Grinding to the Max Level in the Tutorial of Dark Souls II

Grinding to the Max Level in the Tutorial of Dark Souls II


3 года назад

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Dementid - 10.11.2023 00:20

Loved the video! Can we get an alternative answer with the following restrictions? (Good excuse for another DS video :P )
- No exploits (setting FPS to 20 and jumping over the ledge)
- Don't use anything outside of the cave. You can leave to join the covenant, but that's it.
- No bonfire ascetic.

I feel this is more in spirit to the experience of DS1.

Shawn Carr
Shawn Carr - 06.11.2023 01:40

Iv finished All the souls games about 20 times, i did not know you could drop off that waterfall lol

Mia - 26.10.2023 10:11

You could probably shave off quite a bit of time if you killed Emerald Herald for the Aged Feather, the time saved from having an infinite homeward bone would definitely make up for the 2500 extra souls needed to revive her assuming you were to save up all of the souls to use all at once.

VWTS - 25.10.2023 22:22

I was going to say the real tutorial is before the old ladies, but there’s all the messages telling you how to play in Things Betwixt so I gave up

nick fortochkin
nick fortochkin - 20.10.2023 20:17

After finishing NG I will usually get level 200 , after ng7 -400 lvl , but I always killed all the bosses and quickly put all the equipment on + souls. Ng7 and higher will give 10 millions for the 1 full run , so need finished game ~47times , 1 run near 3,5 hours , ~7 days😀 no any farming souls

Asmonsolo - 15.10.2023 22:08

This has never been done and never will be done. Clickbait garbage

ErosXCaos2 - 07.10.2023 07:51

Regarding whether you exploit Majula or not, it’s an easy “No”. The challenge of gaining max level in the tutorial is impossible. For the sake of ‘Science!’, you want to disable the despawn mechanic. Fine, for Science!!

There’s probably a software hack that does that. Or, you put blinders on, and activate CoC, then run back.

It’s your video, and you decided that it’s either an all or nothing proposition whether you exploit Majula, or not, and since you need the CoC, you decided it was all exploitable, as drawing any lines as to what you can use is arbitrary. No, it for sure is not arbitrary.

You’re cheating the challenge anyway, for ‘Science!’, so cheat in the software hack to disable the despawn, or just enable CoC. Anyone who does this challenge with this video as a guide will be missing the point.

This would’ve been a more interesting video if you restricted yourself. Buying the kite shield, pillaging the Tseldora robes, misses the whole point. Some of the interesting strategies you would have to weigh ->If you couldn’t buy a shield, then is the Warrior optimal, for the Push strat. Or is another class better, but fights the hollows instead of the knights? Would any of the weapons dropped by the birds be good? Swordsman can equip the Channelers Trident.

I like the idea of the challenge, but it’s execution I don’t like.

Masketta Man
Masketta Man - 02.10.2023 21:04

"Dark Souls 2 is...le bad!"
Another pleb filtered

That Ifrit Guy
That Ifrit Guy - 24.09.2023 07:34

I feel like I would be game to do this while actually leveling up as I go

reaper84 - 22.09.2023 20:51

I think the kids from south park could pull this grind off.

EzodDracula - 21.09.2023 18:43

I like the idea of seeing how many souls you can get in every area of the game, kinda like a 100% souls farm.

frank grimes
frank grimes - 21.09.2023 13:06

Dark Souls 2 is still the better of the Souls games. Deniers are just repeating what one loser said 10 years ago.

Sheaper - 20.09.2023 15:14

Tbh, once you got a few levels you can probably kill the enemies instead of blocking them into the abyss. This would improve the timing per run significantly

Shifsabre - 20.09.2023 14:17

Couldn't you one-shot the enemies after hitting 99 strength and/or dex?

Wyllie Coyote
Wyllie Coyote - 19.09.2023 14:25

Would you get to a point where you I could one shot the few enemies you are grinding, making the run faster ?

nhojcad 7
nhojcad 7 - 17.09.2023 18:24

Og dark souls 2>>>>scholar

rahim abderrahim
rahim abderrahim - 15.09.2023 03:33

Wear white sneak convosomething +2 , tseldora set + jester gloves give 52% extra souls , reach the ancient dragon get mist something, go to giant king kill him BF aestic do it again and again he is so easy and give 200-300 k in Ng+ per try

J - 12.09.2023 17:42

Now this is math I can understand

Admin - 06.09.2023 08:13

Im on my like 5th playthrough and I'm so glad im cheating. I edited my save and have 999 bonfire adetic and human effigy's. I just dont like loseing max HP and i can just gring the old iron king if I need souls. Might be fun to copy the save and bring myself to max level like like that. Of course if i already have the tool to edit the save why bother? Because victory achived.

Breno Cordeiro
Breno Cordeiro - 16.08.2023 01:59

I really thought you were going to do it

Live Your Dream
Live Your Dream - 05.08.2023 01:11

You sound like rwhitegoose. Dw I can keep a secret. Nice video I like your style.

Aly Farid
Aly Farid - 22.07.2023 09:39

I think if you played the game normally u can reach that number faster

My Broken TV
My Broken TV - 30.06.2023 19:56

"stats in ds2 are more balanced than ds1" your last name biden?

Krue_ - 27.06.2023 19:57

cheat engine: ....

simbadg13 - 26.06.2023 19:42

The real DS2 easy mode

Capulet - 23.06.2023 02:02

I think it’s fair to say that this video really isn’t very honest. Clicked because I was curious how long it would take, wasn’t expecting a ton of rule-bending and even exploiting the game. Pretty sure that qualifies as clickbait at this point. I can understand Covenant of Champions, but everything else in Majula is completely outside of the rule you set in the video title. The exploiting was the real kicker though. Pretty disappointing

lightweave - 22.06.2023 10:53

Funny, because when I played DS I I liked it a lot. At that time my son played DS2 and complained that it is so hard. So I tried it a little bit and didn't find it really hard (don't remember which area he was in at that time). Now, a few years later, I started to play DS2 on my own. First time I came to Majula I activated the shrine, not knowing what it is. I noticed though that my enemies didn't stop respawning, as they did for my son, but I didn't know why. Now I know. 😁 I should have known, though, that in DS it is never a good idea to do stuff you don't know the consequences of, as most of the time you get punished, even if you may not realize it always. Now that I know how to enable and disable respawning, this makes it much easier, as I was grinding my way along and hated that I always have to kill all the enemies again. Feels like cheating, though, compared to DS I, where you also had to kill all the enemies again on your way to a bossfight. So I think I will keep that shrine locked for now, knowing I can revoke it if need be. 😁

TheLoneProton - 20.06.2023 09:19

well, its been nearly 3 years. did anyone do it?

Chris Vasilakakos
Chris Vasilakakos - 08.06.2023 03:56

Well I am max level in ds2 sotfs but I did it much faster and easier, it took me some days though

TheSkorpio - 24.05.2023 01:03

You cheated

EmissaryOfSmeagol - 08.04.2023 09:46

This game is so beautiful. I wish more people would give it an earnest try, there is so much art in this game.

RJason Twenty
RJason Twenty - 26.02.2023 02:16

2 years later...some1 reached that million souls????

Joseph - 21.02.2023 04:29

When you talk to Saulden you join the way of blue not the blue sentinels

O Lagarto
O Lagarto - 07.02.2023 00:47

It is interesting how the 13 souls level difrrence makes very little difrrence as the First levels are the chipests

slab - 26.01.2023 21:37

Or, you know, just farm the giant lord for 3 days and nights.

Sonya Blade's Booty
Sonya Blade's Booty - 20.01.2023 06:16

Dark Souls 2 SotFS is definitely a better game than Dark Souls 1

OddOnes - 15.01.2023 15:23

Ds2 is great

Intoxicate - 12.01.2023 10:08

I'm not trying to grind a-levels I'm trying to glitch the levels

domicci - 09.01.2023 09:36

My guy you could have done thus challeng by now

babbisp1 - 08.01.2023 16:47


Andryuu!! 🐉 (Mennah)
Andryuu!! 🐉 (Mennah) - 20.12.2022 00:39

This game is just on an another level.

X19Ascension - 13.12.2022 16:05

I’m willing to take on the challenge if I’m allowed to level up whenever

Brandt Miles
Brandt Miles - 11.10.2022 15:20

Legend has it he's still standing behind that tree to this day...

AnanthDev - 07.10.2022 21:51

bro and here i thought me grinding giant lord with tseldora set and silver serpent +2 ring for 480k souls per boss fight was insane 😭

Beyond_The_Tequila_Rift - 02.09.2022 01:48

DS has the Brigthness Souls glitch which so Long as you're saving all your soul types that you collect you can be capping souls in the hundreds of thousands relatively quickly and bring up all your skills in no time. It'd be nice if DS2 had something like this, but I don't think it has....

Psilovecybin - 30.08.2022 03:13

At least ds1 has dupe glitch 🤣

vegan cardigan
vegan cardigan - 29.08.2022 00:14

If someone put a bounty on it, i would do it, ds2 is my favourite one after all

Slime God
Slime God - 19.08.2022 23:49

Better game*

The story of dark souls 2 is phenomenally better than 1, an in depth story of identity and all the ways you can lose yourself, including immortality via the scholar, is a far better story than that of reigniting a failed and dying golden age.

The Omega Blade
The Omega Blade - 10.08.2022 00:30

I have almost 20k hours in this game (both versions combined sitting at roughly a little under 18k as of this time (7k-ish in original and 10k-ish in SotFS)) When seeing this i guessed about 4/5 years after seeing the DS1 video, glad i was incredibly close and I knew it was going to be a NG+, CoC grind, didn't think it'd be the black phantoms tho, was figuring it'd be a falconer only.

DS2 forever best game, cannot convince me otherwise even if the game isn't well recieved vs the other titles. (Still better than Elden Ring :) )
