Export iCloud Keychain Passwords & Import to Bitwarden

Export iCloud Keychain Passwords & Import to Bitwarden


3 года назад

17,537 Просмотров

Hi Everyone in this video we are going to take a look at the A-Z process of exporting iCloud Keychain passwords and import them into Bitwarden. (you'll need a Mac where your iCloud keychains can be accessed.) The script and template can be downloaded here https://www.techcoreduo.com/2021/01/24/export-icloud-keychain-passwords-import-to-bitwarden/


#bitwarden #icloud_passwords_to_bitwarden #icloud_keychain_to_bitwarden #mac_passwords_to_bitwarden #siri_passwords_to_bitwarden #import_bitwarden #mac_keychain_to_bitwarden
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@simongrushka983 - 21.12.2023 03:37

How to do it the other way around, ie from bitwarden to ikeychain?

@xLittlePsycho - 19.11.2022 10:42

Can you put this script on github? Your link is not available.

@mechanicalmonkey7777 - 21.04.2022 21:35

This seems like a nightmare .. so much for going from iPhone to Samsung s22.. way to much what if’s and exposing yourself to god knows what .. Apple really has people stuck .. and if your crappy nothing 5gb is used up in iCloud you can’t update newer saved passwords so you have to delete stuff which it seems to not like you to do or purchase more storage ..

@dh5510 - 03.11.2021 10:45

I'm struggling, I 'The variable yourpasswordhere is not defined.' I'm running Monterey Beta, but don't think that's the issue?

-- Type password - update to yours
delay 0.7
keystroke "********" <--- Password added here.
delay 0.4
keystroke return

@cameramandan07 - 23.09.2021 19:42

Thanks a lot for this, very helpful.
The script is only coping the name, username and password though, no URL.
Do you know why this may be?

@mondotv4216 - 09.08.2021 17:13

You could have just imported the csv using the data import feature in Excel. You just have to set the delimiter and which columns they belong to in the target spreadsheet.

@MyTechGuyTim - 25.07.2021 04:08

I definitely trust that you checked the script out but I will say when moving from one password manager to another just something in my head screams when you say “found script online”, lol
Me personally I’ll just do it manually

@ameliapestillo3924 - 29.06.2021 02:20

Could use the same method from exporting from keychain to MyKi?

@mellowrooster5184 - 24.06.2021 16:37

Hey - Just curious - Was the purpose of this to have your passwords saved on secondary password manager, or was it to use Bitwarden as your only password manager?

@smokie365 - 25.05.2021 19:51

Exactly what I was looking for. New user on bitwarden and wondering if you have to disable keychain on Mac and iOS to allow bitwarden login etc?

@yanakulin336 - 24.05.2021 02:50

Always enjoy your new videos!

@macrwan8355 - 08.05.2021 12:49

Nice wallpaper, mind sharing? Thx

@julos8761 - 03.05.2021 16:02

Thank you! Worked like a charm also for exporting them to LastPass.

@DrJohnAKing - 03.02.2021 18:36

cheers mate. thanks for checking the script

@JKMLUVJIN - 28.01.2021 19:14

Thank you so so much for this video!!!
I just started using password manager and need a method to export my safari pws!
Thank you!!!!!

@nickk4816 - 25.01.2021 02:32

Thank you!
