How to Start an Amazon Hub Locker Business in 2024: Hub by Amazon Seller Tutorial  E-CASH S2•E62

How to Start an Amazon Hub Locker Business in 2024: Hub by Amazon Seller Tutorial E-CASH S2•E62

The Awesome S'witty Kiwi Show

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@PreppingWithSarge - 07.07.2021 18:50

Seems like a great option for people who have a storefront!

@learn_about_Italian_language - 08.08.2021 01:40

I have 1 room available, what should i do? Can you guide me?

@Blownsmokecateting - 13.12.2021 22:10

So Amazon doesn't pay you?

@victoriavela5648 - 19.01.2022 06:12

Food Traffic? 😂 It’s Foot!!!

@ItsWoadie - 10.02.2022 03:35

you coulda just answered the question in comments but instead you force them to watch the entire video, every second because they’ll miss the answer. Trash channel. 👎🏽

@hernerwerzog1278 - 20.03.2022 02:24

Very cool and thoughtful

@mikescarborough9196 - 16.04.2022 22:47

If all the hub locker boxes are full, your package is not delivered and will be returned to the shipper. WHY ISN'T ANYBODY TALKING ABOUT THIS?

@bosslife944 - 18.05.2022 06:58

Bro they aren’t paying you… even for the electricity..and possible thieves from trying to break in it giving the business a bad look

@flippingforreal109 - 26.06.2022 19:04

NO, I want to get paid by Amazon so this doesn't work for me, I want Amazon to pay me for their crap being in my business. I don't do NOTHING FOR FREE.

@mandyspring808 - 27.06.2022 23:43

They must have a tracking device on the lockers

@awesometaxes - 18.09.2022 16:16

I think you accidentally put food traffic instead of "Foot Traffic".

@Saidoromo2024 - 09.10.2022 04:33

It makes no business sense to fill your rented space with items for which you will not be compensated if Amazon does not guarantee some sort of protection from robbery, vandalism, and because Amazon does not pay businesses to put those lockers inside business space. Apart from occupying business space that could have been used for product to sell to customers instead of filling up junky that will attract more trouble to your company, it created more problems in my opinion.

@kalenagy - 16.10.2022 12:46

who gets the $10 per package pickup?good info thanks 4 sharing. Can someone do this from a home?

@PropMoneyStacks - 04.11.2022 04:39

inpost lockers are a better deal,inpost lockers do pay you

@gajaworld - 17.12.2022 20:27

Can you just become Amazon Hub Counter without installing the locker?

@VRtechman - 26.02.2023 10:57

I've seen lockers at HomeDepot and Walmart stores. But what about eBay or none Bigbox branded lockers!? I want smart lockers with 24/7/365 webcam security that I can store. How do you prevent the sale of stolen products or illegal merchandise!?Who even does that!? 🤔

@BC-fy7ce - 17.05.2023 05:16

I have been a hub counter for 3 years . Do not get involved with this program Horrible. Stay away. The "foot" traffic is a bunch of cheap skates who complain about a free service. Imagine complaining about a free service. Dont waste your time. Basically my buisness is being paid under slave wages to handle packages. $120 a month to deal with 300 cheapfack people do the math 2 minutes per person, 600 min , 10 hours, $12 hr $8 after taxes to handle all a Amazon's trash. I can deliver pizza 1 day a month and make the same money.

@mymonitor1348 - 26.07.2023 15:40

I have a business that does not depend on foot traffic for sales. Yet I have a lot of space available. Which option would be best for me?

@anthonys3473 - 25.04.2024 12:10

what a scam

@TcVideoHosting - 16.05.2024 05:19

How much does the locker cost?

@internetprinting4314 - 23.05.2024 02:57

Dont do it nothing but headaches

@nickmak5674 - 07.06.2024 20:32

To be honest such a shame to call it as a business!!!! Enhancing the foot traffic has definitely good impact on a business specially retail but i guess Amazon even though they are dealing with small business but they should pay for the host because it occupies space and adding up on the electricity bills! And this will be more fair as these small businesses are helping amazon to improve their sales operation and improving their shopping experience from conveniency and accessibility point of view!!!

@canyonero2050 - 14.08.2024 18:08

Amazon delivers 99% of their packages directly to their customers' doors. How much foot traffic would be coming that actually needs a locker deliver? Very few in reality. Then, consider that only a small portion of that small foot traffic might actually shop your store. The benefits of this are minimal at best. Might work for a few businesses in a few locations, but that's it.

@AlbertoLaDulla - 12.09.2024 16:25

Since approximately one year ago, when I try to order anything above $1,000 delivered at a locker, I get the following message: "This item is classified as high value and cannot be delivered to an Amazon Pickup Location. Please choose a different delivery location.", though the eligibility page clearly says the threshold is $5,000. I do not however get this message when trying to order to an Amazon Counter.
When will Amazon resolve that damn glitch?!

@laurice8056 - 12.11.2024 01:52

This partnership DOES seem to bring in a little extra revenue from store owner’s customers. In fact right after I picked up my package at a local Dollar Tree store, I also purchased some bread and a few more household items,(that I hadn’t originally planned to buy).

My impulse shopping netted Dollar Tree about $8 from me. Cha-Ching!💸

But it Still would be nice if Amazon paid the store owner a reasonable rental space fee, or a modest affiliate fee.

@ryanconnolly426 - 13.11.2024 23:41

Amazon should pay me for taking all the risk. I live in an area where packages are frequently stolen off of porches. A locker would be a great way to help Amazon customers feel secure about their orders. But if I’m the one with the locker, I’m talking all the risk and should be paid accordingly

@kevinadams9468 - 19.11.2024 23:05

Great video. thank you for not bowing or apologizing to the haters and nay-sayers. I am considering this option to complement an associated business. What I am not doing is expecting someone to pay me for doing next to nothing, guaranteeing no risks or effort! Today's 'entrepreneurs' have all educated themselves on TikTok instead of going out and doing the real work. The level of business savvy and risk-taking is abysmal. There are people who do nothing except detract from the ideas of others, and that is usually the extent of their foray into 'business'. If they don't understand foot traffic and related business then they are just Gen Z, Gen X, etc uneducated cry-babies. I am retirement age, but because I have a decades-old criminal past, my chances are still limited. Because of that I stopped looking for people to hire me many years ago and I became my own boss. I bought and rehabbed properties and rented to the very people who looked down on me! The only way to fail is to stop trying!
