Last Voyage - Max LL

Last Voyage - Max LL

Max LL

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@vito128 - 04.01.2024 05:21

All soundtracks of the game feels like heaven

@pesces2 - 22.12.2023 04:35

still have the chart for this

@MrGrim - 11.11.2023 12:14

All these comments of joy and loss and healing and pain are so beautiful. I had to put down my dog a few weeks ago. She was the best friend i ever had and im still hurting in a way i have never experienced before. But you creating this piece makes it a tiny bit easier to let go. Thank you for doing what you do thank you.

@Mariawalked - 10.09.2023 21:53

Thank you for this masterpiece.

@KingoftheGalaxy789 - 02.09.2023 01:50

Taking that kiddo to the door was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a game. I've got a big family, lots of younger siblings. Sending off a kid that had barely seen life was just... super hard. Really got me feeling heartbroken.

@jamfam3045 - 13.07.2023 17:37

astrid man

i havent seen people mention her much but she hit me right in the feels. my nanna passed last year due to cancer. she was diagnosed in 2014 but had a mental condition that affected her ability to make rational decisions and thoughts so she didnt trust doctors to give her treatment. despite all that, she was the most loving, caring woman i ever knew. no matter how badly i messed up or if i just mentioned something on a sidebote, she would never shame me and would always keep talking to me even though she had no idea what i was saying. when i started high school, her health began deteriorating. she was angry, weak, couldnt walk and i couldnt see her like i used to. she never really had a good relationship with my nonno (italian for grandpa) which is just like astrid and giovanni. my nonno was not a bad man at all it was just her being irrational. she passed in 2022. i was sad but i held it in to be there for my brother. we had a memorial, and i almost lost it, but held it in for my brother and mother. this went on for multiple months of me just holding it back and not letting everything spill out. until i had to say goodbye to astrid. she talked just like my nanna. she was loving and caring while also making the off comment about her husband. i thought i was actually talking to her. i hadnt cried for years before that point, and i hadnt cried for any of the other characters either, but when she was on the boat and i realised what was about to happen, i just couldnt hold it and burst out crying and sobbing. the music swells, she gives me one last hug, and is finally set free. her constellation appears in the sky and i just sat there, sobbing my eyes out for over an hour at 12 in the morning. i turned off my computer and cried myself to sleep that night. but it wasnt a sad cry. it was me finally letting go of all of that sadness and grief i had built up, while being happy that she had finally been allowed to pass on.

i learnt after her passing that she was quite abusive to my mums side of the family to the point that most of her relatives (her son included) completely cut ties with her. but when i spoke to my mum about all of it she said the most important thing i think anyone grieving can hear.

“i dont want your view of her to be soured by what we went through. i want you to remember YOUR nanna. the woman who would go to the moon and back just to make you happy. she loved you more than anything, so remember her for all of that. even if its something small like you notice whenever you think about her something happens like a leaf falls from a tree. little things like that can help you accept what happened and remember her.”

@sero.toniii - 26.06.2023 10:08

Gustav made me cry so so much. What he said about art and chaos, purpose and life. I resonated so strongly, I felt like someone had connected to the innermost part of my soul… And left forever.

@kanklesweat213 - 03.06.2023 08:09

I played the game after my father passed and I realized he was Atul. I never got to say goodbye and I think he wanted it that way. The same way Atul didn’t want to give us the grief of his passing…

@marciorodrigo6863 - 10.05.2023 03:09

This is beautiful in so many levels...

@Kimtroverted - 22.03.2023 17:04

I'll never forget the moment I saw a new Dragon event appear...-After- Summer went through the Everdoor.

That's when I realized Summer wasn't the only one battling off a Dragon. Q~Q

@leven_doodles - 06.01.2023 13:34

listening to this after a funeral hits different...

@FrostyTheNightmare - 21.11.2022 18:37

Gwen, Atul, Alice, Summer, Gustav, Stanley, Bruce (Not you Mickey), Giovanni, Buck, Beverly, Jackie, Elena, Daria, Astrid and Lily… I’ll miss you guys

@opheliacbm1569 - 09.10.2022 16:53

Yesterday, I lost my husband, he was battling lung disease for a very long time.
In his own way to help me cope and before his passing, he suggested me to play this game as he had played it before.
And as I progress through, I'd imagine that he would also undergo this process, this game gave me a new perspective on how death is portrayed and how souls would pass on to the afterlife.

It hurts until now, to see he's no longer among the living.. but I have to move on, I have to stay strong not only for him but for my friends and loved ones, I don't regret playing this game.. it did help me cope with the loss.
Rest in Peace my beloved Ryan, you're no longer in pain and I hope... wherever you are right now, you're finally free from your burdens and enjoy your time among the stars. 💖🌸

@neighborlyairsoft7180 - 14.09.2022 08:22

The saddest thing is knowing Atul rowed himself… he didn’t get our final hug, trying to save us the pain of goodbye. I would imagine he was not sad in that moment, but content. Just wanting to spare us the sadness.

@stem3009 - 27.07.2022 20:31

"...You're not Annie, are you?"

@someonewhosbored2011 - 03.07.2022 08:12

I bought this game the day before Technoblade died. Everytime I hear this song it reminds me of the great person we've all lost, but it also reminds me about what I have learned from this game. It's taught me that nothing is permanent, and it hurts, it really does, but we have to move on.

@mirragemelkyr - 25.06.2022 04:48

I cried a lot with summer's depart, I won't imagine how it could have been if you actually had to do that with Athul. I didn't like Giovanni's/Astrid ones either they hurt the most.

@DaGraffitiKid16 - 17.06.2022 00:35

Every single one of these amazing characters made me feel something whether it be happiness from helping them move on, understanding of who they were, to sadness to see them go. Each one of these characters were special in their own way.

@thedreaded2347 - 20.04.2022 21:54

hermoso juego.

@zanagi - 10.04.2022 15:03

I only continue playing because of the everdoor scenes. Its legendary

@cloudparter - 05.04.2022 00:49

The new Aerith theme song. Everytime I hear this I get melancholic.

@freddiephillipssnuts3450 - 03.04.2022 00:44

The moment that Stella gives them that last long hug and the music starts to crescendo it always makes me really emotional

@MoonlightBrillance - 02.04.2022 21:19

Had this stuck in my head since starting the game weeks ago. Sending off the spirits with this playing has genuinely been one of the most memorable and beautiful (though bittersweet!) scenes in a form of media I've experienced in a long time.

@alifeinanimation - 08.03.2022 18:48

Thank you so much for creating this.

@alifeinanimation - 08.03.2022 18:47

Every time I hear this, I cry knowing what happened. I can confidently say that this game is a masterpiece, as I am getting closer and closer to the end.

@AbiLush - 13.02.2022 08:04

thank you for making me cry whenever i had to let someone go.

@michaelandmagic - 13.02.2022 01:36

This show is cool because it doesn’t just teach you HOW to say goodbye, it teaches you the different types of goodbyes. Ones that end on a good note, ones that end on a bad note, people you like, people maybe you don’t as much, ones where you don’t even get to say goodbye, and it was overall just a magical experience seeing how each one effects me differently

@ponyqi4002 - 29.01.2022 12:06

Spiritfarer has accomplished what I thought was going to be impossible, and made me genuinely attached to a fictional character. I have never experienced tragedy in my life, not once, and I'm grateful for that, but I also feel like I am lacking in a part of what makes a lot of people human, and that's probably loss. This game has surprisingly, allowed me to feel loss.

@decusq - 21.01.2022 08:11

The Everdoor scene always makes me hopeful that their not just letting go of their former lives. Their embracing the possibility of a new one somewhere else The Ever World is a place where Lost Spirits learn to accept their passing and live on a little longer until the end finally happens. When Stella sees the Ghostly images of her family and friends on the ship one last time, it always makes me think their telling her. "It's your turn, take your time, but know we can't wait to see you soon." It's like their spirit form is their next body in the next life they'll have and they'll be reborn as that creature like Buck was.

@randomwowjunkie - 19.01.2022 22:29

I disliked Giovanni from the moment he set foot on the ship: says he won't eat carbs then EATS SPGHETTI in your face, vain, whoremonger...but I still cried when it was time to let him go.
We all have our faults, but redemption isn't impossible

@snowglobe2 - 16.01.2022 07:40

The last words of every Spirit (I forgot Atul's and it's not on the wiki, and Lily doesn't have any)
Gwen: Thank you, Stella. Thank you for bringing me here, even if you didn't want to. Thank you for kicking my butt, and shaking my ego. Don't forget that I've loved you as much as I could. Goodbye, my friend. See you there.
Summer: I'm so proud of you, Stella. And I know Rose would be, too. Thank you for everything.
Alice: Maybe Eugene will... .... When you see your father, tell him about the trees, won't you? I'm sure he'll be excited to come with us next year.
Astrid: Is it all gone already? I don't see much anymore... You're still here with me, aren't you? You're still here, Stella? Don't you forget about me, please. I don't care about anyone else! But you, you don't forget about me, I'm telling you! I'll come back and haunt you if you do! I can feel it coming. Goodbye, Stella. Just follow your heart and keep smiling.
Giovanni: I know I shouldn't leave so soon. Believe me, I wish I could've stayed longer. Right here with you, Peanut. Promise me you'll take care of Astrid when I'm gone, ok? And don't miss me too much, will you? I've never deserved you anyway... But I've loved you, and that won't stop even if I'm not around anymore. The ones who really love you never really leave you, you know. Life is amazing, isn't it? A whirlwind, a tremor, a flickering flame! I've tried so much to live to the fullest. I regret nothing. Nothing but leaving Astrid. Nothing but leaving you, Stella. I wish I could've seen you grow up even more, but here we are. Alright, pour yourself one for me, will you? Ciao, bella.
Gustav: Oh, we're here! Well, well, now, Stella. Ozymandias beckons. Let's go.
Bruce & Mickey: Let's go see what everyone has been raving about. I'll send you a postcard, Kid.
Beverly: You were... Always there... There... There for me... Stella. Goodbye... sweet pea.
Stanley: I feel strange. I feel cold. I wish Mom was here. And Dad. But you are here, big hat. I really like you. I hope it's like falling asleep.
Buck: Stella! Look... I... I have something to tell you. Now that there are only the two of us in here. You might've guessed already, but... Yeah, I can't really go through the Everdoor. It's really hard to explain. My guess would be that... I've already been through it? In a weird, strange way? See what I mean? Sorry to break it to you, but... I don't think there is more to it. You. Me. Us. This world. Listen, I really don't want to push you towards it! Frack, no! But, you know, I think you... Should try accepting your fate? I'm really not one to give you advice, far from it... Funny thing, I don't even know if I accepted it myself. My presence here might give us a clue. ... That being said, if you say, I'll try to entertain you to the best of my abilities! But there is not much I can do, you know. As if... as if I were somehow limited. As if an invisible barrier existed in me, too. I kinda feel it, you know. Sorry, Commander. I'm really sorry.
Elena: I've been thinking. When we get there. Maybe, just maybe. We can hug. We'll see how I feel. This is the only time I will let you. Come on.
Jackie: Yeah, okay. We're there. I, huh... Just... Yeah, just bring it in." ... "See ya on the other side, Stellers. Or not.
Daria: You see it now, do you not? My transparency. My lack of substance. I am not getting better. Since the storm... Every day, ribbons of me falling into oblivion. I have lost too much. I am incomplete beyond repair. Below the critical mass required for a continued existence. Echoes of echoes can only last so long. ... Goodbye, Stella.

@Rycluse - 05.01.2022 21:05

Summer: I'm so proud of you, Stella. And I know Rose would be, too. Thank you for everything.
Me: completely nonverbal sobbing

@whotookmypuddingcup4131 - 19.12.2021 12:44

Gwen ;^;

@KAlice - 20.11.2021 23:55

Did you lose the most important persons in your life as well?

@whatamidoing5683 - 19.11.2021 09:55

Astrid was literally my own grandmother. That one hurt so goddamn much

@cinnamoonmakesmusic - 11.11.2021 18:08

just said goodbye to my first spirt yesterday, it was gwen, I'm still sad af about it

@lawnkythedonky8691 - 31.10.2021 09:38

This game teaches you how to day goodbye so one day, when you have to, you will be ready.

@meushi - 08.10.2021 21:00

I played this game for the first time after my friend died unexpectedly. It felt like I finally got to say goodbye to him.

@Anubisblackwolf - 15.09.2021 19:34

Im not crying...... Y.Y

@radical101.-.8 - 07.09.2021 14:55

Why Astrid. Hardest goodbye of my ENTIRE LIFE. i cried my eyeballs out. Listening to this just made me remember of the times with Astrid. why'd she have to leave so suddenly. Why... See this is why you dont get attached to game characters...

@luffyd5832 - 06.09.2021 07:19

this game is awesome, i´ve never empathized so hard with other videogame characters, it's hard to let go each and everyone of them. Even the ones i didn´t like that much
spiritfarer broke me on a beautiful way

@AyaneOfDeath - 03.09.2021 00:34

