Why South Korean women aren't having babies | BBC News

Why South Korean women aren't having babies | BBC News

BBC News

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@farzanapoly739 - 06.05.2024 08:29

My mother had to single handedly take care of two kids and bed-ridden mother -in-law while dad was living in city for work for 8 years. Then grandma died and all moved to the city and mother had to take care of us and worked part time. My sister has been married for 10 years and mother has to take care of her kids while sister goes to work. It is very very difficult.

@anxanh - 06.05.2024 08:13

My sister worked for the company 10 years, then she lost her job as accounting manager because she got married and had kid. A week after she announced she got pregnant, her subordinates asked to "help" her job and officially replaced her when she gave birth. 10 years for a trash company 🫠.

@ULtraBoy409 - 06.05.2024 02:58

The history repeat itself in this world we goin full circle baby

@butchfajardo8832 - 06.05.2024 02:02

In a time like this, that is a wise decision!

@picassopete3766 - 05.05.2024 15:48

Declining birthrates in developed countries are a good thing in a world projected to top out at 10 to 11 billion people while it can sustain about two billion at a good standard of living. The biggest problem is the uneducated masses that are still growing in number fast. With robots taking over menial work, what will we do with them? I am an educator. I think we need massive investments in education. Educated people don't often have 5 or 6 kids so that would alleviate the problems.

@dirtymikentheboys5817 - 05.05.2024 15:24

Just say you dont want them.

Ancestors of slave great-grandfather which had 9 kids, ( was a cook) free children (great uncle) butcher) had 7 technically 9 too, 2 died, grandmother( teacher) had 10, my mom had 4 , i have 0 because of women like this.
As individual wealth and roles blur, FUN and self are all that matter. Stop with the bs reasons. Dont have them cause you dont care ......dont care really about your nation or even your direct parents ( im sure they want grandkids). Me me me . Be single get out dating market. Or date other loser.

Just stop making excuses. It's easier than any other time in human history to have kids.

@thomHD - 05.05.2024 11:30

I've always felt a huge part of it is about social class. In the west, and taking the UK as an extreme example, there's still a very visible cultural difference between the lower-middle-upper. Having lived many years in both Korea and Japan, those class differences don't seem to exist on anywhere near the same sort of level. We see in the UK it's very often the middle classes who choose to have few kids or no kids at all, while the poor keep having lots. I'm not sure about Korea but certainly in Japan's case you can cast a much wider net of people who are broadly of the same cultural middle class.

@iamfortunate1 - 05.05.2024 08:44

And this is also why there are many lonely and grumpy old women and men in South Korea. Career over family until you realize you’re old and all alone

@celestialhylos7028 - 05.05.2024 08:34

ALL is going according to My DESIGN.....

@chainsawmay - 05.05.2024 04:58

if the government wants women to have more babies then they need to do more to support women in every aspect: housing, education both for the women and children, access to food, child care, protections for women as workers, etc etc. i also believe that their toxic standards may be part of the reason why women dont have kids, too

@andrescolomarcedeno9952 - 05.05.2024 02:20

Guys we fucked up lets go back im sorry but not having kids just doesnt work

@karadizon4299 - 05.05.2024 01:48

Good for her to relocate to New
Zealand as cost of living is affordable to her. Peter pressure in conservative Asia countries doesn’t favor women especially single women which sucks. They disrespect women and don’t believe in women’s rights. I quit my job and stayed home to care both of my boys for 10 years but I’m thankful that I recently went back to work to my old career , and my husband is so supportive of me

@whenisitready - 04.05.2024 23:40

so, it's the upbringing of children both boy and girls which has put us into this position. woman have been told to get a career and a steady job income and all that stuff the same things we tell man, yet none of them ever speak of i want to be a father or a mother... no it's work work work, and then maybe a child but then at the end the care for the child falls on the woman why because deep down socially it's expected. so yea, we are fucked with the way we are now as a society, because any outcome will be in disfavor for woman... because since the highest peak of feminism the 1960s we haven't found a middle ground to stand on which both favour man and woman... it's 2024 that's 64 years after 64 years and we are spiralling down as a society, if under population hits, well hope you rich at that point.

@dinonutube - 04.05.2024 22:02

Interesting answer on what needs to be changed: She did not point out that men’s attitudes need to be change and be more supportive.

@mj7784 - 04.05.2024 20:22

"BuT, bUt.... ThE b4 MoVEMeNT..." 🥴🥴

@WilliamDavis-hs8zu - 04.05.2024 19:49

All of these developed nations, Korea in particular, will have to make broad and drastic changes to their societies immediately if they wish to exist as nations by 2100.

@edhuber3557 - 04.05.2024 19:28

Children can be more expensive if you go bonkers on extras (such as mentioned: tutoring, sports clubs, dance classes...). None of that and we did fine, and our son does well. It costs to have kids, but needn't be prohibitively costly.

@rohitkhosla8110 - 04.05.2024 09:44

Individual rationality leading to collective irrationality

@jarrodyuki7081 - 04.05.2024 08:15

1. encourage immigration instead no more birthrate its way too expensive to raise child in a first world natin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pocie for 110k a year or the mitiary navy e3 to o7!!!!!!

@kendoll312 - 04.05.2024 04:38

I was born into poverty. When I became financially stable, I only had two options: retirement or a child. I chose retirement.

@bettywhitelouie1868 - 04.05.2024 00:10

😮😢when will these countries realize that woman ♀️ rule the world 🌎.Without eoman there is No society (no children snd care givers of the elderly).😊

@worldaffairs9509 - 03.05.2024 20:13

These three girls cant have babies bcoz they will eat all food. Nothing lest for babies 😢😢

@MrPound08 - 03.05.2024 20:08

South Korea’s tech industry is amazing for their population so all the hard work paid off but if they don’t decrease the work hours they will have a population bomb or have to accept mass immigration which people probably won’t like.

@jackien404 - 03.05.2024 14:03

“IV drip”, “hell”

OMG! The government needs to see this.

What happens in rural areas?

@mgtowpia7298 - 03.05.2024 06:25

Even the BBC doesn't tell the truth about the real problem. The 4B movement started in 2019, the birthrates were already in the toilet. These women have to work this hard because there are not enough people to maintain society. This is a catch 22 situation, not having children reduces the population further until there's not enough people for society to continue and it collapses completely.
The same thing is happening in all western countries, we are just not as far down the path, but the collapse is inevitable.

@BordaBordatin-mk7bu - 03.05.2024 03:50

Disgusting atheist society

@BordaBordatin-mk7bu - 03.05.2024 03:45

This is basically a video about
Why Korean people would extinct

@30kendel - 03.05.2024 01:58

South korea is turning like the west, if more women focus on careers and not bulit a family, we as a human race are doomed! More work, more pay= less leisure time with family or ones self. We as a human race want everything and experience everything in the societies in which we were born into. We have to go back to the more simpler days, like our grandparents!
Focus more on what we need in our lives than what we want.

@oneselfishguy - 02.05.2024 19:46

Imagine there is a war, who goes to war? OF COURSE MEN!
Imagine nature made you a woman, who gives birth to children? OF COURSE WOMEN!
Imagine a population needs a birth rate above 2.1 to grow so that the country still exists in this world
Imagine having a brain and realizing you were brought to this world by your parents who worked and raised you to be a selfish human that doesnt understand how things work...
Jesus Christ people woke up we are going bankrupt as a world with no people in the future and the ones that are left care ONLY ABOUT THEMSELVES!
Every human has his role...
Our leaders have failed us big time!

@AmmarMohsin-zp6ui - 02.05.2024 12:39

In 2100 there will be no korea and korean citizens rather foreigners will be living in those lsnds😂😂😂

@AmmarMohsin-zp6ui - 02.05.2024 12:38

Korea such a mess😂😂😂😂

@AmmarMohsin-zp6ui - 02.05.2024 12:37

Littetally hate those women who talks about career rather than parenting and motherhood😡😡😡

@kenyonbissett3512 - 02.05.2024 10:21

Belgium seems to have the best system for married couples raising children. The husband works full time. The wife works outside the home part time and are not persecuted by the work system for only being available part time. She still works full time as she is primary for the children, but she has hours for both.

@prajjwalgupta837 - 01.05.2024 19:20

Those were days when women didn't complain at all despite having ~5kids on ave. No automatic washing machines, no electronic mixer grinder, weaving clothes for winters themselves, cooking delicious food, pickles, maintaining entire house. However, there used to be joint families.


@globalnomad1221 - 01.05.2024 17:59

Who knew feminism is an extinction program…

@benjamindavis2475 - 01.05.2024 17:52

I don't get it when women say they don't want to give up their career. If my wife made enough money I'd stay home without a second thought. Working sucks.

@dzgamer403 - 01.05.2024 15:35

I feel sorry for the last lady childern , if my mum said this in interview about having me , I'll never move on.

@dominichoward4833 - 01.05.2024 14:38

I see all these comments "about the men" and "this is why" but zero comments from men on the topic😂

@libera7161 - 01.05.2024 11:19

If parenthood would be treated like a real job, with monthly payments that are enough to live comfortably with it and if there where some helpers like a nanny that comes 2 times a week so you have your "weekend" and the nanny is like an addition to your paycheck not something you have to pay for than a lot more people would be willing to have children. I'm sure about that.
I also think that more men should choose to care for their children it's not just a womans job, a child needs both a mother and a father!

@crusher1980 - 01.05.2024 10:17

"I choose New Zealand because it has the lowest gender pay gap", there are still people who believe in this nonsense ? /sigh ...

@skullcandy9641 - 01.05.2024 06:57

If it's their choice to be a parent fine
Otherwise good they're showing this

@skullcandy9641 - 01.05.2024 06:56

I like to be a homemaker for my non abusive non cheating spouse or even being a career woman...but not a homemaker for my kids even of they are good
It's a crushing responsibility and extra cost on your meal prep and cleaning

@TheIstellar - 01.05.2024 02:14

I truly admire their bravery in speaking up their minds. As an Asian, I know its not an easy choice to make. When I just got married, the first question that everybody would ask was, "When will you have children?" Or "Why arent you having children?" "Marriage couple must have children!".... So many people in my country consider not having children is a shameful act.

@sergeayissi939 - 01.05.2024 02:00

I have a solution: "Import white men!". Problem solved...

@_d-- - 01.05.2024 00:03

you lot in here (male or female or apache helicopter) just think for yourselves. that's why. and the clock continues to click. do whatever you want just please stop commiserating and accept your own choices

@bvang8370 - 30.04.2024 21:26

Why did she say S Korea has some of the longest working hours in the world? I guess she hadn't been outside S Korea even once because that's totally untrue. My understanding is S Korea's work hours are similar to the US. On the other hand, I know people in Laos who works from 7 AM to 10 PM everyday including weekends and get pay only $200 USD per month. So these 3 women only see the worst in S Korea and see the best in other countries but they don't see the worst in other countries like the saying, "The grass is greener on the other side".

@JackieBrown93 - 30.04.2024 20:50

Judging by the majority of these comments, it’s Korean men that are the main problem. They sound pretty awful.

@fortunefair - 30.04.2024 17:37

The comments reveal dialectics of victimology at work.

@Kaspersky772 - 30.04.2024 17:01

I can see why only by the thumbnail😂
