Speedrunner Mario VS Melee Fox - 1M Subscriber Special! - SOMETHING VERSUS

Speedrunner Mario VS Melee Fox - 1M Subscriber Special! - SOMETHING VERSUS


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Aetherionyx - 16.09.2022 07:32

It's actually kinda clever how this works, so Mario can't perform a BLJ on a flat surface or at least gain substantial speed but if the surface is either moving horizontally or a slope Mario then can perform a BLJ now normally final destination is a flat stage that doesn't move but as we see fox hits Mario into a hole which he then performs (assuming frame perfect) a BLJ which he technically will gain speed since they are in melee which runs at 60 fps while Mario 64 only runs on 30 and there you can pause buffer to hit the A button on every frame the same can probably be applied here so he gains speed twice as fast now let's assume his backwards long jump speed is -15 as it is in sm64 which sets up the equation to set up how much speed he gains which is his current value (which we'll use as X here) divided by 2 and subtract the time he is on the ground which is 0.4275 for the one frame he is on the ground (that number is calculated from the original time in sm64 which is 0.855 and since melee runs at twice the speed that number gets cut in half) with that in mind Mario does 22 BLJ's after he recovers which sums up to about −112227.414 speed (assuming he doesn't lose speed each time he does another BLJ) which is enough to shoot him to quite a few parallel universes which he was probably able to strategize and see what combination of inputs need to be done to get him as much speed as possible now he touched the ground but we could say he is perfectly aligning himself through the parallel universes to end up at the exact spot he was in so it looks like he isn't moving but he is so let's say from that small fight he lost about 30% of his speed which leaves him with about -33,668 speed left which is a lot but not nearly enough for what he needs but he does say that he was gaining speed 12 hours before this match began which means before the match even began he had -58,320,000 speed which is absurd so applying calculations from earlier he now has - 17496000 speed which is a huge number for context Mario only needs about -500 speed to go up the infinite staircase so yeah with this speed he is able to grab four of of his parallel universe copies strategize on how to beat up fox input to input and bring them to the main universe in 1 frame not even a sec a frame so after that the universe catches up and the other Mario's well crash due to their quarter steps not being how they should now Mario wants to beat fox in every parallel universe (which technically theirs infinite parallel universes and Mario's speed can't reach infinity well it could but it would take days just mashing start and A every frame which that's time he doesn't have) but he does perform 32 more BLJ's on Fox before he sets off so he has -58320000 speed now add on−525019539108.024 yeah that gets you −525077858296.757 which is probably enough to get Mario to all the parallel universes he wants also Mario isnt only 4 parallel universes ahead he is more like 4000 now thank you for listening to my Ted talk and if someone wants to figure out fox's speed go right ahead (also this is not 100% accurate this is just me trying to figure it out with my own knowledge)

Rafael Bernal R.
Rafael Bernal R. - 14.10.2023 05:30

I really, really love this fight ❤

Aaron Isaac Cantarero
Aaron Isaac Cantarero - 13.10.2023 03:29

Walt Is the box the items the super smash ????

ZER009 - 12.10.2023 20:44

Melee yoshi beats fox now

Vidar - 09.10.2023 16:56

I’m happy Mario won 🥹

Algen - 08.10.2023 17:11

I love how Mario in his anime form is the buffest man known alive while in his regular form he looks 10 years younger and way less intimidating (although he is still lethal)

PlanetBuster552 - 07.10.2023 09:01

Meh, I can take this guy no problem.

You want to know what beats immortal, godlike plumbers with infinite speed and the ability to control all alternate versions of himself at once? Time manipulation and/or the ability to move the fight to a more favourable battlefield. Not a lot of things can beat this guy, I admit, but killing him before he can use his powers or sync up with his alternate selves to control them would be a good start. Get me the time stone and a few weeks prep to figure out how to use it and I can probably pull it off. Just stop time the moment the fight starts and teleport him to the singularity at the heart of Sagittarius A* or something. Or go back in time and prevent his parents from ever meeting. Another option is to move the fight to the universe where that japanese version of Mario 64 that patched the long jump glitch resides. Deny the enemy the ability to wage war by taking away their strongest tools and advantages. This would render Mario and any alternate selves he pulls to that reality with him unable to press that advantage. It’s like transporting Superman to the real world. I know not what physical laws DC’s universe operates on, but they are clearly very different and far less restrictive than those from our world. If he didn’t die immediately after coming here (who knows if kryprtonian physiology works here or what would happen to all that solar energy stored in his body if his body is no longer able to contain it), he’d be just another man limited to Earth’s surface without frost breath or laser eyes because superheroes and their powersets violate our world’s laws of physics. They are therefore banned from existing.

That’s my take. What do you folks think?

alex albarracin
alex albarracin - 06.10.2023 04:48

Regular show con Mario

Garth Hughes
Garth Hughes - 04.10.2023 10:05

These are probably the best lines out of the whole video. Mainly because they're some of the only ones I seem to have successfully transliterated.
"奴はどうやってAボタンの半押しより速くできるんだ!?" "ハイパースピード!"
It's very difficult to understand spoken Japanese, but I'm learning, and this is really helping out. Shout out to the VA who did this, too.

killer queen
killer queen - 03.10.2023 04:24

"I am 4 parallel universes ahead of you" and a meme was born

Jacob G
Jacob G - 02.10.2023 06:01

Will there be an update to this fight now that almost all of the strategies mario uses isn't necessary in the run this is based off?

Freeman - 29.09.2023 11:21

Imagine Speedrunner mario vs TAS Fzero GX Falcon

BeeBoy - 17.09.2023 18:10

Speedrunner mario v speedrunner link.

Master Chief Kenobi
Master Chief Kenobi - 14.09.2023 20:57

Man, I can't get tired of this video

Lockerdown3 - 14.09.2023 09:43

Fox's fatal mistake was when he stopped using his anime face before mario did.

求订阅求点赞 - 09.09.2023 00:38

Can we just have a like a separate channel for this something versus I want this content more

Link the Communist Waifu
Link the Communist Waifu - 07.09.2023 23:50

I didn't even know what was going on half the time, but you show do a Something about Star Fox: Assault as it is where Melee Fox is from.

Ruhms33 - 06.09.2023 20:57

Ok and now speedrunner mario vs bird up kulu ya ku pls

Rebecca Yondo
Rebecca Yondo - 04.09.2023 05:15

Never back down never what? "Never give up"

Rebecca Yondo
Rebecca Yondo - 04.09.2023 05:14

I wish there were infinite thumbs ups 👍🏽

Krazy Ivan
Krazy Ivan - 26.08.2023 16:19

Id dont matter how good your frame data is, you just can't beat infinite speed and the ability to quantum warp

idontthink10+9is21lol - 25.08.2023 18:47

I love that the speed demon is named TAS, its just such a subtle detail, but so important, so basically: TAS stands for Tool Assisted Speedrun, a TAS can do frame perfect inputs consistently, making humanly impossible speedruns for many games, some examples are celeste 100%, super meat boy 100%, all the mario games, and of course, sm64. The most absurd glitches take part in these run, which are the theoretical lowest time a runner could get.
These runs are done by a computer TAS’ing program (aka the “Tool”)
How does this relate to the storyline? well I’m assuming that mario wanted to speedrun every single adventure he had gone on, starting slow, but eventually he got frustrated in himself, and downloaded a TAS, he then “manifested” a demon inside of him (the TAS), which allowed him to gain speed so absurd he could time hop, and universe hop. But at the cost of the control of his body, since his inputs are now done by a computer, he practically lost control of his body.

Cyrukyen2033 - 24.08.2023 19:12

Love that the announcer sounds straight outta Sonic all stars racing

Leo Ciresi
Leo Ciresi - 22.08.2023 03:12

Came for the HIYAAAAAA!

ledbullet100 - 19.08.2023 21:42

Now it really is a dead meme

XxDisassemblyVoidxX - 17.08.2023 01:29

Not even Super Sonic can compete with both of them💀

gabriella Pullicino
gabriella Pullicino - 02.08.2023 01:49

Can you please do mega man x vs mario

Adrian Piñon
Adrian Piñon - 01.08.2023 07:46

Jst watching fox get pummeled is so satisfying 😂😅

peter papadimitriou
peter papadimitriou - 01.08.2023 01:11


GreenGuy - 29.07.2023 17:03

Mario did all of this for a plate of spaghetti. And i would have done the same

forwii scott Nikki
forwii scott Nikki - 28.07.2023 12:03


Tekkun09 - 28.07.2023 04:40

didn't saw coming that they talk Japanese... lol

Chee Hock
Chee Hock - 27.07.2023 15:25


zay - 27.07.2023 07:37

This hits harder than bass boosting on a song

Dylan C
Dylan C - 26.07.2023 05:08

I laughed so hard I lost my breath and almost died

Cyberus Morphous
Cyberus Morphous - 25.07.2023 19:45

now that i play melee i appreciate this even more lmao

Sakul_the_one - 25.07.2023 12:01

Who can win Speedrunner Link or Speedrunner Mario?

Portia C
Portia C - 23.07.2023 03:17

Watch this at double speed and it’s very funny

Tadeo Negron Quintana
Tadeo Negron Quintana - 16.07.2023 23:46

hojala se muera ese zorro

Dragon - 14.07.2023 04:54

Awesome animation god

foxfaxion - 13.07.2023 13:51

Speedrun link vs Speedrun Mario soon?

Not_silver - 12.07.2023 04:14

I love how TM after years still tries to like every comment he can.

AmberKat - 11.07.2023 04:15

I love how you utilized some of the actual logic behind the SM64 tas speedrun, and still managed to make it entertaining AND tie in those elements mostly correctly!

Jeż Electro alt
Jeż Electro alt - 05.07.2023 03:23

"I'm 4 parallel universes ahead of you!" source is here
