Spectating the #1 TikTok Flank Moira player and why it WORKS

Spectating the #1 TikTok Flank Moira player and why it WORKS

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@Schoenmann3 - 10.02.2024 17:06

I haven't seen another Moira use the vertical orb technique in my entire life until now, FINALLY someone thinks like me xD

@TheLocoman209 - 08.02.2024 21:54

how is this the best moira lolv Im wayyyy better at flanking and healing more. He also dies too easily

@karlherrmann4643 - 06.02.2024 18:15

Great gameplay Love Moi. That's how I use her,it works when your team is working with it.

@hubertlenningrad2252 - 03.02.2024 03:55

Is it because Moira is the most absolute braindead character to play in the whole game and you could get away with literal murder?

@MulletMike69 - 02.02.2024 05:00

People who dont know NOLAN is also a nasty ass widow player too.

@Tklegos - 31.01.2024 20:13

yes its a heal orb, buts its a self heal orb to sustain being away from his team, might as well be a damage orb.

@yayaking218 - 31.01.2024 15:46

Your analysis is too much

@christinaazarian6803 - 30.01.2024 19:31

Nolan's playstyle should actually just be the unwritten laws of tiktok Moira-ing

@iamthelambsauce9011 - 29.01.2024 04:49

Love nolan! Hes the best coach ever frl (hes my collegiate team coach and im learning moira from him, its caotic asf 😂)

@shanejupp2175 - 28.01.2024 23:39

Self heal orbing is like nading yourself with Ana selfish plays

@randallbramblee9178 - 27.01.2024 01:34

Ive noticed that as i play with moira, when i shoot the heal orb, it allows me to focus more of my damage beam on the enemies, and I still get decent healing.
Though unfortunately, im super low elo, so its just a crap shoot.

@TENXSHI - 23.01.2024 10:41

I was just trying to watch the gameplay. The pausing and the aerial view was just annoying and frustrating. Good commentary tho

@LokiPii - 21.01.2024 15:17

Always chase the Moira. Always.

@AmortizeThis - 19.01.2024 03:51

If you're plat or below player watching this, you should realize this works because he has complete knowledge of the map, where health packs are, where high ground is, cover is, and how to move there. If you don't have really good knowledge of all of that, you'll just die.

@davidperezvazquez7856 - 12.01.2024 06:53

Ngl it’s pretty interesting to see high elo moiras expressing skill and playing unconventionally. However, and this is a big HOWEVER, this really only works in high elo because in order to flank Moira, your team has to have the game sense to capitalize off of 1-2 second openings and notice when the opponent supps aren’t looking. Additionally, while you play hyper-offensive Moira, your team is down a supp so they have to have good positioning and game sense to not fall apart. Lot of factors but very cool to see this work

@Midlighter - 11.01.2024 19:39

Every character has a kit that reflects their life. She's a former over/black watch member, oasis, current talon member. She is a biochemist that can. Change people. Moira is the epitome of survivability and adaptation. She can stay in the back and be a passive healer (but we already have an angel). She can also use her (frankly better than reaper's) shift and dark ball to harass and stay alive. Use everything she has to do everything. Limits are only in your mind

@lukaslambs5780 - 10.01.2024 16:50

Can’t you just ignore the Moira, win the 4v5 and then clean up the Moira after (or not at all)

@Moralozki - 24.12.2023 22:16

i often play support moira a lot, but sometimes i play as flank moira and it works a lot if you have a main healer, you dont do a lot of damage or healing overall, but the time You spent disctracting the enemies works everytime

@Despzh0r - 22.12.2023 23:27

Late to the party, but you can fade jump into the high ground directly bouncing on the pipes without any parkour boxes shenanigans ;o)

@darndanger - 20.12.2023 17:13

Did Nolan quit overwatch cause i dont think he still plays does he?

@aamonkun9500 - 19.12.2023 05:38

If you believe this is good wait till you see ARX

@everestandlights - 14.12.2023 03:08

Can you just play the video. Jesus

@zz8az - 14.12.2023 00:30

my buddy is a flank moira, we started going ana moira duo, and nano-boosting moiras coal is lowkey unstoppable. My guy has won the teamfight for us every time we did the combo except the one time he was nailed by sleep dart

@whateverlol93 - 13.12.2023 03:13

He’s not even actually good based on the replay. Kiriko counters everything too. To say Kiriko can’t do much against Moira isn’t really true. During Coalescence perhaps. But she can easily two tap Moira if she’s not respecting Kiriko. I do agree flanking can take off pressure and make them check angles. I feel like perhaps he did better in other games but this replay he made some pretty simple mistakes like not hearing for his own flanks until he literally sees enemy Winston by his side.

Obviously we can say you gotta land headshots as Kiriko but this is GM right? We can expect everyone to have above decent aim at this point.

@francisdelng8928 - 12.12.2023 00:57

Man this is me I think ima level up

@ePotaito - 11.12.2023 23:43

“90% of my orbs are heal orbs” well yeah idiot if your a flanking Moira 65% of them 90% heal orbs are for yourself to not die tf 😂😂😂

@vgrants1717 - 11.12.2023 16:26

It's basically the same way I play Genji. Maybe I should start playing Moira.

@Tea.Baggins - 11.12.2023 06:19

I’ve done this as a Dps, support, and tank. My team gets diffed by the 2v4 every time 🤡

@Chai_586 - 08.12.2023 08:07

To counter this u have a moira mimic her

@curlyafrokid - 04.12.2023 13:38

King's Row is moiras playground 👌🏻

@MrRokerMan - 04.12.2023 10:14

Very Helpful. Thanks for the content.

@TheGamer-fz6gy - 03.12.2023 17:13

If you're healing and damage are about the same on moira are you playing her correctly?

@TREVANDTHECREWgaming - 03.12.2023 00:56

This stuff doesn’t work in plat or below lol your team will not know how to use natural cover or be patient enough for heals from the other healer/ know not to peek one shot… die and cry about you not with them and healing…

This stuff only works in full parties (that’s how you climb in this game) either be godly good or be in full parties.. no middle ground to that. (On the support role)

@JuiceBoxHero008 - 02.12.2023 05:56

Excellent vid! Question though why is Moiras orb yellow at times?

@syakiraiman3360 - 01.12.2023 19:01

"Random bullshit damage" most lore accurate description of Junk 😂😂😂

@shogun_414 - 30.11.2023 06:08

Yupp, adding that 3rd point rollout to my memory bank

@AutXRose - 21.11.2023 17:07

Loved this. The only thing I dont understand is why does it look like he is wasting some of his healing. Not just at the beginning, but he wouldn't take advantage of Moira's healing overtime. At times it looked like he was wasting his healing. He's the #1 Moira and I am a nobody in metal rank, so my best guess is that I am missing something? Help

@matty5304 - 14.11.2023 00:50

Moira- " I Heal!"

Team- "yeah, yourself"

@musicenthusiast2372 - 25.10.2023 10:58

Or you just play hanzo and make moira absolutely useless

@Uzernahme - 08.09.2023 21:52

I’m a better Moira tbh

@brandonslaughter8796 - 26.08.2023 08:50

When I do this playstyle, ill usially try to take out a squishy support or a dps thats less likely to easily delete me.

I have many options.
Heal orb to keep me alive or send one to my team to heal,
Damage orb to get the kill easier,
Fade away to safety,
Or keep my abilities and try to kill with just my suck.

@Ninjapizza8247 - 17.08.2023 14:21

What I've noticed recently is that I'm at the same skill as T500 casual skill, so it's just my team that keeps me from getting past silver

Casual as in they're just kinda messing around, but I'm try harding at the same skill level

@nameme7215 - 09.07.2023 14:32

Mf can’t talk and watch at the same time

@Gapeh0rn - 08.07.2023 04:12

Really good analysis ty
