Volte logo Hoa vocês adotaram a criança agora tem de cuidar dela
ОтветитьIt was nice to see you back with your brother like the beginning when he was protecting you😊
ОтветитьNice video guys 🥰
ОтветитьQue bom Hoa voltou,cuida bem do filho de vcs❤
Ответить😂😂😂😂😂pero al fin ❤❤ ❤❤ ❤Tuan ponte las pilas hoa ya es hora de que madures por favor tu bebé y tu marido te necesitan los quiero mucho pero juntos 😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьEres muy mala todavía te atreves a negarte a hablar con tu marido esto no tiene nombre de manera que que ahora el es el culpable 😢tú no lo amas cuando uno ama perdona y lo peor es que tú no tienes nada que perdonarle a él por qué fuiste tú la que estaba hablando con el matón 😢😢😢😢que lástima no wey
Ответить착한투안 놓치지 마시고
Slm dursun abi Özbek ve gabiel saraya sana ve mauro Emmanuel icardi rivero ya benden indircem ana bu gece degil belki gündüz indircem önemli eşyalarınızi üstünüzde tutmayin lütfen eger hastanede olursan hastanenin aletleri yataklari kaybolur ve kovulursun hastane tavani yikilir foktorda kalp krizi geçirir kendine iyi bsk sana yeni bağırsak koycam kaninda degisticem kansız kalmayasin diye
ОтветитьHope Tuan leaves her..why is she playing hard to get?
Ответитьホアさんはトゥアンさんと言う優しい男性に何の不満があるの? 親しくしている部下に何か言われたの? 以前から比べたらどれほどの幸せをホアさんは受けていますか 感謝しなくてはいけませんよ 義母もホアさんには優しいですね 自分の事ばかり主張したら駄目ですね
ОтветитьHi🫶blessings to all of family. Love Barbara in USA 🇺🇸 ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьMen like tuan are scarce,hold him with your life,if yyyyyou loose him, that's it, your life will be miserable for the whole,act wisely HOA,be careful on,if another woman gets him, He's gone forever,umpaaaaa
ОтветитьHao Bardzo chciałam Was przeprosić za ostatni wpis. Usprawiedliwieniem jest to że jestem bardzo wyczulona na dzieci. Jestem matką dziecka niepełnosprawnego i też nie raz miałam dość mojego męża ale dla dobra dzieci (bo mam jeszcze zdrową córkę)nauczyłam się rozwiązywać problemy rozmową. Teraz już jesteśmy w starszym wieku i nadal są problemy z moim synem ale sobie radzimy. czego i Wam życzę z całego serca. Bóg z Wami❤❤❤
ОтветитьВедь Туан тебя любит и ты его тоже любишь, поэтому счастья вам.
ОтветитьОн ходил в офис на разборки, из-за тебя, надо было поколотить этого кролика.
ОтветитьА Туан очень хороший.
ОтветитьХоа спаси Господи вашу семью, ты уж пожалуйста не капрпризничай, если бы не пошла к этому зубатику все бы было хорошо.
ОтветитьHOA you behave like a child if you don't like it you cry and run away it's very selfish your behavior is affecting that poor child he's so scared of been hurt again not having a mother again that's why he's crying refused to come to you because remembered you walked away he saw you leaving didn't think about him and his feeling just as well Tuan mother was there to comfort him so I'm wondering what his life is gonna be like next time you run away again this poor child loves Tuan because he can see love and he's there for him all the time play with him talking to him so this child loves that he's finally found a happy home with people that loves him so Tuan looks like you got a problem on your hands you got another big baby to take care off you be watching what your doing so won't upset HOA again and run away what a miserable life ahead for you to have
ОтветитьHello beautiful people Happy Tuesday praying for you and your family and baby hope the both of you can solve your problem and be a great family again both of you deserve to be together and happy please work in out praying blessings on your family ❤🙏🌹
ОтветитьEu sou brasileira e gosto de assistir mais eu já Tava triste porque você Hora tinha ido embora eu não ia mais assistir hora você e tua e a pessoa principal e eu gosto de vocês são um casal muito lindo.
ОтветитьDo y'all believe in underwear for kids from getting their clothes wet
ОтветитьHoa homem não gosta de ver a sua mulher conversando com outro homem não. Se coloque no lugar dele.mas ele te ama, só tá com ciúmes, e com razão.
ОтветитьHoa boa tarde!!!
Hoa minha filha pegue esse homem de geito,você é muito fria.agara ele de geito.
Filha eu tenho 61 anos,mas você é muito fria quando ele te beija.
Meu Deus, esse casal, me fazem chorar, por eles.
ОтветитьHOA you think to sort your shits out your stupidity attitude by running away when things don't go your way its very upsetting to this poor boy to go through and see it happening in front if him hope this poor boy is not gonna live in fear
ОтветитьHonestly i don't think HOA wants that someone else to Tuan she wants all if his attention but not anybody else she gets angry then she feels insecure about herself and everything else then she runs away she over think things in the wrong way
ОтветитьWhy would he want to go to Hoa she left him ?
Ответитьhello tu va bien courage bisous
ОтветитьHoa go with Tuan and take care baby
ОтветитьFinally you got to your senses. You were just like a child with a tantrum. You may have something against Tuam. But what about So?
ОтветитьQue agradable a la vista ver sacar el fruto de la tierra, bendito sea Dios proveedor lleno de tanta bendición sobre sus campos.
Ответитьhermosos campos llenos de vida, no cabe duda que están en el paraíso, con tanta variedad de vegetales, frutas y de todo, gente muy trabajadora, los admiro, tanta agua en esos lugares no hay hambre
ОтветитьHello hoa hows your day hows mr tuan en so I hope you accept give his chance en live together keep safe god bless ❤❤❤
ОтветитьTuan, educa al niño que te escuché, así como tú eres un hombre recto y educado, cuídate de la gente envidiosa
ОтветитьWho is the other boy?
ОтветитьEssa criança parece sentir falta da mãe verdadeira. só um pouco do tuan.
ОтветитьTailandes você
É um homem muito especial.lindo por dentro, coração ❤️ bom é honesto ama muito toa ela é muito incensivel.amo vc taí...
Hooola es fuerte las luchas pero siempre ay una salida
ОтветитьTuan é muito carinhoso.ela é menos
Nunca demonstra carinho por ele.e também a criança parece não gostar dela.
I’m very happy that you are going back to your house with your husband and the baby may God bless you two and be happy ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤as always
ОтветитьAre they really married?❤
ОтветитьHoa finalmente hai capito che la famiglia è la cosa più importante della vita, Tuan ti ama ma non ti ha trascurato, è solo a causa del lavoro che ha trascurato il tuo sentimento. Ora dovete restare più uniti che mai, dovete darvi forza l'uno per l'altro, siete una bellissima famiglia ❤❤al prossimo video.
ОтветитьOq mais gosto nesses vídeos, é a colheita de frutas e de verdura 😂😂
ОтветитьHoa ini yang kami harapkan .bersatulah untuk kekuatan cinta yang penuh kasih dan kehangatan dan saling mengerti saling mendukung satu sama lain.somoga keluargamu bahagia
ОтветитьHoa isn't doing the right behavior,talk it out with Tuan,she just left the baby behind,she doesn't care,she's selfish,Tuan is very caring 😮
ОтветитьMaman tuan ta belle fille est revenu à la maison moi je suis très heureuse de vous revoir reuni ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьKỳ lạ sao tôi không thích thằng bé này ..
ОтветитьGente,tem q alimentar o garotinho primeiro,depois pra ele dormir um pouco, é ainda um bebê em
ОтветитьHoa tk nak faham dgn tugas Tuan tersangat sulit gara2 jantan yg hou suka
ОтветитьBravo hoa pour ce que tu as fait vous êtes fait l'un pour l'autre ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤