Pakistan  Post  Bin  Laden

Pakistan Post Bin Laden

The Real News Network

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@billybobhobnob101 - 19.05.2011 22:21

@freddietz96 since Paul Jay is one of the few western journalists who doesn't slant everything Israels way maybe you should slow your roll a little bit.

@supermaucat - 20.05.2011 00:03

Hey Paul, thanks for not being a neocon/zionist patsy and thanks for telling it like it is! Much appreciated!

@billybobhobnob101 - 20.05.2011 00:42

@freddietz96 I feel your frustration, but you ragging on Paul Jay for being a pro Zionist is like the guy who comes home after getting his ass kicked by the world who then beats his wife over water spots on fork after she cooks him a lovely meal- your rage is overblown and misdirected.

@zoticus1 - 20.05.2011 03:04

NO DOUBT IT WAS BIN LADEN?! What the fuck ever! Oh I forgot, the US govt told you so, it must be true!!!!! Pathetic interview Jay

@thatstheguy07 - 20.05.2011 17:19

@zoticus1 Exactly.

@thatstheguy07 - 20.05.2011 17:20

@bartlemy No, you do. To stop you from believing what your television tells you. And so does this idiot for saying Bin Laden was definitely killed. Bullshit.

@thatstheguy07 - 20.05.2011 17:21

This Bin Laden story couldnt be any more made up. It is a joke, and so are you if you believed it.

@toto20091 - 22.05.2011 08:47

The guy that was killed didn't even know he was OBL.

@crawfordviolin - 23.05.2011 00:59

Why would anyone believe that the death of UBL was faked?

@gwizzle1 - 23.05.2011 08:54

the biggest afghan Taliban commander is wearing an old US army jacket at 12:40 just like Bin Laden did. ask yourself if you would wear an old Nazi uniform or any other countries for that matter then ask yourself is this guy retarded enough to not know he is wearing an enemy uniform

@supermaucat - 31.05.2011 20:05

Syed Saleem Shahzad was murdered today :(

@sarmadzues - 31.05.2011 21:44

RIP Saleem Shahzad ...

@AzeemaFaizunnisa - 31.05.2011 22:12

so sad!!! RIP Saleem Shahzad
