Dr. Gary Fettke - 'Is Fruit Good or Bad For You?'

Dr. Gary Fettke - 'Is Fruit Good or Bad For You?'

Low Carb Down Under

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@Truthdosentexist69 - 09.04.2023 12:18

If fruit is a processed food, I believe so are most if not all vegetables.

@bonnieleary1197 - 13.05.2023 01:21

This blew my mind. Made me realize how little I know about anything.

@paulrollinson1305 - 14.05.2023 11:53

I wonder who is fooling who? Yet another orthopaedic surgeon preaching well outside his medical speciality. Preaching to the converted. Lots of confirmation bias in the comments below.

@Cenot4ph - 23.05.2023 07:57

Ive always limited fruit intake, with that much sugar in it it cant be healthy in large quantities

@ela_seo - 26.05.2023 13:22

What a great talk. I have been staying away from processed food for the past 9 months but my weight remained the same, and I understand now that it might have been connected to having a fruit with every meal.Fruits have helped replacing sugary products with something healthier and less addictive, but I guess it's time for the next tweak in my diet to further improve my health.

@gilgolani8775 - 06.06.2023 22:30

If I had to listen to all this drs and so called experts I wouldn't be able to eat anything. I say fk em all.

@Tmanaz480 - 08.06.2023 18:32

Local=from a local warehouse. Fresh=the warehouse is above 0c

@lindabirmingham603 - 21.06.2023 17:58

Dr Fettke may be unaware of anti-nutrients and toxins in some leafy greens, especially spinach, chard, and beets. They are very high in oxalates that prevent the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and copper. Oxalates also accumulate in tissues throughout the body. They are sharp crystals that cause joint pain, fibromyalgia, bladder pain, and kidney stones.
Almonds are also very high in oxalates. I would like to see doctors and dieticians advising their patients to limit high oxalate foods. If I had known about oxalates, I could have eliminated decades of fibromyalgia and irritable bladder syndrome.

Non-meat sources of iron are poorly absorbed, if at all. You need heme iron. This explains why my serum iron had remained low after menopause.

The 'vitamin A' in veggies is actually beta-carotene that must be converted to vitamin A. At least 40% of the population can convert none of it. The rest, only a very small percentage. I was definitely was fooled on this one too....

@lindabirmingham603 - 21.06.2023 18:15

If fructose is 7x more glycating than glucose, and HbA1c testing only measures glucose, how much are the cells really damaged by glycation? There is no test for glycation from fructose. Fruit lovers beware....

@HappyLife-wv5ms - 02.07.2023 20:33

I think he should have made a distinction between tree fruits and berries.

@freedomworks3976 - 06.07.2023 07:26

Seems it has more to do with sugar than the method of delivery. If they came up with sugar free fruit …

@CoralHullforJesusChrist - 10.07.2023 11:19

"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” [Genesis 1:29, The Holy Bible, KJV]

@muriellesylvester5117 - 12.07.2023 12:10

Not everyone can eat fruit. It can create inflammation for some.

@Alan_Clark - 02.09.2023 11:58

He blames fruit for causing inflammation from the fructose, but fruit is thought to be strongly anti-inflammatory, particularly tomatoes and berries(strawberries , raspberries, blackberries, blueberries etc.). This is not true of most veg or other food, except nuts and poultry. Cereal is very inflammatory, as is refined sugar. A typical fruit only contains around 10g of sugar per 100g, so you can eat it twice a day and still only get 20g of carbs, which is a small fraction of the total carbs that most people eat. Fruit also tastes better than veg! You need to enjoy your food, not just eat it to survive.

@anteandrovic - 12.09.2023 20:24

is an apple a day...the old fashion sour one still OK ???

@JesusChrist2000BC - 22.09.2023 15:13

This guy has the wettest mouth of all time. Eat some fruit there buddy.

@Dirk_van_Tonder - 08.10.2023 19:30

Leafy greens are also overrated; loaded with oxalates and antinutrients. Oxalate crystals can accumulate in joints leading to arthritic symptoms and kidney stones. The bioavailability of what nutrition they contain is poor.

@yosefsugi1808 - 09.10.2023 03:11


@claireryan8074 - 13.10.2023 02:52

I like his message well enough, but I am put off by the constant “smacking” noises he makes every time he starts a new sentence.

@theworld-plex-funadventure8352 - 27.10.2023 13:05

Have a glass of water

@aedsell - 28.10.2023 03:06

I know this is an important message and I appreciate it. However, I find the smacking of his lips as he inhales so distracting. This is from 5 years ago. I haven't heard anything recently but I do hope he's improved his style in the ensuing years.

@tallesttreeintheforest - 29.10.2023 21:44

does everything has to be good or bad? cant something be neutral?

@peterboytRaKs - 30.10.2023 16:52

Are tomatoes bad for you too? Its a fruit! 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅

@campbellmorrison8540 - 06.12.2023 10:46

Interesting. But Im told fruit, especially some fruit like oranges have high levels of vitamin C, why don't they show on your slide or are you saying no fruit contains as much Vitamin C as green leafy vegetables? Or heaven forbid are you biasing your talk by overlooking the good things about fruit and only presenting the bad or poor aspects? Im not saying you are wrong about fruit its just this aspect that got me wondering. I never did understand the difference between glucose and fructose but your explanation sorted that thank you

@GlorifiedTruth - 24.12.2023 00:56

I agree with what he says about fruit. THUMBS UP, PLEASE.

@yourchoice7869 - 29.12.2023 17:52

Total video a BS 😏

@mostlysky55 - 07.02.2024 01:44

Brilliant presentation!

@looloo4029 - 20.03.2024 01:04

Dr Fettke’s lecture may explain why our homegrown carrots 🥕 are ‘carroty’ in flavour but never sweet like the ones we occasionally buy at the supermarket.

@DawidRoos-y7g - 30.03.2024 20:03

Infection is a myth. Bacteria are not pathogens. There are no viruses. Virology is pseudoscience.

@thomashugus5686 - 04.04.2024 19:29

If you are worried about evil fruit congratulations! You have crossed the line into food zealots territory!!

@karl3630 - 04.04.2024 20:28

I believe that humans in the past ate whatever they could their hands on, ie limited amounts of meat, dairy and eggs along with limited amounts of fruit and whatever wild veg was available. Professor Ben Bikman said that you should eat your fruit and veg NOT drink them, in other words fructose is bad for you but only when separated form the pulp of the fruit. Fructose in juice form most definitely contributes heavily to visceral fat in humans. Fruit in small amounts is absolutely fine and is a part of our human diet. The main problem is that fruit has been artificially changed to hold more sugar, and that is NOT good for us. What is clearly bad for us is the rubbish being produced in food factories, masquerading as healthy food eg food that comes in bags and boxes with bar codes. If you stick to eating whatever your ancestors ate over the last million years, you will not go far wrong.

@x-techgaming - 07.04.2024 02:57

So what's the answer? I'm not watching 23 mins to find out

@MrPattyomally - 20.04.2024 12:43

Eat some fruit man or at least stop smacking your lips every time you mention it

@lppbntso1 - 28.04.2024 10:31

I like Dr. Paul Saladino, but watching him eat vegetables full of antinutrients just because “they are fruits” is like watching vegans eat doughnuts because “they are vegan”.

@gregpastic6910 - 20.05.2024 21:09

Excellent video, unfortunately plagued by poor audio. As an audio engineer it would have taken me only a minute or two to improve the audio quality significantly. Too bad it wasn't done properly. There are many, many people with minor hearing issues and this should not be ignored when considering audio clarity.

@KanaalMTS - 28.05.2024 07:43

What a load of bullshit. Fruit's better for you than 95% of the other things you eat, including meat

@JohnSmith-fl5qn - 04.06.2024 00:19

If i could suggest a fruit. Prickly pear is for sure in natural form.

@Takepermission1975 - 24.08.2024 10:50

An apple is as bad as a donut

@orchidsrosesg_disone4431 - 27.08.2024 03:36

Fruit is like a dessert 🍨

@Jack-hy1zq - 31.08.2024 18:42

The sound quality became intolerable. Shame

@hoastbeef1202 - 09.09.2024 01:41

The problem with fruit today is that most (if not all?) modern fruit have been genetically modified/bred to be sweeter, a lot sweeter. So while our ancestors may have eaten fruit, it was nowhere near the as sweet as the fruit of today. Its like if "ancestral salt" was 2000 mg per 1 tsp, but for some reason we genetically modified "modern salt" to be 10,000 mg of sodium. It's not the same salt anymore.

@yanwain9454 - 10.09.2024 23:35

the tough thing about fruit is when it's in season, it can be easy to overeat it. i think it's fine in reasonable amounts but sometimes i go overboard and eat like 2 lbs of blueberries.

@michelesnoopy - 29.09.2024 13:57

I didn't know coffee had anti-oxydants. Thank you!
PS: watch out tue amount of OXALATES in dark chocolates, spinash and some other green vegetable!

@andrewcannon205 - 30.09.2024 02:10

His mouth noises are annoying & distracting!

@howardstewart2549 - 30.09.2024 02:13

Great podcast, Dr. Fettke. I’m viewing this for the 1st time, as of 9/29/‘24. In this podcast, you said that you were not allowed to discuss your opinion on eating fiber foods. I just want to mention to your current audiences/subscribers, that Dr. Anthony Chaffee, a carnivore diet advocate, asserts that it is unnecessary & potentially unhealthy(harmful) to eat fiber containing foods. He says a carnivore diet, all types, strictly adhered to, over time(meaning on a daily basis, over months or years), will cause a person’s body to automatically produce the required fiber it needs. Chaffee cites the oxalates, lectins, GMOs, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, & other chemical toxins inherent in plant-based foods, of today, due to mineral-deficient soil,& environmental pollution, & molds, etc. from food storage & transportation.Also, from chemical toxins due to processing, ie. preservatives, emulsifiers, artificial flavorings & coloring. I must add, that eating fiber foods, of both types of fiber, are controversial, by so-called scientific/medical/nutritional experts. Apparently, a carnivore diet is believed to, currently, be the best elimination diet(for people with chronic conditions/diseases or those with co-morbidities). Whether this belief is the majority, concensus stance by the medical community, I have to admit uncertainty.But, currently, it is alleged that certain podcast platforms have conspired with Google to use algorithms to omit positive info from appearing on personal computers, about the carnivore diet, when Googled; & that negative & even false info about carnivore diet is inundating said personal computers, of people seeking info about carnivore diet, as to whether it’s healthy or not. The Big Food plant-based industry is claimed to be the main source of this censorship & propaganda campaign.If this is true, it suggests that if the Big Food Industry is so worried about growing trend of keto/carnivore diet cutting into their plant-based diet profits(from carbs & starches), perhaps that alone will cause people, who disdain, or who are on the fence about commencing, a carnivore diet, will have cause to reconsider!

@mcbnn7 - 30.09.2024 04:22

This guy does not look healthy!!

@mcbnn7 - 30.09.2024 04:24

I think fruit should only be eaten in season.
