festivals or fun events. It’s not a walkable city. You have to drive everywhere. Everyone is already married or in a relationship so don’t expect much of a dating life if you’re single. It’s essentially one big suburb… and the food sucks!

Joel Willis
Joel Willis - 01.07.2022 20:47

Add to your list 110 degree weather in June

My Channel
My Channel - 07.06.2022 15:20

Why do crime maps show such high crime?

Kannon Grizzard
Kannon Grizzard - 06.06.2022 07:37

1. He's not wrong, it's hot AF down here.

2. Hail almost never happens. Maybe once every 3 years, at best. Traffic due to hurricanes is a thing down here, but it's also not a super common thing.

3. You said the prop tax is high, but the price of prop is so low that it still is lower than other comparable markets

4. Other than the downtown and theme park traffic, if you live anywhere else in SA, you're hardly ever going to experience tourist traffic.

5. Construction is a thing, especially 281, however if you're not on the Northside construction isn't a big deal

6. Public transportation is pretty bad. The via bus system isn't terrible but public trans in total is bad.

7. Wild life isn't even close to a big issue. Deer are the worst of it and even then it's not that bad. Rule of thumb, if you're an hour out of downtown, lookout for deer. Even then, the odds are in your favor.

8. The music scene is lacking. however, there are still headliners and local events all over, st Mary's is a good spot for local artists. The new tech center will be a hot spot. Austin is also only a 2 hour drive if not less for most people.

9. The drop in income doesn't even touch the amount of rent/mortgage you'll be paying in other places

10. Cedar and mold here is bad here, can't argue with that.

11. No matter how bad the spurs are, if you adopt the SA ways you'll come to love the spurs no matter how shitty they are. Go Spurs Go!

12. City life is amazing. Once you get downtown the amount of history and things to do is amazing. Yes, it might be a walk but, I promise you it's worth it.

13. Compared to everywhere elsewhere else it's still very low. Especially for VA loans.

14. Idk how this is a negative. Almost all of the quarries are inactive in the city, so there is zero noise. The only noise there is, is the old quarries being made into housing or business districts.

15. The exploding growth has brought more development in this city than I've ever seen. It has clean the city up and brought more money into the city. Yes it might spike property rate in the future, but the fact you're moving now before the boom makes it more of a reason to move down here now!

sexii lexii
sexii lexii - 29.05.2022 03:07

i know this bitch ain’t talkin bout my home city like dat, everyone and their mama is moving there from all over the US! Countdown city 210!!! <3333

g16sley - 28.05.2022 18:19

I never appreciated the Florida highway system until I visited Texas. Whichever architects designed the highway system in Texas deserve a special place in hell. In Texas, there's no concept of scale in their road designs. In Florida we have exits--smaller roads leading off of the main highway. The smaller scale of the exit tells the driver that they are leaving the main road and entering a new route.

Texans, in all their intelligence, decided to use forks instead of small scaled exits--This makes it confusing because you can never tell if you're leaving the route you're driving on because it all looks the same. It's like the people in Texas who designed these highways never had to use them. Since you have no choice but to have a car living in a place like SA, the road designs make me never want to live there. Was glad to visit, but your roads are terribly designed and you people should riot against your urban planners for that.

guillo Tine
guillo Tine - 27.05.2022 22:12

I remember ELLEN Creighton was talking about a Jamaica trip and the people were complaining because of the humidity like it is in Austin Texas the thing of it is people don’t want to sweat out toxins & poisons that’s why they wind up in the hospital so I would venture to say humidity is good for your health so you can sweat out all those toxins and poisonous

Jacque - 23.05.2022 05:46

Man FU San Antonio Texas is one of the best places to Live mf

Jorge Garcia
Jorge Garcia - 21.05.2022 08:43

Chicago il is 90 % inside living why.? Facking winter like hell and then summer time 100 degrees with fucking high humidity so I soon I get my home sold I would be buy a house in San Antonio tx

april turk
april turk - 10.05.2022 22:15

global warming trends? potential water shortage, electrical grid problems?

CHIEFS WIFE - 10.05.2022 01:15

SA is the MOST RACIST place we've ever lived, no matter what color you are, absolutely racist!! It is NOT REFLECTIVE OF TX AND HOSPITALITY, HATEFUL RUDE RESIDENTS!! And it's dirty unless you're the less than 1% to live in the more affluent neighborhood, city planner was indicted for imbezzlement which explains why all the roads are horrific and dangerous and traffic backs up EVERYDAY NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE!! RUN FROM THIS SHITHOLE!!
