10 Ways SETI Might Detect Alien Civilizations And What They Might Be Like

10 Ways SETI Might Detect Alien Civilizations And What They Might Be Like

John Michael Godier

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@miketaylor7023 - 30.08.2023 04:55

I think it's nutty to search for earth analogs. The slightest variance could negate life from developing. Or the planet would go through phases before a few would randomly create the conditions for life to evolve. Maybe if we could search an entire galaxy or two we might find an earth analog eventually. If we wait long enough. Our planet has a stabilizing moon too! The best thing to do is try to make quick detailed observations of entire star systems and gather all the new data we can from each star system . Then try to correlate the data for clues about anything! We really don't know what to look for! So we have to look at everything to try and piece the missing pieces of the puzzle together. Alot of data's going to have to be inferred indirectly through other sources of information as time marches on. We're looking at eons and much longer to clarify more about what we're doing and what may be happening in various galaxies. We don't want to waste time in just a few star systems and stellar neighborhoods. There's a sea of stars out there. Oceans of very different star systems waiting to be discovered and learned from. By studying every one of them we can every time we pick a new one we may be able to understand more of them more quickly by having previous data to notice similarities where they may occur. We are just one set of aliens in the statistical analysis of galaxies. We can't be anything special. It's a mistake to think we are. Aliens have to develop . The nature of what we are made of ENERGY is to flow towards entropy and the forces of energy to cancel eachother out thereby conserving energy. Violence and living energy seeking energy for sustenance is a tricky proposition for evolution of living organisms. Most aliens we might hypothetically run into would likely be more primitive than we are. We probably don't want to encounter equal or more advanced ones because of the random effects of entropy. That's the highest level of thinking possible. It might be safe sometimes . Until something bad happens. Because it does happen. All sorts of things can go wrong for certain. Diseases,menu options, slavery. The longer we have to develop more knowledge and capabilities improves our odds of managing first contact, whether accidentally, or by choice if necessary. And these star systems change drastically over time. We not only have to find the right star systems. We have to be there at the right time. You can't just contact them any time you feel like it. Alien contact is all about proper timing. Any alien species should possess very advanced knowledge and a very high level of advanced sophistication. IN NO WAY IS THAT PRESENT ON MODERN DAY EARTH! Not on this assbackwards planet full of absolute morons! It's not going to happen any time soon either within the next few millennia! There are very, very, very few humans on this planet that have any sort of quasi-accurate intelligence. None of the corporate heads,world leaders,or billionares qualify either. Not even close by any long shot!

@nekomakhea9440 - 24.08.2023 01:30

maybe the star with all the transuranics in it is due to the aliens firing their nuclear waste into the sun to dispose of it safely

@johnv341 - 27.07.2023 03:08

Please lose the intrusive and useless sound effects. Otherwise a very interesting presentation.

@Decebal825 - 19.07.2023 00:45

so ridiculous all these just complete nonsense fantany . no real scientists come up with these only scifi writers lol

@tj7870 - 09.04.2023 19:50

hopefully aliens won't be like humans!!!

@josephlgamblejr9560 - 08.02.2023 13:33

Nobody wants to talk about it, but are little part of the Milky Way look like it’s been constructed with intelligent design we have a rocking outside to protect us from outside objects we have Jupiter to protect us from those rocks the moon is perfect. We sit with our planet to help us with the ocean. Our sun looks like it’s not even supposed to be here it’s too perfect. No other galaxy is showing the same as ours.

@lucapaolini2765 - 27.12.2022 01:57

Very nice video. Really enjoied it thx.
Regarding life out there, a comment, if we ever found that life beyond microbial was common, I'd put my money on finding intelligence as we define it quite quickly. I mean once you have complex organisms or even better brains, that's the hard part done, just sit back and watch em start asking the same questions we are.

@potatochips5282 - 28.09.2022 08:02

I believe Everyone is listening & engaged into your videos. I believe that every one enjoys your fact & fiction because not to long ago Star Trek was fiction but some of it is real today. VIA flip-phone..lol

@simo805 - 12.09.2022 17:58

I must ask you why every sientist is blind? There is FUCKING HUGE ufo release just couple years ago. Barack obama, Luis elizondo from pentagon. Ex cia Director everyone has come forward and said this is real, we dont understand. And what our sience does? nothing.. PATHETIC

@Chris.Davies - 21.07.2022 15:54

Speculation is so very fraught with difficulty - especially when it's about the future.

John, we can't predict 100 years into the future with any accuracy at all.
In fact, we can be 100% certain that EVERY prediction for 100 years hence is not only wrong, but so wrong it's not even wrong!

@Zahadume - 15.07.2022 21:44

They are smart enough not to scream out into the unknown because there be monsters. We are too naive to realize this. METI will get us wiped out and SHOULD BE DISBANDED, and SETI should only listen and observe passively.

@ddmarty - 18.06.2022 03:59

If there's an advanced civilization out there, they are not stupid enough to believe they can change their climate. They know their "sun" causes weather patterns and it's cyclical. They are smart enough to know they can't predict what another civilization is like on another planet. People on our planet are so egotistical they think they know what an alien life form does and what it's technology is. We know nothing.

@wayneaustin5533 - 30.05.2022 06:18

I would never trust our scientific or political leadership to messing with star positioning. WE have little idea of what truth really is.

@puppiesarepower3682 - 25.05.2022 21:03

# 11 Alien artifact or probe.

@leonroberson6571 - 22.02.2022 21:15

Y'all going to be completely shocked when they show themselves! They not even from this world bro their thought process is nothing like ours they didn't go to middle school with you. They are completely different

@bartstewart8644 - 07.12.2021 21:31

In discussions on SETI, I recall Stephen Hawking's warning. He said it might not be a good idea to make ourselves conspicuous in the universe. Contact with godlike ETs probably would not work out to our benefit, he said. If his idea is as wise as it sounds, maybe the aliens have settled on it, too, and keep themselves hidden.

@spillerchris1239 - 16.10.2021 09:11

This is now the only way I can go to sleep.😍 THANK YOU J.M.G.

@SoldierBoy3064 - 12.10.2021 07:32

one has to think if an advanced civilization has detected us but doesn't contact us then we may be too far gone and homicidal to help

the disgusting things that happen on this planet are beyond forgivable

@therundown5208 - 09.09.2021 08:51

But I do think you are right we are destined to become a machine civilization all we have to do is upload our Consciousness into a cyborg body and there you go or we could still become human and just manipulate the genetics but I think it would be easier for a machine civilization and you have backups of yourself stored and other spots and you could answer me resurrect any human body and a cyborg body even in a ship

@therundown5208 - 09.09.2021 08:49

And one day in the future you could engineer a human being to be able to take the effects of deep space just fine with no suit on it all through genetic manipulation but he can never come back to earth to live he would have to live in deep space because you designed him that way or maybe you could design both ways but genetics is crazy the manipulation of genetics of the genome is crazy

@therundown5208 - 09.09.2021 08:47

Just because it's a harsh environment to us and deep-space doesn't mean it would be a harsh environment to another creature of some sort You could argue what we breathe in is a harsh environment but we live in this environment just fine so you really can't make that argument

@kapildeshpande3818 - 04.04.2021 10:34

I love your content! This might sound like a weird “compliment” but your voice is perfect for those nights where I’m having trouble falling asleep - it’s so soothing and relaxing and it gets me right there! Keep up the good work!

@steveeparsonsjr7929 - 10.03.2021 12:55

Now, this video I can actually hear everything. ;) thumbs up...

@luciferangelica - 27.02.2021 09:02

sure, we could print out a member of a species... or we could print out the entire creature

@viennapalace - 20.02.2021 15:04

I've always had a problem with the concept of self-replicating machines. I'm reminded of the old saying, the only machine that can make itself is a lathe. (Yes, I'm a fitter/machinist)
For my money, scientists always seem to forget the precision needed to make some components & the fact that virtually every complex machine on the planet has at least one component made by a lathe which could not be printed with a 3-D printer unless you were laying down not much more than molecules at a time.
Or am I missing something?

@towedarray7217 - 03.01.2021 07:50

This dude is quickly becoming one of my favorite futurists. He’s technical and very intelligent — but he’s also super creative and has a really open mind. I’ve been going through his back catalogue but it’s very cool. Sometimes it is about approaching topics and crateringb

@galenhaugh3158 - 30.12.2020 22:08

Destroy neighboring planets because it's fun? I don't think such a screwed up civilization would ever get that far.

A recent article in which the authors describe the absorption of the top five greenhouse gasses on earth (starting with water) after meticulous measurements found that our atmosphere is supersaturated with respect to water and carbon dioxide.
That means any additional amounts of those two gasses will do nothing to the climate.
Unfortunstely, the authors of this article haven't been successful in getting it published and with the big politicization regarding carbon, you can understand why.

@richardbeard9391 - 04.12.2020 20:11

oh nice

@gregwarner3753 - 04.12.2020 15:18

I am more concerned with alien civilizations decting us. The first TV shows they might detect and decode include I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners. That could lead to interesting expectations for the aliens.

@aquero2355 - 27.11.2020 04:43


@whatukno354 - 13.11.2020 14:51

The problem SETI has is they're looking for extraterrestrial communications via radio waves. Which is the stellar communication equivalent of a 94 year old woman driving 35 miles an hour down the highway with her blinker on.

@Desimcd - 11.11.2020 00:19

Is it bad that I kinda wish a comet/asteroid would collide with us now... like right now?

@NathansWargames - 10.11.2020 02:39

I always recommend this channel to people who are looking on the internet about aliens and stuff so they can get a good insight on the matter.

@TheDickbeard - 05.11.2020 18:52

great video thanks

@JosephJLopez-bo3jr - 02.11.2020 07:56

I definitely hear you, it's about mind boggling, but very plausible!i!

@whtbobwntsbobget - 22.10.2020 08:54

The only GOOD bug is a DEAD bug!!!

@infoscholar5221 - 18.10.2020 22:37

It could be that aliens have decided we are too dangerous to contact.

@Big.Ron1 - 11.10.2020 09:23

Very interesting. Food for thought for sure.

@dimachaerus9190 - 06.10.2020 03:08

We only think of Dyson spheres and energy collectors because we can not imagine something better right now. Truth is though that we might be in the position of a primitive tribe who thinks that the only way to have more energy is to build a bigger fire, therefore calculating how many forests a more advanced tribe should burn...
As far as we can see right now, there are no Dyson spheres out there.
Maybe an advanced alien civilisation would find a better energy source then electricity for example, something that we can't even imagine yet.
Also, they might have found a way to use the very fabric of space as source of energy, so they would not need such things as dyson's, energy collectors or even batteries or whatever we know or imagine today.

@vladalex2177 - 03.10.2020 15:09

As far after years of listening and researching the patadox I came to the conclusion that we are so stupid that in order to detect aliens we will need them to write a message saying” dudes we are here” because there are so many incidents that can be explainwd by aliens and we still try to find a unprobable natural cause. We found a sun with Plutonium for f sake and we still think is natural.

@BrettonFerguson - 22.09.2020 19:48

"Send out some flashes from near a neutron star merger when it was about to happen, because scientists from other civilizations who realize the neutron stars are about to merge, might be watching the neutron star merger."
So our first confirmation of the existence of alien intelligence and civilizations likely could be when they photobomb one of our pictures of a neutron star merger?

@BrettonFerguson - 22.09.2020 19:32

If you have enough energy to refine and then mold enough iron or other metals to build a Dyson Sphere, then you aren't going to need to collect photons. If humans could someday collect, refine, and mold every asteroid in the asteroid belt, plus Mars and Mercury, we would begin to have enough material to start building a dyson sphere. This could not be done with coal. Whatever energy source we had to do this would render any solar power collector antiquated. We could still build one for growing food or to live in, but we wouldn't need it to collect solar power.

@tompatterson1548 - 22.09.2020 08:22

Aliens want to trade with us because we are the only ones who have figured out the internet.

@robjohnson3747 - 01.09.2020 08:06

What if the universe has a lot of life in it but it’s not intelligent like us and that’s why we don’t detect it. What if life itself isn’t rare but intelligent life like is

@PetraKann - 17.08.2020 06:16

Why would distant alien life that is intelligent and advanced devastate other planets and worlds?
Sounds like something western civilisations would do

@paulsaid1365 - 04.06.2020 22:14

Need to look. For a planet where the atmosphere is full of toxic chemicals and dirty seas and rivers and and biosphere is in decline .Hey Presto another earth like planet

@vgames1543 - 02.06.2020 22:17

I recommend Isaac Arthur for everyone interested in a very detailed approach on megastructures and science.

@abrakadabhra - 26.05.2020 19:09

SETI has been doing it for decades...... it’s all covered up
