Home Remedies For Sunburn Relief

Home Remedies For Sunburn Relief


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@indigogalstarseed7544 - 04.09.2023 13:01

Yes! Thank u for sharing ur sunburn and recovery story with us! I have heard of using vinegar but had forgotten until I watched ur video so thank u for the reminder I am now goin to get my paper towels and vinegar wraps on cause I am literally burned to a crisp! I mean burned bad!! Really bad!!🥺

@FUUNNIIEEE - 20.03.2023 02:05

Thank you for your useful information. I got sunburn and it’s been itching for about four days now. I’m going to try the vinegar and also Alevera plant.

@marileedeysel3905 - 26.12.2022 23:53

Hi im allergic to every thing you mentioned

@propertymanager3599 - 31.05.2021 03:14

Thank you I don’t have to go looking like a damn tomato!

@Stu_pot432 - 10.07.2017 06:13

I tried toothpaste and it kinda worked on my face but made my eyes burn and water

@rellmusiccuz2332 - 12.06.2017 07:38

I was wondering how do u get rid of second degree sunburn

@charliedelapaz2696 - 15.05.2017 18:30

Does it have to be apple vinegar Or can I use a Complete classic vinegar?

@raziyaameen4994 - 21.10.2016 11:36

Can I use it for my sis she is 12 yrs

@ryankelly5524 - 07.08.2016 22:57

Anyone else see Phoebe of friends in her?

@bloodyrunesd - 26.07.2016 05:47

someone at work today told me to try thing and i was like wtf that will make it hurt more (im a metal roofer) i decided to look it up when i got home on google and found positive reviews, i have always sunburnt extreamly bad and today my right arm was so bad it started to bruise, i just used white vineger and it works amazing, il try the extra things when i get paid on friday. i use papertowel and elastic bands so i can continue to do my daily stuff (while walking around like someone who spends way to much time on their arms at the gym) i have tried many diffrent off the shelf stuff over the years and some works some dosnt but this by far is the fastest and cheepest way to do it by far, i dont normally tan at all and 20 minutes after i removed the wraps the majority of my arms are now somewhat tanned, no itching, no pain, im a guy who is white as casper and i go from lobster to casper back to lobster all summer. i VERY HIGHLY reccomend doing this, takes about 25-30 minutes to dry, il be doing this for the rest of my life, the brusing went away instantly when i took the wraps off. i 100% reccomend trying vinegar,

question tho, is apple cider vinegar better than white vinegar, its weird but i actuially love the smell of vinegar ":)

@bjrntorgrimsson9821 - 10.05.2016 00:50

im 16 and my skin burn easily. sometimes i get a little red when i have not been exposed to much sun lately, but it never hurts. should i use sunscreen??? i really dont know. i spend almost every day like 6 hours outside in the sun. been doing it for years. im caucasian

@bumblebee-es5ry - 14.08.2014 17:26

I have sunburn on my shoulders/back, and on my cheeks/nose... My face hurts, like really really bad lol, and my shoulders hurt SO MUCH when I'm trying to lay down. Any ideas? Other than vinegar cause I actually don't wanna use vinegar for it...

@dulcearguelles8815 - 07.07.2014 09:30

Jesus loves you try him, he lives. Nothing in this world separate you from his love. He can renew and restore you. He died for you because you are worth someone dying for you.

@jesicruz9621 - 23.06.2014 07:55

What if your sunburn is on your nose?

@signing4change - 18.05.2014 04:50

Where do you live? It's gorgeous!!!

@nemoryer - 20.03.2014 06:44

I love your video, made me laugh.  Thanks.  I happen to have Cider Vinegar!   

@jimmymcbagans4859 - 20.12.2013 15:35

QueenBEE good for me it takes like one day to fix my sunburn

@jimmymcbagans4859 - 20.12.2013 15:34

QueenBEE works good for me it takes like one day to gonl

@jimmymcbagans4859 - 20.12.2013 15:33

QueenBEE W

@EasyMeWorld - 06.09.2013 15:20

That is AWESOME!! Hahahaha You go girl!! So funny! :o)

@zoerichards7360 - 06.09.2013 13:09

I made a face mask out of a paper towel and I sat around my house with it on and scared the heck out of people

@EasyMeWorld - 22.08.2013 04:34

I read that it is an old remedy. It worked well for me. Thanks for your comment. :)

@EasyMeWorld - 22.08.2013 04:33

Awesome! :o)

@EasyMeWorld - 08.08.2013 15:49

Hi rallycam555. Yes, I put it on full strength. If it hurts to touch it than try to spray it on with a spray bottle but don't get it in your eyes. It hope it helps. Good luck. :)

@EasyMeWorld - 04.08.2013 15:51

This is one of the first times that I had sunburn and it did not itch. That makes me think that the vinegar helped prevent it from itching. I started putting the vinegar on it as soon as I got home and out of the sun. Maybe that had something to do with it too? Can you take a bath with vinegar in the water or put it in a spray bottle? I sure hope you feel better soon. Good luck.

@Shaylevy97 - 04.08.2013 14:29

i have tryed everything but its so itchy it hurts putting anything on my skin

@EasyMeWorld - 18.07.2013 07:06

Your welcome. :) Thank you too.

@jenniferking9968 - 17.07.2013 18:42

Thanks so much for your video

@EasyMeWorld - 15.07.2013 21:03

I hope you feel better pretty quick so you don't have to miss any more school.

@EasyMeWorld - 15.07.2013 20:59

I hope you feel better soon. It is the worst to get sunburn on your legs. OUCH!

@thesecretgodess123 - 15.07.2013 15:04

im off school today with sunburn!! :(

@highdefinitiondiva - 15.07.2013 14:09

thank you, my legs got it bad, make sure to use that sunblock people!

@EasyMeWorld - 08.07.2013 03:58

Yay!! LOL

@MrZombieHarkins - 08.07.2013 02:35

Yey 1001 view

@EasyMeWorld - 04.07.2013 02:10

Hi ishmagiss. The peppermint and lavender actually feel very cooling and soothing. I always feel great relief with the oils. The coconut oil adds extra moisture and it helped make the other oils spread evenly. This is the first time I ever used the vinegar and it worked great for the itching. I used several applications of the vinegar. I hope you feel better soon. I know how rough it can be with sunburn.

@ishmagiss - 04.07.2013 02:00

adding to \/\/\/\/. ....... my sunburn is so bad and it itches so horribly bad

@ishmagiss - 04.07.2013 01:58

does the peppermint and lavender mix sting?

@EasyMeWorld - 10.06.2013 20:51

Sunburn sure is painful but I am usually having fun while I am getting it so don't think much about the pain I will have later. LOL I hope you feel better soon and I hope one of my suggestions helps a little. :)

@EasyMeWorld - 10.06.2013 19:15

I was thinking... give it a try and even if it doesn't work for you... you will have great material for a future video. hahahahaha You know you always wanted to smell like a pickle. ROFL

@EasyMeWorld - 10.06.2013 18:38

Yeah, it stinks pretty bad but it does work. Hehe I sat outside while I did it. I also kind of got used to the smell. It was worth doing it for me. Like I said in the video, the white vinegar smelled better. hehe I used the white vinegar as my first application. I switched to the apple cider vinegar after reading that it was more recommended. It is worth a try. Breathe through your mouth. LOL If you cant stand it... peppermint and lavender work wonders on burns. It smells good 2. :)

@prabdeeppabla9881 - 02.06.2013 21:38


@prabdeeppabla9881 - 02.06.2013 21:38


@prabdeeppabla9881 - 02.06.2013 21:38


@EasyMeWorld - 02.06.2013 06:25

Hi Prabdeep Pabla. Thank you. :)

@prabdeeppabla9881 - 02.06.2013 04:52

Loved the video

@prabdeeppabla9881 - 02.06.2013 04:52


@EasyMeWorld - 02.06.2013 02:46

The vinegar worked great. I forgot that you were allergic to aloe. Yay! A new way to help your sunburn. :) You might get some alone time too. HAHAHA The boys wanted to fish on the bank. So we pulled up to the shore to let them fish while we fished in the boat near by. They had a great time doing that. :)

@EasyMeWorld - 02.06.2013 02:39

Haha! Yes, apple cider vinegar is really strong. It was funny but I kind of got used to it. Hubby didn't though. LOL That is why I sat outside when I used it. It was super strong in the house. It really worked. I will do it again for sure. Fishing was so much fun. We actually caught dinner. It was very yummy. hehe The view from my deck is awesome. We love to sit on the porch and relax. Come on over. We will have some tea and rock in the glider while we read magazines. :)
