Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War

Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War

Modern War Institute

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@spiffymagicman7284 - 03.06.2024 10:39

Now im invading Shanghai! 🤷

@anthonymedina5186 - 01.06.2024 22:49

“Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain.”

Dr. Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado

@reignstar6598 - 26.05.2024 05:10

He knows all of those things or knows about them and still hasn't trained his scalp to regrow his sun roof

@Havanasyndromev2k - 25.05.2024 04:20

Currently being v2ked remote neural monitored and Havana syndromed it is happening to many so many are dying and people are completely oblivious until they are being attacked with these devices

@bernardwinkler3121 - 26.04.2024 05:55

Interesting lecture. I found this while doing cognitive warfare research. He talks about an ability to create false memories. In Iowa all that talent brings us, thanks to the people involved, things like false memoriees of canine rape, murder, rebellion, and seeing a deepfake of your friends killing your family members, them claiming it, people making false confessions, and you'd have the appearance of guilt if ever questioned.

This lecture also gets into brain to brain communications and remote control over the body, although it only mentions controlling animal movement. This reminded me of the guardian angel I feel guiding my hand when taking videos of the torture devices. Pardon the interruption. Wait, did I really type that? Did you really want that?

The people in control really leave it up to god to save them because when the truth comes out all I can think of is our society has made it clear we do not accept sexual predators, we stand up to bullies, and we hate terrorism. It is hard. Sometimes they do things like trying to silence victims via cybercrime including stufff like blocking access to legal directory websites, deleting emails, deleting notes, altering notes, deleting appointment reminders, changing location data (ambush prep), blocking emails, altering evidence, blocking access to police report filing systems, blocking calls, altering bank account data, destroying records, destroying property. It seems they will go to any length to make you upset. Because that's what they want. Some bullies want to lock you up and have you looking so guilty the only chances you had in life get thrown away with the key. They imprison you in a schizo reality, by their design, that has you relying on false data to make your decisions. Using tools and capabilities described in the lecture gives its users a technological advantage that when used in an advasarial manner against an unsuspecting population accords the capability of compelte degradation. For what? Probably for some shit you didn't do, some people you didn't screw, some rule you wish you knew.

Awesome video games to come from it when they stop letting murder by suicide top the list of things that really needed developed. Pardon the interruption. I just had to share.

@DouglasRamirez-dj7sd - 22.04.2024 22:56


@s.e.wagger3888 - 21.04.2024 07:23

Remember "Dolly" the cloned sheep???? That was over 30 years ago. Listening to this guy and knowing that tech knowledge is doubling every 2 weeks....... START WORRYING NOW!!!!

@Sandra-mp1ox - 18.04.2024 16:42

I renounce to any permission I possibly had given. With or without my knowledge I do not want to be part of any experimentation.

@user-dm3kx4yn7q - 09.04.2024 01:04

damn, the camera woman was just as bad as this idiot's soul. hope to find other sources to show this low life's work.

@radimpospisil3580 - 07.04.2024 20:30

They are planning our demise for decades. Mark my words.

@robertfoertsch - 04.04.2024 20:26

Deployed Worldwide Through My Deep Learning AI Research Library… Call Or Text Anytime …Cheers

@therealchatninja1005 - 21.03.2024 14:12

Man don’t you guys remember the trucker from Miami who these people are reading his mind? They have been doing it for over for years now and tortu*re everyday

@MediaBear - 18.03.2024 01:40

I can just wear a face mask though.
The face mask protects me from everything.

@SW-zx3op - 27.02.2024 13:08

This video was uploaded 5 years ago, some of the demos are from 2009-2013. The fact that this is allowed to be show to the public means that what they had in 2019 is now obsolete and what they currently have is FAR FAR more advanced than what they are showing here.

Remember, the people that control our lives like cattle stock, are obligated by their system to let us know (as subtly and wayward as possible) what they are doing to the people, so that they can say they provided informed consent. Same with the Global Goals (17 ways to change you living standards) and the WEF announcements - they actually tell you what they have planned for us... so it's in your best interest to pay attention to that.

@gilson.molinari - 20.02.2024 18:28

How does Grapheno intentionally make part of vax composition tdy with this purpose ?

@MariaG2570 - 08.02.2024 00:19

My gosh this explains how they are doing the mandella effect!

@appliedcuriositys - 27.01.2024 01:42

You're only susceptible to this manipulation if you lack knowledge of self, knowledge of the opposition, and put yourself into a hall of mirrors in your own mind. For instance - they made the Son of Sam think he was getting orders from a dog to go kill people. But if that were the case and he were aware of his true self, he'd understand what was happenin and tell the dog to suck a dick. But no, he allowed it to penetrate his psyche and start doing dark occult work on his reality and he probably convinced himself he needed to obey it to gain peace from its torment (the actual torment was the voice to skull beams.)

@3rdPinEye - 13.12.2023 17:28

Introduction the universe of new brave world, altered carbon and x-men. Hopefully the technology won't be twisted...(excessively)

@Dman3827 - 13.11.2023 17:03

A hive brain???? Welcome to the Borg society. This is fucked.

@Dman3827 - 13.11.2023 17:02

Implanted memories? This is insane. Next will be mind whiping. Mind control and programming.
Just like those bad news sci Fi episodes and films.
Sure there's benefits, but the dangers of this in the wrong hands.
Hopefully it will only be used for good.
It sounds like manipulation entirely. No privacy, no rights, no individuality.

@Dman3827 - 13.11.2023 16:36

Cyborgs will be a reality.

@93kumite - 26.09.2023 14:06

Watch Matrix 4 and you'll understand many things

@LC-iv8lf - 02.09.2023 06:02

Uh, mind control, anyone? Ve now have vays of making you put on your mask, stay inside, shut up, and do vhat ve say. Velcome to the Great Reset!

@reasonwarrior - 28.08.2023 20:58

Running a non-human drone would be "awesome!" Black Mirror is behind the times.

@1servadio - 17.08.2023 01:10

Ottimo oratore. Pessimo maestro. Ha fatto un minestrone di nozioni estremamente superficiali ed eterogenee, con lo scopo di impressionare gli ignoranti. Ha mischiato verità molto frammentarie (e quindi fuorvianti), con nozioni vecchie di molti anni, e con idee sul futuro che pet ora non hanno consistenza reale. Persona spregevole che fa disinformszione.

@Don_Los - 07.08.2023 06:55

what do I have to do to be a part of the Rothschild or any other elite families? lbvs

@furkazh - 31.07.2023 23:24


@rhyoliteaquacade - 10.07.2023 00:32

The Beth Loftus method seems to be actively in use to create propaganda in the US. Even very subtly in political poll questions. Very frightening,

@andrefruth41 - 13.06.2023 22:45

I wonder what this allows them to do to people that are pumped slam full of graphene oxide with their ultra high powered quantum computer ai.

@Bhaleri - 03.06.2023 07:33

This puts me off completely. It may be very clever, and it is, but I can see it used by the CIA or other orgs for nefarious purposes. It is also going against what God has created. If he had wanted us to be robots to be controllable by others, then he would have created us differently. But He’s a loving God, and he gave us FREE WILL. So removing that from God’s created humans is going against our CREATOR. Be warned. He’s offended.

@an-tm3250 - 01.06.2023 17:56

29.07. "You can engineer something that will kill only 1 person", stated without emotion, smoothly 😮. Yes, that's what concerns us.

@an-tm3250 - 01.06.2023 17:48

What happens when the globalists remotely control anyone at random. Another attempt to destroy God's creation.

@Hoss999 - 06.05.2023 16:54

OR… or… hear me out… we can not continue this research and instead focus on human health and human reproduction instead of having some psychopaths take over the world and destroy everyone in it.

Maybe sleep on it and get back with me?

@anitacosgrove6612 - 06.05.2023 15:46

So now people who ptsd from sexual abuse are now being dismissed, wow I wonder who is backing that research? 🤔

@davidmarconis56 - 21.04.2023 18:18

Oh you mean using gene editing technology to create a virus thought causes a pandemic??! They would never do that right??🙄

@culpritcanine6059 - 19.04.2023 00:14

I'm your government and I am here to help!

@culpritcanine6059 - 18.04.2023 23:59

Although we don't condone Ted's actions,..you certainly understand why he did it. Only speculation!

@culpritcanine6059 - 18.04.2023 23:26


@karenmcardle142 - 14.04.2023 13:57

You never gave Animals a sixth sense, theyve always had 1 , just like us humans it's called our intuition, to help ppl see again is definitely awesome, but we can pass messages between ourselves without stimulation, I'm still wondering whether to be terrified of this or happy , oops CRISPR. I'm not 100% up for that , have you made Frankenstein yet , or is all the Cypriod,s jumping about the forests .

@maryjensen1888 - 08.04.2023 07:24

All this , meanwhile people and children are still without food, clean water. Why not solve starvation problem first🤬

@stellasacristan2953 - 03.04.2023 01:22

And nowadays: many poor people have been tricked into injecting with mRNA vaccine and many anthenas 5G and 6G radiating, around all the world.....what else is coming?

@deplorablewarrior7690 - 30.03.2023 23:43

I spent almost 4.5 years on Fort Hood as a clinical psychologist, GS-13-8. The West Point ring-knockers club ran MEDCOM. Can you say favoritism, nepotism, cronyism? Those are the REAL "ISMs" destroying our government and corrupting the military service. I came away seeing the reality: The DOD is one big social, medical and mental health EXPERIMENT. Those who signed on the dotted line are used as pawns in wars never meant to be won which are funded on both sides by the "elite" power brokers. So sad and PATENTLY outrageous in its EVIL.

@dkzuckerman - 29.03.2023 18:58

How can one defend themselves from this? or remove nanotech?

@loveisthekey - 29.03.2023 03:35

