Buy or Bye? The Comprehensive 2023 Review of 7 Days to Die

Buy or Bye? The Comprehensive 2023 Review of 7 Days to Die

Guns, Nerds, and Steel

1 год назад

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Martin Goddard
Martin Goddard - 25.10.2023 10:55

please end this games horrible development and start working on actually fun/enjoyable games

Martin Goddard
Martin Goddard - 25.10.2023 10:52

"gold".... what a joke! 10 years into development these are the worst developers ive seen

Martin Goddard
Martin Goddard - 25.10.2023 10:46

have fun walking through tons of empty land picking up random garbage just to find a town to find nothing useful in the entire town... and the combat is horrendous so yeah have fun

Martin Goddard
Martin Goddard - 25.10.2023 10:43

scam artists

Martin Goddard
Martin Goddard - 25.10.2023 10:42

console version of this game will never be updated. if you think developers are actually working on it you are delusional after 8 years.... pc version is just as bad as console version... just super unoptimized.... horrible physics.... the WORST interface... idk how any of you actually enjoy this game or can call it a zombie game at all..... there is 10+ better zombie games and 20+ better survival games id rather play than ever touching this game... maybe after 10 more years of development this game will actually go somewhere and maybe be good at some point

Martin Goddard
Martin Goddard - 25.10.2023 10:35

game is such uber trash idk why anyone would like this abysmal game

Damian Ayre
Damian Ayre - 25.10.2023 07:57

Give it about 18 months before you buy.

Patrick Granstrøm
Patrick Granstrøm - 24.10.2023 20:51

Just bought this on ps4. Thought a 10 year old game would be feature complete.. guess I won’t play. And I won’t get the updates after all?

wandering_gemini - 23.10.2023 04:58

I have gotten every achievement for this game and havent gone back there just isnt any draw to me for it

GetDrifty - 21.10.2023 09:22

Never seen any issues while playing this game lol

David Willis
David Willis - 19.10.2023 11:59

Ah, the forever alpha game. The game that is priced at £29 on the PlayStation store and yet hasn't received a single update since 2017. The fact that this title is still actively being sold at such a silly price is mind blowing.

That 'alpha' tag seems to be a common thing today, it's just another convenient way for devs to charge a premium for an unfinished game. Wouldn't touch this title for all the money in the world.

PappaToni - 18.10.2023 21:56

Kinda late, but is the new console stuff out yet, or should I continue to wait?

MCG55SS - 18.10.2023 19:09

lol very biased score but i mean at least u admit it, story 2/10 (non existent really), gameplay 6/10 (like how you yourself even criticize the gunplay and hack and slash mechanics what the core gameplay loop is around and still give it a 10/10 talk about SUPER Biased) , graphics/sound 6/10, content quality/quantity 6/10 (while base building is fun it ends up feeling like a loop permanently, it has a decent quantity but the quality i feel is lacking), community 7/10, multiplayer 10/10 (i mean different skills, different builds with friends anything can be a blast), modding 9/10, Price and value 5/10 (i would say UNLESS its on sale its not worth) so a unbiased review of this game i would give it 68%...this can be a very fun game with a group, once it gets story fleshed out and gameplay becomes better it will rise up however in CURRENT form i would say wait for a sale its not worth a full price purchase.

Nobody Important
Nobody Important - 17.10.2023 23:17

This game looks like shit I'm sorry

Unknowably - 17.10.2023 21:12

Got the game on ps4 day 1 but been playing on pc before then i miss the old graphics :/

Nicolas Aguiar
Nicolas Aguiar - 17.10.2023 08:02

If they implement a good melee system, with good impacts, gore, and animations, this could become my favorite game of all time lol.

GH057 - 16.10.2023 05:44

So to get the new stuff you have to buy it

Edy - 16.10.2023 00:58

I like the part wen you use a shotgun to kill zombies and the bullets don't even hit the zombies for some reason

Glaceonics - 15.10.2023 08:11

I mean, yes I understand the the PROs about this game but I'm sorry, Indie studio or not, early access should not take 10+ Years (It's looking like 13 minimum right now) before going gold. Bungie was a small as fuck studio when they shit out Halo 1 and albeit bigger with 2 in a much shorter timeframe. Did they have experience prior? Yeah, but strictly PC experience not console. It really feels like the Dev team knows they can move at a snails pace because they've made their money already and people will keep playing what's already a pretty decent product (I'm sorry I'm not gonna say good). At this point it's like paying a Painter to paint your room and they do only a few inches of it every few months. Sure over a few years it looks nice but for the love of christ finish it already.

Thompson Evergreen
Thompson Evergreen - 14.10.2023 02:07

Probably not no

Ryan M
Ryan M - 12.10.2023 12:45

Performance is my biggest issue even with 3090

ChezBlos - 10.10.2023 00:58

Its so cheap on cdkeys $3 best choice ever

Grumpy Nomad
Grumpy Nomad - 09.10.2023 20:06

I bought this game about 7 years ago on console. It’s cool but I won’t buy the new version.

Jacob Off
Jacob Off - 09.10.2023 04:04

I like the game till the zombies get crazy. The way you have to play late game just breaks immersion for me. The bases that work at the end are not what you would think a zombie survivor would live in. The work up to the end game living out of broken house in the woods is what I think of a zombie game but after that not as much.

C - 08.10.2023 21:45

I like the game a lot, but my main problem with this game is that after A16, the game went from an immersive zombie survival game to a Braindead Zombie Shooter. And you basically have mod the crap out of this game just to make it decent again. It absolutely is required for this game if you don't want to play "Endless COD Zombies with some eating and drinking"

If they can avoid battle pass and Cash Shop bullcrap, they'll be good. And I mean, i hope they don't have a cash shop at all. "cosmetic only" cash shops are still bull crap. DLC packs that add more stuff? sure. But if they start selling $5 or more outfits, they are not getting another penny from me. Conan Exiles did this BS

David Oh
David Oh - 07.10.2023 23:05

im buying it thanks

SuperTime2Change - 06.10.2023 18:23

Bye from me. They lost my future business. Blacklisted from my trust list. This game is a dogshit slog of no end goal loops.

Peterplayingguitar - 04.10.2023 04:43

Anyone got any intel on when the updated version will be available on XboxSeriesX ?

Saifexe - 04.10.2023 02:11

I am just waiting for new animation for ranged weapons, male weapon, mids, drink and food :)

Kagekara - 03.10.2023 09:24

This game is worth it. Especially if you have friends to play with. We played this game for 300hrs on steam and it's one of the best purchases we had.

What_are_those Z
What_are_those Z - 02.10.2023 04:04

I’m playing this game on a laptop and had to put on the lowest settings for it to run. But it’s still so much fun, especially for one who love’s survival crafting games and I can’t wait for it to go to ps5 because I’m mainly a console player

CitizenZero - 02.10.2023 02:58

Have you got a vid on renting servers and modding them?

matthew leslie
matthew leslie - 30.09.2023 08:46

Turn down the anti-aliasing and it should help for most gaming rigs

Timo mit Hut
Timo mit Hut - 29.09.2023 22:12

Nice state for a game released 10 years ago lol

Michadr - 29.09.2023 20:43

It's not if you should buy, It's why haven't you bought it yet.

Branden Zeledon
Branden Zeledon - 29.09.2023 14:02

In terms of bugs, the Xbox version crashes randomly and will delete half of your building (if not all) I can’t wait for the new version I hate playing just to have all my chests evaporate on day 80 for absolutely no reason

Johnny Keener
Johnny Keener - 27.09.2023 04:48

Um nope

Blazius Rex Entertainment
Blazius Rex Entertainment - 26.09.2023 15:33

It's gotten to the point where the devs are moving the finish line ever further away. The first game I played I got the bike, the motorbike, the jeep, and an automated meat-grinder for a base. then I was forced to restart the game. The second game I got to the motorbike and a meat-grinder base. Then I was forced to restart the game again and I got to the bike, and a base, no power. Then I was forced to restart again, now I can't even get to the bike without being forced to restart.

MY review. F*ck the devs, f*ck their attitude AND their game.

Never playing their ego-enabled bullsh!t again, as I'm sick of doing the same boring a$$ed sh!t over and over until THEY decide they've f*cked us over enough.

It says it all in the dev's ego-filled statement, "We're making the game WE want." Yet, because you are SELLING it, you OWE us.

Feine Schwicker
Feine Schwicker - 24.09.2023 14:44

i just started this year and have already 400 hrs in the game .. i never played something like it before. I really like survival games but this ... and the contant hordes .. and then all those mods .. i havent even treid yet...

and i am so far only into intellect ynd definately have to try other clases as well XD..

so yeah best ~ 6 bucks ever spent on a game.. :-D

Michael Bailey
Michael Bailey - 23.09.2023 01:27

One of my favorite games of all time. Not flashy. Nothing terribly new or unique - but it's just FUN.

Mondros - 21.09.2023 15:34

This is a very well structured Review. You earned a subscriber man.

MidGuard - 21.09.2023 06:13

Sorry when you drink water from a jar, the jar now disappears so the devs can create the most obnoxious artificial difficulty in the history of gaming. You can't fill up any container including the 500 empty cans you have in your backpack, either, because its just so realistic that you have to grind their special dew collector in order to just get water, the most basic and simple of all necessary resources for life that even the most incompetent person can obtain and boil with a fire like we have since prehistoric times.

Stay away from this game. The devs have no clue what they are doing, and continue to just make it worse and worse.

Jay Tee
Jay Tee - 20.09.2023 01:29

My least favorite bug is getting stuck inside of trader Joels door as I close it, then having to wait until close to get out. I have habits from DayZ of closing a door as I run through it and this doesn't work in 7 days to die

Sherudons - 19.09.2023 20:22

While I can understand and dislike the very idea of early access as long as the product continues receiving constant updates rather than dead air or worse, a full release ala-mount and blade where it's as empty as it's soul... I can accept that.

Going to reinstall, think last time I touched it was like alpha 7?

DeRpMuNsTeR - 19.09.2023 18:27

The fact that it’s getting re released for console is kinda sad IMO. I’ve owned 7 days for a little over a year now on console. I keep hearing that fun pimps gained their rights back and was so excited for console version to hopefully get an update. Not an entirely new game. I feel robbed for buying the first one. It was okay but nothing compared to what a PC experience would give you

Demonic Angel
Demonic Angel - 17.09.2023 06:31

I feel like the under goings that the game gots compliments the game beautifully

Radeon Vector
Radeon Vector - 16.09.2023 10:00

Days don't have to last 60 minutes, hordes don't have to be every 7 days, everything is highly configurable, for example I could play 120 minutes/day with no horde nights but make all zombies sprint all day, run all night and feral zombies and above be nightmare speed, or I could have 30 min/day, all zombies walk all the time (even at night) and horde every night. This game is more than people can tell you about, if you can run it decently you need this game right now.
