Meloni Back to China Begging for Economic Help!

Meloni Back to China Begging for Economic Help!

Geopolitical Trends, w/Dr. O

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@hengng4414 - 25.06.2024 19:42

Italy France Germany GB Finland Holland Denmark Hungary and a dozen EU members are also military allies in NATO. China is well advised to derisk 100 % and decouple 100 % from these 40 countries. These are time wasters. If they are not kicking the bear, they are poking the dragon. Invest $100 billion into the 160 countries annually, through BRI, BRICS +, AIIB, NDB, BRICS Bank, and reap the harvests. The US and NATO are not good for the 160 countries.

@jacintochua6885 - 17.06.2024 17:12

Trade wirks both ways. No assistance unless there's mutual cooperation.

@jacintochua6885 - 17.06.2024 17:09

Italian politicians are not forward looking.

@peterburns1004 - 15.06.2024 23:55

You have all missed the real question....... Why didn't Meloney go to the EU ........ Because EU has major major problems........ Because Meloney went to China and so has the Germans tells me the EU isn't far away from breaking up

@pristinelim - 13.06.2024 09:20

Why do I need to watch 8 minutes of irritating and boring advertisements before I can watch your video?

@casiandsouza7031 - 12.06.2024 17:48

Perhaps, western leaders should approach BRICS.

@derricktruong2760 - 11.06.2024 22:57

Another Argentina.😂

@ladygracienyc2029 - 11.06.2024 22:17

Anyone looking at America versus China objectively would conclude that America is in decline. Does Italy want to join a sinking ship or share in a more prosperous relationship? Easy choice

@tupperlake100 - 11.06.2024 16:19

Lie to me once, you will lie to me again.

@ericwong4213 - 11.06.2024 05:05

Basically belt and maritime concentrate on building network infrastructures like ports, railways, highways, etc. Then there's other deals like civil infrastructures deals like building schools, hospitals, stations, etc. China then also have production type of deals where China build factories in your countries. Lots of countries like Indonesia signed up for great deals and having mobile phones Oppo, China brand cars constructed in Indonesia by Indonesians, which bring lots of jobs and at the same time the raw material will come from China which also increase revenue for Chinese.

So basically just because Italy pulled back from BRI because they don't need any port upgrade, it doesn't mean Italy is banned from joining other deals. China is flexible. Heck! All Chinese around the world (except bananas) are flexible.

Meloni going back to China, welcomed with open arms, and come home with deals simply showing China has A LOT to offer and very flexible. We can always be friend as long as we don't put our nose into other's internal issue.

@ericee665 - 11.06.2024 03:35


@hengng4414 - 10.06.2024 02:09

China has to be cautious when dealing with USA, Nato members, SQUAD, and military allies.

@hengng4414 - 10.06.2024 01:57

Italy is a member of Nato.

@odyssey327 - 10.06.2024 01:18

"Don't burn your bridges with whom you are associated with regardless of how you disregard them. One day, you will need them." said my dad. A very true saying indeed.

@louischau7982 - 09.06.2024 17:40

Well once Italy decided to back off from the project BRI . All their credibility is gone !! Chinese people remember very well 😉

@user-xw5fs3ye2w - 09.06.2024 09:44

中国清朝晚期的总理李鸿章在考察完欧洲后回到中国发出了哀叹,他曾经说 中华民族将经历三千年未有之大变局,因为就是路径的不可依赖性,而今天对于整个人类也将经历前所未有之大变局,这不是中国或欧美而是整个人类的问题,从政治角度来看,表达着世界各国民意散乱很难有统一的政治思想,各国都有抗议浪潮,政治架构持续沦丧,经济方面产品迭代速度越来越快,当一个产品正在生产期一个迭代产品已经诞生,产出与资本的收益成负值化,人类对能源的过度开采,预示着人类把地球掏空奔向天外的日期不远了,这可不是什么好兆头,我情愿呆在荒漠中也不想整天戴着呼吸机。

@konvincent2136 - 09.06.2024 08:24

China should give her the middle finger.

@victorteo4783 - 08.06.2024 15:59

Janet Yellen Of US, and Meloni of Italy begging China for help. Who’s next?

@stevanrozic4638 - 06.06.2024 14:48

Meloni is a turncoat don't trust the little snake, as soon as she was ellected she went to Ukraine to kiss Cocainskys ring.

@kcfmark - 06.06.2024 14:30

A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. Proverbs 14:1
Stay away from this foolish woman. Fools are destructive.

@Moonlight77162 - 06.06.2024 07:51

well as expected from pink race.

@Moonlight77162 - 06.06.2024 07:48

love china from india

@Arbab99955 - 05.06.2024 12:26

China is best friend of pakistan❤️

@Arbab99955 - 05.06.2024 12:25

So sad for eu , and for georgia meloni
Seeing them begging from china for help

@PeterLee-it4bf - 01.06.2024 20:28

China should not waste time on her ! She can go to Biden for help .

@petervan7372 - 31.05.2024 06:45

more of a snake

@paulboring9053 - 31.05.2024 04:32

I would give her whatever she wants. 👍

@PaulMartin-zc9oj - 31.05.2024 02:40

I have never been sure about Meloni. I did like her turning away from the WOKE liberal agenda, but she backed out on deal with China which would have benefitted both nations and not sure why she did that. I can only assume pressure from the EU and the U.S. My friend from Italy says she is a globalist but personally not sure where she stands. I also see she is against escalating the Ukraine conflict also good. Just not sure about her yet.

@mtlauj8038 - 29.05.2024 22:50

meloni should go to its Master, the U.S, and ask Joe to print 1 trillion for her

@rolandhong8838 - 29.05.2024 04:09

President Xi will meloni. This is Chinese culture. You don't know what will happen further down the road.

@Nikita4557 - 28.05.2024 17:21

Italy is nothing but a vassal. Meloni is a waste of time. I'm sure the Chinese know this. A snake only sheds its skin to become a bigger snake.

@Morehu-sf8wh - 28.05.2024 06:14

Go with US who are beyond broke, or China who makes 2 billion dollars a day. are not involved in any wars. Europe has 2 options go down with the US or prosper with China, pretty simple

@Hocksan3333 - 27.05.2024 08:13

China grant Italy an audience only after it have grown a spine. Grow up Meloni China have no tiime for a poodle.

@sinnieleeonUtube - 26.05.2024 16:52

Bologna Meloni is her nickname.

@abasgait5457 - 26.05.2024 11:50

These EU & US can never be trusted

@gamingtideX - 26.05.2024 11:05

As a US Citizen I can say for sure Europe needs to move away from US and it's globalism NWO agenda because its very toxic. Its good intention under western democracy but contradicting and false. Multi Polar world is the only way to get it done.

@Sunshine-go8se - 26.05.2024 07:38

So how much money ya getting to do such a video?

@kaienglee5319 - 26.05.2024 03:23


@kaienglee5319 - 26.05.2024 02:15

Obviously is US pressure to her.

@pongrabbit4460 - 25.05.2024 06:51

US force Italy to cancel BRI project

@MarvinChenFantasy - 25.05.2024 05:08

China decides your celling, US decides your bottom, and you don't know which comes first

@Warhead-Vun - 25.05.2024 04:44

Yes, china is being too nice due to its culture of amity

@ryanmasterp1025 - 24.05.2024 21:23

I can't stop laughing oh so Meloni can beg chi

@walid7885 - 24.05.2024 18:54

Meloni said publicly that it doesn't make sense to be in the BRI as an ally of the US.

@giselafitz2898 - 24.05.2024 16:33

Meloni is EU Mafia

@visienexayasensouk7934 - 24.05.2024 16:21

I like your topic title, "Can't trust a fox."

@KingKongWorld - 24.05.2024 14:56

Silk Road is Marco Polo's initiative, China just wants to revive this with the BRI. 🤣🤣
Italy has forgot its own History. 😉

@drprofessorsoso208 - 23.05.2024 19:20

In society, beggars, or those who come seeking help, are often treated with a mix of indifference, disdain, and occasional sympathy. The standard norm is typically characterized by several attitudes and behaviors. Many people tend to ignore beggars, avoiding eye contact and walking past without acknowledgment. This indifference can be driven by a variety of factors, including discomfort, fear, or a belief that helping beggars might enable dependency or substance abuse.

On the other hand, there are individuals who respond with disdain or hostility, seeing beggars as a nuisance or a sign of moral or personal failure. This perspective is often influenced by stereotypes and misconceptions about poverty and homelessness. Some might believe that beggars are lazy or choosing not to work, rather than recognizing the complex socioeconomic factors that contribute to their situation.

Occasionally, beggars receive sympathy and assistance from passersby who offer money, food, or other forms of help. These acts of kindness are often motivated by compassion, religious or ethical beliefs, and a desire to help those in need. However, this response is less common and usually represents individual actions rather than a widespread societal norm.

Overall, the treatment of beggars reflects broader societal attitudes towards poverty and homelessness, revealing a mixture of apathy, judgment, and occasional benevolence.

Governments have contributed to a societal system that often encourages meeting beggars with disdain and indifference through various policies and cultural norms. This system, rooted in individualism and self-reliance, tends to stigmatize poverty and homelessness, framing them as personal failures rather than outcomes of systemic issues.

Policies that prioritize economic growth and efficiency over social welfare contribute to this mindset. Welfare programs are often minimal and difficult to access, creating an environment where those in need are viewed as burdens rather than as individuals requiring assistance. Media portrayals and political rhetoric further reinforce negative stereotypes about poverty, depicting the poor as lazy or undeserving of help. This conditioning leads society to view beggars with suspicion and contempt, normalizing indifference and disdain.

When governments face financial difficulties and seek assistance, this same societal conditioning can backfire. People, accustomed to viewing beggars negatively, may respond to government pleas for help with a similar lack of empathy. This can manifest as a figurative "kick in the teeth," telling governments to "go get a job" and solve their own problems. The irony lies in the fact that the system governments helped create—one that lacks compassion for those in need—now affects their ability to garner support when they themselves are in need. This highlights the need for a fundamental shift in how society views and addresses poverty and assistance at all levels.

So if a person like her would come begging to me I would figuratively kick her in the teeth and tell her to to get a job or suffer as a result of her own economic and monetary policy that is the norm and her mentality that she and others like her impose on the rest of the world and continue to support and have made the norm
