I'm Leaving Arch Linux For A Better Distro!!

I'm Leaving Arch Linux For A Better Distro!!

Brodie Robertson

1 год назад

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Brodie Robertson
Brodie Robertson - 03.04.2023 17:24

I wish when someone commented on a video it told you how far they had watched, I'm sure I'd see some very interesting numbers

Marcus Johansson
Marcus Johansson - 13.10.2023 18:05

What the actual fuck... I thought you lost it... The release date on the video is just showing "6 months ago" until you mouse over it..
LMAO, well played sir, well played...

RubixCubed - 09.10.2023 20:33

If you don’t wana go through the hassle with updates and managing your software, you could always switch to windows. Windows handles all those updates for you. And if youre weary about what is safe and what is not safe, you have the option windows S mode. With that setting, only apps that are available in the Microsoft store will run on your system, so if you accidentally click a link and download an unwanted program or malware, it won’t run, keeping your system secure. You can give that a try 😂

Porconauta - 07.10.2023 01:38

I'm a bit confused hahaha. Are the arguments you stated at the beginning true? If so, i could kinda of understand the reason you "said" that. But if it's not, i would really like some insight because i was about to give up on Arch hahahah

ArGame - 30.09.2023 23:29

When I saw the whiteboard I knew this was a joke lol
I know a Koronesuki when I see one

Mason Davis
Mason Davis - 27.09.2023 06:01


- 09.09.2023 19:20

Btw i use android

Sourav Kumar Paul
Sourav Kumar Paul - 06.09.2023 06:13

That scene from the last part 🧦 was awesome 😂

James Temple
James Temple - 04.09.2023 15:59

several of y'all don't pay close enough attention to detail : take note of the day this video posted ;)

Elder Manhanini Fouraux
Elder Manhanini Fouraux - 04.08.2023 13:05


even blacker crow
even blacker crow - 24.07.2023 22:52

lol, "I'M DIE ...." I'm also slack on viewing my YT subscriptions. Killer hose, btw.

Samuel Banya
Samuel Banya - 22.07.2023 22:37

I know this is a joke, but I think everyone goes back to a Ubuntu / Debian distro eventually.

My journey has been: Lubuntu > Debian > Devuan > Arch (for literally 3 days before it broke my SSD) > Gentoo > Fedora > Manjaro > Linux Mint.

All I need is Firefox + Emacs and I'm happy, so I haven't really wanted to change it to anything else.

Gabriel Acosta
Gabriel Acosta - 19.07.2023 20:39

Everyone has their own needs, I just program and play Minecraft on my Arch, and I like to customize things, even if they are sometimes a pain in the ass. For now I wouldn't change it. Excellent video.

Dangerous Pictures
Dangerous Pictures - 17.07.2023 23:48

I kinda expected you to go with windows 11

ThisIsYourComputer - 06.07.2023 02:06

While I understand the video to be a joke, I actually ran into that key issue thing yesterday. Had to wait a few hours to install commonly-used packages. Being new to Arch made me think like I may have broken something, but being a full stack developer gave me hope that it was likely not my fault and it would eventually sort itself out. Had it not sorted itself out, I would have been forced to switch distros. :D

Tequila Dave
Tequila Dave - 01.07.2023 01:36

"I've been using tiling window managers since I've been using Linux...."
You had a GUI? Oops, am I showing my age?!? 😀

Tommy - 30.06.2023 06:06

I watched the entire video today and I only towards the end realized that it was probably made in April 😅

Zero - 20.06.2023 23:27

After long life of Wirdows, I was already sold to buy new pc just for Linux Torvalds operation system. I'm not even used Linux for once in my lifetime for myself. After initial love for watching KDE videos I found out that down syndrome is popular among developers because they use cplusplus to defile God given C so I hated them by heart. So when I finally find out that there is a way to remove disgusting topbar from gnome and gnome extensions are not gnome hacks (or am i false). Yet, I was aiming to start journey from Arch and read the funky mikipedia and I don't stop belivin. But i fund this video... and oh. what you did to me. I was thinking linux will suck forever and i will drown in nightmare of distro switching just to find out linux is just for making mars lander landing backwards and those countless useless apps full of bugs that are just shadow of proprietary software even when they work.

mk - 18.06.2023 14:37


Ellenor Bjornsdottir
Ellenor Bjornsdottir - 16.06.2023 08:03

as we start off... Luke Smith is a bit cursed tbh. Neat that he got you into this hobby, though

merlingt1 - 13.06.2023 17:28

He actually grew his beard waiting for dnf to update

Watchtower Productions
Watchtower Productions - 05.06.2023 06:31

You fooled me btw

Ruth Moreton
Ruth Moreton - 02.06.2023 20:46

Watched to the end and I know this was an April Fool. But I was thinking of switching to Arch from Ubuntu and now I think I will stick with Ubuntu. I want a daily driver that for the most part is stable and works. While I do like to game ( primary use case ) and have the latest drivers I also want a daily driver which is stable and with which I am not going to have to tinker often - I get enough of that with Proton.

Can you convince me why I SHOULD do the switch?

ryan wolfe
ryan wolfe - 18.05.2023 08:01

You are so full of ish! Read the damned website before you update and nothing is broken. You just want to be lazy.

MrDerby01 - 17.05.2023 16:54

HAHAHA!!! I really thought you might say Fedora =D

blee - 08.05.2023 09:46

Got me

Garth - 06.05.2023 23:43

So I've been using Arch since 2006..I've helped in the game development of Arch and proton and found Arch as stable as most. In fact Arch is better at this than Ubuntu,Fedora,Gentoo.. So WTF are you talking about. Secondly Arch is so easy to fix if you can't then get off Arch and yes go somewhere where you can get easy help..If you can't stand the heat 🙂

GIANT DAD THE LEGEND - 06.05.2023 00:25


chadbuddha - 24.04.2023 16:25

ok coomer

Woody Gilson
Woody Gilson - 23.04.2023 09:38

Bruh... 😆

Kushy - 22.04.2023 17:50

Arch linux is unbeatable...

Eduard - 20.04.2023 21:30

Turns out UwUntu is an actual thing that really exists, not a self edited thing by you. LOL. That was the only kind of surprising thing.

Краусбит - 20.04.2023 00:13


Rok Kralj
Rok Kralj - 18.04.2023 21:07

I was an Arch user for a good amount of years, then finally switched to Gentoo. Never looked back.

Ritchie - 14.04.2023 19:03

You had me lol. Actually on a serious note , I moved from Arch to Void.. now thinking about moving to Fedora. I got deep into both Void and Arch.... I'm tired of fixing stuff and occasional crashes.

Eddie O'Connor
Eddie O'Connor - 14.04.2023 12:29

I mean........you DO know...that YOU chose Arch to begin with?..right?.....LoL! Well I can recommend Fedora (choose the desktop environment of your choice...KDE....XFCE....Gnome.....etc)....or OpenSuSE....then there's the "common man's distro" Ubuntu...or your "grandfather's" distro Debian....have fun distro-hoping!...LoL!

Holzkohlen - 12.04.2023 20:42

About time you became a REAL linux user

NapoleonWils0n - 12.04.2023 16:42

Luke Smith is the last person you should be copying he's a far right racist bigot, the Andrew Tate of the Linux world

bidzapfc - 12.04.2023 13:34

Andrew Erwin
Andrew Erwin - 11.04.2023 01:41

Not quite as good as "I use Windows that looks like Ubuntu"...

_US_ - 10.04.2023 18:27

oh noooooooo

Marcelo colllado rodriguez
Marcelo colllado rodriguez - 10.04.2023 06:21

Use inmutable system like vanilla os or fedora silver blue

CoffeeCode3D - 09.04.2023 22:51

Broooo I was completely in I fell for it hard. But the moment you pulled out the socks I was like oh lmao

LyoneeL - 09.04.2023 08:56

I was in your same situation, and I move to Manjaro, its a sweet spot between arch and something else. (I do not finish the video at the time of writing).

EDIT: I finished de video, I hope you have a kernel panic :D

Kztu Ptuo
Kztu Ptuo - 08.04.2023 13:11

TL DR Im just laughing my ass off you got me there mate. Now the rest of my comment is plane stupid, so I will left it like id is
Never used Arch or arch like system. To much headache for me, but i like Theiler wiki. Same results i can get using debian testing or sid when installing via debootstrap or console in the instalator environment. The hudge advantage of arch is not it's aur but wiki

Daniel Fichtner
Daniel Fichtner - 08.04.2023 11:43

? yay ? I'm running arch on a production system in a professional environment for two years and only faced one problem (the Kernel with the messed up Intel driver). Reverted kernel. Done. You wouldn't imagine how many problems collogues have with Ubuntu/Kubuntu, OpenSuse, Fedora etc...

Edit: Fuck, you got me... I didn't watch any videos April 1st and 2nd to because I hate these... didn't expect to get april fools videos 6 days later...

S B - 08.04.2023 06:26

UwUntu. You had me! 😆
Seriously though, your list is why I stay on deb-based.
