Allah is NOT in the Sky | Sh. Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Didu al-Shinqiti

Allah is NOT in the Sky | Sh. Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Didu al-Shinqiti

Muhammad Umar Mustafa

3 года назад

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hi hello
hi hello - 09.11.2023 12:21

As Muslims we have to follow the Quran and Sunnah.

hi hello
hi hello - 09.11.2023 12:18

As Muslims we have to follow the Quran and Sunnah.

M - 05.11.2023 04:54

SubhanAllah. And people call this man Shaikh and a man of hadith? He outright mocks the hadith of the slavegirl and "refutes" it with philosophy. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم asked a simple question, where is Allāh? Then the slave girl answered above the heavens whilst pointing up. Alhamdulillah our aqeedah is clear in both the Qur'an and sunnah. These innovating philopsophers have nothing but their desires as proof.

Triumf Dula
Triumf Dula - 04.11.2023 06:42

Poor muslim, with what they deal, whith where Allah is, probably they don't even know where they exactly are if you show them the map,

Instead of dealing with knowlege, science and technology and calling the youth on it.

Allah is beyond our understanding, his shape is beyond our comprehension and his position in space is out of our imagination, Allah is a matter that we should not deal with at all just leave him as what he has revealed in quran and continue with science and technology,

Stupid muslims of 21 century who decorate mosques with ornaments and think that that is islamic art and have no interest in anything else whatsoever.

Haris nazeer
Haris nazeer - 19.10.2023 23:58

Hence its proved Tht he is Jaahil Al Murakkab

M - 14.10.2023 15:07


araf tamim
araf tamim - 12.10.2023 18:06

Modern jahmi khabith : maturidi, ashari, shia, ikhwani, mumaia, ibadi

Haris - 08.10.2023 21:56

This guy is a mubtadi, do not listen to this guy, i warn you o dear brothers and sisters, he sits with mubtadi mu'tazilah scholars and tries to make people believe that ash'aira are from Ahlus-sunnah, and if he denied the uluw of Allah and said that Allah is not above the 7th heaven making istawa on his Arsh then he is a kafir jahmiyyah as the salaf have stated. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s) affirmed the girl's iman and didn't correct her and you are trying to correct the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s) shame on you. Do not get fooled by the books he has memories oh dear brothers and sisters, if you read the book of the salaf there were lots of people who were maybe even more knowledgable than him and still deviated.

Gmail User
Gmail User - 07.10.2023 00:58

May Allah guide this jahil. Ameen.

Mohamed Larabas
Mohamed Larabas - 28.09.2023 14:25

According to Quran Earth isn't a sphere. Seriously, I believe that our noble scholars should open a big discussion about this subject matter. To me and to many of my brothers by the help of Allah it's crystal clear that Earth can't spheric. The assumption that Earth is a globe will lead to confusion in relation to many religious aspects. Give it a moment of sincerity and Allah will guide you and make it clear to you.

MK - 26.09.2023 09:42

ما هذا الجهل؟ ألم يقل سبحانه وتعالى فَلَا تَضْرِبُوا۟ لِلَّهِ ٱلْأَمْثَالَ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ؟ و ايضا يقول جل جلاله ءَأَمِنتُم مَّن فِى ٱلسَّمَآءِ أَن يَخْسِفَ بِكُمُ ٱلْأَرْضَ فَإِذَا هِىَ تَمُورُ أَمْ أَمِنتُم مَّن فِى ٱلسَّمَآءِ أَن يُرْسِلَ عَلَيْكُمْ حَاصِبًا ۖ فَسَتَعْلَمُونَ كَيْفَ نَذِيرِ؟

Issa البرتغالي al-Andaloussī
Issa البرتغالي al-Andaloussī - 19.09.2023 12:27

Qu' الله nous guide.

L’imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (رحمه الله) était d’entre les gens le plus dur envers Abdoullah ibn Sa’îd ibn Koullâb et ses partisans à l’instar d’al-Harith [al-Mouhâsibî] et d’autres.

« Siyâr A’lâm An-nouboulâ » d’Adh-Dhahabî volume 14 page 380

Mohammed Anwer
Mohammed Anwer - 17.09.2023 17:07

Inna li Allahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'uun! This is a clear deviation from Aqeeda of Salaf. This is not what Allah informs us about himself in Quran, what rasoolAllah sallAllahu alaihi wasallam thaught us, and what the sahaba and salaf al saleheen believed. This Aqeeda is aqeeda of Al mutakallimuun. All proment scholars of salaf refuted this aqeedah.

Dontoni - 15.09.2023 04:44

What was the prophets pbuh response to the slave girl?

Da'wah Essentials
Da'wah Essentials - 11.09.2023 17:02

This is what sufi belives...and not ahlu sunah wal jammah... Allaah is fissamma... Above

Sami Yılmaz
Sami Yılmaz - 23.08.2023 19:24

MashaaAllah very profound and concise. This is the creed of Ahlu Sunnah.

Tarek - 20.08.2023 16:24

STOP EXPORTING AL DIDU! Al-Didu is scholar of heresy !

Tanveer Sheikh
Tanveer Sheikh - 16.08.2023 14:31

he sounds like a deviant philosopher

yusuf619rahmani - 12.08.2023 13:40

Abu Hurairah (ra) said:
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to order that when one of us went to sleep, he should say: ‘O Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earths, and our Lord, and the Lord of everything, splitter of the seed-grain and date-stone, and Revealer of the Tawrah and the Injil and the Qur’an. I seek refuge in You from the evil of every evil that You are holding by the forelock. You are the First, there is nothing before You, You are the Last, there is nothing after You, and Az-Zahir, there is nothing above you, and Al-Batin, there is nothing below You. Relieve me of my debt, and enrich me from poverty (Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Abu Dawood, Tafsir ibn Kathir)

The Gatekeeper of the City of Knowledge, Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib said:
He is neither intermingled with His creation, nor is He in a state in between that. He is not a ghost or spirit that is remote. He is not remote where he does not know His creation. He did not appear at some point where it could be said He is created
No, Majestic is He that He be decribed in this way when He has given all things their shape
He has always been and does not change through time
He was – when there was no thing – without time or place... Are you unable to describe just a creation when you describe the Creator with form and organs, this same One who is neither overtaken by sleep nor slumber! (As Salafis and Wahabis aka Mujassima/Anthropomorphists do) This narration of Nu`man bin Sa`d is Ghareeb and Muhammad ibn Ishaq (who is Saduq) has narrated it Mursalan in Hilyat ul-Awliya wa Tabaqat ul-Asfiyah Volume 1, Page 72-73 of Imam Abu Nu`aym Ahmad Asfahani ash Shafi’i}

Malik said, "The meaning of istawa (established firmly) is not unknown but the how of it is not intelligible; belief in it is mandatory; and asking about it is an innovation. I think you are an evil man!"
Others say that we should read it and understand it LITERALLY. This is the position of the ANTHROPORMORPHISTS (IDOL WORSHIPERS). Yet others say that we should read it and interpret it metaphorically and cannot take it literally. (Tafsir Qurtubi)

And he said, when they asked him (Imam Ahmad) about Allah's istiwa' [translated above as established]: "He is 'established' upon the Throne (istawa 'ala al-'Arsh) how He wills and as He wills, without any limit or any description that be made by any describer (Kawthari, Daf' shubah al-tashbih. Cairo n.d. Reprint. Cairo: al-Maktaba al-Tawfiqiyya, 1396/1976, 28).

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah reports that Nabi صلى الله تعالى عليه و آله و سلم said:
"I have been permitted to narrate to you about an angel that his feet passes through the seventh earth and the Throne is on his shoulders, and he says; "Pure are You (Oh Allah) from being said where were you, and where are you".
(Musnad Abu Ya'la, Hadith: 6619, Majma'uz Zawaid, vol. 1 pg. 80 and 8 pg. 135, Al Matalibul 'Aliyah, Hadith: 3436)
Imam Abu Ya'la (rahimahullah) has recorded this Hadith. 'Allamah Haythami (rahimahullah) has declared the narrators reliable (rijaluhu rijalus sahih). Hafiz Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) has declared the Hadith authentic (sahih). (Musnad Abu Ya'la, Hadith: 6619, Majma'uz Zawaid, vol. 1 pg. 80 and 8 pg. 135, Al Matalibul 'Aliyah, Hadith: 3436)
Imam al Bayhaqi said:
What was mentioned towards the end of the Hadith is an evidence for negating that Allah has a place and negating that the slave is alike to Allah. Allah, the Exalted, is adh-Dhahir (W). Hence, it is valid to know about Him by proofs. Allah is al-Batin (WI). Hence, it is invalid that He dwells in a place. » Al-Bayhaqiyy also said: < Some of our companions used, as a proof to refute attributing the place to Allah, the saying of the Prophet Muhammad le all who You are adh-Dhahir (W) and there is nothing above You, and You are al-Batin (b) and there is nothing underneath You. Therefore, if there is nothing above Him and nothing underneath Him, He is not in a place.

The Hanafiyy scholar Zaynu d-din Ibn Nujaym, in his book Al-Bahru r-Ra'iq, on page 129 said:
<< Whoever says it is possible for Allâh to do a doing which has no wisdom commits blasphemy. Moreover, he commits blasphemy by affirming a place to Allah, the Exalted. >>

Poco Phone
Poco Phone - 11.08.2023 04:00

wahhabiya najdiya do not study math. we live in 3 dimensions world. the God is different. we 3d creatures have left right top down front behind position. but not the God
