Why Are They Like This? | Reading Reddit Stories

Why Are They Like This? | Reading Reddit Stories

Smosh Pit

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@_ChantalB - 02.02.2024 19:04

You three are a favourite combo for these chats.

@jandoel - 02.02.2024 08:23

Somebody peaked in college

@Catstimesinfinity - 31.01.2024 22:39

Crocheting is a really good hobby for people with mental illness or psychological disorders. For these people, the items made have a lot of meaning, they are rare moments when the individuals are calm and content and they offer to share that with someone they care about. I think a blanket may be a better idea unless it's for kids because adults don't normally wear crochet sweaters but it can still be something kept and cherished :)

@heyyyem - 31.01.2024 11:09

i love these vids. shane reads well, they sit on comfy seats and laugh, and they discuss different views rather than sticking to just one set decision. just feels like hanging out with friends and talking for hours.

note: the lady with the weird home decor is my inspiration, coming from a wildly autistic gal

@indievariety - 31.01.2024 07:04

Speaking of kids being bullied for their names, the only time I ever really made fun of someone for their name (not to their face btw) was when an Aaron and an Erin dated. Stanford and Yale would be worse than that

@LisaSalyers - 31.01.2024 04:08

#4 - def an asshole. Are you kidding me? Gf's home decor sounds dope AF! I wanna be her friend!! Sounds like a cool place to chill. And what's with this "not adult" bs??? Dump his ass - no way this relationship gets very far unless she's willing to sacrifice her personality for his minimalism.

@LisaSalyers - 31.01.2024 03:58

#3 - not an asshole. It's a gift and no matter who you are to the one receiving the gift, you do not get to decide what someone gifts to that person. I understand that she feel insecure about this but her insecurity is her responsibility, not OPs. She should focus on the fact that her bf now has something that he really wanted, something he is going to enjoy having... rather than focusing on her envy.

@sstefanoska - 30.01.2024 21:42

About the bday gift story, I believe that the fact she felt the need to post about it on Reddit suggests that she wanted attention and validation. She claimed that nobody else knew about the encounter with the gf besides her boyfriend, so why would she share it with over 30,000 people on the subreddit? It seems to me that she knows she was in the wrong, but still wants to be seen as the hero of the situation. In my opinion, she's the type of friend who always tries to win people over and be the center of attention. I've encountered people like that before.

@LS-rd5kk - 29.01.2024 17:56

Just now seeing this, all of a sudden I want to look up skinny armpits

@abbyphay - 29.01.2024 10:09

Me watching this… crocheting a scarf… and Damien calling it the most boring hobby lol (I know he was joking)

@jackthefrog80085 - 29.01.2024 01:24

Me watching this while crocheting

@xXSprMgaAwsmFxyHtXx - 27.01.2024 14:39

Nice hunter x hunter

@cj9606h - 27.01.2024 10:55

I don’t exactly agree with the Gf Home Decor segment.

Yes, the OP didn’t have the best lead into things, but it’s not as if he directly said or demanded his girlfriend to take down her decor. OP personally believed that the decor didn’t fit the formal aspects of his job, reasonably decided that he’d want someone else to host it, so in and so forth.

He only gave his reasoning as to why because of his girlfriend pressing him so much. Yes, he described her room as juvenile, which is shitty, but the whole point of the post was that he didn’t believe that he should host a meeting at that apartment since it didn’t meet the necessary boundaries of what he thought was formal enough.

Which is… fine?! Like again, some jobs require you to be or act a certain way. To be more formal for example. Why should he have to host a meeting at an informal apartment setting? That’s what I’m getting at; he even said he loved his girlfriend and he loved his girlfriend’s quirky interests, but given the formal requirements of hosting for his job, him hosting at his girlfriend’s apartment just didn’t make sense.

Again, he didn’t demand or ask her to “formalize” her apartment, he didn’t ask her to change her ways or change her style, he simply gave reasons why he didn’t want to host at her apartment. Her getting angry and being like “it’s my space,” COOL, your boyfriend never said it wasn’t your space! You can decorate your space any way you want to! He never said you couldn’t!

He just needs to host a formal meeting because THATS A PART OF HIS FORMAL STYLED JOB!

I just don’t get why no one in the video approached this with at least the slightest bit of nuance….

@laurasaurus7399 - 26.01.2024 15:49

If you dont like the way someone decorates their place then you dont like them. People decorate their place to reflect their interests and personalities. Also, longterm what are you going to do when the topic of living together comes up? That finance dude was such a red flag and so patronising

@etiennesportfolio - 26.01.2024 05:42

A sweater in crochet can take from a day to a week depending on how much time you give the project and how fast you can move

@Starthebard - 25.01.2024 22:59

I need them to read the update from Trevor and Courtney's episode

@megustaisalive6683 - 24.01.2024 06:59

Maybe it's just me, but I think it's ridiculous to name someone Stanford and Yale. Not just the expectations it would implement to her children. The mother is too overproud of getting into those universities (she and her husband, anyway) and made it her whole personality.

@DanielleBaum - 23.01.2024 14:53

to be fair .. Stanford is the name of gruncle Stan in gravity falls. I mean it's not what the sister is thinking .. but still

@gabizoldyck715 - 23.01.2024 08:09


@mortua_conjuga - 23.01.2024 07:06

i've had 2 separate men who don't know each other go for my armpits during sex. it caught me off guard both times but based on this woman's armpit folder i'm thinking it's more common than i realise

@RipMyTamagachi - 23.01.2024 06:24

I agree almost entirely with the giving a heads up about a streaming service… I did not give my ex Roomates, who verbally abused me, a heads up and the night before a big series finale they all love was premiering. I waited 4 days until til the dead of the night to change my password, knowing their tradition was to wake up early to watch it.
I do not feel bad haha

@sunnyostrom4898 - 23.01.2024 05:58

I think the "save my gift for last" wasn't an asshole thing. I think she was just thinking, "If he opens mine near the beginning, any gift he opens after that will not be treated with the appreciation it deserves."

@ladyangelus24 - 22.01.2024 18:14

Never loan money for big amounts, not even to family, without write it down on paper wich are signed and dated by both. People are bitches when it comes to money.

@sourwitch2340 - 22.01.2024 15:43

Second story was such a ride, like:

"You're not the asshole, but it's a bit odd you're instantly calling them up about a damn Hulu account. Like, you coulda waited and asked them later, that would come off less confrontational

Oh wait, what the actual fuck? Her boyfriend picks up and tells you this.

Okay, if she calls you to follow up on your chat with her boyfriend, I'm certain you didn't 'politely say I could get my streaming fix elsewhere'. especially since, again, you immediately calling them is showing you weren't ready to get it elsewhere.

then again, maybe it's just my own social anxiety that makes me think that way, view her calling out off the blue as an extreme thing. because to me, that's damn strange. but if she has a relationship with her sister, where they will just call another about small things? that's fine then. still, getting the impression she was a lot ruder to the boyfriend then she let on...

...or her sister is just a petty fucking asshole, what the fuck was that? like, girl, you have every right not to share your account with her, but jeez. I mean, for one, throwing stones in a glass house, but for two, you framing it like it was just too much to... let her use a streaming account you already set up, and then be dismissive of what she did. She's acting like letting her in on a Hulu account was MORE to ask than helping someone rebuild their life. It isn't. which is precisely why it is perfectly fine to just drop it and stop doing it, since the person doesn't depend on it to be well. But sharing an account isn't... hard? not in and of itself. at least give a real reason. or refuse to give one. don't do... whatever the fuck that tirade was, that didn't even sound like the person she described her as?

And maybe it isn't. Maybe she's snapping at her, to cover up that she feels guilty she can't let her use the account, as miniscule a kindness as that is. even though she could. but it seems like that boyfriend is mucking about in that. Telling her they shouldn't, because he has no understanding nor respect for their relationship, and just substitutes that with a brutish obsession over keeping his property in check. which makes me worried for his sister. let's hope the guy hasn't convinced himself she too is his property.

or OP is ommitting that she was a lot ruder than he made himself sound, and the couple had good reason to shut him out, and the only reason the boyfriend picked up is because the sister ASKED that he do that, so she didn't have to talk to her sister at the time... which doesn't line up with the sister calling back, so it seems it is the boyfriend, right? I don't even know."

update: "The person who's not communicating is typically the asshole." is actually a better conclusion, and definitely sums up the situation. Like, again, it's the sister's, sorry, cousin's streaming service, and I don't think she has any obligation to share that with her relative, and it is hers to choose who she does share it with. Giving the access to her cousin is a minor nice thing, but it's not paying back and it's not a moral prerequisite. It was a nice way of paying that kindness forward though and a way to strengthen their relationship.
The lack of communication or giving a heads up about stopping that transaction spits on all of that and almost implies that OP using the streaming service was entitled of her, when her cousin was the one who suggested it? it's just so strange, and yeah. bad communication.

@alexandersaysrandomstuff133 - 21.01.2024 23:45

I watched this as I was crocheting 😂😂😂

@sageandclovers - 20.01.2024 22:46

The home decor guy is definitely not the asshole. He's not asking his girlfriend to change her apartment, he's just telling her that he won't invite his work colleagues over because of the decor. That's totally fair. It's the same reason he wouldn't invite them to his place while its under construction, it's awkward and makes people uncomfortable.

@spicy6349 - 20.01.2024 04:16

ngl the anglerfish goblin shark bathroom sounds awesome

@kitcat8308 - 19.01.2024 03:49

Armpit Folder gf.... Thing that hit me " I noticed SKINNY people have ugly armpits" I'm wondering if she is or believes she is overweight and feels better knowing Skinny People have flaws kinda thing

@kat0153050 - 18.01.2024 21:17

Damien: “Crocheting is a boring hobby done by boring people”
Me: 🙁I’m crocheting right now!

@SandbagsYoutube - 18.01.2024 18:26

I feel like the last story update, that whole story, is going to end with him secretly killing the Boss wife and taking all of her money, like a sort of Parasite movie...

@Lllll798 - 18.01.2024 18:12

None of the comments comforting the woman about her ex husband and boss running off seem to really hit. Seems like her ex husband was never obsessed with her in their marriage the same way he'd become obsessed with the boss. The part that kills me is that I see a lot of people getting married with the mentality that they're settling down with whatever's available and it turns out they're just earmarking somebody until something better comes along, instead of just waiting for the right person.

@SandbagsYoutube - 18.01.2024 17:41

"There are two sure ways to lose a friend, one is to borrow, the other to lend." Rothfuss

@crashlanding9938 - 17.01.2024 18:19

Bruh ain't no way you should make someone feel bad about buying a Gift for a birthday. Get your priorities straight, unbelievable selfish behavior.

@SCguy247 - 17.01.2024 04:52

I named my kids community and college. I want them to have goals, but let’s not get carried away.

@Simplyatiredfrog - 16.01.2024 22:54

Now I want to see Damien's home decor, lol. That place sounds cool as shit.

That Hunter Hunter reference was so real, lol.

@liilaa. - 16.01.2024 12:18

Got my boyfriend a sweater for his birthday in a month, now I'm scared!

@MileHighInTheSky - 16.01.2024 05:38

I don’t see anything wrong with naming your kid after your school. However my son, ITT Tech, disagrees.

@Viszzarooni - 15.01.2024 20:32

It’d be hilarious if Shayne did one of these but he announced the verdict before the story but he lied about it, like “the verdict was asshole” and then he reads a story where the person isn’t the asshole

@rubykrussg - 15.01.2024 17:17

I would love to find the one with the go fund me. Can anyone help me out?

@heathergipson3003 - 14.01.2024 19:48

I actually do have a folder of sunsets that I didn't take because they make me happy when I look at them haha

@autumn557 - 13.01.2024 12:50

I’m fascinated by weird shaped butts.
And I mean WEIRD shape like “wow that’s a square” or “that butt is fairly high on that girl”
And I just voyeur quietly to myself.

@autumn557 - 13.01.2024 12:46

I have weird albums. Just because I wanna find the pics again.
I have some for costumes. Some for lipsticks. Some of my cats. Some of memes. Just random stuff.

@dominicdelbrocco6136 - 12.01.2024 07:21

Thank you smosh, now I don't need therapy 😊

@courtneybrady1755 - 11.01.2024 22:19

You guys should have Damien on more often lol

@neeko-vano6466 - 11.01.2024 21:45

if i was one of the colleges that visits they're home i would be terrified of the insects. i mean, i love the "weird" things around the house, a have some in my room, but if people are scared of something, it makes sense that you don't want them in a place full of that things.
not everyone can get pass that type of decor. i also understand it if they're WORK colleges and u want to make a good impression.
