My Top 5 Favorite ADHD Strategies — and our FREE ADHD Toolbox   Notion Template!

My Top 5 Favorite ADHD Strategies — and our FREE ADHD Toolbox Notion Template!

How to ADHD

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Jennifer Hizzy
Jennifer Hizzy - 21.11.2023 05:40

For me I am inundated with apps that I do not use , I cannot handle another.

Jennifer Hizzy
Jennifer Hizzy - 21.11.2023 05:34

Oh yeeah gotta have the chocolate.

Jennifer Hizzy
Jennifer Hizzy - 21.11.2023 04:46

Hard to turn off the hyper focus switch

Fun With RAFe
Fun With RAFe - 21.11.2023 04:41

I only recently accepted that I am probably affected by ADHD and have more recently clicked around YT where I stumbled on your channel. As far as coping, I am seeking mechanisms. One technique I use while I watch videos is that I have power/speed metal playing in the background at a low-medium volume to engage the part of my brain that wants to play 'shiny' so I can focus on watching the whole video and maybe absorb some of the material in it.

Susan Hemme
Susan Hemme - 21.11.2023 02:38

"....or if your brain was trying to get out of the thing you said you were going to do." 🤣🤣🤣

Tina - 21.11.2023 01:53

For anyone else looking to learn a new language, a really great motivator is playing video games in the new target language. For example, I searched for STEAM games that could be played in French and then looked for games that have a good amount of dialogue or written text that were just slightly above my current level. When the game is a good match for my interests and comprehension the next trick is setting a timer so I don't spend too much time "studying."

Robert Garvan Snyder
Robert Garvan Snyder - 21.11.2023 01:27

Love your videos, but this absolutely needs timestamp chapters.

Rialo Strade
Rialo Strade - 21.11.2023 00:33

I’m interested to hear more about the digital point of performance please? Or is that the notion? 😊

HardplayPT - 20.11.2023 23:40

Thank you a lot for do some videos. Body double doesn't work with me I always need silence and start after start it's easy to do what I love to do

Carrie Park-Dennis
Carrie Park-Dennis - 20.11.2023 23:04

THANK YOU I just discovered your channel and you are giving me hope!

nervengewitter - 20.11.2023 22:25

I actually used Notion to build myself a habit tracker that rewards me with points to cash in on rewards. It helps so much with habits like brushing my teeth, things that will always feel like a chore. Notion is a godsend for ADHD brains.

Hhhh - 20.11.2023 20:34

Done is better then perfect 🤩👍🏼

Erik Nodacker
Erik Nodacker - 20.11.2023 17:27

Burnt a tortilla while preparing breakfast/playing with my dog/listening to this video! Yay multitasking!!

Holy Family Homestead
Holy Family Homestead - 20.11.2023 17:18

The cool exercise stuff is kind of why I want a farm so bad. Just the walking to and from the different tasks on the property (did you know varsities of squash need planted a kilometer away from each other if you plan to seed save to avoid crossing the varieties???) plus the real physical labor and fantastic fresh air. And I never thought to use the animals for body doubling! They’re not just livestock, but they’re coworkers and friends/family too! I now also need another play yard in my office for my hedgehog! She can be my emotional support hedgie!!

Delirium Zer0
Delirium Zer0 - 20.11.2023 17:11

A video specifically about digital point of performance would be SUPER helpful for a lot of us... As someone who has managed to at least separate out my work & personal devices, but can't seem to get any more granular than that, that'd probably be really useful information. (Also, very excited to use the Notion templates! I'm a relatively recent Notion convert, and having stuff on Notion has been really helpful, I'm gonna bet this'll be FANTASTIC for me :D)

Tiegrsi Designs and Studio
Tiegrsi Designs and Studio - 20.11.2023 17:10

New challenge unlocked. Set an alarm every two hours to stop whatever I'm doing and do a five minute workout to see if that helps me get through my day with more accomplished.

Patricia Gian Pilapil
Patricia Gian Pilapil - 20.11.2023 16:14

hearing the song that you composed about perfectionism made me feel at peace with my tasks 😌

varsha manikandan
varsha manikandan - 20.11.2023 13:28

I’ve been using focusmate for body doubling and it’s been life changing!

TJ - 20.11.2023 12:22

OMG I love Club Brain! 🔊🎶💃🧠🕺🎶📢

Egg Arts
Egg Arts - 20.11.2023 11:37

I’m going to uni next year this video is going to be a lifesaver

Melancholic.Gondola - 20.11.2023 10:46

Right in the moment when you began the Exercise Topic and said "Wait, where are you going?" I started scrolling down to read the comments. You caught me right there :D

Mike S
Mike S - 20.11.2023 10:00

3) "D for done"
Or "D's get degrees" / "D's get the same degrees"

Holly Holfeld
Holly Holfeld - 20.11.2023 08:32

I can't focus on videos or TV unless I'm doing something with my hands. To avoid that thing beingeating snacks which is what usually tends to happen, I crochet or do diamond art. If my husband insists we watch something together usually I play a mindless phone game like water sort. He thinks I'm not focused on the show, but I'm actually more focused than I would be if I were just sitting there staring at the tv.

Iliana Bohème
Iliana Bohème - 20.11.2023 08:32

Thanks! Love the tool box idea and template. :)

Hully Phitz
Hully Phitz - 20.11.2023 05:47

I have my own version of 'eating the frog first' that I have found to be very useful-- I call it "killing the paper dragon" (also the title of an unrelated tech book...) ; the idea is to identify the part of a project that takes up the most visual or mental space, but requires the least amount of time and effort to complete. It helps best with cleaning-- I will find the biggest single object and put that away, and then suddenly i am presented with much more clarity and confidence. When it comes to responding to text messages or emails, i type out the message in a word doc and save it for later-- that way i have a message prepared for when i feel ready to send it. I find that it takes the teeth out of what can feel like an overwhelming obligation.

RicFlairwoooo52 - 20.11.2023 05:44

What tips do you have to get over the wall of awful when it comes to exercising?

Car Tag
Car Tag - 20.11.2023 05:33

THANK YOU for the Notion template! I used it as a framework for a self-help tool I use called WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan). This is a phenomenal tool!

mahonny24 - 20.11.2023 05:22

Oooooh i love your hair short! Baby Jessica 🥹

Rizca Shafira
Rizca Shafira - 20.11.2023 04:33

how do you do digital point of performance? seems interesting and i'd like to learn more

Jesse Skellington
Jesse Skellington - 20.11.2023 03:50

Do you have any videos in regards to John Gottman's work.

He is located in Seattle Washington at the University of Washington and the University district?

He's most famous for The Love Lab

Just some of his books called "Mathematics of Marriage" as well as "raising emotionally intelligent child".

The raising the emotionally intelligent child was amazing. I never had terrible twos or terrible teens. As a father. The mother of our children never followed any of his appropriate behavioral activities. She chose to do the opposite like the four horsemen of Apocalypse.

By using the four horsemen Apocalypse behaviors with our children it created "parental alienation" PA.

This has destroyed everything. Our marriage and our relationship to our children.

I have not seen my 13-year-old daughter now going on 4 years. My son at the age of 18 stop seeing mother. Except for holidays and special occasions and even then only for the duration of that activities/events.

This happened Albert Einstein.

There's 200 years of science on it.

Yet legislation cannot be brought forward even in regards to the death of one child in California.

This bill was downturn just last year.

Psychological abuse is still allowed in the United States. In 2015 legislation in England Paris France Wales.

Has stopped the psychological abuse in the majority of human relationships by bringing it as a criminal offense not a family offense.

IHaveNoClue1234 - 20.11.2023 03:33

I love and hate notion. It’s almost too customizable. I end up spending so much time moving things around without actually getting things done. The app also bugs out a lot. If I’m trying to write a quick note it might lag and then I end up forgetting what I wanted to write.

But people make really cool templates and there are a lot of features that help you organize and customize the information you have.

Devorah Allen
Devorah Allen - 20.11.2023 02:22

"Do it badly, do it terribly!" My new favorite jam.

Lana A
Lana A - 20.11.2023 01:58

Thank you, very helpful tips, and happy for you, best wishes ❤

Jamie -
Jamie - - 19.11.2023 23:39

What really helps me is to, once in a while, sit down with pen/paper and look around my apartment.
I'd look around and see for example dirty clothes on my sofa. I'd ask myself, "why are they on the sofa?" Well, because the laundry basket is full. "Why is the laundry basket full?" Because I haven't washed anything. "What is stopping you from washing your clothes?" It's a lot of (mental) effort to sort the clothes into lights / darks / etc. before washing. "How would you make this easier in the future?" By having multiple laundry baskets, one for lighter colored clothes and one for darker colored clothes.

Basically I ask myself why things aren't done in my house and try to come up with solutions so that it's easier for me to do the things in the future :)

Lindsey Luu's Art
Lindsey Luu's Art - 19.11.2023 23:35

Body Doubling on Discord has been my #1 consistent tool. I tell everyone that it's a casual server, and they can pop in and out anytime they want. Sometimes just the thought that someone will arrive is enough to get me going because 40%, no one is on the server but me. 😂

Omonivie Okhade
Omonivie Okhade - 19.11.2023 23:35

Point of Performance was a game changer for me, especially when my home became too cluttered and I could barely function. Started with my coffee/tea station. Super grateful. 🙏🏾

Bridging the gap
Bridging the gap - 19.11.2023 23:32

BDNF only helps with hippocampal neurogenesis.

Jorge Mena
Jorge Mena - 19.11.2023 23:17

I like using Notion as a way to track how many miles I’ve ran. Partly to see my shoe mileage but also to see how I’m progressing week by week

Angela Carpenter Gildner
Angela Carpenter Gildner - 19.11.2023 22:29

Was watching this to get myself to do laundry. When there’s no new Jessica, I also watch TV shows that don’t need much attention to follow and listen to audio books. I CAN NOT do laundry tasks without something else going on to engage my brain.

TheParkourLady - 19.11.2023 19:51

I love exercise, and I'd do even more if i had more spare time in a day. It really balances me out, plus i love the exercise i do. But yes its very easy to hyperfocus over your exercise routine 😅. Have to prioritise it.

Try find forma of exercise that interest you and have a good support system. Climbing is a good option for many. The average climbing gym is low judgement, its generally not too scary, and trying to conquer the routes is stimulating to the brain. Or mountain biking can be nice coz the terrain changes keep you mentally engaged. Two examples of more interesting exercise for adhd brains. Find exercise that engages your brain and ideally have a built in support system.

Leximo - 19.11.2023 18:39

I love notion!! The main part i like is that its REALLY customizable. I can organize things the way it makes most sense to me. And I can decorate it :)

Very Nika
Very Nika - 19.11.2023 18:38

When it comes to exercise, I think this modern trend where people constantly learn new dance challenges is absolutely genius. It's fun, it's cardio, it requires brain work to recreate & remember the moves.

walkingexercise5 - 19.11.2023 17:43

Thanks for the great ideas!

Amber Succes
Amber Succes - 19.11.2023 17:03

Bodydoubling and exercise are my best tools and also breaking things down so much that that tasks are impossible to fail at

Araya Tegan
Araya Tegan - 19.11.2023 16:21

Monotasking- whole assing tasks instead of half assing

Mark Muller
Mark Muller - 19.11.2023 15:09

I wonder why there's no real body doubling subreddit to find online doubles
