What If The Bojinka Plot Succeeded? | Alternate History

What If The Bojinka Plot Succeeded? | Alternate History

Monsieur Z

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SuperCherios - 26.11.2023 05:24

Sounds mossad as fuck

Joseph Spurgis
Joseph Spurgis - 25.11.2023 06:08

Imagine if we just made Isreal calm the fuck down.

YanestraAgain - 24.11.2023 09:24

The idea itself doesn't look too bad at first glance, but the plot in the way you spread it out is must be developed by a drunk imbecile. Much too much, much too complicated, to say the least.

Cugin K'cain
Cugin K'cain - 24.11.2023 04:04

Holy war.

ColdSoldier - 20.11.2023 11:05

You can’t destroy a nuclear power plant by crashing a plane into it, look at F4 phantom hits concrete - its going near the speed of sound, and the concrete survives, with a burn mark as the only damage, and nuclear power plants are made of that stuff infused with lead and rebar.
I don’t think a 737 would leave much of a dent in its protective building, let alone cause the core to melt.
Chernobyl only happened because it was cheaply constructed, and the soviets were incapable of not keeping secrets which may or may not kill millions of people.

Shahriar - 18.11.2023 18:41

This comment section is honestly amusing. These idolatrous Christians wanting their own Pope dead for an excuse to enact war upon the Muslim people. Collective punishment and human sacrifice was always part of their cult.

The "fall" of Jerusalem didn’t do anything to shake them off their chairs, but the death of a figurehead will do? The crusades killed European non-Catholics with more ferocity than actual Muslims. To hear them boast about turning our world into the stone age...Such weak, pathetic people.

Rizky.P.R - 18.11.2023 02:42

Me, as Moslem from indonesia cannot say anything than scared what would the rest of the world will do to us...

Will Pitts
Will Pitts - 17.11.2023 18:58

I seriously wonder what the news would have looked like that night if this actually happened. Imagine the networks trying to comprehend the idea of not one, but TEN planes disappearing over the Pacific Ocean at the same time hours after the assassination of the Pope. The news had trouble keeping up with the real-life 9/11.

ENEMYone365 - 14.11.2023 18:54

It was no terrorist, it was Bush and the Republican party

Uncle Boyd
Uncle Boyd - 14.11.2023 12:48

So basically World War 3 and the 9th Crusade at the same time. Got it 👍🏻.

Benjamin Colon
Benjamin Colon - 14.11.2023 11:59

And that map you showed showing Egypt's annexing Sudan means they acquired many resources and gold mines and Iran being vulcanized essentially and keep being forced to give up ethnically Kurdish areas, possibly intimidated by the fervor the soldier show possibly strong armed too equally possible and don't know what the Egypt annexing Dad would do for mubarak's regime if it had US troops backing them up since Egypt is one of the most powerful militaries in the Middle East and Sudan is not so it's a very one-sided war and the nation's resources being annexed into egypt's territory would definitely boost the popular day of the Mubarak regime. And acquired significant resources and effectively green lighting the nation's annexation or in their terms for unification

Ginger Quinn
Ginger Quinn - 14.11.2023 01:11

Please do a part 2

Rhelrahne Wiseman
Rhelrahne Wiseman - 13.11.2023 12:58

The fortunate part about nuclear plants is if they are built to good standards they happen to be deceptively hard to damage, I have a feeling it wouldn't go according to plan if they actually did try to hit one.

Nibba Amogus
Nibba Amogus - 13.11.2023 09:46

Crusade 2.0

Benjamin Colon
Benjamin Colon - 13.11.2023 05:47

And I feel like India would definitely take advantage of this scenario

Grover Cleavland
Grover Cleavland - 13.11.2023 00:54

I don’t think phase three would have been very successful. I think after the Pope being killed and a bunch of airliners being blown out of the sky, the globe probably would have been at defcon 2 by that point.

polonium - 12.11.2023 15:06

Guys, don't forget, this is not fiction. This was a REAL plan hatched by REAL people. Whether or not this would have succeeded is a different story.
But never forget, we are living on the SAME planet as the people who have SERIOUSLY/ INTENTIONALLY hatched this plan. Beware.

Dave Teves
Dave Teves - 11.11.2023 16:36

Wow. This would have been World War III

Woody Underwood
Woody Underwood - 11.11.2023 09:44

To this day I don't understand why the United States doesn't just go in the Middle East and grab all the oil

Woody Underwood
Woody Underwood - 11.11.2023 09:43

Is Samuel Huntington says the clash of the civilizations is inevitable and attack like this would have seen the end of the Islamic religion and people and this still might be coming

John Doe
John Doe - 10.11.2023 06:37

I wonder how much money Ukraine would donate to us to help

Eugene S
Eugene S - 10.11.2023 05:46

It's pretty creepy that you're using AI generated images of terrorist attacks.....

joshmx28 - 10.11.2023 04:24

What I get out of this is we knew the exact group who eventually did 9/11 planned to hijack planes and fly them into buildings, some of which were targeted on 9/11. We acted like we couldn't fathom that terrorists would do this when it happened but we knew they were planning to do something like this in 1995. We could have implemented the rules and procedures to safeguard the cockpits back then but we didnt.

Ronald Reece
Ronald Reece - 10.11.2023 02:27

Deus twerk

Michael Holland
Michael Holland - 09.11.2023 23:29

The Middle East would have been glass if that had happened. If people think Desert Storm was something, it would have been on steroids if that had happened.

Allegheny500 - 09.11.2023 21:07

You have to wonder at people who think that attacking a nation in this way will make them fearful instead of angry. They should know this since they were enraged by even less provocation themselves.

Jason R
Jason R - 09.11.2023 20:57

It’s commonly said about 9/11 that “nobody” imagined terrorists would fly planes into buildings.

Except for this thing called the Bojinka plot.

AbeRoy 99
AbeRoy 99 - 09.11.2023 20:47

A just cause the invade Irak? Tf you are talking about bro, so a Saudi terrorist living in Pakistan attacks the US so they invade Irak? 😂 and lets not forget about the whole Weapons of Mass Destruction lie

william west
william west - 09.11.2023 19:43

Avoid iraq and the rest of the world would back us INCLUDING Russia 10 fold who would definitely make the war easier in Afghanistan

Mericaball - 09.11.2023 14:46

Why did building 7 collapse exactly the way a controlled demolition would bring a building down?

Where was the footage from the not-cruise missile hitting the pentagon?

Why was wreckage from the plane “crash” over PA scattered over several miles?

Feed_The_Fink - 09.11.2023 10:23


James Custodio
James Custodio - 09.11.2023 09:32

Had this plot succeeded, then Islam would have died and the middle east would just be a crater or an irradiated wasteland.

Pat McGroin
Pat McGroin - 09.11.2023 08:38

Fascinating. Well...at least we would have been more justified in our response...

zakuraiyadesu - 09.11.2023 07:50

Love the videos, man. Keep it up!!!

Atomic B5172
Atomic B5172 - 09.11.2023 02:45

Pretty clear today that Islam is a terrorist state.

Kybalion - 09.11.2023 01:33

doesnt matter that it failed. It was a real plot and everything happening today is in response to it

mar cel
mar cel - 09.11.2023 01:09

this is a great idea actually they should still try to do it

mar cel
mar cel - 09.11.2023 01:00

what is nineing leven ive never herd of her

Ya boi
Ya boi - 09.11.2023 00:58

Man, the "religion of peace" sure is violent and loves terrorism

FBI - 09.11.2023 00:57

This sounds like a good movie idea :p

David Sharpe
David Sharpe - 09.11.2023 00:17

my oh my you have so much to learn about truth in history

Thomas McDermott
Thomas McDermott - 08.11.2023 22:42

There is a book called "The War After Armageddon" by Ralph Peters and the Bojinka Plot and the book have some similarities. How the United States and the World responded in the book is how I think things would have happened if the Bojinka Plot succeeded.

Stephen Abtahi
Stephen Abtahi - 08.11.2023 20:20

What if Building 7 was the real target all along? Asking for a friend....

Jordan - 08.11.2023 19:22

Seems to be a lot of Christian and/ or white nationalists gathering and sucking eachother off in this comment section.

Lt-General_Goon - 08.11.2023 19:08

Before the US dropped the nukes on Japan, Japan was gonna attack the US with a Bio weapon, I can't remember which one atm but i think they were gonna use the bubonic plague or some shit

Chris D
Chris D - 08.11.2023 18:24

Lol too bad bojinka failed 😂

SubwayyyFan3000 - 08.11.2023 17:31

If this happened, NATO especially the U.S. would not intervene at all in Kosovo nor Bosnia which would result Serbia winning in both of these wars. Since both Kosovo and Bosnia are majority Muslim, Serbs portray and painted Albanian and Bosnian Muslims as “terrorists” and “drug dealers”.

This would result Serbia winning both Kosovo and Bosnia wars, many Albanian and Bosnian Muslims would be ethnically cleansed and expelled from their homeland.

Thanks god this did NOT happened at all, since it would be a total nightmare for us Muslims.

rodney mize
rodney mize - 08.11.2023 17:27

Those aren't soldiers. Those are freakin Samurai!

ShadowPhoenixMaximus - 08.11.2023 17:08

Assuming one plane hijack succeeded I highly doubt the rest would have. The US clamped down hard on flights around the country after 9/11. There is no way in hell all those hijacks would have succeded.

Video Poker Man
Video Poker Man - 08.11.2023 16:52

At this point, we deserve another one.
